Determine the target of the memory modification opportunity, go to Xingluo Imperial City! (2)

By using a mind-distorting opportunity on Tang Hao, the crisis of Tang Hao's attack was artificially created.

  Su Mo successfully broke Xiao Wu's last knot, making Xiao Wu's favorability directly reach 100 points to the point of unswerving until death.

  In this regard, Su Mo completely captured Xiao Wu!

  After returning to Notting College, Su Mo checked the rewards given by the system this time.

  Among them, the opportunity to add memory is already familiar, but Su Mo doesn't need to look at it carefully.

  However, regarding the memory modification opportunity, Su Mo carefully read the introduction given by the system, and the result shocked him to the point of shock!

  This reward is indeed worthy of the name of the system, and its function is invincible!

  Memory modification is the real memory modification. According to the introduction of the system, not only can it be used normally by anyone on the Douluo Continent, but it can also be used normally by the gods in the God Realm.

  The specific use of the memory modification opportunity is just like its name.

  The memory of the target can be modified arbitrarily, which can be regarded as a perfect upgraded version of the opportunity to add memory.

  However, compared to the opportunity to add memory, the opportunity to modify memory is more free. You can modify the target's memory as you want, even if you modify it into your own servant.

  Of course, if the memory of the target is to be retained, the memory that needs to be modified must be carefully designed.

  Otherwise, it will be difficult to deal with the conflict between the retained memory and the modified memory.

  But if you really don't know how to design memory, you don't know how to modify the memory of the target to achieve your goal.

  Then, like the opportunity to add memory, the opportunity to modify memory can also be modified by the system.

  You can even just say what you want to achieve.

  All the rest of the system can perfectly handle it for you.

  But you can't control the process.

  Maybe in the end, the system modifies the target memory. Although your goal has been achieved, you have no way to see the modification during the process.

  Because the modified memory is too complicated, too much!

  However, in Su Mo's view, as long as the effect can be achieved by modifying the memory, there is no need to delve too deeply into the process.

  In the following days, Su Mo has been thinking about how to use the two memory modification opportunities he got this time.

  In Su Mo's view, for these two memory modification opportunities.

  The most conservative way to use it is definitely to use these two memory modification opportunities on the gods of the God Realm.

  For example, it is used on the God of Destruction and the Goddess of Life among the five great god kings.

  This is definitely the most profitable!

  But after thinking about it, Su Mo felt that doing so was meaningless to him at the moment.

  Because Su Mo is now on the Douluo Continent, basically no one can threaten his safety.

  There is no need to use the two memory modification opportunities on the gods of the God Realm now.

  He couldn't ascend to the God Realm now, and he didn't think about inheriting the position of the gods in the God Realm.

  If the memory modification opportunity is used on the gods of the gods, he will not be able to get much benefit from it for a long time now.

  It's better to focus on the not-too-distant future.

  Therefore, after a period of thinking, Su Mo decided to use a memory modification opportunity on Dai Tianfeng, the emperor of the Star Luo Empire!

  If Wuhundian wants to unify the Douluo Continent, it needs to conquer the two great empires.

  Currently, Spirit Hall has already attacked the Heaven Dou Empire.

  But compared to the Heaven Dou Empire, the royal family of the Star Luo Empire is stronger, and it is very difficult to attack it secretly.

  Therefore, in the current plan of Wuhundian, after Qian Renxue successfully ascended the throne as the emperor of Tiandou Empire in the identity of Xue Qinghe, Wuhundian and Tiandou Empire will join forces to conquer the Star Luo Empire.

  But in doing so, although in the end the Star Luo Empire will definitely not be the opponent of the Wuhundian and the Heaven Dou Empire after joining forces.

  But conducting a war like this will also cause a lot of casualties.

  In the past, Su Mo definitely had no choice.

  But now that there are two opportunities for memory modification.

  Then Su Mo could completely turn the current Xingluo Emperor Dai Tianfeng into his servant.

  Then, after Qian Renxue ascends the throne as the emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire in the future, let the Wuhun Palace, the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire be united peacefully and create a new world!

  Of course, this is just a simple idea at present.

  It wants to peacefully unify the two empires with very different internal interest groups.

  Even if the emperor agrees, the internal interest groups may not necessarily agree, or they will rebel!

  However, if the emperors on both sides are willing to unify the two empires for the sake of peace.

  With this name, and with enough strength to suppress all opponents, all opponents can be killed, even feared.

  In this way, a harmonious new world can naturally be created, a new empire that unifies the continent.

  Of course, this new empire that unified the mainland was born peacefully, not from the flames of war.

  The internal interest groups have not been broken, and there must still be many ills inside.

  For details, refer to a certain country in the Blue Star.

  But as long as the real ruler can live long enough, he has enough determination, skill and strength to constantly solve the ills.

  Then this new empire that unifies the continent will definitely be able to function normally and become better and better in the end.

  In any case, in Su Mo's opinion, using a memory modification opportunity on the current Xingluo Emperor Dai Tianfeng will definitely be of great benefit to the future!

  In Notting College, while working as a teacher, he was thinking about how to use the memory modification opportunities he got.

  In the rest of the time, apart from practicing, Su Mo has also been conducting in-depth research on the major soul skills of the Death Sickle, and has also studied the new development and use methods of memory addition opportunities.

  Through the research on the fourth soul skill of Death Sickle: Abi Hell.

  Su Mo successfully obtained all the unique knowledge of the Tang Sect from Tang San, and also obtained the unique knowledge of the Haotian School from Tang Hao!

  Actually, it's not that hard!

  As long as you pass the fourth soul skill: the illusion created by Abi Hell.

  Let Tang San and Tang Hao's subconscious minds recall the days when they were studying the sect's secret knowledge in Tangmen and Haotianzong.

  At this time, by observing the specific methods of Tang San and Tang Hao's cultivation in the illusion, Su Mo can secretly learn the unique skills of the Tang Sect and the unique skills of the Haotian School.

  And just like that, when Su Mo successfully stole Tang San's unique knowledge of Tangmen and Tang Hao's unique knowledge of Haotianzong.

  More than half a year has passed since the successful capture of Xiao Wu.

  At this time, Su Mo had already decided to use a memory modification opportunity on Xingluo Emperor Dai Tianfeng.

  So, it's still the same as before returning to Wuhun City.

  Su Mo first passed the fifth soul skill of the death sickle: real clone, and left a clone to teach at Notting College.

  As for Su Mo's body, he chose to leave Notting College, and Yukong rushed to Xingluo Imperial City.

  Although through the memory modification system, Su Mo can use the memory modification opportunity on Dai Tianfeng even if he is thousands of miles away.

  But it was the first time to use the memory modification opportunity, and Su Mo still wanted to see it with his own eyes.

  And this time going to Xingluo Imperial City, Su Mo not only intends to use Dai Tianfeng as a memory modification opportunity, but also has other purposes.


Note: Here are the chapters that corresponded to today, see you tomorrow with new chapters