Turn Emperor Xingluo into a servant

Leaving Notting College, Su Mo traveled all the way to Xingluo Imperial City with a cultivation level of Title Douluo.

It is different from going to the city of Wuhun.

Because Notting City is located on the border of the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire, it is not far from the city of Wuhun, which is also on the border of the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire.

So, it only took Su Mo half a day to go from Notting City to Wuhun City.

But Star Luo Imperial City is located in the center of the Star Luo Empire.

Su Mo took about two days to leave the city of Notting before arriving at the imperial city of Xingluo.


"Is this Xingluo Imperial City? It is truly as majestic, vast, and prosperous as Tiandou Imperial City, but the architectural styles on both sides are somewhat different…"

After he arrived in the sky above Xingluo Imperial City, Su Mo Looking towards the great city below, I couldn't help but think.

In Tiandou Imperial City, most of the buildings inside are Western-style buildings such as spiers and castles, but there are relatively few Chinese-style buildings.

But Xingluo Imperial City is different, there are more Chinese-style buildings here and fewer Western-style buildings.

However, although there are some differences in architectural styles, both are imperial cities. The two cities still look vast, magnificent and prosperous. The name of the imperial city is worthy of its name.

But she did not cherish Xingluo Imperial City for long.

After encountering Xingluo Palace from the sky, Su Mo immediately turned into a streamer and flew towards Xingluo Palace.

Soon, Su Mo reached the sky above Xingluo Palace.

After reaching the sky above the Star Luo Palace.

If it was Su Mo in the past, it would be difficult to enter a heavily guarded place like the imperial palace without being discovered.

Because the death sickle martial soul can only cover the breath of life in Su Mo's body, but it can't make people unable to see Su Mo.

Therefore, in the face of the ubiquitous palace guards and maids, it was difficult for Su Mo to hide her whereabouts and not be discovered.

But now it's different!

Because when she was in Notting City, Su Mo had already mastered the illusion created by using Abi Hell's soul ability, so that the five senses of the people around her were blinded by the illusion.

And after six months of development.

Su Mo has even developed Abi Hell's soul ability to the point where she can use the illusion created by Abi Hell, allowing people within a certain range around her to unknowingly enter the illusion.

Under such circumstances, the surrounding people were caught up in the illusionary scene.

Through the illusion effect, Su Mo can achieve a type of invisibility.

Even if they walk past the guards in the palace, they can't see them at all!

So after reaching the sky above the Star Luo Palace.

Su Mo immediately summoned the death scythe martial soul, and then activated the fourth soul skill: Abi Hell, which engulfed the illusion around him and the grand palace below.

Under the effect of the illusion, the great palace guards and the maidens below fell into the illusion in an instant.

But because the environment in the illusion is the same as in the palace, no one knew about it.

Thus, Su Mo directly landed on the Xingluo Palace in reality and walked towards the imperial study where the Xingluo Emperor Dai Tianfeng was.

"System! I want to use a memory modification opportunity. The target is Dai Tianfeng, the emperor of the Star Luo Empire. The purpose is to modify his memory to make him my servant. I am his god. He will dedicate everything to My will is supreme. , and I will never betray...",

Su Mo said to the system in his heart as he walked towards the imperial study where Dai Tianfeng was.

Su Mo had thought about how to modify Dai Tianfeng's memory today.

Because the reason why Dai Tianfeng was used as a memory modification opportunity was mainly due to Dai Tianfeng's identity as the Xingluo Emperor.

Therefore, the identity of Emperor Dai Tianfeng Xingluo must undoubtedly be preserved.

So even if Dai Tianfeng's memory were to be modified, Su Mo would definitely not be able to completely brainwash him and modify his memory into his own servant, but he should still retain his memory and ability as the emperor of the Star Luo Empire.

Otherwise it will be too easy to find the problem.

But it is very difficult to perfectly modify Dai Tianfeng's memory so that he can not only continue to sit on the throne of the Xingluo Emperor without being seen as something bad, but also becoming a faithful servant for him.

If one is not done well, the modified memory will easily conflict with the memory of Dai Tianfeng, the Xingluo Emperor.

Still, Su Mo couldn't imagine how he could perfectly make Dai Tianfeng his servant while he retained Dai Tianfeng's ability to act as emperor.

So in the end, Su Mo decided to let the system help modify the memory. He only gave the desired final effect, and the system was responsible for the specific process.

In order to ensure that the memory modified by the system is not too out of control, Su Mo has set a lot of requirements and restrictions, but I don't know if it will work.


After using the memory modification opportunity on Dai Tianfeng through the system, Su Mo arrived at the courtyard where the Yushufang was located very quickly with a feeling of foreboding.

At this time, Dai Tianfeng's memory has obviously been successfully modified by the system.

Because when Su Mo arrived at the courtyard where the imperial study was located.

The guards at the entrance to the courtyard and around the imperial study room had been pushed back, and no one was anywhere to be seen.

And when Su Mo entered the courtyard, he came to the front and back of the imperial study room.

A tall figure in a beautiful golden crown robe immediately greeted him, looking directly at Su Mo, he respectfully knelt down and said loudly.

"Participate in my god! Your humble servant, the most loyal patron, the white tiger beast king Dai Tianfeng, pay you the greatest respect, and wish my god to rule the world as soon as possible and rule the heavens!"

My God? To rule the world and rule the heavens? How did the system change Dai Tianfeng's memory?

Seeing Dai Tianfeng in front of him suddenly reach out and give him such a huge gift, the corners of Su Mo's mouth twitched and he was startled.

However, I really want to know what Dai Tianfeng's memory changed in the system.

But because there is no time now, Su Mo can't check the modified system memory for Dai Tianfeng (checking the modified system memory is like watching a movie).

"You don't need to be too polite. I didn't expect you to remember me. Then you should know why I came here, right?"

Facing Dai Tianfeng's kneeling greeting, Su Mo pretended to be indifferent and waved his hands, then asked me, I said a word, I am going to see the effect of system memory modification, and by the way, I will do a routine.

"Return to my God! My God's grace to my subordinates will never be forgotten. It is thanks to my God that my subordinates were able to change from an ordinary little white tiger to a white tiger beast king later

". It is because my God bestows gifts on my subordinates, so that my subordinates can escape the shackles of life, old age, disease and death, and the world, and accompany my god in reincarnation for hundreds of years! generations, and fight against the heavens for my god!

"In this life, my subordinates have better luck, but I didn't expect to get this star!" The identity of the emperor of the Luo Empire is very helpful for my god to unify this plane, and my subordinates will definitely do my job. It is better to fight for my god's plan."

"But because my subordinates have only awakened their memories now, they couldn't help them before. By my god, if my god needs help from his subordinates now, the subordinates will definitely help with everything." the strength of him, just for my god to reach the top as soon as possible and unify this plane!"

Regarding Su Mo's words, Dai Tianfeng couldn't help but look at Su Mo, his eyes full of gratitude and fanatical genuineness.



I am taking longer to upload the chapters since I am paying more attention to the translation since many people are having problems with it, so how long would it take to do this every day with 10 chapters with all the fanfics that I am uploading, I found 2 solutions:

1) Upload a chapter of all the fanfics per day.

2) upload 10 chapters of a fanfic every day, that is, you should wait between 6 or 7 days to be able to read another 10 chapters again.

Waiting for your opinions, I say goodbye.