Self-recommended queen, fanatical Dai Tianfeng! (2)

Xingluo Imperial City, Xingluo Imperial Palace.

  In the royal study.

  After listening to Dai Tianfeng's fanatical words, Su Mo almost guessed what happened to Dai Tianfeng's memory modified by the system, although he hadn't checked Dai Tianfeng's modified memory yet.

  It is estimated that in Dai Tianfeng's modified memory, he has been reincarnated for many lives, and he once enlightened the identity of Dai Tianfeng's life in his first life, making him a believer.

  Afterwards, he gave Dai Tianfeng the ability to reincarnate with him, with the purpose of following him to conquer the heavens.

  In Dai Tianfeng's memory now, he should have just awakened his previous memory.

  Because the previous self was very kind to him, and in his previous memory, he should be very invincible, and it can even be said to be crazy!

  In addition, it has been reincarnated with itself for many lives.

  Compared with his identity in many previous lives, Dai Tianfeng's identity in this life may not be a big deal.

  So facing him now, Dai Tianfeng not only has the memory and ability of this life, but also calls himself a slave in front of him!

  There is something about this system!

  After guessing so much information, Su Mo was a little powerless to complain.

  Listen to what Dai Tianfeng said just now, reincarnate with yourself for a hundred lives, and conquer the heavens.

  Maybe the system really modified the memory of him having reincarnated for hundreds of generations and conquering the heavens for himself.

  Anyway, Su Mo estimated that it would be difficult to do this, because it was too brain-intensive!

  But I want Dai Tianfeng not only to have the memory and ability of being the Xingluo Emperor, but also treat him like a god, treating him as his servant back then.

  From the current point of view, it is estimated that the memory modified by the system may be regarded as a relatively perfect method.

  And this setting seems to be useful for me to use memory modification opportunities in the future.

  "Okay! I understand your loyalty to me. This time I come to Xingluo Imperial City and will live here for a while."

  "During the period, I still need your help with some things. I need to use death row prisoners to do something."

  Looking at the extremely fanatical Dai Tianfeng in front of him, Su Mo couldn't help but said lightly.   "It is a great honor for my god to live here. I happen to

  have a mansion in the inner city of Xingluo Imperial City. My god can live here."

This is also very simple, this is the waist card of the subordinates."

  "My god no matter where he wants to go or what he does, as long as he shows his waist card, it is equivalent to his subordinates coming in person. , no matter who it is, in the face of the waist card, dare not refuse!"

  Hearing that Su Mo said that he would live in Xingluo Imperial City for a period of time, Dai Tianfeng suddenly became very excited, and while responding to Su Mo, he took out the A golden waist card with the image of a white tiger with evil eyes painted on the front was respectfully handed over to Su Mo, said.

  "Well, I see."

  Su Mo took the waist card, flipped through it casually, and nodded.

  "By the way, has my god turned eighteen in this life?"

  After Su Mo took the badge, Dai Tianfeng couldn't help asking tentatively as if he had thought of something.

  "It's full...I'm already in my twenties."

  Su Mo was a little puzzled.

  What is the memory that the system modified for Dai Tianfeng? What is his age?

  "This subordinate deserves to die! My God never thought that he is already in his twenties in this life, and he is still a virgin. This is all the fault of my subordinates!"

  Hearing that Su Mo was still a child in his twenties, Dai Tianfeng couldn't help showing a look of self-blame and guilt, and knelt down directly facing Su Mo.

  "The reconciliation of yin and yang is the great way of the world. In the past, in reincarnation, my god has always started to comprehend the way of yin and yang early."

  "In this life, I never thought my god would be so wronged. It is precisely because of this!"

  "If my god does not dislike it, my wife Zhu Yuehua and many concubines in this life are all pretty good-looking, and my god can barely enjoy it, so as to comprehend the Dao of Yin and Yang!"

  Dai Tianfeng cupped his hands and faced Su Mo, his tone Full of sincerity.

  Su Mo: "..."

  Gan! What kind of memory was modified by this system for Dai Tianfeng?

  What Dai Tianfeng said made the corners of Su Mo's mouth twitch, and he was shocked.

  And what do I mean by reincarnation in the past, most of them have comprehended the Yin-Yang Dao early on, am I, Su Mo, this kind of person!

  Su Mo was a little indignant.

  But think about it, it seems that the reason why I am still a child in this life is that I was too young and powerless in the first place?

  At the back, there are either little lolis or juniors around her, and it is really hard to do it.

  Otherwise, as an LSP...

  cough cough...alright! I seem to be such a person?

  Su Mo was a little embarrassed.

  After substituting himself into the identity of my god that Dai Tianfeng said was crazy.

  If in other worlds, he really has such a great batch, and his men are full of loyal servants who like to send all kinds of goddesses to his bed like they want to draft girls for the emperor.

  He really couldn't bear it!

  However, the ability of this system to modify memory is indeed somewhat powerful, and the modified memory is just like the real thing!

  Anyway, he never thought that Dai Tianfeng would do such a thing.

  It was as if it was an honor to dedicate his queen and concubines to him!

  However, Su Mo still overlooked one detail, that is, Dai Tianfeng was not a human being in his first life, but a white tiger!

  So in his opinion, the queens and concubines in this life are actually not very good.

  It is his glory to be able to dedicate it to the great god!

  "Ahem, I appreciate your kindness, but let's forget about your queen and concubines. They don't know me, so it's easy to cause problems."

  As a Cao thief inheritor, although for the queen and concubine who enjoy Dai Tianfeng Concubine, Su Mo was indeed interested, but thinking of the consequences, he still coughed a few times and chose to refuse.

  After all, Dai Tianfeng was turned into his servant by him, but Dai Tianfeng's queen and concubines did not.

  If he went to sleep with Dai Tianfeng's empress and concubines, in case he had a temper and exposed this matter.

  Dai Tianfeng has completely turned into a green tortoise, and his face is disgraced!

  This is not necessary!

  Dai Tianfeng's identity as Emperor Xingluo is worth more to Su Mo than a few women!

  "It's my subordinates who didn't think about it, and it's right. My god is still a virgin. If I let my god enjoy the remnant flowers and willows, it's an insult to my god!"

  Suddenly thinking of the possible consequences, Dai Tianfeng couldn't help I feel very ashamed, and at the same time feel that it is a kind of blasphemy to give the queen and concubines who are already ruined to the greatest god.

  How can they be worthy of the virgin body of my god!

  But suddenly, Dai Tianfeng suddenly thought of the very beautiful, special and outstanding eldest daughter Dai Lingxuan, whom he didn't like very much before, and couldn't help asking Su Mo with excitement and expectation.

  "However, one of my subordinates happens to have an eldest daughter, Dai Lingxuan, who is very talented and beautiful."

  "If my god doesn't dislike it, this subordinate can ask Ling Xuan to sleep with my god. In the future, Ling Xuan can accompany my god wherever he needs to go in Xingluo Imperial City..."