Star Luo Princess Dai Lingxuan

"Dai Lingxuan?"

  Hearing that Dai Tianfeng recommended himself as a pillow mat to his eldest daughter again, Su Mo was a little taken aback.

  In the original book, it seems that this eldest princess did not appear, but there is one eldest prince, that is Dai Mubai's elder brother and his sworn enemy Davis.

  But now the Douluo Continent he is in is a real world, not a novel anymore. As an emperor, Dai Tianfeng certainly cannot have only two sons, so it is normal to have an eldest princess.

  "Sounds good, then you can let your eldest daughter come over, but as the eldest princess of the Star Luo Empire, if you ask her to serve me, she will definitely not accept it for a while, and it is up to you to convince her. "

  After thinking for a while, Su Mo finally nodded in agreement with Dai Tianfeng's idea of ​​recommending his eldest daughter to the mat.

  The reason for agreeing is that there is actually nothing to say.

  On the one hand, Su Mo is indeed not very familiar with Xingluo Imperial City.

  It would be really helpful for Su Mo if he could be accompanied by a local.

  On the other hand, it is because Su Mo is already an adult. He was an lsp in his previous life. He heard that he could sleep with a princess. Why didn't he agree?

  He is not hypocritical at all, he is greedy.

  As long as the eldest princess Dai Lingxuan looks beautiful, Su Mo will really fall asleep!

  "Then please wait here for a while, my god, and I will let her come over." Seeing

  that Su Mo agreed, Dai Tianfeng suddenly showed a surprised expression, and quickly asked Su Mo to sit and wait in the imperial study room respectfully, and then He strode out of the imperial study room.

  After leaving the courtyard where the Imperial Study Room was located, Dai Tianfeng quickly called for his personal servant and asked him to call the eldest princess Dai Lingxuan over.

  As the eldest princess of the Star Luo Empire, Dai Lingxuan naturally has her own bedroom in the Star Luo Palace because she has not yet married.

  It didn't take long after Dai Tianfeng asked his personal servant to call.

  I saw a woman wearing a black and purple tight-fitting dress, who looked about seventeen or eighteen years old, was striding forward.

  The woman is very tall, more than 1.8 meters tall, not much shorter than Su Mo, and her whole body is curvy, especially her chest, which can be described as choppy, her skin is fair and delicate, and she has big golden wavy hair. With a heroic and beautiful face, mature and enchanting temperament, it gives people a very sharp and courageous first impression.

  People can't help but emerge a similar image of a female general.

  This is Dai Lingxuan, the eldest princess of the Star Luo Empire, an existence with excellent talent and abilities.

  She is about the same age as the First Prince Davis, but it is a pity that she was born as a woman.

  Otherwise, compared to Dai Mubai, Dai Lingxuan is more qualified to compete with Davis for the Xingluo throne!

  "Father, did you call me here for something?"

  Seeing Dai Tianfeng in front of a side hall, Dai Lingxuan couldn't help but asked with some doubts.

  Unlike ordinary princesses, Dai Lingxuan, as a princess, has always disliked learning all kinds of calligraphy and painting etiquette. Instead, she has a special liking for cultivation and marching and fighting.

  And because her personality is also very bold and unrestrained, she is not gentle at all, she is not like a normal girl at all, which makes her father Dai Tianfeng actually never like her very much.

  It's just that because of her great strength, she has let out words to the outside world very early on. If she wants to marry her, she must defeat her when she is about the same age.

  However, due to her tall stature, men are already repulsed by women who are taller than themselves. In addition to her strong talent, there is no one in the entire Star Luo Empire who can defeat her among young men who are about her age.

  Therefore, she has not been married until she is seventeen or eighteen years old.

  The emperor came to call me this time. Could it be that he has taken a fancy to a young man from another family and wants to marry me off?

  From the face of her father Dai Tianfeng, because she really couldn't see the purpose of looking for her, Dai Lingxuan couldn't help thinking secretly.

  "Come in with me!"

  While Dai Lingxuan was thinking wildly, Dai Tianfeng's face was majestic and calm, but he didn't directly state his purpose here, but said something to Dai Lingxuan, and then walked into the side hall.

  Hearing this, although Dai Lingxuan was puzzled, she quickly followed in.


  "What?! Father! You actually asked me to serve a man. No matter what I say, she is also your daughter, and even the eldest princess of the Star Luo Empire. What do you think of me?"

  "You said you liked me?" I can accept any young man from any family, but I can't accept it if you do this!" A

  few minutes later, after hearing from Dai Tianfeng the purpose of letting her come here, Dai Lingxuan burst out heroically The beautiful pretty face couldn't help showing an angry expression, very resisting.

  But for Dai Lingxuan's reaction, Dai Tianfeng seemed to have guessed it a long time ago, and couldn't help snorting coldly, saying.

  "Do you think I deliberately humiliated you? Don't forget, you are the eldest princess of the Star Luo Empire, and I am the emperor of the Star Luo Empire. Your father, I can't let you serve a man for nothing. This kind of thing is also an insult to my face!"

  "But the adult I asked you to serve is different. In his capacity, it is your honor that you can serve him. It was my request that gave you this opportunity! "


  Listening to her father's ridiculous remarks, Dai Lingxuan couldn't believe it.

  What kind of lord, can let the father ask for her to serve?

  Even if a male Pope appeared in Wuhun Hall, he came to their Xingluo Imperial City.

  Given the status of their Star Luo Imperial Family in the Douluo Continent, it is impossible to make a reason for her, a grand princess of the Star Luo Empire, to serve.

  Father, I'm afraid he is old and confused!

  Looking at the father in his 50s or 60s, but because his cultivation had already reached the title of Douluo, Dai Lingxuan didn't know what to say.

  However, seeing what was going on in Dai Lingxuan's mind at this time, Dai Tianfeng continued to speak in a cold voice.

  "Do you think I'm old-fashioned, because with the status of our Xingluo royal family on the mainland, no one on the entire continent is qualified to please me so much."

  "But I want to ask you a question, do you know why our Xingluo royal family The empire clearly surpasses the Heaven Dou Empire in terms of strength and military strength, but we still can't unify the   Douluo Continent?"

  "It's because of the Wuhun Palace!" Dai Lingxuan frowned and replied directly.   The reason why the Star Luo Empire has the strength to defeat and conquer the Heaven Dou Empire, but still dare not launch a war, isn't it because of the existence of the Spirit Hall.   What did the emperor say this for?   "Hehe, this is just the superficial situation!" But Dai Tianfeng sneered a few times and said to Dai Lingxuan's answer.   

"The situation on the surface?"   

"That's right! From the surface, it seems that our Star Luo Empire dare not attack the Heaven Dou Empire because we are afraid of the Wuhun Palace, but in fact, you should think carefully."   

"On the title Douluo level Combat strength, our Baihu family Dai family and the Nether civet family Zhu family are united, because we can perform the martial soul fusion technique, in fact, in terms of combat power at the title Douluo level, we are not much inferior to the Spirit Hall."   

"The reason why we The main reason to be afraid of the Spirit Hall is because of the thousands of families of the Seraphim family in the Hall of Spirits, a Limit Douluo will appear in each generation, overwhelming the entire world of soul masters!"

  "But how did the seraphim family of Wuhundian come about? Isn't it because the angel god who established Wuhundian chose a loyal believer as the high priest and bestowed on him the seraph martial spirit."

  "And with six The high priest of the Winged Angel Wuhun, whose blood has been passed on continuously, is why there are thousands of families, and now the Wuhun Palace is here."

  "In the final analysis, behind the Wuhun Palace is the God Realm, so our Star Luo Empire dare not attack Heaven Fighting the Empire, not only because of the Spirit Hall, but also because of the God Realm behind the Hall of Spirits!"