Dai Tianfeng: In front of great adults, the gods of the God Realm are nothing but cockroaches! (2)

Not only because of Wuhundian, but also because of God Realm?

  Dai Tianfeng's words left Dai Lingxuan stunned.

  Of course she also knew about the legendary God Realm.

  But isn't the world of the gods the world inhabited by the lofty, majestic gods in the legend?

  The legendary gods have never interfered with their Douluo Continent, how can it be said that their Star Luo Empire dare not attack the Heaven Dou Empire, and it has something to do with the God Realm?

  For a while, Dai Lingxuan couldn't understand anyway.

  Because the God Realm was indeed well disguised on the surface, as if it had never interfered with the Douluo Continent from the beginning to the end, at least Dai Lingxuan didn't notice it.

  "Father, I can't understand what you said."

  "The Spirit Hall was indeed established by the Angel God, but the Angel God never interfered with the Spirit Hall. It's related."

  "And even if it's related, it should only be related to the Angel God, not the whole God Realm, right?"

  Taking a deep breath in her heart, Dai Lingxuan couldn't help but said to Dai Tianfeng.

  "Hehe, the Angel God did not interfere with the Spirit Hall, but that was because it was unnecessary. If our Star Luo Empire attacked the Heaven Dou Empire, we would not need the Angel God's order, and the Spirit Hall would stop our Star Luo Empire because of its own interests." "

  But if our Star Luo Empire is strong enough, even the Hall of Spirits can't stop us from unifying the Douluo Continent, what do you think will happen?"

  Dai Tianfeng sneered.

  "What will happen then?"

  Dai Lingxuan asked suspiciously.

  "In that case, the other gods in the God Realm will use the power they left behind in the Douluo Continent to prevent us from dominating the mainland. If it doesn't work, then the gods in the God Realm will end in person!"

  "Or to be more specific, if there is a trend of unification in the Douluo Continent, then the first to panic is Poseidon, the sea god who is located on the endless sea and worshiped and worshiped by the sea soul masters in the endless sea!"

  " If the Douluo Continent has a tendency to unify, he will definitely be the first one who can't sit still, and the other gods will probably do something to prevent the unification of our continent."

  "As for what I said In other words, you may not believe it, you don't believe that the gods in the God Realm will interfere with Douluo Dalu, because they have been so bright, selfless, sacred and majestic in the rumors of history, right?"

  "But let me tell you something You will understand the hypocrisy of those gods in the God Realm!"

  "Do you know how the storage soul tool came about?"

  Dai Tianfeng asked Dai Lingxuan.

  "Storage soul guide? Aren't storage soul guides all discovered from unknown relics of the last era thousands of years ago?"

  Dai Lingxuan was a little puzzled, and didn't understand why her father would ask herself this.

  "Hehe, in the last era, according to the research of our historians on the Douluo Continent, in the last era, the Douluo Continent had a unified empire."

  "The storage soul guides and other soul guides we use The technology is all the product of the invention and creation of this empire, we will call this empire the soul guide empire for the time being."

  "Being able to develop storage soul guides that can store items in the void, you should understand how powerful this empire is."

  " But have you ever thought about why such a powerful empire just disappeared into history?"

  "Even now we can hardly find any historical books that record this great empire of the last era, do you think this is reasonable?"

  "And after the destruction of this empire, our entire continent ushered in the turmoil of evil soul masters for hundreds of years, until the Angel God appeared and founded the Wuhun Temple to unite the power of all soul masters to fight against evil soul masters."

  "After the establishment of Tiandou and Xingluo Empire, we fought against the evil soul masters together with the Wuhun Palace, and thus ended the evil soul master turmoil. Have you thought about the sudden appearance of the evil soul master turmoil from the collapse of the Soul Guidance Empire? , are these reasonable?"

  Looking at Dai Lingxuan, Dai Tianfeng's eyes were particularly deep, and he couldn't help asking with a sneer.


  After listening to Dai Tianfeng's words, Dai Lingxuan couldn't help being terrified, a little shuddering because the soul guide empire that was able to create storage soul guide devices and the soul guide technology of today's mainland is too bizarre to be destroyed.

  For such a great empire, it is logically impossible not to find books recording its history and development.

  Coupled with the turmoil of the evil soul masters after the fall of the empire.

  Although there have always been evil soul masters on Douluo Continent, compared to the overall soul masters, evil soul masters are always very few.

  Out of a thousand awakened soul masters, not even one evil soul master will be born.

  But during the turmoil of the evil soul masters, many evil soul masters were born in a short period of time.

  Because of the astonishing growth rate of the evil soul masters, it led to the turmoil of the evil soul masters that lasted for hundreds of years.

  If you don't think about it, you may not care about it at all, but once you think about it carefully, you will immediately find that whether it is the destruction of the Soul Guidance Empire or the appearance of the evil soul master's turmoil, they are all very sudden and bizarre, and they don't seem to happen naturally at all. It's like someone is manipulating it behind the scenes.

  Could it be... Could it be that the God Realm is the cause of all this?

  "Father, is it true that the demise of the Soul Guidance Empire and the turmoil of the evil soul masters are all controlled by the God Realm?"

  Taking a deep breath in her heart, Dai Lingxuan couldn't help clenching her hands tightly, her body trembling at Dai Tianfeng asked.

  "Of course! Besides these gods from the God Realm, is there any other person or force that can do this?"

  Dai Tianfeng said calmly.

  "Anyway, I don't know why. It may be that the soul guidance technology developed by the Soul Guidance Empire has threatened the gods of the God Realm to rule our Douluo Continent, so the God Realm destroyed the Soul Guidance Empire."

  "Afterwards, they And I definitely don't want to see our Douluo Continent united again, because that would very likely create a new Soul Guidance Empire."

  "Anyway, Poseidon, the Sea God of the Endless Sea, would not want to see it, because Douluo Once the Luo Continent is unified, we will set our sights on the endless sea and threaten his belief."

  "Father, according to your opinion, wouldn't it be impossible for our Star Luo Empire to unify the Douluo Continent forever?"

  After listening to what Dai Tianfeng said, Dai Lingxuan had already forgotten the matter of asking her to sleep with Su Mo before, but her thinking was successfully drawn to this, and she couldn't help being very unwilling.

  "Of course not!"

  Dai Tianfeng smiled lightly and shook his head.

  "As long as we can rely on an existence that is more powerful than all the gods in the God Realm, it will be very easy to unify Douluo Dalu!"


  Dai Lingxuan couldn't help being startled, and suddenly thought of her father Dai Tianfeng just now The man who put her to bed.

  Is this man also a god?

  And is it a god more powerful than all the gods in the God Realm? !

  "Father, could it be that the man you asked me to serve just now is the god you said is stronger than all the gods in the God Realm?"

  Dai Lingxuan couldn't help asking in shock.

  "Not yet, but compared with the great adults, these gods in the God Realm are just cockroaches that occupy the room while the master is away!"

  Hearing Dai Lingxuan's question, Dai Tianfeng couldn't help shaking his head, while As he answered, he showed deep disdain for the gods in the God Realm.

  "Okay, Lingxuan, that's all I'll tell you. You can tell me if you're willing to serve your lord."

  "I can tell you that my lord is only in his twenties in this life, which is about the same as you. Although he has not yet returned to the realm of the god of gods, he already has the strength of a titled Douluo."

  " Didn't you always hope to have a man who is about your age but stronger than you to conquer you? This time it's up to you to choose!" As he spoke, Dai Tianfeng couldn't help looking at Dai Lingxuan, with a frenzy flashing in his eyes, slowly Slow down.

   Well, this is the background setting of this book.