Dai Lingxuan's Choice

"My choice..."

  Dai Lingxuan hesitated.

  After listening to his father, Dai Tianfeng, talk about the turmoil between the soul guide empire and the evil soul masters.

  She admitted that she no longer thought that the gods in the God Realm were so bright and holy.

  However, Dai Tianfeng said that compared with the adults he received, the gods in the God Realm were like cockroaches occupying the room while the master was away, which made it hard for Dai Lingxuan to imagine.

  Could it be that the adult received by his father Dai Tianfeng is the true creator of the God Realm, the Creator God of the God Realm?

  This sounds really incredible!

  But thinking that his father, Dai Tianfeng, was also a generation of talented and generous Xingluo Emperor, who could overcome all obstacles, compete with countless brothers, and become the emperor of the Xingluo Empire.

  Dai Lingxuan had to admit that her father was definitely not a fool.

  No one could deceive his father so easily, let alone with such an absurd lie.

  So there is a high probability that what my father said is true.

  Maybe the adult that my father asked me to serve is really a great god.

  At least one who can become a Title Douluo in his twenties.

  This is no longer something that can be described as a simple genius and evildoer.

  It can only be said that he is either the son of a god, or he is the reincarnation of a god!

  So in the end, Dai Lingxuan took a deep breath and made a decision.

  "Okay! Father, I can promise you to go and see the lord you mentioned. If he is really the same as what you said, the title Douluo who is only in his twenties, I am also willing to serve him." He, but if not, then I can only refuse!"

  "Well, trust me, you won't regret it, come with me!"

  After almost convincing Dai Lingxuan, Dai Tianfeng couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction, then took Dai Lingxuan out of the side hall and went to the imperial study.

  At the same time, Su Mo was walking around in the imperial study room, taking down books from the bookshelves from time to time to look through them.

  It has to be said that the Star Luo Empire, as one of the two great empires on the mainland, has a profound foundation indeed.

  In the imperial study room, Su Mo flipped through the books, many of which were not even available in the Wuhun Palace.

  In particular, there are many books from the previous era.

  After coming to the world of Douluo Continent, because the history and worldview of Douluo Continent are rarely introduced in the novel.

  So after coming to this real world, Su Mo was naturally very curious about this real world, curious about the history and development of the world of Douluo Continent.

  Therefore, in the Wuhun Hall, Su Mo also searched for many books about the history of Douluo Continent.

  But it's a pity that even the Wuhundian has very few books that record the history of Douluo Continent.

  It was as if these books had been deliberately destroyed by someone.

  The books Su Mo found that recorded the history of Douluo Continent only recorded two historical periods of Douluo Continent.

  One is the ancient times, when the Douluo Continent was ruled by the Dragon Clan, and some information about the Dragon Clan was recorded in the books, but the specifics were vague.

  It is said to introduce the Dragon Clan, but even the Dragon God has not mentioned it, so it is estimated that there is no authenticity at all.

  Then there is a historical period, that is, the era before the introduction of Wuhun Temple, Tiandou Empire and Star Luo Empire.

  According to the introduction in the book, the Douluo Continent was ruled by a great and prosperous empire at that time, and the technology of storage soul guides and other soul guides were all researched and invented during the period of this empire.

  But unfortunately, this huge empire was destroyed suddenly.

  Afterwards, the entire Douluo Continent ushered in the turmoil of evil soul masters that lasted for hundreds of years.

  All the books and soul guidance technology about this empire disappeared in this hundreds of years of turmoil.

  After knowing that there was a powerful empire that unified the Douluo Continent in the last era, and the soul guide technology was invented by this empire, this empire suddenly ushered in destruction.

  Then followed hundreds of years of turmoil by the evil soul masters, until the Angel God of the Spirit Hall appeared, united with the founders of the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire, and ended this era of evil soul masters raging.

  Su Mo knew at a glance that there was a ghost here!

  From these two events, he combined the historical entanglement between Douluo Continent and God Realm that he knew, and the historical development of Douluo Continent afterwards.

  Su Mo can be sure that the destruction of the empire that invented the soul-guiding technology and the turmoil of evil soul masters that have ravaged the mainland for hundreds of years are absolutely inseparable from the God Realm!

  Therefore, in Su Mo's view, if Wuhundian wants to dominate the Douluo Continent, the biggest enemy may not be Tang San from the beginning to the end, but the God Realm!

  And after reading the books about the previous era collected by the Star Luo Empire from the imperial study room, Su Mo became more certain of his inner thoughts!

  On the other side, while Su Mo was reading, Dai Tianfeng finally brought Dai Lingxuan over from the side hall not far away.

  "I've met you, my lord!"

  After arriving at the imperial study, before Su Mo could look over, Dai Tianfeng bowed to Su Mo respectfully.

  At this time, Su Mo also noticed that Dai Tianfeng had returned, so he couldn't help but put down the book in his hand, and turned his head to look at it.

  For a moment, besides Dai Tianfeng, another woman who looked like seventeen or eighteen years old also came into Su Mo's eyes beside him.

  The woman is wearing a gorgeous black-purple tight-fitting long dress, has a shawl, golden big wavy curly hair, a pair of beautiful purple eyes, a very tall figure, fair and delicate skin, straight and slender legs, vigorous and powerful, a choppy chest, and a heroic face Human, full of beauty, mature, enchanting and glamorous.

  Seeing the woman, a word suddenly popped up in Su Mo's mind: Goddess of Fitness!

  "Is this Dai Lingxuan, the eldest princess of the Star Luo Empire? She is really pretty, but the main reason is that her figure and temperament are very special. This figure is like a tigress turned into a spirit!"

  While looking at Dai Lingxuan, Su Mo couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

  It was the first time he saw such a tall and strong beauty without losing the beauty of the female body.

  It also has a heroic temperament, and in a sense, they are all princesses.

  Qian Renxue made Su Mo feel like a majestic princess, while Dai Lingxuan made Su Mo feel like a mighty and domineering female general.

  While Su Mo was looking at Dai Lingxuan, Dai Lingxuan was also looking at Su Mo.

  Su Mo's first impression of Dai Lingxuan was that he was very handsome, and he was also very young. It should be the same as what his father Dai Tianfeng said, only in his twenties, not much older than himself.

  But from Su Mo's body, Dai Lingxuan didn't feel any sense of danger at all.

  But Dai Lingxuan knew that it should be because Su Mo was much stronger than her, so she couldn't sense it at all.

  If Su Mo is really a Titled Douluo.

  However, after seeing Su Mo, although she felt that her father, Emperor Dai Tianfeng, was not lying to her, and her first impression of Su Mo was good, Dai Lingxuan took a deep breath and decided to challenge Su Mo.

  Because as she has always announced to the outside world.

  Only those who can defeat her are eligible to be her husband!

  As the eldest princess of the Star Luo Empire, Dai Lingxuan has her own pride.

  Even if the man her father asked her to serve was really some kind of god, she was unwilling to lick his face directly to please him.

  If you want her to serve you, you must first defeat her and become her man.

  Only by defeating her, will she serve willingly!

  So, after sizing up Su Mo, Dai Lingxuan couldn't help taking a step forward. On her beautiful and heroic face, a pair of purple eyes looked closely at Su Mo, took a deep breath, and said.

  "Are you the man my father asked me to serve? I want to challenge you!"