Who Can Reject the Beast Ear Mother?

"Challenge me?"

  Hearing Dai Lingxuan's words, Su Mo was a little surprised for a moment.

  But looking at Dai Lingxuan's serious eyes in front of her, it was obvious that she wasn't talking casually.


  Discovering that Dai Lingxuan still wanted to challenge Su Mo, Dai Tianfeng, who thought he had successfully persuaded Dai Lingxuan, suddenly felt that he had lost face in front of the great god, and couldn't help being a little annoyed.

  But Dai Lingxuan's face remained unchanged, and she watched Su Mo very seriously.

  But Su Mo didn't care much about this, he just smiled and agreed.

  "Challenge? Yes, I promise you."

  Looking at Dai Lingxuan's figure and temperament, she is obviously the kind of woman with a strong personality. Even if Dai Tianfeng is her father, it is obviously not right for her to serve a stranger for nothing so easy.

  Probably in the eyes of Dai Lingxuan in front of her, defeating her with strength is the premise if she wants to serve her willingly!

  What Su Mo lacked most was strength.

  If you can use your strength to conquer the very special Xingluo princess Dai Lingxuan in front of you, and make her sleep willingly, Su Mo would think it would be quite interesting.

  "This is not a place, let's go out!"

  Because the space in the imperial study was still too narrow, Su Mo and Dai Lingxuan finally came to the yard outside the imperial study, ready to meet Dai Lingxuan's challenge here.

  On the side, Dai Tianfeng was very annoyed and angry.

  "Dai Lingxuan, the 38th-level assault system battle soul master, martial soul: evil-eyed white tiger!"

  After arriving in the courtyard, Dai Lingxuan quickly put a certain distance away from Su Mo, then assumed an offensive posture, and watched solemnly Holding Su Mo, drinking in a deep voice, at the same time summoned the evil-eyed white tiger martial soul.

  For a moment, a white tiger spirit with double pupils emerged from behind Dai Lingxuan.

  At Dai Lingxuan's feet, three soul rings, yellow, yellow, and purple, also rose up one after another, surrounding her body.

  "Su Mo, ninety-five-level titled Douluo, martial soul: Death Sickle!"

  Facing Dai Lingxuan's challenge, Su Mo also smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and summoned the Death Sickle martial soul, and at the same time, yellow, yellow, purple, black, Nine soul rings of black, black, black, black, and red also rose one after another, surrounding the whole body.

  "It's really a titled Douluo, and the configuration of the soul ring has surpassed the optimal configuration. The ninth soul ring is a hundred thousand year soul ring?!"

  Seeing the soul ring surrounding Su Mo, although Dai Lingxuan had already made up her mind, I was ready, but I was still shocked for a while.

  Titled Douluo in her twenties, this is simply something she has never heard of.

  Even if it is the innate full soul power in the legend, generally in his twenties, he should be the soul king at most, right?

  The man in front of him who is added as Su Mo is so against the sky.

  It is estimated that it is only possible, as Father Dai Tianfeng said, that the man in front of him is not an ordinary person, but the reincarnation of an extremely powerful God of God, that he has such a terrifying talent!

  But even though she found out that Su Mo was really a Title Douluo, Dai Lingxuan still did not choose to admit defeat, but settled down in her heart, ready to see how strong the legendary Title Douluo was!

  "Martial Soul Possession!"

  Before she was about to experience Su Mo's strength, Dai Lingxuan couldn't help but focus her eyes, and after a coquettish shout, she instantly activated the Martial Soul Possession.

  For a while, with the possession of the evil-eyed white tiger spirit, Dai Lingxuan's figure suddenly became taller, the curves of her body that were already obvious became more prominent, the peaks on her chest became more turbulent, and her buttocks became more turbulent. It became stronger, and at the same time, a pair of white tiger ears grew out of a head of golden wavy hair, his eyes turned into animal pupils, and his hands turned into white half-tiger claws.

  At first glance, Dai Lingxuan seemed to have instantly transformed into an orc and tiger girl in the Western Fantasy world!

  Seeing Dai Lingxuan's appearance after being possessed by her martial spirit, her slender and tall body, her beautiful and heroic face, her beautiful muscular lines, and tiger ears and claws like a beast's mother, Su Mo couldn't help but feel even more moved.

  After all... who could say no to a beautiful beast-eared Valkyrie?

  Su Mo said that his xp is still very extensive, and sub-human and beast ear girls are his favorites!


  After completing the martial soul possession, Dai Lingxuan couldn't help but yelled coquettishly.

  Several soul rings around him lit up one after another, activated several soul skills in an instant, and rushed towards Su Mo with a strong gust of wind.

  But before Dai Lingxuan rushed over, Su Mo just smiled and thought.

  The majestic mental power surged out in an instant, forcibly taking over Dai Lingxuan's body, causing Dai Lingxuan's body to suddenly freeze on the way.

  Immediately afterwards, Su Mo just waved his hand lightly, and the surging soul power instantly surged out, wrapped Dai Lingxuan's body, and sent him flying.

  "You lost!"

  After easily defeating Dai Lingxuan, Su Mo couldn't help but chuckled softly when he saw Dai Lingxuan who was sent flying.

  "I lost!"

  Dai Lingxuan was also very calm, and after standing up from the ground, she surrendered to Su Mo.

  In fact, she was not surprised at all that she would lose.

  It's just that she didn't even have the ability to resist at all, and was just blown away by Su Mo.

  Is this the power of Title Douluo?

  Dai Lingxuan sighed in her heart.

  "Since you have defeated me, no matter what you think, I will serve you as I promised my father and serve you like my own man. You can treat me as your maid. If you need to serve me , you can also find me directly!"

  After being defeated, Dai Lingxuan's beautiful and heroic face couldn't help looking at Su Modao calmly.

  But in the end, even with her bold personality, she was still a little embarrassed.

  "Okay! My lord will live in our Xingluo Imperial City temporarily for a period of time in the future. Lingxuan, take your lord to my mansion in the inner city. Your lord will live here in the future. Go and help your lord to arrange everything first. In the future, your lord will have some If you need it, you must be there at any time."

  After Dai Lingxuan finally fulfilled her promise to herself, Dai Tianfeng's face became better, and he instructed Dai Lingxuan.

  After that, Su Mo left the palace with Dai Lingxuan, and came to a luxurious mansion in the inner city of Xingluo Imperial City.

  And after entering this mansion.

  I saw that in the mansion, the pavilions and pavilions looked extremely exquisite and antique.

  In the courtyard, the flowing water flows through the entire mansion, and the rockeries with unique shapes and strange shapes are also dizzying.

  At the same time, a large piece of slender green bamboo like jasper is reflected in the courtyard, and the bamboo leaves are rustling when a gust of breeze blows, and clusters of beautiful flowers are competing for beauty in each flowerbed, which is a sight to behold. It's a pleasure to go up.

  Su Mo was quite satisfied with this mansion.

  And after entering this courtyard.

  Dai Lingxuan began to work hard for Su Mo, not only to recruit maids, servants and cooks.

  Then you need to prepare a lot of daily necessities for the mansion and so on.

  In this way, the time soon came to night.

  After a busy day, Dai Lingxuan had already recruited enough maids and servants for Su Mo.

  As for the chefs, Dai Tianfeng sent a few over directly.

  In Douluo Continent, a top chef is often not an ordinary person, but a food-type soul master.

  These food-type soul masters are generally recruited by major soul master families and sects.

  Even in the capacity of Princess Dai Lingxuan, it is very difficult to recruit an excellent chef in Xingluo Imperial City.

  Fortunately, Dai Tianfeng also knew this, and directly sent some of the best chefs in the palace to Su Mo.

  But although there are a few of the best chefs.

  But because Su Mo had just moved into this mansion, no one in the mansion purchased ingredients at all.

  Therefore, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice!

  On this day, Dai Lingxuan took Su Mo to enjoy lunch and dinner in Xingluo Imperial City.

  At night, after returning to the mansion.

  Because of the previous promise, Dai Lingxuan, the eldest princess of the Star Luo Empire, served Su Mo tea and water, washed her face and feet, and even warmed the bed, just like a maid.

  And after doing all this.

  Seeing Su Mo who was about to go to bed, Dai Lingxuan, who had already got out of bed, couldn't help but a trace of shyness flashed across her beautiful and heroic face, and she pretended to ask frankly.

  "Do you need to sleep with me?"

  "What do you think?"

  Su Mo smiled and glanced at the heroic fitness goddess in front of him, and the corners of his mouth could not help but playfully twitched.

  After finishing speaking, without waiting for Dai Lingxuan's answer, Su Mo walked up to him, hugged her directly by the waist, and then strode towards the wide bed in front of him, smiling evilly.

  "Remember the spirit possession later, I like your appearance after being possessed by the spirit, it's very special, I like it very much!"