Davis' Decision, Davis Doomed to Be Tragedy!

"There is a beautiful woman beside me who is not inferior to you, and the effect may be better? Is there...?"

  Hearing Dai Lingxuan's words, because he had drunk a lot of wine and was still a little drunk, Davis couldn't help but suddenly I was stunned, and I couldn't turn my mind for a while.

  However, from the corner of his eye, he saw his fiancée Zhu Zhuyun who was drunk on the table, and Davis came to his senses in an instant. He couldn't help standing up abruptly, and said angrily.

  "This is impossible, Zhuyun is my fiancée, do you want me to dedicate Zhuyun to him? What do you think of me!!"

  "Don't be so loud, it will be bad if you wake up Zhuyun , I'm just telling you that there is a way, and if you don't want to, I can't force you."

  Dai Lingxuan smiled indifferently to Davis' anger, acting very calm and composed.

  "Anyway, in the end, if my father chooses to appoint other people, such as the third brother, as the prince because of elder brother Su Mo, then you can't blame me. With the hatred between you and the third brother, if the third brother becomes the prince, you may end up with a dead end Just don't come to me when the time comes."


I was very angry in my heart, but after hearing Dai Lingxuan's words, Davis' face, which was flushed because of drunkenness, turned pale again in an instant.

  Davis also saw Su Mo's attitude towards him.

  In Davis's view, if Su Mo's attitude towards him does not change, the future father will probably abolish himself for Su Mo's sake and replace him with a prince who has a good relationship with Su Mo.

  But the problem is, because he had too much advantage before, including Dai Mubai, all the princes were made miserable by him.

  If he fails to become the prince, or even the emperor.

  The result must be that the wall is overthrown by everyone, and he will definitely die in the end!

  Thinking of death, Davis couldn't help feeling terrified inside.

  No! He must not die!

  As the eldest prince of the Star Luo Empire, he should have had an infinitely bright future. The Star Luo Empire would be his in the future, and he would become the most noble people on this continent. How could he just die like this!

  There is a saying that the most painful thing in the world is not losing, but gaining and losing!

  This is where Davis is at the moment.

  If Davis has not thought that he has more than 90% certainty of winning the crown prince, or even the throne, that's all.

  But because of his absolute advantage, Davis almost regarded the crown prince and the throne as his own.

  Therefore, when he thought that he might lose the crown prince that should belong to him, he died in the end.

  Davis can't accept it at all!

  On the other side, Dai Lingxuan also saw the fear and fear of Davis at this time, so she was full of sarcasm.

  "Davis, didn't you say before that when you become the emperor of our Star Luo Empire, you will lead our Star Luo Empire to even more dazzling glory? But your current performance is really disappointing."

  "As An emperor who doesn't even have the spirit of sacrifice, don't forget, when the ancestor founded our Star Luo Empire, even his parents were captured by evil soul masters who were bribed by the enemy."

  "The enemy threatened the ancestor, if you don't give up the attack In their imperial capital, the evil soul master killed the ancestor's parents and cooked them, but the ancestor smiled and said, can you give him a bowl of broth?"

  "In the end, the ancestor just overcame the thorns and established Our Xingluo Empire, this is the real emperor, the real hero, the first ancestor even sacrificed his parents in order to become the emperor."

  "And our Xingluo Imperial Family has formulated a Gu-style inheritance in order to ensure that the empire will not decline. system, and all the princes of each generation must fight each other, and only those who eventually become princes and emperors can survive!"

  "Whether it is the first ancestor or our royal family, they can make such sacrifices to ensure the continuation of the throne and the empire, but you can't even give up a mere fiancée. Is it because of your poor male self-esteem?"

  "Even your own life I can't keep it any longer, I really don't know what you are still holding on to your poor masculine self-esteem!"


  Hearing Dai Lingxuan's ridicule, Davis was angry and depressed at the same time.

  But after hearing Dai Lingxuan's words, Davis finally thought about it.

  yes! The first ancestor and all subsequent ancestors can make such a huge sacrifice for the throne and the survival of the empire. This is the real hero!

  Obviously, as long as he sacrifices his fiancée, he can guarantee that he will have a better chance of ascending to the throne.

  And in the future, I can also use this to form a closer relationship with this genius named Su Mo who has unlimited potential and is expected to become a Limit Douluo in the future.

  Why do you want to refuse?

  You know, with this Su Mo's attitude towards himself.

  If I don't think of a way, I may lose my throne in the future!

  Eventually, under the fear of death and losing the throne he would have been given, Davis could not help but hypnotize himself.

  It's not shameful to give away your fiancée, a real hero should sacrifice everything for the sake of profit!

  "...Okay! Dai Lingxuan, I promise you, I can let Zhu Zhuyun accompany him, but tell me, what should I do specifically, how can I get him to support me more effectively as you said!"

  Endure Feeling the pain as if his heart was being torn apart, Davis gritted his teeth and asked Dai Lingxuan with trembling hands.

  "It's very simple! Aren't they all drunk? I'll take Zhuyun to Brother Su Mo's room later, and Brother Su Mo should think that Zhuyun is me, after that..."

  "And when he wakes up and finds that he has defiled Zhuyun, Brother Su Mo will naturally feel very guilty, and he will definitely not be able to oppose you again."

  "Even because of the guilt in his heart, he may double compensate you Maybe I can show my support to you in front of my father."

  Looking at Davis, Dai Lingxuan played with the wine glass in her hand, and looked at Davis with a pair of beautiful purple eyes flickering slightly, and couldn't help but lick her red lips. With a smile, he said.

  This seems really possible!

  Listening to Dai Lingxuan's words, Davis couldn't help feeling very excited.

  Although I do this, I feel sorry for my fiancée Zhu Zhuyun.

  But once he succeeds, maybe he will really have greater confidence than before and ascend to the throne!

  "By the way, Davis, I have to tell you something."

  "Brother Su Mo is a very possessive man. If Zhu Yun becomes Brother Su Mo's woman, you can't touch her again. Otherwise, the effect may become completely opposite!"

  Seeing Davis was very excited, Dai Lingxuan suddenly turned her eyes again, her red lips could not help but slightly curled up, and said.

  this! ! !

  Dai Lingxuan's words made Davis's face stiff, and the excitement in his heart disappeared in an instant, and he felt a heartache in his heart. On his clenched hands, the fingers were embedded in the flesh and bleeding, and he couldn't feel it. .

  But what could he do?

  Facing an enemy that he can't compete with at all.

  In order to keep his throne and life, he could only choose to sell his fiancée to the end!

  "It doesn't matter! Although this abominable guy has Zhu Yun's body, Zhu Yun's heart is still mine, and as long as he can become the emperor, is he afraid that there will be no women?"

  Davis endured the pain in his heart and tried hard to persuade He even forced a smile and said to Dai Lingxuan.

  "I know. In fact, nothing has happened between me and Zhuyun. It's the first time for Zhuyun. This way the effect should be better?"

  "Of course!"

  Seeing Davis who had completely turned into a green turtle , Dai Lingxuan nodded, but a trace of mockery and contempt flashed in her eyes.

  O man!

  If you can't do it by yourself, it's ridiculous to betray a woman and give you any excuse, so you can feel at ease!

  If I'm not a woman, it's your turn to take the throne of the Star Luo Empire!

  But you may think that you have no choice but to betray Zhu Zhuyun, Zhu Zhuyun will definitely forgive you, continue to be with you, and even help you sleep.

  But if you think like this, it's ridiculous!

  A woman who is betrayed by a man can easily fall in love with someone else.

  Especially the man you betrayed the woman with is far better than you.

  With the combination of charm and body, you are ready to be a green turtle for a lifetime!

  Compared to Dai Lingxuan's thoughts, Su Mo is actually the same.

  Because he deeply remembers a very popular and famous saying.

  That is, the passage to the depths of a woman's soul is...

  In this life, the body Su Mo originally set up for himself was exceptionally gifted, plus the powerful recovery ability brought by the tree of life stick martial soul and the twelve-winged fallen angel Wuhun's ability to control emotions.

  This made Su Mo the invincible god of war in that respect!

  Once Davis agreed with Dai Lingxuan, he betrayed his fiancée Zhu Zhuyun.

  Su Mo has absolute confidence that he can complete the sex with Davis!

  Su Mo didn't feel guilty about this either.

  Because for the characters in Douluo Continent, he really doesn't have many appreciations and favorites.

  Anyway, Davis is not among them, and flies don't bite seamless eggs!

  If Davis disagrees, he will not take the initiative to be a Cao thief.

  After all, although Davis didn't elaborate in the original book, he should be better than Dai Mubai.

  But if Davis insists on offering his wife for glory, then it's no wonder he inherited Prime Minister Cao's behest!.


note: here are the chapters corresponding to yesterday


Here are the chapters that corresponded to yesterday and today, it was decided to continue with the 10 daily chapters in the most requested novels and where the story was understood, in addition, they will see 1 or 2 fanfics where fewer daily chapters will be uploaded and take a second look at the translation.

Thank you for reading.