Davis, Zhu Zhuyun, and Dai Mubai's Escape Early!

Because Dai Lingxuan successfully persuaded Davis.

  In order to keep his throne and life, Davis gritted his teeth and chose to betray his fiancée Zhu Zhuyun, and personally helped Zhu Zhuyun into Su Mo's bedroom, and left with tears in his eyes.

  After that, everything developed without any surprises.

  The next morning, after waking up, when he "discovered" that the woman sleeping next to him was not Dai Lingxuan, but Zhu Zhuyun, Su Mo was immediately "shocked".

  And regarding this, Zhu Zhuyun's heart was also full of dullness, disbelief and panic.

  She didn't understand how she could sleep with Su Mo when she came here with her fiancé Davis yesterday!

  However, Zhu Zhuyun was able to become the eldest daughter of the generation of Grand Duke Youming's mansion, and her status was equivalent to that of Davis in the Xingluo royal family, so she naturally had a corresponding heart and ability.

  Although Zhu Zhuyun felt extremely puzzled and unbelievable about what happened to him.

  But she was very calm and did not become angry, condemning and scolding Su Mo.

  That doesn't do anything!

  Now, she just wants to find her fiancé Davis quickly and find out what's going on.

  When she was drunk yesterday, she clearly remembered that her fiancé Davis was not drunk yet.

  "What happened last night was just an accident. I hope Mr. Su Mo will stop talking nonsense, otherwise you and I will not look good!"

  Taking a deep breath in his heart, Zhu Zhuyuncheng's mature and beautiful face was full of calmness. After speaking to Su Mo, he quickly put on his clothes and left the room.

  During this period, Zhu Zhuyun was extra cautious, for fear that he would be discovered.

  Fortunately, it was not found in the end.

  After leaving Su Mo's bedroom, Zhu Zhuyun searched for traces of her fiancé Davis in the house.

  Finally, in the courtyard, Zhu Zhuyun found his fiancé Davis, whose eyes were bloodshot, who seemed to have just woken up.

  "Zhu Zhuyun!"

  Seeing Zhu Zhuyun, Davis couldn't help showing a forced smile on his face, and greeted Zhu Zhuyun.

  And Zhu Zhuyun quickly approached Davis, and then endured the uneasiness in his heart, and asked.

  "Weiss, I remembered that I was drunk last night, who took me to bed?"

  But in response to Zhu Zhuyun's question, Davis was a little silent, and could only smile reluctantly: "Zhu Yun, this we I'll talk about it later when I get back, okay?"

  Hearing Davis' answer, Zhu Zhuyun felt a thunderbolt in his mind, his mature and glamorous pretty face was full of stiffness, and his whole heart suddenly tightened.

  Out of knowledge of Davis and a woman's sixth sense.

  She vaguely felt that what happened last night was probably related to Davis.

  But...but I am his fiancee!

  But even though his heart ached, Zhu Zhuyun did not lose his composure.

  Her feelings for Davis are indeed okay, but the relationship between the two is more about a combination of interests, and they are connected because of the marriage contract.

  To say that she loves Davis to death, this obviously does not exist!

  Therefore, after finding out that she was betrayed by Davis, Zhu Zhuyun was still more angry and puzzled, but she didn't feel heartbroken to the point of death.

  And because they are in someone else's mansion now, in order to preserve the face of the two of them, Zhu Zhuyun didn't want to ask to find out the truth, but kept silent for a while, and said.


  Afterwards, the two of them bid farewell and left the Moxuan Mansion, returning to the First Prince's Mansion.

  Here, Zhu Zhuyun learned what happened last night.

  "Zhuyun, I have no choice. You should have seen that this Su Mo's attitude towards me is not very good, and because this Su Mo is a titled Douluo in his twenties, his potential is limitless.

  " For our Xingluo royal family, this Su Mo is much more important than whoever is the emperor of our generation."

  "So now the father doesn't care about the previous competition between our princes, but more about who can compete with this one ." Su Mo gets along well and can win his favor."

  "And with Su Mo's attitude towards me, if I don't think of a way, we will definitely lose in the future, and we will all die by then, so... so I can only Choose to listen to Dai Lingxuan..."

  "But believe me, I still love you!"

  After telling Zhu Zhuyun what happened, Davis said in pain.

  'love me? Zhu Zhuyun

  only had ridicule and sneer at what Davis said.

  He kept saying that he loved her, but in the end he betrayed her to another man.

  This is obviously in Davis's mind, the throne and interests are paramount.

  what love her!

  Think she is stupid?

  However, Zhu Zhuyun didn't break Davis' thoughts, but took a deep breath and looked towards the sky.

  She is also confused now.

  She has known Davis for more than ten years, and she also has certain feelings for Davis.

  Although she was betrayed by Davis this time, in order to survive, if Davis told her this situation, she would most likely agree with Davis' decision.

  Only problem is, instead of asking her opinion, Davis just sold her out.

  Betrayed, and betrayed by her fiancé.

  Zhu Zhuyun was still very uncomfortable with this feeling.

  "Is it all right this time? What should we do next?"

  Taking a deep breath in his heart, and forcing himself to calm down, Zhu Zhuyun couldn't help but looked at Davis and asked.

  "After that..."

  Hearing Zhu Zhuyun's question, Davis was silent for a while, then smiled bitterly.

  "Dai Lingxuan told me that this Su Mo is very possessive, and you probably can only follow him in the future, but this is also good, so that you can let him support us, so that basically we don't have to worry about accidents anymore ..."

  Anyway, I have already betrayed my fiancée once, and now Davis has broken the pot, so I just maximize the benefits directly!

  And after hearing Davis' words, Zhu Zhuyun still felt dissatisfied and annoyed for a while, but in the end, she let it go.

  Why! My fiancé has already chosen to be a green turtle, so what's the difference between once and countless times?

  In his opinion, it is estimated that he is no longer pure, so it doesn't matter!

  Zhu Zhuyun sighed bitterly in his heart.

  Because her fiancé didn't care anymore, Zhu Zhuyun let go of her insistence.

  As a woman, it is actually quite good to be consistent.

  And to be honest, this Su Mo is indeed better than his fiancé Davis, no matter in which aspect.

  Maybe if you follow him, your future will be even better?

  Because the Grand Duke's Mansion of Youming also pursues the inheritance system of raising Gu, Zhu Zhuyun actually believes in the supremacy of strength in his heart, and likes to be conquered by the strong.

  So after a change of thinking, Zhu Zhuyun found that he seemed to be able to be with a more outstanding strong man, and Zhu Zhuyun suddenly felt pretty good.

  'Since you betrayed me, because we have the same interests, I will definitely help you in some aspects, but in other aspects, it depends on the situation. Since you gave up on me, I hope you will not Blame me...'

  Looking at her fiancé Davis, who was already broken, Zhu Zhuyun sighed inwardly.

  Afterwards, Zhu Zhuyun ostensibly was Davis' fiancée, but in fact she often went to and from Su Mo's mansion, never returning home at night. In order for Su Mo to support herself and her fiancé Davis, she tried every means to curry favor with Su Mo.

  In this regard, Su Mo also expressed his wish to support Davis.

  But at the beginning, Zhu Zhuyun still thought about the common interests with Davis, and gave Su Mo a pillow.

  But after seeing Su Mo's strength in various aspects, and seeing Dai Tianfeng's extremely respectful attitude towards Su Mo with his own eyes, Zhu Zhuyun was completely conquered by Su Mo physically and mentally!

  Finding that he followed Su Mo, even if Davis could not become the emperor, he would not have any aftermath at all.

  Afterwards, Zhu Zhuyun no longer cared about Davis.

  Compared with Su Mo, Davis is a fart!

  Since he betrayed himself and became a green-haired turtle, there is nothing wrong with choosing a better man, right?

  However, Su Mo was spitting and nailing. Since he said he would support Davis, he would not go back on his word.

  Anyway, Su Mo hated Dai Mubai even more.

  Moreover, the two are destined to have no chance of ascending to the throne in the future, so it doesn't matter if they support anyone.

  But after receiving Su Mo's support, Davis felt more confident, and felt that he could become a prince or even an emperor in the future.

  Therefore, Davis has even worsened and harmed the other princes, especially the third prince Dai Mubai who he regards as the biggest competitor!

  And because of the greater suppression and persecution than in the original book, Dai Mubai couldn't hold on earlier.

  Originally Dai Mubai was supposed to go to Shrek Academy when Tang San was in the third year at Notting Academy.

  But under the influence of Su Mo, Dai Mubai wanted to escape from Xingluo Imperial City more than a year earlier.

  At this time, Zhu Zhuqing had just entered the first year of the Xingluo Royal Junior Soul Master Academy.