A New Use of Memory Adding Opportunities, Five Years Later (1)

During the period of teaching Zhu Zhuqing to practice, so that he has the ability to control his own destiny.

  Knowing about Zhu Zhuqing's situation, Su Mo actually had some headaches at first.

  Because Su Mo discovered that teaching Zhu Zhuqing the unique skills of the Tang Sect, such as Xuantian Kungfu, Ziji Demon Eye, Ghost Shadow Mistrack, Controlling Cranes and Capturing Dragons, and Xuanyu Hand, can certainly improve Zhu Zhuqing's cultivation and strength.

  But the degree of improvement is not that great, at least far inferior to that of Dai Lingxuan.

  Because in terms of martial souls, the Nether Civet, which is an agility-type martial soul, has natural shortcomings.

  That is too bad in terms of strength and lethality!

  Even if the speed is relatively fast, it cannot change its weak combat power.

  And there is only one way to change Zhu Zhuqing's shortcoming.

  That is to let the Nether Civet Martial Soul undergo an evolution to increase its lethality.

  For example, let the sharpness of its sharp claws reach the level of the dark gold Dreadclaw bear, and have attributes such as ultimate gold.

  Or let it have some special effects when it emits damage, such as attacking the soul.

  Su Mo thought about it carefully because he wanted to evolve the Nether Civet's martial soul.

  I have seen the immortal grass catalog from Ju Douluo Yueguan and the information about fairy grass recorded in the hidden weapon Baijie that I stole from Tang San. Is there any fairy grass in it that can make Zhu Zhuqing's martial soul evolve.

  Unfortunately, even though Su Mo had been thinking hard for a long time.

  However, they still haven't found the fairy grass that can evolve Zhu Zhuqing's Nether Civet Martial Soul.

  But there is no way out!

  While thinking about this, Su Mo suddenly remembered that when he asked the system to modify Dai Tianfeng's memory, the system modified Dai Tianfeng's memory as if it really happened.

  This made Su Mo suddenly think, can he use another opportunity to add memory, set the target as Zhu Zhuqing, build a script for Zhu Zhuqing to simulate the future, and let the system perfect it.

  In the script of simulating the future, Zhu Zhuqing's martial soul finally evolved successfully with his own help.

  Evolved from Nether Civet Martial Soul to a powerful Martial Spirit with both lethality, strength and speed, and still retains the ability to perform martial soul fusion skills with Xieyan White Tiger Martial Soul.

  As long as he sets the script, Zhu Zhuqing needs to strengthen, such as the evolution of Wuhun, and he also taught him the upgraded version of Tangmen's unique skills.

  Then after the system is perfected, will he directly learn the opportunity for Zhu Zhuqing's martial soul to evolve through this script that simulates the future, and directly obtain the Tang Sect's unique knowledge that has not been fully upgraded yet?

  When thinking of this, Su Mo couldn't help feeling that it was very feasible.

  Because if you use a chance to add memory in this way, the effect is actually very similar to the effect of the simulator in the previous novel where the golden finger is the simulator.

  And do it as soon as you think of it, Su Mo directly used an opportunity to add an opportunity, set the goal as Zhu Zhuqing, started with the current situation, locked in the future development situation, perfected the system, and generated a script that simulated the future.

  This future-simulating script, Su Mo naturally didn't intend to instill it in Zhu Zhuqing

  , because this is not a rebirth script, but Su Mo's deeper development of the way of rewarding memory addition opportunities.

  And the result is gratifying!

  Although the function of the memory modification system sounds frustrating, it seems to be far inferior to the mall system, lottery system, and sign-in system that can obtain rewards from the heavens and worlds that Su Mo has seen in the novels of his previous life.

  But the memory modification system, in fact, its reward effect is not that bad.

  As long as it can be developed well, even if it is a relatively rubbish memory addition opportunity, it can still play the same effect as a simulator!

  And from this future-simulating script set for Zhu Zhuqing.

  Su Mo successfully learned how to make Zhu Zhuqing's Nether Civet Martial Soul evolve into a more powerful Martial Spirit with speed, strength and lethality at the same time, and still be able to perform the Martial Soul Fusion Skill with the Xieyan White Tiger Martial Soul Ability.

  That is to let Zhu Zhuqing absorb and refine the Dark Demon Orb from the Dark Demon Tiger!

  In addition, Su Mo also obtained the final upgraded version of Tangmen's unique knowledge from Zhu Zhuqing's simulated future script that the system helped to improve by using the opportunity to add memory this time as he wished.

  This is the script for simulating the future. It took him decades of time and I don't know how many tens of thousands of death row prisoners were consumed before the upgrade was finally completed.

  In the upgraded version of Tang Sect's unique art, Xuantian Kungfu has become the Nine-Revolution Xuantian Kungfu.

  Each turn of the nine-turn Xuantian Kungfu has a total of ten levels, and one can directly cultivate to the level of a hundred gods.

  And whether it is the first round to reach the ninth level of perfection, or after breaking through to the tenth level, you can actually practice the second, third, fourth... and even the ninth round of cultivation.

  After the first turn, the practice of the nine-turn Xuantian Kung Fu.

  In fact, every turn is a kind of compression and re-cultivation of soul power. In theory, human soul masters can finally reach the strength to fight against gods without becoming gods!

  However, in the scenario of simulating the future, Su Mo did not reach the consummation of the ninth turn of the nine-turn Xuantian Kungfu until the end of the script of the simulation of the future.

  Speaking of this, I have to mention the shortcomings of using memory to add opportunities to deduce and simulate future scripts.

  It may be because Zhu Zhuqing and Su Mo also possessed eternal life after becoming gods together.

  However, it is impossible to continuously deduce and simulate endless memories by adding memory opportunities.

  So this time, with Zhu Zhuqing as the main character, to lock in the direction of future development and let the system perfectly simulate the future script, in fact, it only simulated less than a hundred years.

  After Zhu Zhuqing finally became a god, it was over.

  And the Nine Turns Xuantian Kungfu is just one of the upgraded version of the Tang Sect's unique skills.

  In addition, the Ziji Demon Eyes have also been successfully upgraded, possessing the ability to absorb Moonlight and Sun Essence, and become Sun Moon God Eyes.

  And the hand of Xuanyu turned into the body of Xuanyu, the shadows of ghosts turned into fleeting shadows, and controlling cranes and catching dragons turned into a force field of heavenly magic.

  However, Su Mo did not immediately teach Dai Lingxuan, Zhu Zhuyun, and Zhu Zhuqing these upgraded versions of Tang Sect's unique skills after he got them. The reason is very simple.

  That's because these upgraded versions of Tangmen's unique skills are all upgraded on the basis of Tangmen's unique skills.

  Therefore, it is necessary to practice the Tang Sect's unique skills to a certain level before you can transfer to the upgraded version of the Tang Sect's unique skills.

  Just like if one wants to cultivate the Sun Moon God Eye, one must cultivate the Purple Extreme Demon Eye to a certain level.

  Otherwise, the eyes would not be able to absorb the moonlight, which is more cloudy in nature.


  and in Xingluo Imperial City, Su Mo stayed for more than five years.

  During this period, apart from attacking Zhu Zhuqing, he would return to Notting College from time to time to accompany Xiao Wu for a period of time.

  However, most of the time, Su Mo stayed in Xingluo Imperial City. In addition to teaching Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing how to practice here, he was also studying how to make Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Lingxuan perform the martial soul fusion skills.

  In fact, for Wuhundian fusion skills.

  Su Mo has always felt that he wanted to use the martial soul fusion technique, except that there must be some kind of connection between the martial souls.

  It is also necessary to have a very deep relationship between the two parties who need to perform the martial soul fusion technique.

  This kind of feeling is mostly the love between husband and wife.

  But judging from the Golden Iron Triangle's ability to display the martial soul fusion skill Golden Holy Dragon, the relationship between brothers and sisters is actually okay.

  And Su Mo asked Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Lingxuan to try to perform the martial soul fusion technique, in fact, he wanted to see whether the sisterhood between the two could also meet the conditions for performing the martial soul fusion technique Nether White Tiger.

  The result is obviously... yes!