The goal of obtaining the next reward, go to the Heaven Dou Imperial City (2)

and after Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Lingxuan successfully performed the martial soul fusion technique Nether White Tiger, Su Mo was very happy and satisfied.

  Because this means that he has another hole card in his future plan!

  That's right! During the more than five years he stayed in Xingluo Imperial City.

  Su Mo thought about how to get rewards from the memory modification system in the future.

  In the end, the solution Su Mo came up with was to see if he could organize a team of soul masters.

  Win the championship or runner-up in the upcoming All-Continent Soul Master Academy Elite Exchange Competition!

  Based on Su Mo's current understanding of the memory modification system.

  If the memory modification system is to issue rewards, it must have a certain degree of impact on the future.

  Before, Su Mo obtained the reward by changing the plot and seizing Tang San's opportunity.

  But this is certainly not the only way.

  In Su Mo's view, the All-Continent Soul Master Academy Elite Exchange Tournament has a great influence on Douluo Continent.

  If he can win the championship or runner-up in the last competition, he will definitely be able to get a reward such as a chance to add memory.

  Anyway, the key is that Shrek Academy must not be allowed to stand out in the elite exchange competition of Soul Master Academy in the whole continent!

  Because in Douluo's follow-up series, the reason why Shrek Academy can become the famous Shrek Academy in the mainland is that it won the championship for the first time in this All-Continent Soul Master Academy Elite Exchange Competition.

  Although because of Su Mo's influence, Bibi Dong captured the Binghuo Liangyi Eye in advance.

  In addition, Su Mo has now taken away Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing from Shrek's three beauties, and the Shrek Seven Monsters are gone!

  But Su Mo never forgot.

  Even though Douluo Continent is a fantasy world of sewers, the power of destiny still exists in this world.

  In Dou Er Peerless Tang Sect, Huo Yuhao, the Son of Destiny, appeared.

  As for Huo Yuhao's family history, it is simply two words: outrageous!

  As for Tang San, there is a high probability that he is Dou Yi's son of destiny.

  So even under the influence of Su Mo, Bibi Dong seized the opportunity of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Eye that should have belonged to Tang San.

  But maybe Tang San's luck will be overwhelming at the critical moment, and he will get a new opportunity, which will once again allow the Shrek team established by Shrek Academy to have the ability to stand out in the soul master academies across the continent.

  It's not impossible!

  If this is the case, if Su Mo can prevent Shrek Academy from winning the championship or runner-up in the elite exchange competition of Soul Master Academy across the continent, let its reputation spread.

  In the end, Su Mo will definitely get an amazing reward!


  and more than five years passed in a flash.

  Because the date for the Elite Exchange Competition of the All-Continent Soul Master Academy is getting closer and closer.

  It was almost six years since Tang San joined Notting College.

  It is estimated that Tang San will graduate from Notting College soon, and then go to Shrek Academy with Yu Xiaogang.

  By now, Su Mo felt that it was almost the same.

  So they planned to take Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Lingxuan to leave Xingluo Imperial City together, then go to Notting City to bring Xiao Wu, and then go to Tiandou Royal Academy in Tiandou Imperial City together.

  Yes, although because Dai Tianfeng was taken in as a slave, he participated in the elite exchange competition of the All-Continent Soul Master Academy in the Star Luo Empire.

  This is easier for Su Mo.

  But Su Mo still wants to go to the Heaven Dou Imperial City to participate in the All-Continent Soul Master Academy Elite Exchange Competition.

  Because in the original book, the main pen and ink of the description of the elite exchange competition of the soul master academy in the whole continent still falls on the side of Tiandou Imperial City.

  Those beautiful female characters, like Dugu Yan, Ye Lingling, Huo Wu, Shui Bing'er, Shui Yue'er, etc., are all in the Advanced Soul Master Academy in the Heaven Dou Imperial City.

  As an LSP and philatelist, how could Su Mo be willing to miss it!

  In addition, Su Mo also wanted to observe Tang San closely, to see if he would gain a new opportunity after losing the opportunity of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Eye.

  Then, Su Mo wanted to meet Qian Renxue, and see if he could get Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Lingxuan two celestial grasses in the Ice and Fire Yinyi Eye.

  After leaving Xingluo Imperial City with Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing, Su Mo directly took the two girls to Notting City.

  Because before leaving, Su Mo had already told Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing that his identity in this life was the Holy Son of Wuhun Hall.

  And getting close to and protecting Xiao Wu is the task given to him by Wuhundian.

  Therefore, Su Mo was not worried that Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing would make mistakes in front of Xiao Wu.

  And Xiao Wu's side, with Xiao Wu's cute character.

  Su Mo just needs to tell Xiao Wu that Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing are friends he met before coming to Notting College, and the other is his friend's sister.

  As long as Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing didn't leak their words, Xiao Wu wouldn't have any problems.

  So, with everything in place, things went smoothly.

  Su Mo first brought Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing to Notting City, and then returned to Notting College, dispelling the fifth soul skill of Death Sickle: True Incarnation.

  Afterwards, he resigned from the head of Notting College, and left Notting College with Xiao Wu who was ready to graduate, and went to the hotel where Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing were staying.

  In the hotel, Su Mo introduced Xiao Wu to Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing.

  With Xiao Wu's innocent and cute character.

  With Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing willing to accept, the three girls quickly became friends.

  And the next day, Su Mo took the three girls and set off in a carriage to the Heaven Dou Imperial City.

  The Heaven Dou Imperial City is very far away from Notting City, and after six or seven days of traveling in a horse-drawn carriage, the horse-drawn carriage finally arrived at the Heaven Dou Imperial City.

  Su Mo didn't intend to take Dai Lingxuan, Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu to enroll in Tiandou Royal Academy directly.

  Because Tiandou Imperial Academy is an aristocratic academy, only the nobles of the Tiandou Empire can join, but Su Mo is not, so someone needs to be introduced.

  In this regard, what Su Mo wants to find is undoubtedly Dugu Bo!

  "My lord, Dugu Mansion is here!"

  After driving the carriage into the Heaven Dou Imperial City and stopping in front of Dugu Mansion, the coachman couldn't help reminding Su Mo who was in the carriage.

  "I see!" In the

  carriage, Su Mo responded, then lifted the curtain, took Xiao Wu, Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing out of the carriage, and after paying the fare to the driver, he took the three girls to Dugu Mansion in front of the gate.

  "Du, Du, Du..."

  After Su Mo knocked on the door of Dugu Mansion, a servant soon opened the door.

  The servant naturally didn't know Su Mo, so he couldn't help asking about Su Mo's identity and purpose of coming.

  After Su Mo revealed his identity and asked his servants to notify Dugu Bo, Dugu Bo arrived here soon.

  When he saw Su Mo, Dugu Bo couldn't help laughing and greeted him.

  "His Royal Highness, I didn't expect it was really you. It's been a long time!"

  That's right! Dugu Bo recognized Su Mo!

  Having said that, I have to mention Su Mo's flamboyant operation at Notting College.

  Because he knew that Tang Hao would also come to Notting College.

  Therefore, when Su Mo went to Notting City, in order to avoid being recognized by Tang Hao, he deliberately changed his appearance by means.

  But in the follow-up, Su Mo still felt that his original appearance was more usable.

  So when getting along with Xiao Wu, even if he went to Xingluo Imperial City later.

  Every time after that, Su Mo changed his appearance slightly every time he came back.

  Let the disguised appearance become closer and closer to the original appearance.

  And in order to avoid problems on Tang Hao's side.

  Su Mo has also been using the fourth soul skill of the Death Sickle martial soul: Abi Hell to create illusions. Every time he comes back, he deliberately affects Tang Hao's memory, so as to dilute his previous image in Tang Hao's mind.

  Because people themselves are forgetful.

  For his wife A Yin, Tang Hao must always remember A Yin's appearance.

  But for Su Mo who only appeared once.

  No matter how deep Tang Hao's impression of Su Mo was, his memory would still gradually fade with the passage of time.

  Coupled with Su Mo's deliberate influence.

  Therefore, Tang Hao's impression of Su Mo in his dream faded very quickly.

  So when Su Mo regained his original appearance.

  Because at this time Tang Hao's impression of Su Mo had almost completely faded.

  In addition, Su Mo's "change" is gradual, like a long-term change.

  So Tang Hao didn't see it at all, but sometimes when he saw Su Mo, he would subconsciously feel disgusted, angry and unhappy towards Su Mo for no reason.

  But regarding this, Tang Hao only thought that he still disliked Su Mo's origin from the Wuhun Palace, but he didn't discover the truth.