Goodbye Dugu Yan (1)

Tiandou Imperial City, in front of Dugu Mansion.

  For Su Mo's arrival, because Su Mo has the identity of Bibi Donggan's younger brother, the holy son of Wuhun Temple, and the title Douluo in his twenties, and he admires Su Mo very much.

  So Dugu Bo was very happy and polite, and after a while of pleasantries, he quickly brought Su Mo and the three girls into the mansion.


  "Hmm...Your Highness, Son, you mean that you want to bring these three young ladies to join Tiandou Royal Academy, and then also want to get the opportunity to participate in the elite exchange competition of Soul Master Academy across the continent, right?"

  In the reception hall, after listening to Su Mo's explanation of his visit, Dugu Bo couldn't help but pondered and asked.


  Su Mo nodded and said.

  "But because we are not aristocrats of the Heaven Dou Empire, I came here to ask you, Senior Dugu Bo, if there is any way for us to join the Heaven Dou Royal Academy."

  "Haha! This is very simple!"

  Dugu Bo smiled, Said.

  "You just need to sign up to join the Tiandou Royal Academy in the name of our Dugu family. When Yanyan comes back later, I will ask her to take you to the Tiandou Royal Academy to sign up."

  "Then I will trouble Senior Dugu!"

  Time In the blink of an eye, it was afternoon.

  In the Douluo Continent, the systems of all soul master academies are similar. Generally, teaching is held in the morning, and students are allowed to practice and study by themselves in the afternoon.

  The same is true for the Heaven Dou Royal Academy.

  Therefore, after school in the morning, Dugu Yan happily left Tiandou Imperial Academy with his best friend Ye Lingling, and then returned home.

  "Grandpa, I'm back!"

  Dugu Yan shouted happily as soon as he entered Dugu Mansion.

  She has a piece of good news to tell Grandpa Dugu Bo, that is, she has been selected into the first team representing Tiandou Royal Academy to participate in the All-Continent Soul Master Academy Elite Exchange Competition in the future!

  But after shouting a few times, Grandpa didn't respond.

  Dugu Yan walked to the living room suspiciously, and unexpectedly found that grandpa and several people were sitting in the living room.

  Taking a closer look, Dugu Yan suddenly found that among the people sitting in the living room, there was actually a very handsome brother Su Mo whom she met when she was a child, and who was always praised by her grandfather for being extremely good!

  "Brother Su Mo..."

  Seeing Su Mo, Dugu Yan couldn't help being very pleasantly surprised.

  That's right! Because of Su Mo's influence, the current Dugu Yan did not get together with Yu Tianheng, but instead had a good impression of Su Mo, and even had a faint admiration for him.

  The reason is because Su Mo is Bibi Dong's god-brother, plus Su Mo's talent is astonishing, and his actions are also very good, which suits Dugu Bo's appetite.

  Therefore, Dugu Bo has always admired Su Mo very much

  , just as in the original book, Dugu Bo admired Tang San and wanted to match Tang San and his granddaughter Dugu Yan.

  Now Dugu Bo wants to match Su Mo and his granddaughter Dugu Yan because he admires Su Mo.

  When Dugu Yan was a little girl, Dugu Bo often talked about Su Mo with Dugu Yan.

  Because it is different from the original.

  In the original book, Duguyan has a somewhat rebellious personality because his parents died young.

  But now because of Su Mo's influence, Bibidong rescued Dugu Bo's son, Dugu Yan's father Dugu Xin.

  Therefore, Dugu Yan's character is not as rebellious as in the original book.

  So when I was young, because my grandfather Dugu Bo often mentioned Su Mo, Dugu Yan was actually very curious about Su Mo.

  And later, after the action to destroy Haotianzong in the Wuhun Temple ended, Duguyan accidentally met Su Mo.

  Because Su Mo is strong, handsome, and has a gentle personality, during the few days he spent with Dugu Yan, he gave Dugu Yan an extremely unforgettable experience.

  Therefore, Dugu Yan had a good impression of Su Mo when he was a child.

  And after Grandpa Dugubo's assists year after year.

  Dugu Yan, who already had a good impression of Su Mo in his heart, naturally became more aggressive in his strategy.

  Of course, the premise of all this is that Su Mo is handsome enough.

  Women have always been visual creatures, and one example is a good one.

  It also saved a woman. If the benefactor is very handsome, then the woman will repay the favor with her body.

  And if the benefactor is not good enough, then he is here to be a cow and a horse to repay.

  The reason why Dugu Yan fell in love with Su Mo was because Su Mo was handsome, powerful and had a good personality.

  That's why Dugu Yan was able to turn his inner curiosity into a good impression after meeting Su Mo when he was a child.

  Even finally, with the help of Dugu Bo, it turned into admiration.

  If Su Mo is an ugly...

  um... then Dugu Yan might just end it after seeing Su Mo.

  No matter how much Dugu Bo assists later, it will be useless, and it will even have the opposite effect.

  "Yanyan, you're back."

  In the reception hall, after seeing Dugu Yan come back, Dugu Bo immediately stood up with a smile and told Dugu Yan to come in quickly.

  "Come here quickly. Brother Su Mo, whom you have missed for a long time, is finally here, and he wants to bring people to join your Heaven Dou Royal Academy. You can take them there this afternoon."

  "Ah! Brother Su Mo wants to join us Tiandou Royal Academy?"

  Hearing that grandpa Dugu Bo said that Su Mo would join Tiandou Royal Academy and that he wanted to see Su Mo every day in the future, Dugu Yan was immediately surprised and happy, and hurried into the living room.

  But at this time, Dugu Yan finally saw Xiao Wu, Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing sitting beside Su Mo.

  Among the three girls, one is an innocent and cute bunny-eared loli, the other is a fit and hot female knight who looks heroic, and the other is a childlike and cool cat-eared loli.

  Out of a woman's intuition, Dugu Yan couldn't help feeling full of vigilance in his heart.

  But on the surface, Dugu Yan still showed enthusiasm. After looking at Su Mo, he asked happily.

  "Brother Su Mo, do you want to join our Tiandou Royal Academy?"

  "Well, yes, but to be precise, they joined the Tiandou Royal Academy. I am applying to be a teacher, and I will trouble you later Take us to Tiandou Royal Academy!"

  Su Mo smiled as he looked at Dugu Yan, who was wearing a blue-purple dress that looked like an evening gown, revealing a white and smooth back, with short purple hair and a cold and beautiful face. Said.

  "Brother Su Mo, don't worry, leave it to me!"

  Dugu Yan patted his chest and said with a playful smile.

  "Haha! Well, I think His Royal Highness Shengzi and the three ladies must have a lot to ask about Tiandou Imperial Academy. Since Yanyan is here, you can ask Yanyan. I will go and see When will the luncheon be ready?"

  Because Dugu Yan came, Dugu Bo burst out laughing and prepared to leave, leaving space for his granddaughter Dugu Yan.

  Soon, it was afternoon.

  After a noon of communication, the relationship between Dugu Yan and Su Mo became closer, and he was able to hug Su Mo's arm intimately, taking a bite of his sweet brother Su Mo.

  As for Xiao Wu and the three of them, Dugu Yan has already chatted very well, and they are already friends.

  But to be able to become friends with Xiao Wu so quickly, Xiao Wu is more naive and cute.

  As for Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing, they didn't care about Dugu Yan's small plan of getting close to Su Mo.

  Anyway, Dugu Yan couldn't bear Su Mo alone.

  Even if Dugu Yan becomes Su Mo's woman, their status will not be threatened.


note: I hope you liked today's chapters, see you tomorrow.