Going to Tiandou Royal Academy, Meng Shenji Shocked! (2)

And the time soon came after the afternoon.

  Duguyan was going to take Su Mo and the three daughters Xiaowu to Tiandou Royal Academy.

  Heaven Dou Imperial City is not too far from Heaven Dou Royal Academy.

  Just under half an hour.

  Duguyan took Su Mo and Xiaowu to the foot of the mountain where the Tiandou Royal Academy was located, and he could already see the off-white marble steps leading to the top of the mountain to the Tiandou Royal Academy.

  Behind the mountain where the Tiandou Imperial Academy is located is a verdant green forest, and on the side is a sapphire-like azure lake.

  The whole environment looks very beautiful, beautiful and natural.

  "Let's go, let's go up!"

  After arriving at the foot of the mountain where the Tiandou Royal Academy is located, Dugu Yan jumped up the steps with a pair of white jade legs, then turned sideways to reveal his smooth jade back, waved his jade hands, and smiled Greet Su Mo and Xiao Wu to go up.

  Hearing this, Su Mo immediately stepped up the marble steps with Xiao Wu and the three daughters, and walked towards Tiandou Royal Academy.

  And soon, a group of people climbed up the stretch of marble steps.

  Not far away, a huge marble arch can already be seen clearly.

  On the top of the arch, there is a line of big characters flying like dragons and phoenixes: Tiandou Royal Academy!

  Behind the arch is a marble square with several marble columns carved with dragons and phoenixes erected, and there are fountains and flower beds in the center.

  When you come to the arch, you can see a wide and straight avenue behind the marble square.

  Looking along the avenue, you can see gorgeous buildings with golden appearance standing on both sides of the avenue.

  These are all the buildings inside Tiandou Royal Academy, such as teaching buildings, laboratory buildings, and libraries.

  "Brother Su Mo, come with me. Our Tiandou Royal Academy belongs to the aristocratic academy, so the teachers cannot decide on the enrollment of students."

  "We must go to the three education committees of our Tiandou Royal Academy, and get their consent That's fine, and the three education committees are at the back of the college, which is still far away!"

  Seeing Su Mo and Xiao Wu stepping into the arch, they couldn't help looking around while walking, Dugu Yan suddenly said with a smile.

  "We got it."

  Hearing Dugu Yan's words, Su Mo immediately brought Xiao Wu and the three girls to speed up and followed Dugu Yan.

  And under the leadership of Dugu Yan.

  A group of people walked along the wide avenue, passing through many buildings of Tiandou Royal Academy.

  Finally came to the end of Tiandou Royal Academy.

  Not far away, behind a tall building with several floors, there is a huge square.

  There is a fountain on the square, and behind the fountain is a two-story tall building.

  On the gate of the building, there is a plaque.

  A large line of characters is engraved in golden font on it: Tiandou Royal Academy Education Committee.

  This is where Dugu Yan wants to take Su Mo and Xiao Wu three girls to!

  "Brother Su Mo, come in quickly!"

  Dugu Yan walked in immediately before and after arriving at the Tiandou Royal Academy Education Committee, then turned around and greeted Yushou, telling Su Mo, Xiao Wu and others to come quickly.

  In this regard, Su Mo and others quickly followed up, and then followed Dugu Yan all the way to the second floor, and came to an office.

  Dugu Yan knocked on the office door.

  "Du, Du, Du..."


  After Dugu Yan knocked on the office door, there was a deep and old voice from inside.

  "It's me! Dugu Yan, I have something to do with the three education committees, can we come in?"

  Dugu Yan said with a hint of respect in his crisp voice.

  "Dugu Yan? Come in!"

  Hearing that it was Dugu Yan, in the office, Meng Shenji couldn't help frowning, feeling a little puzzled.

  What is this Dugu Yan looking for them for?

  Could it be that Dugu Bo objected to Dugu Yan's selection in their Tiandou Royal Academy's first team?

  But this is impossible!

  But after Dugu Yan opened the door, Mengshenji immediately discovered the problem.

  Because Dugu Yan didn't come alone, but with a man and three women behind him.

  This made Mengshenji even more confused, and Zhilin and Baibaoshan on the side also stopped what they were doing and looked towards the door.

  "Dugu Yan, what are you..."

  Meng Shenji couldn't help asking suspiciously when he saw that there was someone behind Dugu Yan.

  "Mengshenji Education Committee, I'm here to bring them to enroll in our Tiandou Royal Academy. They are all distant relatives of our Duguyan family, so they should be able to enroll?"

  Concerned about Mengshenji's doubts, Duguyan pointed behind him Su Mo and Xiao Wu three daughters, and then said with a polite smile.

  "This is definitely possible."

  Mengshenji froze for a moment, then couldn't help but nodded.

  But for Dugu Yan's statement that Su Mo and Xiao Wu are the three daughters and relatives of the Dugu family, this dream machine does not believe it at all.

  He had never heard of any distant relatives in the Dugu family.

  But it doesn't matter if they enroll in Tiandou Imperial Academy with the help of the Dugu family's relationship, as long as they have this name, it doesn't matter how talented or powerful these few people are.

  If they are all good, then naturally it is the best, if they are bad, then it doesn't matter, their Tiandou Royal Academy does not lack such a few people who come to dawdle.

  But even though he thought so, Meng Shenji was more inclined that Xiao Wu and the three girls came to dawdle.

  After all, in Douluo Continent, there are still too few people with excellent talent and strength.

  If the talent and strength of the few people in front of them are good.

  Compared to enrolling in their Tiandou Royal Academy, why not enroll in Five Elements Academy?

  In these years, their Tiandou Royal Academy did not perform very well in several mainland soul master academy elite exchange competitions!

  "Okay, come up and fill in your information, then summon your martial spirits, and test your spirit power."

  After expressing that Xiaowu and the three girls can enroll in the Tiandou Royal Academy, Mengshenji suddenly As he said that, he took out a stack of registration forms, took out a few of them and put them on the desk in front of him, then took out a quill pen and handed it over, asking Xiao Wu and the third girl to fill in the information.

  "Just fill in your name, martial spirit and age. As for the others, you can fill them in or leave it blank."

  Mengshenji reminded when watching Xiao Wu and the other three come up and prepare to fill in the information.

  And listening to Meng Shenji's instructions, Xiao Wu and the three girls quickly filled in the information.

  "Okay, let's summon your martial souls, let me see."

  After Xiao Wu and the other three filled out the information, Meng Shenji said again.

  And it was said that Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Lingxuan also summoned their own martial souls, namely the Soft Bone Charming Rabbit, Nether Civet and Evil Eyed White Tiger.

  For a moment, bursts of light burst out from the bodies of Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Lingxuan.

  At the same time that the soft-boned charming rabbit, ghost civet and evil-eyed white tiger martial souls emerged.

  At the feet of Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Lingxuan, three soul ring configurations, yellow, yellow, purple, yellow, yellow, purple and yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black rose rapidly, surrounding the three girls.

  "How can this be?!"

  At this moment, Mengshenji was holding the registration form filled out by the third daughter Xiaowu.

  When he saw the soul rings rising from the feet of Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Lingxuan, Meng Shenji couldn't help but widen his eyes, feeling extremely shocked.

  What did he see!

  The girls named Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing were only eleven and twelve years old.

  But they have all reached the level of soul masters, just kidding! ! !