Zhuqing also joins the first Tiandou team! (1)

Tiandou Royal Academy, in the fighting spirit training ground.

  With the final battle between Yufeng and Oslo, Yufeng's victory came to an end, and the number of official members of Tiandou Team 1 was finally determined.

  "Okay, since Yufeng defeated Oslo in the end, the number of official members of Tiandou Team 1 can be determined now. They are: Dai Lingxuan, Duguyan, Yu Tianheng..."

On the side, seeing The result of the battle between Yufeng and Oslo was just when Qin Ming announced the number of official members of Tiandou Team 1.

  Su Mo suddenly interrupted him.


  "What's the matter, Teacher Su Mo?"

  Qin Ming couldn't help being a little puzzled when he heard that Su Mo seemed to have doubts about this.

  "I think this selection should not be over yet!"

  Su Mo smiled, and couldn't help turning his gaze to Zhu Zhuqing who was sitting quietly beside him.

  "Oh? Is Teacher Su Mo still planning to let Xiao Wu and Zhuqing join our first team?"

  Hearing that Su Mo's selection should not be over yet, Qin Ming couldn't help but look at Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing following Su Mo's realization. Immediately joked.

  "But I'm afraid it won't work, but you don't have to worry, Mr. Su Mo. With the strength of Xiao Wu and Zhuqing, although they can't join the first team, they are more than enough to join the second team."

  "And the second team of our Tiandou Royal Academy You can also participate in the elite exchange competition of the All-Continent Soul Master Academy, but I guess Mr. Su Mo, you are here to make a joke on purpose, to enliven the atmosphere."

  "Hehe, Mr. Qin Ming, you are really wrong, I am serious , I think Zhuqing can join your first Tiandou team."

  Regarding Qin Ming's words, Su Mo shrugged and said with a smile.


  Hearing Su Mo's words, no matter it was Qin Ming, Yu Tianheng and the others, including Dugu Yan, they were stunned for a moment, not knowing what Su Mo was going to do.

  For Zhu Zhuqing, Qin Ming knew that he was an eleven-year-old Hun Zun, whose talent could be said to be extremely astonishing.

  But talent is talent, strength is strength!

  With Zhu Zhuqing's current soul power cultivation of only 32nd level, it might be difficult to defeat Oslo who has reached 35th level. Instead of being the tail of the crane in the first team, it is better to be the captain of the second team.

  In fact, Mengshenji's arrangement for Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu was to arrange for them to go to Tiandou Second Team, one to be the captain and the other to be the vice-captain!

  "Teacher Su Mo, are you serious? If so, then Zhuqing can try it with Oslobi. I remember that the Mengshenji Education Committee said that Zhuqing's cultivation level is 32nd level.

  " Oslo is only a few levels behind, if Zhuqing can beat Oscar, then Zhuqing can also join our first team, and Oslo can be a substitute with Yufeng." I

  found out that Su Mo didn't want to say that he was joking, because the theory Zhu Zhuqing also had the possibility of defeating Oslo, so Qin Ming couldn't help but ask seriously after thinking about it.

  "Hehe, of course it's okay to ask Zhuqing to fight Oslo, but the reason why I want Zhuqing to join the first team is not because of this."

  Su Mo smiled casually and said.

  "I remember Teacher Qin Ming, you said just now that because Lingling's martial spirit can just make up for the negative effects of Yanyan's first two soul skills, so basically when Yanyan goes on stage, Lingling will also go on stage."

  "And What I want to say is that Zhuqing and Lingxuan are actually the same as Yanyan and Lingling."

"Zhuqing and Lingxuan are the same as Yanyan and Lingling?"

I didn't expect Su Mo to say that, whether it was Qin Ming or Dugu Yan, Yu Tianheng and the others were stunned again.

  "Can Zhuqing and Lingxuan's soul skills complement each other?"

  Qin Ming was a little incredulous.

  "No! Their soul skills cannot complement each other."

  Su Mo shook his head with a smile.

  "But...they can use the martial soul fusion technique!"

  Su Mo gave Qin Ming a deep look.

  "What! They can perform martial soul fusion skills!"

  When Su Mo said that Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Lingxuan could perform martial soul fusion skills together, Qin Ming couldn't help feeling excited and pleasantly surprised.

  Because compared to complementary soul skills, it is rarer to be able to use martial soul fusion skills, and the effects that can be exerted will be even stronger!

  And because Dai Lingxuan's cultivation base is already the soul king.

  If Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Lingxuan can perform the martial soul fusion skill, at least they can rival the Soul Emperor!

  And the soul emperor, this is an existence that has never appeared in the elite exchange competition of the soul master academy in the whole continent in the past!

  Could it be... Could it be that their Tiandou Royal Academy will have the hope of winning the championship this time?

  Thinking of Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing being able to display their martial soul fusion skills, Qin Ming felt so excited and excited, he couldn't wait to share the news with the three education committee members!

  However, although I felt that Su Mo would not lie, for the sake of safety, after all, if this matter was true, it would have to be reported directly to Emperor Xue Ye, so Qin Ming decided to confirm the authenticity.

  "Teacher Su Mo, what you said is true. If it is true, can Zhuqing and Lingxuan demonstrate it?"

  Qin Ming couldn't help asking, suppressing the excitement in his heart.

  "Demonstration? Of course this is fine! How about, teacher Qin Ming, you will be the opponent of Zhuqing and Lingxuan when they practice the martial soul fusion skills?"

  Su Mo smiled, then suddenly changed his voice, and proposed half-jokingly road.

  "This... also works!"

  Hearing that Su Mo said that he would be Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Lingxuan's opponent when they performed their martial soul fusion skills, Qin Ming nodded in agreement after thinking about it.

  He was actually also curious about the power of the martial soul fusion technique performed by Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Lingxuan.

  If even he, a senior Soul Emperor, can be defeated, then the future All-Continent Soul Master Academy Elite Exchange Tournament will be basically stable!

  "Okay, let's start then! Zhuqing, you and Lingxuan go to the fighting spirit arena together, display the Nether White Tiger, show it to Teacher Qin Ming, and let Teacher Qin Ming appreciate your martial soul fusion skills. Power."

  It was originally a joke, but when Qin Ming really agreed, Su Mo smiled indifferently, and let Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Lingxuan go on stage to perform the martial soul fusion skill.

  He wasn't worried that Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Lingxuan's martial soul fusion skills would hurt Qin Ming. According to what he knew from the original book, the Nether White Tiger could only increase the combat power of the two of them by a large realm.

  And even with the power of the Nether White Tiger, it doesn't matter if Qin Ming can't handle it.

  With him here, as long as Qin Ming doesn't die, even if he still has one breath left, he can save him!


  After Su Mo finished speaking, Zhu Zhuqing nodded slowly, a trace of seriousness appeared on his delicate and cold face, and after getting up, he walked towards the fighting spirit ring with Dai Lingxuan beside him. Go, and climb up together.

  On the other side, when Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Lingxuan came to the stage.

  Qin Ming also jumped up to the fighting spirit arena, looking at Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Lingxuan with anticipation in his eyes.

  "Okay, you can start!"