Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing's Martial Soul Fusion Technique (2)

after they climbed into the fighting spirit arena.

  Qin Ming immediately entered the state of being possessed by a martial soul, his figure suddenly rose, and the muscles of his whole body began to swell, and his short pink-brown hair that reached the ears instantly turned into long fiery red hair that looked like Cang Yan.

  At the same time, his eyes turned into golden animal pupils, his hands also turned into wolf claws full of sharp claws, and on the back of his hands grew the hair of Cangyan that seemed to burn like a flame.

  And after entering the state of being possessed by the martial soul, he saw six soul rings of yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, and black rising up one after another from under Qin Ming's feet, surrounding his body.

  After that, Qin Ming immediately looked at Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing on the other side of the ring, indicating that it was time to start.

  "Martial Soul Fusion Skill Nether White Tiger!"

  Hearing Qin Ming say that it is time to start, Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Lingxuan shouted coquettishly at the same time, and then instantly summoned their own Martial Soul Nether Civet and Evil-eyed White Tiger, and quickly approached each other at the same time.

  And as the two got closer, when their bodies came into contact with each other.

  A faint blue beam of light shot up into the sky in an instant!

  The next moment, I saw an incomparably huge, snow-white white tiger with blue patterns on it, broke away from the blue beam of light, and suddenly roared up to the sky.

  A terrifying coercion of soul power, accompanied by the gust of wind caused by the surge of soul power, swept out in all directions in an instant amidst a howling sound.

  "So strong!!"

  Outside the fighting spirit arena, when they saw the Nether White Tiger appearing, Yu Tianheng and the others couldn't help but widen their eyes, and their hearts were shocked.

  They could feel the strength of the Nether White Tiger, and the terrifying soul power it exuded completely made them lose their courage to fight.

  It can only be said that it is worthy of the martial soul fusion skill displayed by the soul master of the soul king level.

  I'm afraid that even Teacher Qin Ming might not be the opponent of Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing when they used their martial soul fusion skills, right?


  At this time, on the fighting spirit arena, after roaring towards the sky, the huge Nether White Tiger, under the control of Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing, suddenly raised its huge energy giant claws while roaring, and slapped at it. Qin Ming.

  "Haha! Good time!"

  "The third soul skill: Wolf's Wrath!"

  Facing the claw attack of the huge Nether White Tiger in front of him, Qin Ming felt no fear, but felt a burst of enthusiasm, and then burst into laughter in an instant. After activating the third soul skill that can improve physical fitness, he moved towards the giant claws of the Nether White Tiger waving.


  "Fifth Soul Skill: Immortal Holy Flame!!"

  Amidst a burst of angry shouts, Qin Ming activated the fifth Soul Skill: Immortal Holy Flame while rushing towards the Nether White Tiger, A bright golden flame burned instantly on his body.

  Then Qin Ming, who was burning with bright golden flames all over his body, exuded bursts of violent fluctuations in soul power, was like a fire meteor, with the aura of burning everything, while drinking furiously, with the giant claws of the Nether White Tiger collided together.


  In an instant, accompanied by a violent roar, in a burst of strong fluctuations in soul power and howling winds, the endless golden light immediately burst out with the endless blue light with golden flames all over the sky. out.

  The intense light made it almost impossible for everyone around to look directly, so they could only quickly block their eyes with their arms.

  And as the light weakened, everyone looked again

  and saw that amidst the flames and golden blue light all over the sky, a familiar figure flew upside down from the air in an instant, and fell straight towards the fighting spirit ring.

  "Teacher Qin Ming!"

  Seeing that it was Qin Ming who lost in the end, Yu Tianheng and the others couldn't help shouting in a hurry, preparing to rush up to catch Qin Ming.

  But before Yu Tianheng and others rushed up to catch Qin Ming.

  Seeing Qin Ming flying towards him, Su Mo just shook his head and smiled, and then released a force of traction and repulsion with the heavenly magic force field upgraded from controlling the crane and catching the dragon, and easily let Qin Ming fall firmly to the ground , without receiving any additional damage.


  After falling to the ground, Qin Ming's clothes were a little torn, blood was dripping from the corner of his mouth, and he was covering his chest with his right hand. It was obvious that he had suffered a certain degree of internal injury.

  However, after struggling to sit up, Qin Ming's face was full of smiles instead of pain, and he couldn't help laughing out loud.

  "Haha! Hahaha! I'm so happy. I didn't expect Zhuqing and Lingxuan's martial soul fusion skills to be so powerful."

  After wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Qin Ming laughed, full of excitement and enthusiasm. He looked happily at Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Lingxuan.

  "With the two of you joining us, our Tiandou Royal Academy has a great chance of winning this time in the Continental Soul Master Academy Elite Exchange Tournament!"

  "If Mengshenji Education Committee knows that you can still perform I'm sure you'll be very happy with the martial soul fusion skills!"

  "Then Zhuqing should be able to join the first Tiandou team directly?"

  Su Mo also walked over from the side and couldn't help asking with a smile.

  "Of course!"

  Qin Ming nodded with a smile on his face, and he was going to tell the three education committee members, Mengshenji, Zhilin and Baibaoshan, about this happy event.

  "Don't move!"

  Seeing that Qin Ming was about to stand up even if he didn't agree with each other, Su Mo immediately held Qin Ming down and said, "Let me heal your injury first."

  And a few seconds later .

  Under a burst of emerald green light, when he found that the injuries in his body had disappeared without a trace, Qin Ming rubbed his body everywhere, and when he found that he had really fully recovered, he couldn't help being shocked.

  "I didn't expect, Su Mo, that your martial soul has such a strong healing ability. It's probably not inferior to the Lingling family's Nine Heart Begonia martial soul!"

  Hearing Qin Ming's evaluation of Su Mo's tree of life stick martial soul Being so tall, with a colder personality than the current Zhu Zhuqing, Ye Lingling, who hadn't spoken much all this time, couldn't help but look at Su Mo, with some surprise in her eyes.

  Ye Lingling felt incredible that the healing power of Su Mo's Tree of Life Staff Wuhun could be comparable to that of her own Nine-Hearted Begonia Wuhun.

  Because their family's Nine Heart Begonia Wuhun is famous in the entire soul master world.

  If it wasn't for the defective Nine Heart Begonia Wuhun of their family, only two Nine Heart Begonia Wuhun could appear in each generation.

  I'm afraid that the No. 1 martial soul of the auxiliary system in the soul master world is not the Seven Treasures Glazed Tower martial soul, but their family's Nine Heart Begonia martial soul.

  But thinking of the defects of her own Nine Heart Begonia Wuhun, Ye Lingling couldn't help but fell silent again, feeling a little sad in her heart.

  Su Mo naturally noticed the change in Ye Lingling's expression.

  Because of cultivating Ziji Demon Eyes, Su Mo's observation ability is now very strong!

  Seeing Ye Lingling, Su Mo couldn't help but think of the catalog of immortal grasses of Ju Douluo Luo Yueguan's family that he had seen before.

  According to the records in the Immortal Grass Catalogue, the Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Grade is the king of flowers among the immortal grades, but it has the effect of being able to evolve non-immortal grade flower spirits.

  I don't know if Sister Dong'er has used the Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Pin now.

  If not, maybe you can use this immortal spirit grass to subdue the Jiuxin Begonia family.