Woman, you are playing with fire!

Then, under Su Mo's gaze.

  I saw that Qian Renxue's body suddenly burst into dazzling golden light.

  Under the dazzling golden light, Qian Renxue's figure suddenly changed.

  The originally flat figure quickly became uneven, with choppy chest and plump back.

  Originally, it was just beautiful, but the face lacked recognition, and now it has become a cold and charming face, with snow-like skin, majestic phoenix eyes, straight nose bridge, slightly slender phoenix eyes, with a bit of Wei Len's face was cold and noble with a bit of majesty, which made one's heart tremble at a glance.

  Compared to Qian Renxue's beautiful but slightly childish face, she looked like a girl next door.

  Qian Renxue, who is equally beautiful now, but looks cold and majestic, is the Qian Renxue in Su Mo's heart, his eternal angel goddess!

  "Brother Su Mo, you...why do you keep staring at me like this!"

  Qian Renxue had never experienced that her brother Su Mo, whom she had always liked, was looking at her so directly. , which made her cold and delicate face turn reddish.

  "Hehe, it's nothing, I just didn't expect that sister Xue'er, who hadn't seen her for so many years, is now so beautiful, and her temperament is so noble and glamorous, it's hard not to attract attention!"

  Su Mo smiled , said.

  Hearing Su Mo praise herself, Qian Renxue couldn't help but feel a burst of sweetness in her heart, she couldn't help being coquettish, while stretching out her white jade hand, pulling Su Mo into the study.

  "Noble and glamorous, no matter how I change, I will always be your little sister Xue'er. As long as Brother Su Mo doesn't dislike me, I still want to sit on your lap, hug you, and listen to you like I did when I was a child." What about the story!"

  After finishing speaking, after pulling Su Mo into the study to sit down, Qian Renxue sat directly on Su Mo's lap face to face, then stretched out a pair of white and tender lotus root arms, her pretty face was slightly reddish He grabbed Su Mo's neck and leaned into Su Mo's arms, as if recalling the past years.

  'Why! After so many years, this girl still hasn't changed! '

  Feeling Qian Renxue's tender body sitting in his arms, with a white jade arm wrapped around his neck, his cold and charming face was blushing, his exhalation was like orchids, and waves of quiet and elegant fragrance kept coming, Su Mo couldn't help being filled with emotion and warmth.

  "Phew! It's still a familiar smell, like the smell of night, grassland and sunshine mixed together. It makes people feel safe when smelling it. It reminds me of sitting on Brother Su Mo's lap and wrapping around Brother Su Mo when I was a child." Those days when I told the story..."

  Sitting on Su Mo's lap, leaning against Su Mo's chest, and hugging Su Mo tightly, Qian Renxue couldn't help taking a deep breath full of intoxication Taking a breath of Su Mo's breath, he spoke with nostalgia and joy in his tone.

  "But brother Su Mo, why haven't you come to see me once in the five or six years since I left Wuhun City!"

As she said, Qian Renxue couldn't help but suddenly raised her head and put a pair of golden hair with a little embarrassment on her face. Looking at Su Mo, he asked a little angrily.

  "Uh...that, Xue'er, I can't help it either."

  Facing Qian Renxue's shameful questioning, Su Mo couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed, and hurriedly said.

  "After you left, I received a mission from Sister Dong'er, who is also your godmother, to protect a girl, the girl you saw today named Xiao Wu."

  "Because she is in the The border of the Heaven Dou Empire is far away from the Heaven Dou Imperial City, and your mission is also very dangerous, so I dare not come to you."

  "But now, am I here?"

  "Hmph! Thanks to you I'm here now, otherwise, when I return to Wuhun City for the finals of the All-Continent Soul Master Academy Elite Exchange Competition, I will ask my godmother where you are, and then I will go find you!"

  Qian Renxue snorted a little arrogantly and said.

  Regarding this, Su Mo naturally apologized quickly, saying that he was wrong, and that he was too worried about interfering with her mission before, but now that there is no problem, he will definitely come to her often.

  Then, Su Mo's voice changed suddenly, and he began to ask about Qian Renxue's mission.

  Hearing Su Mo's inquiry, Qian Renxue also described the process of her mission with a somewhat complicated mood.

  During this period, for Qian Renxue's difficulties and the dangers that happened to him, Su Mo naturally felt distressed in various ways, and condemned those who dared to make things difficult for Qian Renxue.

  In this way, one of the two talked, the other listened, and at the same time expressed their distress and common hatred.

  Soon, the time really came to the middle of the night.

  "It's getting late, Xue'er, I should go, I have to go to Tiandou Royal Academy tomorrow!"

  Seeing that it was getting late, Su Mo took Qian Renxue off his lap and was about to leave .

  But seeing that Su Mo was about to leave, how could Qian Renxue allow it!

  Her love for Su Mo has been accumulated for decades in her previous life.

  The pain of not being able to love was so tormenting that she was about to go crazy.

  And in this life, because he received the memory of Su Mo in his body in this life.

  Coupled with the fact that she has been intimate with Su Mo again for several years, this made her love for Su Mo even deeper.

  Now, after nearly six full years of suffering of separation.

  It was hard to feel that Su Mo was interested in her before, so why is she willing to let Su Mo go!

  "Brother Su Mo, can you not leave? I want you to stay with me!"

  Seeing that Su Mo was about to leave, Qian Renxue couldn't help but reached out and grabbed Su Mo's clothes, her cold and beautiful face was full of sadness He is so pitiful, with tears in his beautiful eyes, it can be said that it is pear blossoms with rain, which makes people feel sorry for.

  "Xue'er, you've grown up now, you're no longer a child, it's not good for me to stay with you at night, I'm lonely, I have to go."

  Looking at her eyes, she begged herself to stay with her Qian Renxue, Su Mo couldn't help persuading him earnestly.

  "Brother Su Mo, I don't have a father. When I was very young, I swore to be your bride, brother Su Mo, so I don't care what others think. I only care about you, brother Su Mo. Stay with me, tell me wonderful stories and ideals of life like you did when you were a child, I haven't seen you for so many years, I miss you so much."

  Facing Su Mo's words, Qian Renxue shook her head, He actually hugged Su Mo's waist tightly.

  "Hey! You little girl, I really can't do anything about you. Do you just want to be my bride? Since you think so, then I have nothing to say. Okay, then I will stay with you tonight. Go ahead, tell you a good story and talk about your ideals in life!"

  Hearing Qian Renxue's gentle and nostalgic words, Su Mo felt very happy and touched in his heart, and couldn't help but stretch out his hand to scrape Qian Renxue's chin. nose, then took Qian Renxue's jade hand, walked to the side of a big bed in the study room, and let Qian Renxue go to bed.

  As before, he sat on the head of the bed, lovingly telling Qian Renxue a bedtime story, and then they exchanged each other's life ideals.