Returning to the Eye of Ice and Fire, New Usage of the Wuhun of the Tree of Life Staff (1)

Stayed overnight in Qian Renxue's Prince's Mansion.

  Because I have to go to Tiandou Royal Academy the next day.

  So Su Mo left early, quietly returned to Dugu Mansion, and then went to Tiandou Royal Academy with Dugu Yan, Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Lingxuan.

  Although Su Mo, as the deputy leader of the Royal Fighting Team, is currently not assigned to teach at the Heaven Dou Royal Academy.

  But since the formation of the Royal Fighting Team was successful, it was time to start combat training.

  And after running in, they will go to various parts of the Heaven Dou Empire for soul fighting training to prepare for the upcoming All-Continent Soul Master Academy Elite Exchange Competition.

  In fact, this is also impossible.

  Although it may be better to carry out soul fighting training in the Heaven Dou Imperial City.

  But the problem is that there are too many acquaintances in the Heaven Dou Imperial City, if they carry out soul fighting training in the Heaven Dou Imperial City, they will be found out by the enemy before the elite exchange competition of the All-Continent Soul Master Academy begins.

  So in the end, Mengshenji decided to let Qin Ming take the Huangdou team to various parts of the Heaven Dou Empire for soul fighting training.

  And after arriving at Tiandou Royal Academy in the morning.

  Su Mo and his group first took Xiao Wu to class, and then went to the fighting spirit training ground together, preparing for the battle training among the members of the Royal Fighting Team.

  But this has nothing to do with Su Mo, and Qin Ming is responsible for it.

  Throughout the morning, Su Mo was watching Qin Ming instructing the Huangdou team how to cooperate in combat.

  The entire Huangdou team, in terms of official players, is divided into three parts, namely the combination of Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing, the combination of Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling, and the individual Yu Tianheng, Shi Mo and Shimo.

  And under Qin Ming's guidance, the main adjustment was to let Shi Mo and Shi Mo, two defensive soul masters, learn to protect Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling.

  Because Dugu Yan's poison was too powerful, according to Qin Ming's regulations, Dugu Yan was not allowed to use soul skills above the third soul skill at first.

  Instead, he can only use the first and second soul skills for the time being, and use the auxiliary effects of these two soul skills to cooperate with Ye Lingling to increase the strength of the team.

  As for Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Lingxuan, Dai Lingxuan was required to cooperate with Yu Tianheng in combat, while Zhu Zhuqing provided roaming support, but mainly for self-protection.

  Because Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Lingxuan can display the martial soul fusion technique that can seriously injure the soul emperor.

  So in theory, as long as Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Lingxuan can guarantee their own safety.

  Then no matter how critical the situation of the Royal Fighting Team is.

  The two of them can also use their martial soul fusion skills at any time, directly helping the Huangdou team to come back!

  However, because Dai Lingxuan and Duguyan were too strong, this actually made Qin Ming a little distressed.

  Because when participating in a team spirit fight in the Great Soul Arena, the level of the team spirit fight is by default the level of the soul master with the highest cultivation in the soul master team.

  Therefore, if Dai Lingxuan and Dugu Yan also joined the Huangdou team in the big soul fighting arena, then the Huangdou team might only be able to match the soul master team of the soul sect and soul king level.

  Facing these two teams, the Huangdou team was completely unable to cope, and could only rely on Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing's martial soul fusion skills to defeat each other.

  Even so, a certain degree of training effect can also be achieved.

  But Qin Ming felt that this kind of training was not enough. If he wanted to be able to train the entire Huangdou team, he still had to ensure that everyone could be trained.

  But this can also be done, that is, let Oslo and Yufeng replace Dai Lingxuan and Duguyan on the field.

  It's just that if this is the case, Ye Lingling and Zhu Zhuqing will lose the partner of their soul skills, and the role they can play in the team will be much smaller!

  For the time being, Qin Ming didn't know how to solve this problem.

  But aside, when talking about this with Qin Ming, Su Mo thought of a solution.

  That is to let Xiao Wu also join the Huangdou team, and then take them everywhere for soul fighting training.

  Although Xiao Wu's current cultivation base is still relatively low, but if she can get the fairy grass from the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, this problem can be completely solved.

  Of course, because almost all the grasses in Binghuo Liangyi's eyes were picked by Bibi Dong, it is still very troublesome to get them.

  However, if it was not done before, Su Mo would definitely not be able to get the fairy grass from Binghuo Liangyi's eyes, but had to apply to Bibidong to get it.

  However, after using a memory to modify the memory and conducting a future simulation with Zhu Zhuqing as the object, Su Mo found a way to get the fairy grass from the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi.


  the day passed quickly.

  In the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, Qin Ming had trained with Qin Ming for a day in the Huangdou team, and had a battle run-in.

  At night, he returned to Dugu Mansion.

  After finishing dinner, Su Mo did not go to rest immediately, but left Dugu Mansion again.

  But this time, Su Mo did not go to the Prince's Mansion where Qian Renxue was, and continued to review the past with Qian Renxue, but Yukong went to the Ice and Fire Yinyang Eye in the Sunset Forest.

  Because at Tiandou Imperial Academy, Su Mo actually had nothing to do.

  Basically, when Qin Ming was training the Huangdou team, he used the healing ability of the stick of the tree of life to heal and heal the injuries of the members of the Huangdou team, relieve their fatigue and so on.

  This actually does not require Su Mo to be present in person.

  Su Mo can also use the death sickle martial soul to activate the fourth soul skill: real clone, as he did in Notting College before, and let the real clone go to Tiandou Royal Academy instead.

  As for Su Mo's body, he went to the Binghuo Liangyi Eye to test whether the method of making fairy grass found in the script for Zhu Zhuqing to simulate the future was effective.

  Flying all the way with all his strength, Su Mo soon came to the sunset forest, not far from the mountain peak where the Ice and Fire Yinyi Eye was located.

  From a distance, one can see a mountain peak surrounded by thick fog not far away.

  This is the mountain peak where the Eye of Ice and Fire Liangyi is located!

  Seeing the destination, Su Mo immediately fell towards the mountain, and soon fell into the valley where the Eye of Binghuo Liangyi was located.

  Although I haven't been here for five or six years, the valley is still the same as before, surrounded by lingering fog.

  You can vaguely see the ice blue and fiery red rays of light from the Ice and Fire Yangyi Eye in the center of the valley.

  But what is different from before is that Su Mo now has cultivated Ziji Demon Eyes.

  The fog in front of him had no effect on Su Mo at all.

  With the Purple Demon Eye, Su Mo could easily see the Ice and Fire Liangyi Eye in the middle of the valley.

  There are also many exotic herbs growing around the eyes of Binghuo Yinyi, which are very special in color, shape and size, and are very different from the common herbs in the outside world.

  These herbs are not fairy-grade spiritual herbs, but there are many top-grade herbs like the ninth-grade purple lucidum that are second only to fairy-grade spiritual herbs.

  Because Su Mo's tree of life stick martial soul has the ability to catalyze the growth of plants and subtly help plants evolve, and because in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, the effect of this ability will be greatly improved.

  Therefore, Su Mo can completely use the tree of life stick martial soul to upgrade some of the top-quality medicinal materials in the Ice and Fire Liangyi Eye to immortal spirit grass.

  In addition, Su Mo can also use the power of the tree of life stick martial soul to let Ah Yin, who was also planted next to the Ice and Fire Yinyi Eye, grow like a small tree, to speed up his cultivation to ten. ten thousand years.

  Otherwise, in front of Tang San and Tang Hao, he thought before, holding the rabbit-eared Loli Xiaowu in one hand, and the beautiful wife A Yin in the other, ntr Tang San and Tang Hao's dream in public It can be achieved!