Goodbye Ah Yin, New Usage of Soul Seed (2)

Sunset Forest, Ice and Fire Yin Yang.

  After arriving at the Binghuo Liangyi Eye, Su Mo first looked at the Binghuo Liangyi Eye with the Purple Demon Eye, and then looked at the various herbs growing near the Binghuo Liangyi Eye.

  Finally, he turned his gaze to Ah Yin, who also grew near the Binghuo Liangyi Eye, and had grown into a small tree.

  In the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, it has grown for another ten years. Now Ah Yin's cultivation base should have reached about ten thousand years. The whole body is like a blue crystal-like main vine, covered with branches, with silk flocks and golden ring patterns hanging down from it. Together, it looks gorgeous and beautiful.

  "Ahem... Ah Yin, long time no see!"

  After seeing A Yin, Su Mo immediately walked over, coughing a few times in embarrassment while walking, and said.

  Thinking that after taking Ah Yin to Holy Soul Village once, he planted Ah Yin in the Eye of Ice and Fire.

  This time, one kind has lasted for nearly ten years, and I don't know if Ah Yin will blame himself.

  While walking towards Ah Yin, Su Mo summoned the death sickle martial soul at the same time, and once again displayed the third soul skill: Abi Hell.

  Then, the illusion created by Ah Bi's hell soul skill revealed Ah Yin's consciousness.

  In principle, this is the same as using illusions to make others unable to see the true color of one's soul ring, and to achieve invisibility.

  To some extent, it is to connect the target's vision with the illusion, so that the illusion and the reality seen are superimposed.

  Replaces the target's real vision with an illusion, or superimposes the illusion and reality.

  As for Su Mo, the choice was the latter.

  For a while, after Su Mo used the illusion created by Abi Hell, he revealed Ah Yin's consciousness.

  In front of him, the Blue Silver Emperor, who looked like a small tree made of crystal-clear blue crystals, suddenly burst into dazzling silver-blue light.

  Immediately afterwards, these silver-blue rays of light condensed into Ah Yin, who was wearing a gorgeous blue-silver dress, with a plump figure and a delicate face, and looked at Su Mo resentfully.

  "Did you finally know to come to me?"

  Looking at Su Mo, Ah Yin couldn't help but resentfully said.

  As a typical woman who is a good wife and loving mother, Ah Yin used to regard Tang Hao and the children as everything to her, even if Su Mo took her away, she never gave in.

  After discovering that the child was killed by Tang Zhen, Ah Yin wanted Tang Hao to avenge the child, but Tang Hao chose to refuse, even unwilling to ask Tang Zhen to apologize to the child in front of the child's grave.

  Ayin was angry, and in order to avenge the child, he turned around and threw himself into Su Mo's arms.

  After taking revenge, Ah Yin now regards Su Mo as her husband, her own man.

  But Ah Yin didn't expect that Su Mo would be so cruel, throwing himself here alone for nearly ten years!

  "Well, Ah Yin, I'm sorry, Wuhundian assigned me a task before, and I've been in a place far away from the Heaven Dou Imperial City, so I don't have time to come to you."

  Seeing Ah Yin's resentment, Su Mo thought In a sudden turn, he first apologized very guiltyly, then suddenly changed his voice, showing an extremely affectionate look, and said.

  "However, during the years I have been away from you, I have actually been thinking about you. In order to get you out of your current situation, I even created a way for you to get your consciousness out of here and stay with me."

  "Really? Can I really leave here?!"

  There was some resentment at first, but after hearing Su Mo's apology and knowing the reason, most of the anger in Ah Yin's heart dissipated in an instant.

  And when Su Mo said that she had found a way to get her consciousness out of here and follow him, Ah Yin couldn't help being surprised and excited.

  "Of course, how could I lie to you? You promised me to be my wife in the future."

  "Although I can't give you a grand soul gift now, in my heart, you are already my wife, so I will naturally do my best to treat you well."

  "Help you get out of the current situation, no Is that what I should do too?"

  Seeing A Yin's excitement, Su Mo suddenly smiled softly, walked over, and touched A Yin's still illusory beautiful face.

  But even though he didn't touch it, Ah Yin's pretty face couldn't help turning slightly red.

  Because the previous Tang Hao had hardly ever said any love words to her, and never had such an intimate gesture towards her. Facing Su Mo's sudden affectionate offensive, she couldn't bear it for a while.

  "Okay...Okay, then I forgive you, tell me quickly, how can you help me get out of the current situation, so that my consciousness can get out of here."

  In the panic and shyness, Ah Yin quickly changed the subject.

  Hearing this, Su Mo also straightened his expression, and told the method he "researched" on how to help Ah Yin get out of here.

  In fact, it is also with the help of the soul seed planted on Xue Beng before.

  The soul seed can become a coordinate that can be precisely locked by the illusion created by Abi Hell, or it can become a base station that can release mental fluctuations and connect to the illusion created by Su Mo with the Abi Hell soul skill.

  Therefore, as long as a sufficient number of soul seeds are produced, they can be planted on different creatures, or simply planted on small animals controlled by Su Mo.

  Just arrange a small animal that has been planted with a soul seed at a certain distance.

  Let the spiritual fluctuations released by the soul seeds in these small animals connect with each other, and finally connect with the illusion created by Su Mo with Abi Hell.

  In this way, even if it is thousands of miles away, Ah Yin can use these soul seeds to put his consciousness into the illusion created by Su Mo with Abi Hell.

  Then it was revealed by Su Mo by superimposing illusion and reality.

  In this way, isn't Ah Yin equivalent to being brought by Su Mo's side?

  After listening to Su Mo finish this method.

  Immediately, Ah Yin's pretty face was full of anticipation and excitement, and she wrapped Su Mo's arms with a pair of illusory jade arms, begging Su Mo to try now, whether she could get her consciousness out of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Eye.

  Although this place is indeed a good place, she has been here for more than ten years, and she is so familiar with the environment here that she can't be more familiar with it.

  Even for the medicinal herbs here, she named them one by one out of boredom.

  Now, she just wants to go out and see!

  To this, Su Mo naturally agreed, and then summoned a few birds controlled by the soul control soul skill, and after planting the soul seeds, let these small animals fly away.

  After that, Su Mo stayed away from here, and then through the soul seed, Ah Yin's consciousness instantly came to the sunset forest tens of thousands of meters away.

  After finally appearing outside the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi and seeing a different scenery, Ah Yin's gentle and pretty face was filled with joy and excitement, and she couldn't help kissing Su Mo hard.

  It's also thanks to the fact that this beautiful wife in the form of blue silver grass doesn't have a real body yet.

  Otherwise, there is no guarantee that there will be another big battle tonight!

  After taking Ah Yin to enjoy the beautiful scenery in the sunset forest, Su Mo took Ah Yin back to the Eye of Ice and Fire.

  Next, he will be preparing to stay here for a long time.

  Because before the Emperor Dou team left the Heaven Dou Imperial City, they went to various parts of the Heaven Dou Empire for soul fighting training.

  Su Mo wants to use the stick of the tree of life, Wuhun, to catalyze the herbs here, especially the top-grade herbs, to see if he can help them evolve into immortal spirit herbs.

  Although the real clone derived from the death sickle can also use Su Mo's tree of life stick martial soul.

  But the tree of life stick martial spirit summoned by the real incarnation is like a fake. In terms of effect and ability, it must be much worse than the real tree of life stick martial spirit.

  This Su Mo has already experimented and reached a conclusion.