The unpopular Huangdou team, Su Mo and Qin Ming who were ridiculed by the crowd (2)

arrived quietly at night as scheduled.

  In the central soul arena of the Sunset Great Spirit Arena, a high-profile group battle of spirits is about to begin.

  "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Sunset Soul Arena! It's a great honor to be able to host the team battle spirit in the main Soul Arena for all the distinguished guests again. !"

  "Tonight, I believe that all distinguished guests should know some news about the team battle spirit that is about to start, that's right!

  " There are almost unprecedented group fighting spirits that have never happened in the big spirit fighting field on the entire continent!"

  "Because one side of the group fighting spirit is our new star that has just risen in the big fighting spirit field now—the Emperor Fighting Team, and the other is the team fighting spirit. One side is our veteran team in the Sunset Soul Arena—the Mad God team!"

  "Of course, if only the teams on both sides are very popular and powerful, then it must not be able to make all the distinguished guests look forward to it."

  "The key point Yes, our star team, Huangdou, was originally a team fighting spirit team belonging to the Soul King group, but now, the Huangdou team only has one soul king and one soul sect on the field, but it is about to participate in the soul king group's team fighting soul !"

  "It's hard to understand what the Emperor's Fighting Team thinks."

  "But from the previous battles of the Emperor's Fighting Team, it can be seen that the Emperor's Fighting Team is not the kind of arrogant and arrogant team, because no matter what opponent they are fighting against , They will all go all out to defeat their opponents within a few minutes."

  "So we have reason to believe that this time, the Huangdou team's seemingly amazing move may have their own ideas and support."

  "Next, just Let me introduce the situation of the members of the two teams respectively, and then I can start to explain this wonderful soul fighting battle..."

  In the central spirit arena, following the soul guidance spotlights at the top of the central arena, a tall, slender woman in an evening gown, with golden shawl and long hair, and a sweet face was on the soul fighting stage.

  The hostess, Wei Li, smiled immediately, raised the amplified soul guide in her hand, and began to explain about today's group battle souls in a sweet voice.

  And after finishing speaking, amidst a burst of smiles, Wei Li's body suddenly burst into a burst of pure white light.

  A white cloud bird spirit emerged from Wei Li's body, and then possessed it.

  Following the rise of the white, yellow, and purple spirit rings under her feet, and after the second spirit ring lighted up, a pair of white wings spread out from Wei Li's back.

  Immediately afterwards, Wei Li fluttered a pair of beautiful white wings on her back, and she immediately flew into the sky with the amplified soul guide in her hand, overlooking the entire central soul arena, including the soul fighting platform.

  After arriving in the sky, Wei Li continued to hold the amplified soul guide, and began to introduce the members of the Emperor Fighter Team and the Mad God Team with a sweet voice.

  On the other side, in the hall of the Sunset Great Spirit Arena.

  Regarding this time, the betting on the Emperor Fighter Team vs the Mad God Team has already begun.

  Countless people are gathering here, constantly squeezing in front of the counter, wanting to place bets before the battle begins.

  Because once the fight starts, the betting stops.

  And because the strength gap between the Emperor Fighter Team and the Mad God Team is simply too obvious.

  So basically all the people who came to bet were betting on the victory of the Mad God team!

  But of course, no matter what, the Great Spirit Arena will not suffer.

  Because no matter who wins the bet, they must pay 10% of the benefit fee.

  The handling fee for betting is also a key profit channel for the Great Soul Arena.

  And when many people were scrambling to keep crowding in front of the cabinet that bet on the victory of the Mad God team.

  Not far away, Su Mo and Qin Ming also came here.

  "Is this the betting area? From the looks of it, there is basically no one optimistic about our Huangdou team!"

  Looking at the counter area betting on the victory of the Mad God team, there are constantly crowded people who come up to bet. The service behind the counter The staff are a little busy.

  But on the side, in front of the counter that bet on the victory of the Huangdou team, almost no one cares about it, and the service staff behind the counter are doing manicures boringly.

  Su Mo couldn't help laughing.

  "If we go to bet on the victory of the Royal Fighting Team later, it will probably cause quite a stir."

  However, Su Mo didn't care about it at all. After speaking, he walked to the counter for betting on the Royal Fighting Team A crystal card with 10,000 gold soul coins stored in Qibao Liuli Bank was photographed in front of the counter.

  "I want to bet on the victory of the Huangdou team!"

  Su Mo's voice was not loud, but as soon as he said the words, the entire betting area fell silent.

  Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of laughter.

  "Oh my god! No way, some people really think that the Huangdou team can defeat the Mad God team? No way! No way!

  " That's why I suppressed it, but it's a pity, the result is destined to be that this kid can only lose in the end and even have no pants!"

  "Oh! The more people who suppress this Huangdou team, the better, otherwise we win, where are we going? How about getting more money? Haha!" Seeing that Su Mo beat the


  team to win, the people who bet on the Mad God team couldn't help laughing.

  But Su Mo didn't bother to say anything about it, because it was useless!

  Anyway, as long as the Huangdou team can win in the end, they will slap these people in the face with the result.

  At that time, they will come to collect the money they won from the bet, but these people are crying and shouting here. This is the best revenge!

  After Su Mo, Qin Ming also overwhelmed the Huangdou team to win.

  Seeing that Qin Ming and Su Mo were together, the people who were betting on the victory of the Mad God team laughed and ridiculed even more.

  To put it bluntly, both Su Mo and Qin Ming are their money-giving boys!

  After betting, Su Mo and Qin Ming ignored the betting area, but went directly to the central soul fighting arena, and came to the auditorium to watch the battle.

  In the main fighting arena, except for the auditorium.

  There are many VIP boxes built for all kinds of high-class people around, all of which are made of single-sided transparent golden glass, and they are all full now.

  Su Mo and Qin Ming originally planned to go to these boxes to watch the game.

  But it may be because the fighting spirits of the Emperor Fighting Team and the Mad God Team are too eye-catching, these boxes have already been filled up by the high-level officials of Sunset City.

  But because Su Mo and Qin Ming didn't want to expose their identities, they only bought tickets for the auditorium in the end, planning to watch the duel of souls in the auditorium.

  When Su Mo and Qin Ming were seated, the host Wei Li had just finished introducing the situation of the Emperor Fighter Team and the Mad God Team, such as the strength of the players.

  After that, the two teams were allowed to enter the arena.

  "Next, we invite the teams from both sides to enter the arena!"

  After introducing the situation of the Emperor Fighter Team and the Mad God Team, the host Wei Li suddenly shouted, and then swung a pair of slender jade arms.

  For a moment, with a "swipe", the soul guide spotlight above his head split into two strands, shining on the two entrances on both sides of the spirit arena respectively.

  After hearing the words of the host Wei Li, after the light of the soul guidance spotlight fell on the entrances on both sides, the two teams also entered the soul fighting arena.

  Among them, the Royal Fighting Team is led by Dai Lingxuan.

  I saw Dai Lingxuan, who was wearing a black and purple tight-fitting long dress, tall and fit, with a shawl and long golden wavy hair, a heroic and beautiful face full of calm and composure, walking confidently, step by step. With the members of the Huangdou team behind him, he walked towards the fighting spirit platform.

  It can be seen that, except for Shi Mo and Shi Mo brothers, the entire Huangdou team is basically handsome and beautiful.

  As for the Crazy God Team on the other side, the members of the Crazy God Team are all capable of displaying crazy soul skills, and they tend to be powerful soul masters.

  The spirits of most of the team members are like bulls, rhinos, elephants, bears, etc. They are all tall and burly, of course, compared to the handsome men and women of the Huangdou team, they are a bit unsightly.

  "Eh? You guys are the two idiots who bet on the Emperor's Fighting Team to win? I didn't expect you to be here! Haha, interesting!"

  Just as Su Mo and Qin Ming looked at the Soul Fighting Stage, the Emperor's Fighting Team and the Mad God Team When he entered the arena, there was a burst of surprise behind him, and then he was full of ridicule.