Emperor Battle Team vs Mad God Team, Let's Start! (1)

Hearing the sound, Su Mo and Qin Ming couldn't help frowning and looked back.

  Behind him was a handsome young man in a fine attire, but his face was pale, his eye sockets were darkened, and he looked like an overindulgent playboy, holding a folding fan in his hand, looking at Su Mo with a mocking face He and Qin Ming

  were beside the young man, followed by a man dressed as a servant, also full of sarcasm.

  This left Su Mo speechless.

  He already knew that he defeated the Huangdou team in the betting area and was seen by so many people. Now that he is in the auditorium, it is normal to meet a few of them.

  But it's just a bet, is it necessary to be so mocking?

  "Do you think the Mad God team will definitely win?"

  Su Mo didn't argue about the taunting of the dandy youth, let alone do it. This is the auditorium, but he just said it lightly and asked a question.

  The tone was very flat, but it seemed to carry a hint of disdain and contempt.

  With this tone, the dandy young man couldn't help but feel the veins twitching on his forehead. The complacency in his heart, which was like watching a joke, instantly turned into embarrassment and anger.

  Because all along, his elder brother, who was always praised by his father, always looked at him with such disdain and contempt, just like looking at a fool!

  "How could the Mad God team lose! There is only one soul king in this Huangdou team, and his cultivation is only at level 53, but all the members of the Mad God team are above level 55, and the Huangdou team won first." !"

  Looking at Su Mo, the dude suddenly said in a cold voice.

  "If you think so, how about we make a bet?"

  Seeing that the dude thinks so, Su Mo's heart moved slightly, and he couldn't help but said lightly.

  "Gambling? How to bet!"

  The dude snorted coldly with disdain.

  "Just bet on whoever's team wins. If the Mad God team you bet wins, then I can directly give you one million gold soul coins."

  "But if the Huangdou team I bet on wins, then I don't want you either." Give me one million gold soul coins."

  "As soon as you arrive, shout three times in the betting area of ​​the lobby: "Whoever bet on the Mad God team wins are all idiots, all brain-dead, and all trash! "Okay, what do you think?"

  "One million gold soul coins, this is what you said, if you dare to renege, don't blame me for being rude!!"

  Hearing Su Mo's bet, the dude's eyes suddenly revealed With a strong look of greed, he directly closed the folding fan in his hand, slapped it on his hand and settled it, and gave Su Mo a threat.

  He didn't think about losing the bet at all. On the one hand, he thought it was impossible.

  What if the Huangdou team really won.

  I don't know how many people who bet on the Mad God team didn't even have to wear pants. If he yelled like this, he would even be beaten out by someone!

  People who are angry, especially soul masters who are angry, don't care who they are at that time.

  He would not be so stupid!

  Anyway, he had never seen Su Mo and Qin Ming in front of him before, and they should not be locals from Sunset City, let alone people with status.

  He just reneged on his debts, so what can these two guys do?


  And in the big soul fighting arena in the center, under the sweet explanation of the host Wei Li, the teams from both sides stepped onto the fighting spirit stage one after another, and then stood on both sides respectively.

  "Next, please get ready, both of you have one minute to summon your martial soul, or perform martial soul possession."

  "One minute later, when I announce the official start of the fighting   spirit, the battle can only start. The battle can't end until one side admits defeat, and all the personnel of one side lose their fighting ability or leave the field!" After boarding the soul fighting platform, Wei Li in the air immediately raised the amplified soul guide in her hand, and said in a sweet voice.

  And hearing Wei Li's words, both the Emperor Fighter Team and the Mad God Team immediately summoned their respective martial souls, or entered the state of martial soul possession.

  All of a sudden, bursts of colorful rays of light continued to erupt from the players on both sides.

  Then after summoning the martial soul, or carrying out the martial soul possession, various configurations of soul rings also rose from under everyone's feet at the same time, surrounding their bodies.

  "The Crazy God Team! The Crazy God Team!!"

  When looking at the Huangdou team, although they all have the best soul ring configuration, there is only Dai Lingxuan as the soul king, and Dugu Yan as the soul sect, and the rest are just soul rings. respect.

  On the contrary, on the side of the Mad God team, they are all soul ring configurations with five soul rings at the soul king level.

  This gap in strength is simply too obvious!

  This caused almost most of the audience in the auditorium to start cheering wildly and shouting the name of the Mad God team, hoping that the Mad God team can bring them a very impactful visual feast tonight.

  "See, how ridiculous your ideas are. The Mad God team is

  what people want!" They are here to die, and the final victor will definitely be the Mad God team!"

  Amidst the frenzied cheers and shouts that flowed into the sea, the dude behind Su Mo and Qin Ming couldn't help but feel hot in his heart, and suddenly He continued to mock Su Mo and Qin Ming.

  "The direction of the people? But there is another sentence, I'm afraid you don't know it, that is, the truth is always only in the hands of a small number of people, continue to read, the result should be announced soon, and it will be clear at a glance who wins and who loses !"

  Regarding the playboy's ridicule, Su Quemo still only spoke lightly, as if he was not angry.

  Of course, there's no need for him to be angry, this dude likes to have sex now.

  But when the bet is fulfilled later, he will have to cry.

  Facing a bet that you think you can win 100% of the time.

  I don't know how many soul masters even put their own coffins in it.

  If they lose at that time, the mood of these people can be imagined, and they are afraid that they want to die.

  And at that time, this dude fired a map cannon in the lobby, scolding those who bet on the Mad God team as idiots, brain-dead and trash, and it is estimated that he will be surrounded by a group of people and beat him to death!

  In addition, after returning, he planned to let him experience the nightmare in his heart like Xue Beng again.

  This is the best punishment for it!

  hateful! !

  But when he found that Su Mo was still calm, as if he had a plan in his chest, the dude was really annoyed.

  What he wanted to see was Su Mo's ugly face, and wanted Su Mo to feel pain and regret. Why did this guy think so confidently that this Huangdou team would win!

  "Battle, start!!"

  Just as the dandy was furious, the host Wei Li finally announced the start of the battle on the soul fighting stage.

  All of a sudden, the Mad God team who had completed the martial soul possession couldn't help rushing out with an unstoppable momentum amidst loud shouts, and rushed straight towards the direction of the Huangdou team.

  "Here we come!"

  Yu Tianheng who stood at the front couldn't help shouting when he saw the Mad God team rushing, and then looked at Dugu Yan.

  "Yanzi, it's time to start!"

  "Alright, get out of the way for everyone in front!"

  Hearing Yu Tianheng's words, Dugu Yan immediately yelled loudly.

  Immediately afterwards, everyone standing in front of Dugu Yan, including Yu Tianheng, Shi Shi, Shi Mo, Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Lingxuan immediately retreated quickly.

  At the same time, Dugu Yan stepped forward quickly, and when he finally got past the retreating crowd, he let out a coquettish shout again and activated his soul skill.

  "The fourth soul skill: Poison of petrification!"