The power of the Nether White Tiger is devastating! (2)

"The fourth soul skill: Poison of petrification!" On

  the soul fighting platform in the central soul fighting arena of the setting sun, with Dugu Yan's sweet shout, the fourth soul ring surrounding him suddenly lights up.

  For a moment, in a violent fluctuation of soul power, a large amount of soul power surged out instantly, and was transformed into a gray-brown poisonous mist that swept towards the Mad God team.

  Wherever the gray-brown petrochemical poison has passed.

  The ground along the way was all petrified, and a thick layer of taupe stone was condensed, which looked extremely terrifying like Medusa's petrified eyes.

  "Not good!"

  Seeing the petrified poison sweeping in front of them, together with a layer of taupe stone solidified on the ground of the fighting spirit platform, all the members of the Mad God team couldn't help being shocked, and hurriedly stopped. Holding back his momentum, he wanted to avoid the petrified poison that was sweeping him from the side.

  Unfortunately, it was still a step too late.

  Just when they stopped their charge, the gray-brown petrified poison that swept over the sky and covered the sky had already engulfed them.

  At the same time, the powerful power of petrification and the poison of petrification are constantly eroding the bodies of the members of the Mad God team, trying to turn all members of the Mad God team into stone statues from the outside to the inside.

  Fortunately, the members of the Mad God team are all soul kings.

  With their soul power cultivation base, they can still barely resist Dugu Yan's petrification poison, at least only a layer of gray-brown stone is solidified on the protective soul power layer on the surface of the body, and the body is not petrified.

  However, a layer of hard taupe stone was condensed on the body.

  Even if the body is not petrified, but it is covered by such a layer of stone, it becomes almost impossible to move.

  And at this moment, it's time for Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Lingxuan to display their strengths!

  "Martial Soul Fusion Skill Nether White Tiger!!"

  The members of the Mad God Team, because of Dugu Yan's sudden release of the fourth soul skill: the poison of petrification, their bodies were covered with a layer of hard taupe stone, when almost incapacitated.

  In the Huangdou team, Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Lingxuan had already gotten close to each other, shouted coquettishly at the same time, and then launched the martial soul fusion technique Nether White Tiger.

  In an instant, as Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Lingxuan shouted in unison, a faint blue beam of light suddenly burst out from the bodies of the two of them, soaring into the sky in an instant!


  Seeing Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing displaying their martial soul fusion skills, countless audience members in the auditorium couldn't help but change their expressions, and the trembling and panic in their hearts almost turned into reality.

  Oh no! Ruined!

  Why did this Huangdou team be able to display the martial soul fusion technique, and it happened to be performed by this soul king-level evil-eyed tiger girl.

  After the martial soul fusion technique, the strength can generally be improved by at least a big realm.

  Then after using the martial soul fusion skill, wouldn't this Xie-eyed tiger girl be able to display the strength of the soul emperor level?

  Looking at it this way, the Mad God team is in danger!

  "How is it possible? How is it possible that someone in this Huangdou team can perform the martial soul fusion skill, and it happens to be this soul king-level evil-eyed tiger girl!"

In the same way, the dude sitting behind Su Mo, when he saw Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing were almost insane when they showed their martial soul fusion skills, and they couldn't help shouting angrily.

  "Did you bet on me because you knew that the Huangdou team could display the martial soul fusion skill!"

  After the anger passed, the dude couldn't help looking at Su Mo again, pointing at Su Mo and roaring, in words, It turned out to be questioning Su Mo.

  This made the expression on Su Mo's face suddenly darken, he turned his head slightly, and glanced coldly at the dude behind him.

  The aura of a titled Douluo just exudes a trace, and presses down on the dude behind him.

  The anger and madness on the dude's face also froze immediately, his body was trembling and frightened uncontrollably, he felt like a little sheep facing a fierce tiger.

  no! will die! will die! !

  Under the extreme fear in his heart, the dude was almost speechless, and it was difficult for him to take any action. There was only panic and trembling in his heart, and he couldn't help shouting in his heart.

  He didn't expect that Su Mo would be so terrifying, just one look made him almost lose his ability to resist!

  Before, he just thought that Su Mo was just a rich ordinary person, because he didn't feel any threat or pressure from Su Mo and Qin Ming.

  But now it seems that this is clearly because the opponent's strength is much stronger than him, and he just can't feel the depth of the opponent!

  "So what if I don't know? Isn't it a bet on the difference in cognition of a certain thing? If you all know the same thing, is it necessary to bet?" He

  warned the dude with his eyes. Afterwards, Su Mo couldn't help turning his head back, and said calmly.

  But this time, regarding Su Mo's words, the dude's face was stiff and his body was trembling.

  On the other hand, after Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing used their martial soul fusion skills, because the members of the Mad God team had been controlled by Dugu Yan with the petrification poison, they couldn't move at all.

  So after Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing used their martial soul fusion technique - Nether White Tiger, transformed into a huge Nether White Tiger, and then used the White Tiger Nether Break, they immediately blasted all the members of the Mad God team out of the Soul Fighting Platform.

  As a result, the Royal Fighting Team can declare victory.

  "Oh! I didn't expect that there would be such a dramatic change in the spirit of this team battle. Everyone thought that the Mad God team had a certain chance of winning."

  "But who knew that the Emperor Fighting Team could actually display the martial soul fusion technique, and it was the spirit fusion technique performed by the evil-eyed tiger girl of the soul king level, and the mad god team was performed by the Jade Phosphorous Snake Girl of the Emperor Fighting Team. The fourth soul skill: the poison of petrification has been controlled."

  "So facing the evil-eyed tiger girl and the ghost cat girl, the martial soul fusion skills displayed could not even be avoided, so they were eliminated from the arena "

  Then I will announce that the winner of this team battle is the Emperor Fighter Team!!"

  In the sky above the Soul Fighting Stage, seeing that at the beginning of the soul fight, the Emperor Fighter Team surprised everyone The crazy god team was eliminated in such a devastating way, Wei Li couldn't help but immediately raised the amplified soul guide in her hand, and shouted in amazement.

  And heard the final result announced by the host Wei Li.

  How fanatical the audience in the auditorium was for the Mad God team before, how angry and indignant they are now.

  Because too many of them bet all their wealth on the Mad God team in order to make money.

  I thought it was a 100% profit, but the Mad God team actually lost!

  People's anger must always have a vent point, and this vent point cannot be myself, so it can only be the Mad God team.

  "Crazy God team, you trash, seven soul kings can't beat only one soul king, and most of the others are the emperor's team of soul masters, you are so trash!"

  "If we had known you were such trash, we would I shouldn't pressure you to win!"

  "That's right! You bastards, you'd better die, what is called the Mad God team, it's better to be called the garbage team!"


  Because of the failure of the bet, it caused heavy losses, even bankruptcy, in my heart Under the extreme anger, countless spectators kept raising their hands and shouting angrily, pouring all their anger on the Mad God team.

  All of a sudden, the Mad God team, which had received much cheer and attention before, had been reduced to a rat-like existence in such a short period of time, and they probably couldn't survive in the Sunset Soul Arena.

  It is also pitiful.