The dude who wants to repent, beat up and leave! (1)

"Team Mad God, did they really lose just like that?!" In

  the main fighting arena, in the auditorium.

  After the host, Wei Li, officially announced the defeat of the Mad God team, the dude was also pale, his body was a little crumbling, and he said unwillingly.

  Although when he saw Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing displaying the martial soul fusion technique just now, he had already vaguely guessed the result in his heart.

  But when everything actually happened, he couldn't help but feel extremely unwilling in his heart.

  You know, according to the bet with Su Mo, once he loses, he has to go to the betting area in the lobby and shout three times: "Whoever bet on the Mad God team wins are all idiots, all brain-dead, and all trash!" of.

  Originally, those who bet on the victory of the Mad God team were already extremely angry and unwilling because of the loss of the Mad God team.

  He still taunts in front of others like this, he is afraid that he will be beaten to death!

  Although he is a dude, he is not stupid.

  Faced with such a thing, if he could, he naturally didn't want to do it.

  But the question is, does he have a choice now?

  And after the team spirit battle between Emperor Fighter Team and Mad God Team ended, everyone began to leave the main battle spirit arena one after another, and the dude was no exception.

  However, compared to the domineering and domineering when he came, the current dude is stiff and nervous. While walking, no matter how he looks around, he seems to be looking for something.

  Yes, he was looking for Su Mo's trace.

  When he left just now, he deliberately stayed in his seat for a long time. It was not until Su Mo and Qin Ming left that he carefully got up and was about to leave the central spirit arena to see if he could avoid Su Mo.

  "No, not here, no, not here..."

  Walking cautiously along the way, Su Mo was never found, until he left the central fighting spirit field, passed through the corridor, and was about to reach the hall, when the dude was about to breathe a sigh of relief.

  Suddenly, he heard a faint voice not far away.

  "What are you looking around for? Are you looking for me?"

  Hearing the voice, the dude couldn't help but froze immediately, and subconsciously turned his head to look in the direction of the voice. Looking at Su Mo on the wall.

  "Not good!"

  Seeing Su Mo, the dude couldn't help panicking, and quickly pushed the servant behind him towards Su Mo, and then ran towards the hall like a fool, preparing to escape from the sunset battle soul field.

  "Want to run?!"

  However, Su Mo had already expected the behavior of the dude, and a sneer suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth. First, he released a wave of soul power and instantly blasted the servant who was pushed away.

  Then he stretched out his hand to grab it, and a majestic soul power instantly condensed into a huge palm, directly grabbing the playboy back.

  "You still want to renege on your debt!"

  After arresting the dude, recalling the mocking look of the dude before, Su Mo sneered and beat up the dude directly.

  Especially for the arrogant face of the dude before, Su Mo didn't let it go, he stepped on the dude directly, and slapped his face with both hands.

  During the period, many people left the soul fighting area of ​​the Sunset Great Spirit Arena through the corridor and came to the lobby, where they all saw the dude who was being beaten violently by Su Mo.

  Because the dude is quite well-known in Sunset City, many passers-by know the dude, and seeing him being beaten up, they couldn't help discussing it playfully and making jokes.

  This made the dude feel ashamed and indignant.

  Ever since he was a child, he has never suffered such humiliation or been ridiculed like this!

  But he probably forgot, the way he mocked Su Mo and Qin Ming because they bet on the Huangdou team to win.

  But even worse than these people who are mocking him now!

  And after beating up the dude and beating him into a pig's head, Su Mo vented a lot of his unhappiness at being buzzed like a fly behind his back and mocking him.

  But it's not over yet!

  "I'll just teach you so many lessons for now, but do you think that if you want to renege on your bet, you can just refrain? If you don't want to renege on your bet, then I'll help you!"

  Su Mo clapped his hands lightly after beating up the dude. , while looking at the dude, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but sneer and joke.

  After finishing speaking, Su Mo first healed the current injury on the dandy with the Wuhun of the stick of the tree of life, and then controlled the dandy's body with his mind, and let him walk to the betting area in his inner panic.

  At the same time, in front of all the angry and suffering soul masters who lost their fortunes because they bet on the Mad God team, with an extremely arrogant and domineering expression on their faces, they shouted.

  "The ones who bet on the Mad God team to win are all idiots, all brain-dead, and all trash!"

  As soon as the dude said this, it immediately caused a huge commotion.

  In the entire betting area, countless soul masters who had suffered heavy losses because of betting on the Mad God team were instantly irritated and became furious, their eyes turned blood red, and they all looked at the dude in unison.

  As the saying goes: do not slap people in the face when you hit them, and do not expose your faults when you curse!

  Originally, countless soul masters who had bet on the Mad God team and lost a lot because of the loss of the Mad God team were already very angry and painful.

  Now he is still being ridiculed by a dude in front of so many people, this is a blatant slap in the face and exposure!

  So, in an instant, countless soul masters who bet on the Mad God team ignored everything in the rage, and rushed towards the dude in a voice of "Too arrogant!" and "Looking for death!" Beat!

  And when the dude was beaten violently by a group of angry soul masters.

  Looking at the group of people who mocked him for betting on the Huangdou team before, they are now hysterical and angry, biting each other like defeated dogs.

  Su Mo felt both satisfied and inexplicably funny.

  All of them were so confident before, thinking that betting on the Mad God team would win, and mocking those who bet on the Huangdou team like him.

  The results of it! Now a group of people are crying in pain here, as if their parents are dead.

  man! Sometimes it's better not to be too confident. Isn't it good to leave yourself a way out in everything?

  After shaking his head, Su Mo walked slowly through the area, and then walked to Qin Ming and others who were waiting on the other side.

  "Have you got all the money?"

  Seeing Qin Ming, Su Mo couldn't help asking if he got the money he bet on.

  In response, Qin Ming smiled, took out a crystal card containing millions of gold soul coins, handed it to Su Mo, and said, "Of course I got it, it's yours."

  "Not bad! Su Mo took the crystal card, flipped it deftly in his hand, and nodded with satisfaction.

  The 10,000 gold soul coins doubled a hundred times in less than an hour, even if they were to rob it, it would not be so fast!

  "Let's go, it's time for us to leave!"

  In the Sunset Soul Arena, after experimenting with the effect of the combination of Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing appearing in the Royal Fighting Team, and by the way, giving a lesson to the arrogant dandy who didn't have eyesight before, Su Mo Also ready to leave here.

  After today's battle, the Huangdou team's soul fighting training at the Sunset Great Soul Arena is over.

  Next, it's time to go to other cities to continue training in fighting spirits.

  After Sunset City, Su Mo and Qin Ming led the Huangdou team to other cities.

  Among them are many big cities in Tiandou Empire, like Qinggang City, Bird City, Baishan City and so on.

  There are also Sylvester King City in the Kingdom of Silvester, Haagen-Dazs King City in the Kingdom of Haagen-Dazs and so on.

  And soon, after a few months.

  Su Mo and Qin Ming led the Huangdou team to the Barak King City in the Barak Kingdom.