Trip to Soto City, Tang San and Dai Mubai in the Rose Hotel (2)

while Su Mo was training with the Emperor Fighting Team for fighting spirits.

  In fact, Su Mo has been paying attention to Tang San and Master Yu Xiaogang who are still in Notting City.

  Through the bird monitor left in Notting City, as well as the previously researched soul seed network.

  Su Mo has been accurately controlling the situation of Tang San and Yu Xiaogang.

  After graduating from Notting College.

  Tang San stayed in Notting City for more than two months.

  It wasn't until Shrek Academy was about to start that Tang San left Notting City with Yu Xiaogang and went to Soto City, planning to enroll in Shrek Academy.

  At this time, Su Mo also came to Barak King City together with the Huangdou team.

  Because he arrived at the Barak Kingdom, and Soto City was also in the Barak Kingdom, not far from the Barak King City.

  Because Zhu Zhuqing knew that her fiancé, Dai Mubai, was in Soto City in Barak Kingdom.

  Therefore, before Su Mo could decide whether to take Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu to Soto City first, or wait for the Huangdou team to complete their soul fighting training in Barak King City before going to Soto City.

  Zhu Zhuqing suddenly sent a request to Su Mo, wanting Su Mo to take her to Soto City, and she wanted to meet Dai Mubai.

  Of course, Zhu Zhuqing didn't have any affection for Dai Mubai.

  The current Zhu Zhuqing was already Su Mo's man, no matter what happened to Dai Mubai now, Zhu Zhuqing would never have anything to do with Dai Mubai.

  It's just that Zhu Zhuqing still wants to dispel the doubts that have plagued him for many years.

  That is whether Dai Mubai went to Suoto City to be romantic and unrestrained, or he wanted to avoid Davis's targeting and suppression and practice in another place.

  Regarding this, since Zhu Zhuqing brought it up, Su Mo naturally chose to agree.

  Then he planned to take Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu to Suoto City when he had time, and then he could have a chance encounter with Tang San and Yu Xiaogang.


  Soto City, located in the center of the Lima Plain in the Barak Kingdom, is known as the Barak Granary.

  On this day, the weather is clear and the sky is blue.

  Su Mo took Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing all the way from Balak King City to Suotuo City, and entered the city after paying the entrance fee.

  "Is this the city of Soto? It seems to be very prosperous and lively. I don't think it is inferior to King Barak City at all. I heard that Soto City has a lot of delicious food. I don't know how it compares to the city of King Barak. How is it..."

  After entering the city of Suotuo, Xiao Wu was walking on the noisy street full of people and traffic, while bouncing forward, she kept looking around, looking at the bustling scene around her, The tone could not help but be full of surprise and anticipation

  , "Okay, okay, don't just stare at the food all the time, the food is there, and we can't run away, let's find a hotel first and book a room in advance."

  "It's the start of school now Season, all the colleges in Soto City are about to start school, and many parents accompany their children to sign up in these colleges."

  "The hotels in Soto City are probably full now, so we have to make arrangements in advance. Otherwise, don't even have a place to live."

  Hearing Xiao Wu's words full of greed, Su Mo couldn't help but said a little funny.

  "That's right, then let's find a hotel first!"

  Xiao Wu thought about Su Mo's words, and she couldn't help pouting, and said with her slender jade fingers tapping her pink face.

  After that, Su Mo took Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu to search for a hotel in Suotuo City.

  But in fact, Su Mo has already arranged the hotel for accommodation.

  Now Su Mo is actually looking for the Rose Hotel, Tang San and Yu Xiaogang in the name of the hotel where he stayed.

  In the original book, Tang San and Xiao Wu don't know many things because they haven't been out much, and they don't even know that the Rose Hotel is a love hotel.

  But now, Tang San came to Suotuo City with Yu Xiaogang.

  With Yu Xiaogang here, I don't know if Tang San will come to the Rose Hotel and meet Dai Mubai.

  While looking for a hotel to stay with Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu, Su Mo finally discovered through the bird monitor of Tang San and Yu Xiaogang that Tang San and Yu Xiaogang had arrived in Soto City.


  But after discovering that Tang San and Yu Xiaogang had arrived in Soto City, Su Mo gasped inwardly.

  Because he discovered that after entering Suotuo City, Yu Xiaogang actually wanted to separate from Tang San, and asked Tang San to find a hotel, while he went to see an old friend.

  To see an old friend, isn't it Flender!

  Su Mo thought to himself.

  But it just happened that if Yu Xiaogang was with him, Tang San wanted to go to the Rose Hotel and meet Dai Mubai, and it would probably be difficult for them to meet again.

  If there is no Yu Xiaogang, it is very possible for Tang San to go to the Rose Hotel.

  After that, Su Mo took Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing and pretended to be looking for the hotel, but actually approached the Rose Hotel.

  On the other side, after Tang San separated from Yu Xiaogang, he also searched for a hotel in Soto City.

  Under Su Mo's deliberate guidance.

  After Tang San searched for the hotel all the way but repeatedly encountered obstacles, he finally came to the Rose Hotel, then entered it, and met the new waiter just like in the original book.

  "Excuse me, do you have any extra rooms here?"

  Standing in front of the counter, Tang San couldn't help asking.

  "Excuse me, how many guests are there, are you the only one?" The

  waiter asked Tang San with a strange look in his eyes.

  "Well... two, can you open two rooms?"

  Tang San replied with some doubts.

  "Two rooms?"

  Hearing Tang San's answer, the waiter couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and secretly felt that Tang San was such an elm-headed man, living in a love hotel with his girlfriend, how could there be two rooms!

  "Sorry! Sir, we only have one room left here."

  "But don't worry, although there is only one room, this room is very big with complete facilities, especially the big bed, which is more than enough to sleep two people "

  Adhering to the spirit of being helpful, the waiter decided to help Tang San, with an ambiguous look in his eyes, and said after giving Tang San a look.

  "And believe me, if you go to other hotels after leaving here, you may not even have a single room. After all, it's the school season for all colleges."

  "Uh...that's fine!"

  heard the waiter If he said that, although he was a little puzzled by the inexplicable look in the waiter's eyes, but thinking that he had searched several hotels before, but none of them had vacant rooms, Tang San could only helplessly agree, and decided to stay here.

  Because he has no better choice.

  And when Tang San was opening a room at the Rose Hotel, Su Mo was about to approach the Rose Hotel with Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing.

  But just when Su Mo brought Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu closer to the Rose Hotel.

  However, Su Mo suddenly discovered that a tall, burly, and handsome young man with long blond hair in a white suit was holding a pair of beautiful twin girls in his arms, facing a pink body full of roses. The hotel walked past.

  This hotel is naturally the Rose Hotel.

  And as for the blond young man holding a pair of beautiful twin girls, it is obviously the Dai Mubai that Zhu Zhuqing is looking for.

  'Dai Mubai finally came! '

  After seeing Dai Mubai, Su Mo couldn't help narrowing his eyes.

  And because of Su Mo's influence, Zhu Zhuqing hadn't seen Dai Mubai yet, so he didn't recognize him.

  However, Su Mo used the excuse of going to the Rose Hotel to see if there were any rooms, and led Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing towards the Rose Hotel.

  And before and after arriving at the Rose Hotel.

  Before they entered the Rose Hotel, the three of Su Mo heard cold shouts from the hotel lobby.

  "Boy, you are very good. How dare you talk to me like that, and even dare to snatch my room. My name is Dai Mubai. You should be a soul master too.

  " Just defeat me, but I, Dai Mubai, never fight against unknown people, tell me your name!"