Double Standard Dai Mubai Slaps His Face Viciously

'She is actually my fiancée, but how can she be with a man! '

  When he found out that Zhu Zhuqing in front of him was actually his fiancée, Dai Mubai felt a burst of anger in his heart, feeling that his dignity as a man had been insulted.

  As a man and an LSP, he could tell from the first look at Su Mo and Zhu Zhuqing that there could be no pure brother-sister relationship between them.

  Why do you want to be brothers and sisters, father and daughter? If you say you are doing it, you are actually doing it!

  It's fine if you don't know that this girl named Zhu Zhuqing in front of you is your fiancée, but now that you know, Dai Mubai will naturally not allow your fiancée to be with other men.

  Isn't this planting green grasslands on your head!

  When Dai Mubai was angry, he found that his goal had been achieved.

  Su Mo couldn't help smiling in his heart, and after continuing to exchange a few words with Tang San, he wanted to take Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu away.

  "You can't go with them!"

  However, seeing that Su Mo wanted to leave with Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing, Dai Mubai was furious, shouted angrily, and wanted to hold Zhu Zhuqing back.

  But Su Mo discovered this in an instant, sneered in his heart, raised his hand, and a majestic soul power surged out, directly blasting Dai Mubai into the air.

  "What do you want to do?"

  Seeing Dai Mubai, Su Mo frowned suddenly, and said coldly.

  And after being blasted out and falling to the ground, Dai Mubai only felt a burst of pain in his body.

  After discovering Su Mo's strength, Dai Mubai couldn't help but finally calmed down, sat up while gritting his teeth, took a deep breath, and said.

  "I don't want to do anything. My name is Dai Mubai, and I'm also from Xingluo Imperial City. Zhu Zhuqing should know me. I just want to tell her that she can't leave with them!" The relationship with Zhu Zhuqing was exposed, embarrassing himself, but Dai Mubai did not reveal the relationship with Zhu Zhuqing, but concealed it, wanting to make Zhu Zhuqing himself subject to the marriage contract and choose to stay.

  "Dai Mubai? Hehe, so you are Zhuqing's fiancé, Dai Mubai?"

  But hearing Dai Mubai's words, Su Mo seemed to have just recognized Dai Mubai, and couldn't help sneering at Dai Mubai Bai, directly pointed out the relationship between Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai.

  "I didn't expect that you are Dai Mubai. I'm really curious. Where did you come from to tell Zhuqing not to leave? Is it up to you?!" Hearing Su Mo's disdainful and questioning words , Dai Mubai couldn't help but his body stiffened immediately, he felt extremely ashamed, and couldn't help being even more angry in his heart.

  He actually knew about my relationship with Zhu Zhuqing, how could Zhu Zhuqing tell others about this? !

  On the side, hearing that Zhu Zhuqing was actually Dai Mubai's fiancée, but Zhu Zhuqing was with another man, all the eyes in the entire Rose Hotel couldn't help but look over in unison.

  'Ha ha! I didn't expect Dai Shao to be romantic and unrestrained all day long, but someone knocked the corner of the wall. I really didn't expect it, I didn't expect it! '

  In the Rose Hotel, because I know that Dai Mubai is extraordinarily flirtatious in Soto City.

  When he knew that Dai Mubai's fiancée had been stolen by someone else, the manager of the Rose Hotel couldn't help but couldn't help being happy, and then looked closely at Su Mo and the others and Dai Mubai's direction full of gossip.

  On the other hand, since Su Mo knew about his relationship with Zhu Zhuqing, under the humiliation in his heart, Dai Mubai no longer concealed it, but took a deep breath, and directly threatened Su Mo in a cold voice.

  "Since you know the relationship between me and Zhuqing, you should know our identities. You dare to be with Zhuqing alone. I advise you, get the hell out of here, otherwise if our family knows you, You're going to die!!"

  "Haha! So what if I know? Do you think Zhuqing is a cowardly waste like you? Since Zhuqing chose to be with me, she naturally believes that I can protect her."

  " Unlike you, you have a marriage contract, and logically speaking, your lives should be one, but you abandoned Zhuqing without saying a word, and escaped from Xingluo Imperial City by yourself." "It's cool that you left, But have you ever thought about Zhuqing, you have given Zhuqing the pressure that you should have endured, have you thought about what will happen to Zhuqing in Xingluo Imperial City after you leave?"

"No! You haven't thought about it! You What you only think about is yourself!"

  "You are such a waste of no initiative and no sense of responsibility, since you have given up resistance and are playing so chic here, don't mention any more engagements." "

  Now that you are mentioning an engagement, do you think Do you love Zhuqing so much? You just saw that Zhuqing was beautiful, and then knew that she was your fiancée, and your man's self-esteem was the cause." "But what qualifications do you have to say about Zhuqing, you are on the left

  now Hug to the right, you can't be more flirtatious in the past, your own butt is not clean, tell Zhuqing not to be with me, do you deserve it? What a hypocritical and double-standard waste!" Regarding Dai Mubai's threat, Su Mo directly With a sneer, Dai Mubai's hypocrisy and double standards were exposed in the lobby of the Rose Hotel.

  After listening to Su Mo's words, many people in the Rose Hotel couldn't help talking, and looked at Dai Mubai with some disdain.

  Even Tang San looked strangely at Dai Mubai.

  Because from what Su Mo said just now, everyone understood the relationship between Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing. They should be a fiancé couple with an engagement, from two families of soul masters, in the Star Luo Imperial City of the Star Luo Empire.

  The two of them were facing some kind of danger, so they should face it together.

  But this Dai Mubai abandoned his fiancée, and fled to Suotuo City by himself to be romantic.

  Now seeing Zhu Zhuqing, and finding that his fiancée is very beautiful, but with other men, his own man's possessiveness is causing trouble, so he doesn't want him to leave.

  But the problem is, this Dai Mubai obviously abandoned his fiancée first, and was still flirting in Suotuo City, and now he hugged him left and right, but he accused his fiancée of being with other men.

  This is simply a double standard and extremely hypocritical!

  "You're talking nonsense!!"

  Dai Mubai couldn't help but his eyes turned red immediately after being exposed by Su Mo, and he couldn't help roaring from embarrassment.

  "I'm talking nonsense, but you said it!"

  But at this, Su Mo still sneered.

  In the previous life, Su Mo was very upset with Dai Mubai, because Dai Mubai was obviously sorry for Zhu Zhuqing.

  But in the original book, in the Suotuo Great Soul Arena, Zhu Zhuqing just said something about Dai Mubai, and Dai Mubai became furious, and even wanted to beat Zhu Zhuqing, it was shameless.

  In his opinion, it was okay for him to be sorry to Zhu Zhuqing.

  But Zhu Zhuqing had to be obedient to him, which can be described as a double standard and extremely shameless!

  Now, he is going to ruthlessly expose Dai Mubai, so that his true face will undoubtedly be exposed!

  In the Rose Hotel, after being exposed by Su Mo, Dai Mubai was very angry, but he was completely unable to defend himself, because what Su Mo said was the truth, and when he wanted to do something, he found that he couldn't beat Su Mo. Mo can only be incompetent and furious.

  "Zhuqing, let's go!"

  After revealing Dai Mubai's true face in front of everyone, and seeing that Dai Mubai could only be helpless and furious, Su Mo couldn't help feeling a little disdainful, and after speaking to Zhu Zhuqing, he prepared to take Zhu Zhuqing left.

  And hearing Su Mo's words, Zhu Zhuqing didn't even look at Dai Mubai, just hummed lightly, then stretched out his hand to hug Su Mo's arm, and leaned against Su Mo's body, ready to leave with Su Mo.

  Seeing this, Dai Mubai's face almost turned green. Under the crowds watching, he felt extremely humiliated in his heart, wishing he could raise his head to the sky and roar three times, tearing Su Mo's body to pieces.

  Originally, he could have forcibly defined the relationship between Su Mo and Zhu Zhuqing as brother and sister.

  But now that the two of them are so close, they can't wash at all!

  His man's dignity was trampled into scum by this guy in front of so many people!

  "Tang San, let's go first!"

  Before leaving, Xiao Wu also greeted her classmate Tang San, then reached out and hugged Su Mo's other arm, and left the Rose Hotel together with Su Mo and Zhu Zhuqing .

  Seeing that Xiao Wu also hugged Su Mo's arm, Tang San also turned green for a while, and couldn't help looking at Dai Mubai, and Dai Mubai also looked over.

  The eyes of the two met, but neither made a sound, but at the same time, there was a burst of sorrow and joy in their hearts, just like a plum cut by Yuan Hua, the tide sea spirit.

  This made the two of them feel that they were both fallen in the world.