Yu Xiaogang's Fortunately, Shy Ah Yin

"That little girl in the pink dress should be the one you like?"

  After being silent for a while, Dai Mubai couldn't help sighing. Tang San asked.

  And Tang San nodded silently.

  "Then the two of us brothers are really the same people, and the woman we love was snatched by the same man..."

  Dai Mubai shook his head with some self-deprecation, and after standing up from the ground, he couldn't help turning his head to look at The twin beautiful girls I brought with me before.

  But at this moment, after realizing that Dai Mubai is so hypocritical and cowardly, the beautiful twin girls who originally planned to serve Dai Mubai together looked at Dai Mubai with contempt and disgust.

  In fact, the twin girls were not born in a poor family.

  If he was from a poor family, Dai Mubai couldn't have liked it either.

  The two girls are completely willing to be with Dai Mubai because they see that Dai Mubai is a handsome and handsome genius soul master, who has the air of a domineering president.

  But he didn't expect that Dai Mubai was inside of gold and jade, and inside of it was failure.

  On the surface, he looks like a domineering president, but in fact he is a cowardly and shameless person!

  This made the two sisters' perception of Dai Mubai suddenly drop to the bottom, now they are very disgusted and disgusted, naturally it is impossible to be with Dai Mubai again.


  Facing Dai Mubai's gaze, the beautiful twin girls couldn't help but frowned, snorted in disgust, held each other's hands, and quickly left the Rose Hotel.

  Afterwards, under Dai Mubai's gaze, the two girls actually chased Su Mo...

  This made Dai Mubai's face turn greener, and he almost wanted to vomit blood.

  But the good thing is, when faced with the approach of the twin girls, Su Mo still didn't have anything to do with the twin girls. Instead, he took Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu and left after tactfully refusing.

  This made Dai Mubai heave a sigh of relief, his complexion looked much better.

  Not long after Su Mo left with Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu.

  A middle-aged man wearing a black academic uniform and with an inch-cut head, led by a strange martial spirit with lavender body, slender ears, like a rabbit, but with a body like a piglet, walked towards the Rose Hotel .


  Seeing the middle-aged man walking towards him, Tang San couldn't help being overjoyed, he hurried out of the Rose Hotel, and greeted him.

  "Xiao San, why are you here?"

  Yu Xiaogang couldn't help being very surprised when he found that Tang San came out of a love hotel, and beside him was a tall and burly young man with blond hair.

  "I have searched many hotels, but none of them have vacant rooms. Only this hotel has vacant rooms, so I opened a room in this hotel." Regarding Yu Xiaogang's inquiry, because the Rose Hotel is not

  very Satisfied, Tang San replied helplessly.

  Yu Xiaogang: "..."

  "Tang San, are you going to live in the Rose Hotel with this gentleman, your teacher?"

  On the side, Tang San seemed to want to live in the Rose Hotel with Yu Xiaogang In the hotel, Dai Mubai almost wanted to laugh, and couldn't help asking.

  "That's right! What's the matter?"

  Tang San was a little confused, why did Dai Mubai ask this.

  "Hehe, it's nothing."

  Dai Mubai suppressed a smile in his heart, but he didn't say anything.

  But now he also understands that Tang San should have come from a small place, and he doesn't know much about many things in big cities, at least he definitely doesn't know about love hotels.

  Otherwise, I wouldn't plan to open a room in a love hotel with my teacher.

  But also right!

  He chatted with Tang San for a long time just now, and found that Tang San is a complete idiot in terms of feelings. Since he likes the girl named Xiao Wu, it is very unlikely that he would tease other girls at the same time.

  He was just wondering why Tang San would come to a love hotel to open a room alone, but he didn't expect that he planned to stay here with his teacher.

  "Little San, this is..."

  After the corner of his mouth twitched, Yu Xiaogang also wanted to tell Tang San that this was a couple hotel.

  But now it is the school season, it is too difficult to find a hotel with vacant rooms, love hotel is a love hotel.

  Although he can also ask his brother Flender for help and go to Shrek Academy in advance.

  But when he went to see Flender just now, he clearly refused to go through the back door, saying that he would take his disciples to enroll in Shrek Academy tomorrow, and now he went back and said that he would enter Shrek Academy early, which was really a shame.

  never mind!

  "Teacher, what's here?"

  Regarding Yu Xiaogang's words, Tang San asked with some doubts.

  But Yu Xiaogang shook his head, didn't answer, after recovering his usual stiff face, he casually prevaricated.

  And after entering the Rose Hotel.

  Because of the chatter between the waiters and some customers in the Rose Hotel, and the damaged lobby, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help frowning and asked what happened.

  Regarding this, Tang San didn't hide it either, but told what happened at the Rose Hotel just now with a somewhat complicated mood.

  From Tang San, I learned that Su Mo brought Xiao Wu and a girl named Zhu Zhuqing to Soto City, and this girl named Zhu Zhuqing was also the fiancée of the young man in front of him named Dai Mubai.

  Thinking that his disciple Tang San seemed to like Xiao Wu, and that Xiao Wu also seemed to be ambiguous with Su Mo, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but suddenly looked a little weird.

  I didn't expect my disciple and this Dai Mubai to be greened by a guy named Su Mo...

  Back then, my Erlong almost accepted a young man named Su Mo as his younger brother, if he hadn't been witty at the time Extraordinary, to prevent this from happening, maybe he will be green...

  Thinking of this, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but feel very lucky.

  "Tang San, and Master, I'll take my leave first, and we'll see you tomorrow!"

  Because he had already guessed that Tang San came to Soto City most likely to enroll in Shrek Academy, and when he was about to leave, Dai Mubai couldn't help but With a mysterious smile, he waved goodbye to Tang San and Yu Xiaogang.


  On the other side, after bringing Zhu Zhuqing to Soto City to meet Dai Mubai.

  After Zhu Zhuqing learned that Dai Mubai left Xingluo Imperial City and came to Suotuo City purely for the sake of being romantic, he had completely settled his knot.

  And Su Mo was also satisfied with beating Dai Mubai at the Rose Hotel, fulfilling his previous wish.

  After that, after leaving the Rose Hotel with Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu.

  Su Mo took the two girls to play in Suoto City for another day, and stopped by the owl shop in the middle, and cut off Tang San's hair.

  It was not until evening that Su Mo left Suotuo City with Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing, preparing to return to Balak King City.

  And after returning to Barak King City, the time has come to night.

  Late at night, in a luxurious room at the Barak Royal Hotel.

  Su Mo just returned to the room alone.

  With the emergence of a silver-blue light, Ah Yin, who was wearing a silver-blue long dress, quickly gathered beside Su Mo, and said to Su Mo unwillingly.

  "Amo, why didn't you kill that demon just now?"

  Su Mo knew that the demon Ah Yin was referring to was Tang San, so he couldn't help but smiled helplessly.

  "I can't kill him! You know, Tang Hao must be by his side!"

  "Although I'm not afraid of him now, it's still very difficult for me to kill him. If I let him run away, I will definitely not be able to survive in the future , just wait."

  "I promise, I will kill him in the future and let your son's body rest in peace."

  Su Mo comforted.


  Hearing what Su Mo said, Ah Yin could only choose to accept it with complicated emotions.

  She herself is not the kind of relatively strong woman.

  Now that Su Mo has already made a promise, it is impossible for her to continue to force her...

  "Okay! Okay! I will definitely do what I promised you. It's just that the time is not yet ripe, so you should hurry up and practice. Cultivate as soon as possible to reach the 100,000-year transformation."

  "You said that we are already husband and wife, I can't even touch your hand, let alone develop in depth, I can't wait!"

  Seeing Ah Yin felt aggrieved, and Su Mo couldn't help but feel his heart move. While comforting him, he also expressed his troubles in a "helpless" way.

  This made A Yin suddenly blushed, and said hastily.

  "I know... I know, you should rest early, I... I will hurry up and practice."

  After finishing speaking, Ah Yin immediately withdrew his consciousness back as if fleeing.

  For a moment, the silver-blue figure beside Su Mo disintegrated instantly, turning into a large number of silver-blue light spots in the illusion and dissipating in the air.

  Only Su Mo was left smiling softly in the room.