Changes in Shrek Academy, Yu Tianheng breaks through the Soul Sect

after returning to Balak King City.

  Afterwards, Su Mo naturally took Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu to continue the special training of fighting spirits with the Huangdou team led by Qin Ming in the Barak Great Soul Arena.

  On the other side, in Soto city.

  The next day, Tang San left Soto City under the leadership of Yu Xiaogang, and went to Shrek Academy located on the outskirts of Soto City.

  But it's different from the original.

  Under the influence of Su Mo, Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu were missing from those who went to Shrek Academy to sign up this time.

  Therefore, only Ning Rongrong was left to sign up for Shrek Academy with Tang San.

  In the end, Tang San and Ning Rongrong were the only ones who successfully passed several assessments of Shrek Academy.

  And because only Tang San and Ning Rongrong successfully passed all the tests.

  So Zhao Wuji naturally didn't make a move in the end, but asked Ning Rongrong to assist Tang San in fighting against Dai Mubai, holding on to Dai Mubai's hands for a stick of incense time.

  After the two successfully fought against Dai Mubai for a stick of incense, Tang San and Ning Rongrong successfully joined Shrek Academy.

  Everything after that is almost the same as in the original book.

  It was still the second day, during training in the morning, Flender gave Ning Rongrong a blow, which aroused Ning Rongrong's savage princess temper.

  Then when taking a group of people to the Suotuo Great Spirit Arena for training at night, Ning Rongrong and Dai Mubai had a big fight.

  During this period, Oscar naturally flattered Ning Rongrong.

  But unfortunately, without Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu to mediate among them.

  When Flender inspired her unruly princess temper and was ostracized by others, Ning Rongrong acted more unconvinced and withdrawn than in the original book, and naturally ignored Oscar's flattery at all.

  Even until the next day, when Oscar broke through level 30, Ning Rongrong still didn't reconcile with the rest.

  At the same time, after several months of special training for fighting souls.

  It may be because of Su Mo's influence.

  After Duguyan fell in love with Su Mo, without the bondage of a woman, Yu Tianheng became more diligent and assiduous than in the original book, and devoted himself to cultivation.

  Therefore, compared to the original book, it should have been the thirty-ninth level soul master's cultivation base.

  This time, it was the night when Oscar broke through level 30.

  Yu Tianheng managed to break through to level 40 after going through a battle!

  Therefore, Qin Ming was immediately very happy and prepared to join Su Mo and take the Huangdou team to the Star Dou Forest tomorrow to hunt for Yu Tianheng the spirit beast that broke through level 40!


  Time soon came to the next day.

  After getting ready for the Star Dou Forest in the morning.

  Together with Qin Ming, Su Mo took Dai Lingxuan, Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu, Dugu Yan and other members of the Royal Fighting Team to the Star Dou Great Forest.

  After half a day of driving.

  In the evening, the group arrived at a town near the Star Dou Forest.

  However, because Soto City and Balak King City entered the Star Dou Great Forest in different directions, the town that Su Mo and others arrived at was not the same town that Shrek Academy arrived at.

  So naturally the two sides did not meet.

  And at night, nothing happened.

  After a night's rest, Su Mo and Qin Ming continued to lead the Huangdou team to the Star Dou Forest, and soon arrived in front of the Star Dou Forest.

  "It's finally here, Star Dou Great Forest!"

  Standing in front of the Star Dou Forest, looking at the endless green ocean-like primeval forest in front of him, although it was not the first time he came here, Su Mo still couldn't help feeling a little moved.

  Because the Star Dou Forest in front of me is really incomparably vast, and the trees inside are also ancient and abnormal, I don't know how many years they have existed.

  It can be seen that towering ancient trees rise from the ground, and the dense canopy overlaps and crisscrosses, making the sky above the entire forest seem airtight.

  Looking from the outside, you can see that many trees not only have extremely thick trunks, but also have green moss growing on them, and the branches are full of winding and hanging green vines that are as thick as a baby's arm.

  This is obviously a characteristic of an ancient tree that is more than a hundred years old!

  But standing outside the forest, even if they wanted to enter the Star Dou Great Forest, they couldn't find a way.

  When Su Mo looked at the Star Dou Forest in front of him, he felt emotional.

  Behind him, Qin Ming was telling everyone in the Huangdou team that the Star Dou Forest was extremely dangerous, and told everyone to enter the Star Dou Forest. Be sure to keep up with the team and don't fall behind.

  "Let's go, follow me closely. After I make sure there is no danger around, Yufeng and Oslo can go to the front to explore the way. Let's go in now!" After the instructions,

  Qin Ming looked very solemn. After possessing the spirit, he took the lead in walking towards the Star Dou Forest.

  Behind them, Su Mo, Ye Lingling, Xiao Wu, and Dugu Yan were protected in the middle of the team, flanked by Shi Shi and Shi Mo brothers, Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing followed Qin Ming closely, standing in front of Su Mo and the others.

  As for Yu Tianheng, Yufeng and Oslo were in front of Yu Tianheng after the tail of the team was broken, and the three took care of each other.

  A group of people entered the Star Dou Forest in such a formation.

  Because the martial spirit is the flaming wolf, and Qin Ming's attribute is the fire attribute to open the way.

  So there were almost no obstacles on the road, and the group quickly entered the Star Dou Forest.

  In the outermost periphery of the Star Dou Great Forest, most of the surviving spirit beasts are ten-year and century-old spirit beasts.

  These soul beasts are not the targets of everyone at all.

  However, the soul beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest are indeed extremely diverse.

  On the way deep into the Star Dou Great Forest, even Su Mo saw many soul beasts that he had never seen before, such as the three-tailed green deer, the golden-feathered hummingbird, and the lightning-fast leopard cat.

  These soul beasts are relatively powerful in talent, but are limited by innate restrictions such as body size, resulting in relatively weak strength, so they are the hunting targets of many soul masters.

  In places like the Sunset Forest, there were basically no such spirit beasts, and they could only be seen in the Star Dou Forest.

  But for these soul beasts, everyone is appreciative.

  Because Yu Tianheng's martial soul is the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, he can only absorb the soul ring of the sub-dragon soul beast for the last time.

  So these soul beasts, which are extremely suitable for hunting targets in the eyes of others, are by no means Yu Tianheng's targets.

  And all the way deep into the Star Dou Great Forest, after traveling for half a day.

  It wasn't until the afternoon that everyone arrived at the area near the outer edge of the Star Dou Great Forest.

  Here, the soul beasts that survive are basically millennium soul beasts.

  Although there are also ten thousand year soul beasts, they are only a very small number.

  Because what Yu Tianheng wanted to absorb was the fourth soul ring, the best age for the fourth soul ring was three thousand to five thousand years.

  So this area is the best area to find a suitable Yutian Eternal Soul Beast.

  "Okay, Yufeng, you can fly to the sky to have a look. What Tianheng needs is the soul ring of a sub-dragon soul beast with a cultivation base of more than three thousand years. It is best to have a thunder attribute. Look around and remember to be careful." A little bit!"

  Qin Ming couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief when he realized that all the surrounding soul beasts had a cultivation base of more than three thousand years, and then said to Yufeng.

  On the other side, Su Mo stood in the middle of the line, looking left and right, as if looking around, but his eyes were a little wandering, as if he was thinking about something.

  But in fact, Su Mo was only controlling some common birds and beasts in the forest by using the soul-dominating soul skill of the Death Sickle martial soul, and monitoring Tang San and others who were far away on the other side of the Star Dou Great Forest.

  As for Tang San's external spirit bone Eight Spider Lances, Su Mo never thought of keeping it for Tang San.

  So he must be optimistic about the whereabouts of Tang San and others, so that he can make a move at any time.