Four Thousand Years of Thunder One-horned Python, Changes in the Plot

Under Su Mo's Surveillance.

  Perhaps because of Su Mo's influence, this time Shrek Academy, the teacher leading the team was not only Zhao Wuji, but also the master Yu Xiaogang.

  And after entering the Star Dou Great Forest.

  Zao Wou-ki and master Yu Xiaogang began to search for a suitable soul beast for Oscar to break through level 30.

  However, in the Star Dou Great Forest, although there are extremely many types and numbers of soul beasts, it is really not an easy task to find a suitable soul beast.

  Shrek Academy and Su Mo arrived at the Star Dou Forest at about the same time, and they both entered the outskirts of the Star Dou Forest one after the other in the afternoon.

  But both sides searched until the evening before finally finding the soul beast they wanted.

  On Shrek Academy's side, the one found was naturally the cockscomb snake that appeared in the original book.

  And this phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake was still injured by the snake woman Chao Tianxiang.

  Just when Tang San subdued the cockscomb snake, Zao Wou-ki was going to ask Oscar to kill the cockscomb snake and absorb the soul ring of the cockscomb snake.

  Snake woman Zhao Tianxiang brought her granddaughter Meng Yiran, holding a snake stick martial spirit, surrounded by six soul rings of yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, and black, and appeared with the might of a soul emperor, shouting and stopping Oscar The act of killing a crested snake.

  After that, the two sides revealed their ins and outs to each other.

  Because of mutual fear, the snake woman Chao Tianxiang proposed to ask Shrek Academy to send Oscar, who wanted to hunt the cockscomb snake, to fight with his granddaughter Meng Yiran, so as to decide the ownership of the cockscomb snake.

  But it's a pity, because Oscar is a food-type soul master.

  Therefore, Shrek Academy naturally sent Tang San to fight Meng Yiran in the end.

  But it's different from the original.

  Under Su Mo's entrapment, Tang San's first soul ability no longer came from the entanglement of the mandala snake soul ring, but from the stinky fart attack of the gecko stinky fart snake.

  This spirit ability can be said to be the eternal pain in Tang San's heart.

  Unless it is forced to, when it comes to the last moment of life and death.

  Otherwise Tang San would never have used this spirit ability.

  Therefore, the battle between Meng Yiran and Tang San was not like in the original book, first he was entangled by the vine-like blue silver grass summoned by Tang San and thrust into the air.

  And even though Meng Yiran quickly activated the second soul ability: the snake body broke free, but the clothes on his body were scratched by the spikes on the blue silver grass, and finally had an ambiguous relationship with Tang San.

  Without the first soul ability: Entangling, the way Tang San defeated Meng Yiran this time was through design, so that Meng Yiran's body was stained with blue silver grass fragments.

  Immediately afterwards, Tang San could directly activate the second soul skill: Parasite, through the fragments of blue silver grass on Meng Yiran's body, a large amount of blue silver grass was born, wrapping Meng Yiran into rice dumplings, and finally forced Meng Yiran to He could only grit his teeth and choose to admit defeat.

  And after Meng Yiran lost to Tang San, although the snake woman Chao Tianxiang was very unwilling, she could only accept the bet and leave with her granddaughter Meng Yiran.

  On the other side, on Su Mo's side, in the evening, he finally found for Yu Tianheng a thunderous one-horned python with a cultivation base of more than 4,000 years that was most suitable for him.

  Thundering one-horned python, although there is no word for Jiao or dragon in its name.

  But like the phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake, it is indeed a sub-dragon species, and its soul ring can be absorbed by Yu Tianheng.

  Because of Qin Ming's leadership and the help of the entire Huangdou team.

  Although the strength of the Thundering One-horned Python, which has been cultivated for more than 4,000 years, is basically not inferior to that of the human Soul Emperor, it was still successfully subdued in the end.

  Then, amidst the thunderous one-horned python's unwilling neighing, Yu Tianheng stepped forward and killed the thundering one-horned python.

  Afterwards, after absorbing the soul ring of the Thundering One-horned Python that was more than 4,000 years old, Yu Tianheng successfully obtained the fourth soul skill: Blue Lightning Dragon Disease!

  And because when Yu Tianheng absorbed the thunder one-horned python's soul ring, the sky was already dark.

  Everyone knew that it was definitely impossible to leave the Star Dou Forest tonight.

  Therefore, when Yu Tianheng absorbed the soul ring of the Thundering One-horned Python.

  Everyone stayed here, planning to rest for one night first, and then leave the Star Dou Forest tomorrow and return to Balak King City.

  But at night, when everyone changed shifts to protect Yu Tianheng, Su Mo couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

  It seems that in the original book, at this time, the Titan Giant Ape sensed Xiao Wu's breath in the core area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest, so he rushed over from the core area.

  Then it seemed that tomorrow morning, they rushed here.

  With this Titan Giant Ape, maybe I can separate from the team logically tomorrow, and then approach the Unrivaled Dragon Snake, and at the same time use the Unrivaled Dragon Snake to pry Meng Yiran over, preventing him from joining the Shrek Academy... On the other side , also at night.

  While Yu Tianheng was absorbing the soul ring of the Thundering One-horned Python, Su Mo was making plans for tomorrow.

  On the Shrek Academy side, when Oscar was absorbing the Cockscomb Snake spirit ring, Tang San was cultivating hard.

  Because Su Mo pried Xiao Wu away, Tang San, like Yu Tianheng, worked harder and continued to practice hard without the burden of emotion.

  Therefore, when Oscar hadn't completely absorbed the spirit ring.

  Tang San, who was cultivating in the tent, suddenly opened his eyes, only to see two flashes of light burst out from his eyes, his face showed an unconcealable joy.

  He broke through, from level 29 to level 30, now he can also hunt soul beasts, absorb the third soul ring, and break through to the soul master!

  So, just after Oscar successfully absorbed the soul ring of the Cockscomb Snake, and let everyone experience its third soul ability: Flying Mushroom Sausage.

  Tang San smiled and told Zhao Wuji, Yu Xiaogang and others the good news that he also broke through to level 30.

  This made Zao Wou-ki and the master extremely happy and excited.

  Because a twelve-year-old soul master is extremely rare, and it is estimated that looking at the history of the entire Douluo Continent, it should be counted on the fingers of one's fingers!

  "Little San, congratulations!"

"Tang San, congratulations, twelve-year-old Hunzun, even in our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, there is no genius like you!"

Master Yu Xiaogang informed Zhao Wuji, and under the deliberate indulgence of the two, the team experienced several soul beast attacks on the road.

  During this period, although Tang San, Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun and others were somewhat resistant to Ning Rongrong's princess temper, it was impossible to really ignore Ning Rongrong, but also actively protect Ning Rongrong.

  This made Ning Rongrong finally let go of her arrogance, and tried to integrate into Shrek Academy.

  But at this moment, discovering that Tang San had reached level 30 at the age of twelve, and was about to break through to the Soul Master, Ning Rongrong couldn't help feeling envious and moved when looking at Tang San.

  Regarding this, Tang San naturally expressed modestly that he just had better talent and worked harder in cultivation.

  If Ning Rongrong works hard in cultivation, it is estimated that he will be able to break through the Soul Lord soon in the future.

  Because of Tang San's breakthrough, master Yu Xiaogang immediately decided to take Tang San to find a suitable spirit beast for his third spirit ring tomorrow. As for returning to Shrek Academy, it was naturally postponed.