The Attack of the Titan Giant Ape, Su Mo's Plan

'Hehe, interesting, have you broken through level 30 yet? As for Tang San's breakthrough, through monitoring, Su Mo, who was far away on the other side, naturally also found out, so he couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly, thinking in his heart.

  But what about a breakthrough?

  With him, under his influence, Tang San lost Xiao Wu.

  He didn't believe that Tang San would encounter the Man Faced Demon Spider on the road again because of chasing the Titan Giant Ape.

  And without the external spirit bone Eight Spider Lances, Tang San's combat power compared to the same period in the original work can be said to have been greatly weakened!

  I also don't know, after he tried to make Tang San lose the attached spirit bone Eight Spider Lances, whether the system would give him a similar reward like the opportunity to add memory.


  In the blink of an eye, the next day came.

  In the early morning, the sun has not yet emerged in the eastern sky.

  The sky is still blue, only the faint morning light illuminates the earth.

  At this moment, in the Star Dou Great Forest, everything is still very silent.

  Because he was practicing the Nine-Turn Xuantian Kungfu, which was upgraded from Xuantian Kungfu, Su Mo no longer needed to sleep, but settled down in a state of cultivation, which could achieve a more superior effect than sleeping.

  Knowing that the Titan giant ape is likely to come and "attack" suddenly this morning.

  In order to prevent being caught off guard, Su Mo set up some live bird monitors in a radius of tens of thousands of meters before Su Mo practiced meditation, alerting the approaching giant apes at any time.

  It's clearly working!

  Just when everyone just woke up and started preparing breakfast.

  Su Mo, who was practicing in a tent, couldn't help feeling something, and opened his eyes immediately.


  That's right! The Titan Giant Ape finally rushed over from the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest!

  After discovering the arrival of the giant ape titan, Su Mo immediately got up and left the tent, and shouted to everyone outside the tent.

  "It's dangerous, everyone pack up your things and get ready to leave immediately!"


  Hearing Su Mo's words, everyone was still a little dazed.

  Only Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing got up immediately, quickly entered their tent and packed their things.

  As for Xiao Wu, it seemed that she had sensed something, and her innocent and lovely face changed slightly.

  "Bang!" "Bang!", "Bang!"


  Just as everyone was stunned, the ground suddenly shook.

  Qin Ming, who was the "highest" in cultivation, was the first to sense the danger. After his face changed, he quickly got up and looked in the direction of the movement.

  In the distance, I saw a gray-brown body, more than fifteen meters tall, huge in size, with limbs as thick as giant pillars, with knotted muscles on it, and a layer of gray-brown rock carapace covered in its fur, which was still flowing. The giant ape with lines like magma is jumping quickly.

  The violent vibrations and loud bangs on the ground were all caused by this giant ape spirit beast!

  "This is... the Titan Giant Ape?! And it's a Titan Giant Ape that has been around for a hundred thousand years?!"

  Seeing that the giant ape spirit beast jumping over from a distance turned out to be the legendary Titan Giant Ape, Qin Ming couldn't help but Suddenly he yelled in horror, his heart was full of shock and disbelief.

  You know, the titan great ape, as a legendary soul beast standing at the top of the food chain, has always been extremely powerful.

  Even a Titan Giant Ape with a cultivation base of tens of thousands of years is estimated to be comparable to an ordinary 100,000-year-old soul beast, let alone this one is a 100,000-year-old Titan Giant Ape.

  It's just that shouldn't all soul beasts of one hundred thousand years live in the deepest part of the Star Dou Forest?

  This is only the outer area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest! !

  "Hurry up! Everyone get out of here!"

  When Qin Ming was shocked, Su Mo shouted calmly, telling everyone to run away quickly, otherwise, if the Titan Giant Ape jumped over, they would have to step on it Die a few!

  But after hearing Su Mo's words, everyone just woke up like a dream, and hurriedly fled in all directions.

  Among them, because they knew what the Titan Giant Ape was doing here.

  Xiao Wu gritted her teeth directly, pretended to be flustered, and fled in the completely opposite direction with everyone, in order to prevent the giant ape from hurting her friend.


  But after looking at Xiao Wu, the Titan Giant Ape roared excitedly, jumped up again, and chased after Xiao Wu.

  "Not good!"

  Qin Ming's face changed drastically when he saw the titan giant ape chasing Xiao Wu with a clear goal.

  At first, he thought that the Titan Giant Ape was just passing by for some reason, but he didn't expect that it was coming for his students with a clear goal!

  As a teacher, although I know that I am destined to be impossible to be the opponent of the Titan Great Ape.

  But it was impossible for Qin Ming to watch the Titan Giant Ape hurt his students, so he couldn't help roaring, instantly activated the Martial Soul Possession, and then launched the soul skill on the Titan Giant Ape.

  "Titan Giant Ape, stop quickly!"

  "Sixth Soul Ability: Burning Flames!!"

  "Fourth Soul Ability: Petrochemical Poison!"

  "Fourth Soul Ability: Blue Lightning Dragon Disease!" "

  Third Soul Skill: Stormy Wind!"

  Seeing the Titan Giant Ape chasing Xiao Wu, not only Qin Ming, but also Yu Tianheng, Dugu Yan, Yufeng, Shi Mo, Shi Mo and others were shocked and rushed into the Martial spirit possessed state, and then launched the soul skill to try to stop the titan great ape.

  But it's a pity that everyone's soul skills, including Qin Ming, were completely ignored after falling on the body of the titan great ape, like scratching an itch.

  "Second Soul Ability: Armor Thorn Cover!"

  "Fourth Soul Ability: Storm Wings!"

  "Xiao Wu, run!"

  On the other side, as Xiao Wu's closest person, seeing Xiao Wu in distress, Su Mo Naturally, he was even more "anxious". After summoning the stick spirit of the tree of life, he quickly activated his soul skills, bless Xiao Wu with defense-type soul skills that could help her escape and speed-type soul skills that could help her escape.

  For a moment, among the five soul rings of "yellow, yellow, purple, purple, and black" surrounding him, the second "yellow" and fourth "purple" soul rings suddenly lit up.

  After the two strands of soul power quickly landed on Xiao Wu's body.

  Xiao Wu's body first condensed a layer of silver shield covered with spikes, and then a pair of wind wings broke through behind her!

  But it's a pity, although after obtaining the Wings of the Storm, Xiao Wu theoretically has the possibility of escaping.

  But because of the relationship between Titan Giant Ape Er Ming and Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu wanted to pretend to be captured, and then took the opportunity to communicate with Titan Giant Ape Er Ming.

  Therefore, even though the Wings of the Storm appeared behind her, Xiao Wu pretended to be surprised and prepared to spread the Wings of the Storm and escape, but in the end she was a step too slow, and was caught up by the Titan Giant Ape, who was then grabbed.


  After catching Xiao Wu, the titan giant ape couldn't help but let out an excited roar, then jumped up, spanning nearly a thousand meters in an instant, ready to take Xiao Wu back to the core area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest.

  "Xiao Wu!!!"

  But when he saw Xiao Wu being taken away by the titan ape, Su Mo's eyes suddenly burst into tears.

  After a burst of angry roars, Su Mo immediately applied the fourth soul skill to himself: Wings of the Storm. He spread out a pair of wings of blue storms behind his back, fluttered his wings instantly, and chased after the giant ape.

  "Hey! Su Mo, don't chase after him!"

  "Teacher Su Mo!"

  Seeing Su Mo chasing after him like this, Qin Ming and the members of the Huangdou team couldn't help shouting in a hurry, trying to stop Su Mo.

  But it was too late. Su Mo spread his wings of the storm and rushed up "angryly", followed by the titan great ape and disappeared from sight in the blink of an eye.

  But when Qin Ming and the rest of the Huangdou team were full of worries.

  In the rear, Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Lingxuan couldn't help but glanced at each other, feeling a little weird in their hearts.