The dragon and snake attack together, and the dragon and snake surrender in one blow!

"Old woman, Wuhun Fusion Technique!!"

  After being blown away by Su Mo, Meng Shu crashed into a big tree, couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood, then coughed up blood, turned to look at Snake lady turned toward the sky and yelled loudly.

  Hearing Meng Shu's words, the snake lady Chao Tianxiang was also startled, and hurriedly rushed to Long Gong Meng Shu.

  Seeing her husband Meng Shu being beaten so helpless and vomiting blood continuously, the snake mother was also panicked and rushed towards Meng Shu.

  "Old man, hold on, I'll come right away!"

  Just as the snake lady rushed towards Meng Shu, as the two approached and finally touched together, a huge dark green beam of light suddenly shot into the sky.

  And in the dark green beam of light, the Snake Staff and the Dragon Staff Martial Souls of Snake Lady Zhao Tianxiang and Duke Long Mengshu immediately overlapped together.

  The next moment, a dragon with dark green scales all over its body and bloody patterns on it roared up to the sky, broke free from the dark green beam of light, and looked at Su Mo with a pair of scarlet vertical pupils.

  "This is the Wuhun Fusion Skill of Unrivaled Dragon Snake? Combined Dragon Snake Attack?"

  Seeing the dark green flood dragon appearing in front of him, Su Mo couldn't help narrowing his eyes slightly, thinking in his heart.

  In the novel, although it was mentioned that the Unrivaled Dragon Snake has the martial soul fusion skill Dragon Snake Combined Strike, and can fight against Title Douluo, but it really didn't mention what the Unrivaled Dragon Snake's martial soul fusion skill Dragon Snake Combined Strike is. form.

  But in the anime, Unrivaled Dragon Snake's Wuhun Fusion Skill - Dragon Snake Combined Strike is manifested as a dark green poisonous dragon that can breathe out highly poisonous.

  It seems that in terms of Wuhun Fusion Skill of Unrivaled Dragon Snake, it follows the setting of the anime.


  While Su Mo was sizing up the poisonous dragon in front of him, he saw that the poisonous dragon, transformed by Dragon Lord Meng Shu and Snake Po Chao Tianxiang using the martial soul fusion technique Dragon Snake Combined Attack, immediately opened its bloody mouth, and instantly turned to Su Mo. Mo spit out a dark green pillar of poisonous mist.

  However, seeing the attack of the poisonous flood dragon in front of him, Su Mo's figure moved, and his whole body appeared more than ten meters away in an instant, as if changing shape and shadow.

  For a moment, the dark green poisonous mist spouted by the poisonous dragon couldn't help but fell into the air. After hitting the ground, the violent poisonous mist corroded the ground into a deep pit in an instant.

  And after the bombardment hit the ground, the poisonous mist that swept out towards the surroundings directly corroded the surrounding large trees into puddles of dark green pus, but it did not hurt Su Mo at all.

  "Do you think you can defeat me with your martial soul fusion skills?"

  After dodging the poisonous fog sprayed by the poisonous flood dragon in an instant with the body technique, Su Mo couldn't help sneering as he looked at the poisonous flood dragon in front of him. Just reach out and make a move.

  The next moment, as a burst of dark light burst out from his hand, a huge black sickle suddenly appeared in Su Mo's hand.

  At the same time, black, black, black, black, black, black, red, red, and red nine soul rings immediately rose from Su Mo's feet one after another, surrounding his body.

  Originally, last time, Su Mo's soul ring configuration was black ten thousand year soul ring except for the ninth soul ring.

  But a few years later, through unremitting efforts, Su Mo finally upgraded the seventh and eighth soul skills to 100,000 years through the soul-swallowing soul skill of the death sickle martial soul.

  "How... is this possible?!"

  On the other side, in the poisonous flood dragon's body, when he saw that Su Mo had summoned a second martial soul, nine soul rings rose up all over his body, and they were even better than the best soul. With the nine soul rings configured on the ring, Unrivaled Dragon Snake couldn't help constricting his pupils and feeling horrified.

  They never thought that Su Mo, who looked so young, would already be a Title Douluo, and a Title Douluo with twin martial souls.

  If they had known Su Mo's true strength before, they would have given them 10,000 courage, and they would not have dared to kill Su Mo!

  Originally, they were still struggling to understand why Su Mo, a soul king of the auxiliary system, was so powerful that he was able to hang him in the sky to beat him as a Contra.

  Now he finally understood.

  It turned out that the young man named Su Mo in front of him had cultivation at the level of a soul king, but only his second martial soul, and his first soul ring had already reached the realm of Titled Douluo!

  But even so, how did this surpass the best soul ring configuration? !

  But when Meng Shu and Chao Tianxiang were shocked, after Su Mo summoned the death scythe martial soul, his body moved, and he shot up into the sky in an instant, and came in front of the poisonous dragon.

  Afterwards, looking at the poisonous flood dragon in front of him, Su Mo held the death scythe martial soul, and directly turned the death scythe in his hand into a dark afterimage and slashed down.

  Facing Su Mo's slash with the death scythe.

  The poisonous dragon transformed by Dragon Lord Meng Shu and Snake Po Chao Tianxiang's martial soul fusion technique Dragon Snake Combined Attack couldn't resist at all, before even reacting, the huge and ferocious dark green dragon's head was directly split in two .

  Suddenly, the slender and huge dark green poisonous dragon suddenly disintegrated in the air, turning into countless dark green spots of soul power.

  But amidst the dark green soul power spots flying all over the sky, Duke Long Meng Shu and Snake Woman Chao Tianxiang immediately vomited blood, fell down with pale faces, and fell heavily to the ground.

  "Ahem, kill us..."

  "You were right before, because of this external spirit bone, we originally wanted to kill you, but we didn't expect you to be a Titled Douluo. "

  But if you want to kill us, kill us, she is still innocent, I hope you can let her go..."

  After falling to the ground, Meng Shu put his right hand on his chest, his face was pale, and he was coughing blood, struggling Said to Su Mo.

  He had been injured by Su Mo twice before, but now he was performing the martial soul fusion skill with the snake woman Chao Tianxiang, and the martial soul fusion skill was forcibly interrupted by Su Mo. Under the backlash, Meng Shu no longer had the power to resist force.

  "Kill you guys? If I want to kill you guys, do you think you're still alive now?"

  Seeing Meng Shu's look of admitting defeat and waiting to die, Su Mo put down the huge pitch-black death scythe Wuhun in his hand, but With a sneer, his tone was full of disdain and mockery.

  In fact, he didn't talk nonsense.

  With his strength, as long as he thinks about it, he can kill Meng Shu without any effort. Meng Shu and Chao Tianxiang can persist until now only because he has no intention of killing.

  " won't kill us?"

  Hearing Su Mo's answer, Meng Shu couldn't help being taken aback.

  But after thinking about it, the behavior of Su Mo, the Title Douluo, was indeed a bit weird. Since he was a Title Douluo, and his strength was so powerful, there was no need to hide his identity to approach them before.

  You only need to reveal your identity as a Titled Douluo, and at the price of saving Meng Yiran, even if they are made to be slaves, they will have to submit under the pressure of their granddaughter's life and the opponent's strength.

  "Of course! I didn't intend to kill you. I just gave you a test before, but unfortunately you didn't pass." "

  But the result is the same whether you pass or not. Now you have two choices. ...Just kneel down and submit to me!"

  "Choose, tell me your answer!"

  Seeing Meng Shu's stunned look, Su Mo maintained a sneer on his face, and pointed the black death scythe blade at Meng Shu , gives the choice.

  But for this, Meng Shu and Chao Tianxiang looked at each other, they both sighed at the same time, but struggled to stand up obediently, then knelt down to Su Mo, and bowed at the same time.

  "Your Majesty, we... choose to surrender!"