Meng is still awake

Star forest, inner circle.

  After killing the poisonous flood dragons transformed by Dragon Lord Meng Shu and Snake Woman Chao Tianxiang with the Wuhun Death God Sickle, they faced Su Mo with two choices: death or surrender.

  In the end, both Duke Long Meng Shu and Snake Pom Chao Tianxiang chose to surrender.

  "Since the two of you have surrendered to me, let the ugly words come first, and you don't think about betraying in the future, otherwise, I can give you your life, or take it away at any time!" Looking at the dragon who knelt and bowed in front of him

  , Gong Mengshu and Snake Lady Chaotianxiang, Su Mo held the black body and looked extremely huge Death Sickle Martial Soul, and said in a cold voice.

  Naturally, Meng Shu and Chao Tianxiang didn't dare to speak out.

  "It's fine if you don't dare. Let me explain to you. In fact, I am a member of the Wuhun Palace. To be precise, I am the holy son of the Wuhun Palace generation. As long as you faithfully submit to me and do things for me, your benefits will naturally be indispensable in the future." !"

  After a big stick, the next step is to give carrots and draw big cakes, and at this point, Su Mo's cold tone finally softened a little.

  'My lord is the holy son of the Wuhun Temple? Knowing Su Mo's identity, Dragon Lord Meng Shu and Snake Pom Chao Tianxiang couldn't help but look at each other, with a certain feeling in their eyes as expected.

  They were wondering which force could cultivate a genius like Su Mo who seemed to be a Titled Douluo in his twenties and who had twin martial souls himself.

  Sure enough, only Wuhundian is the most qualified for this!

  And even though with Su Mo's Titled Douluo level of strength, it is completely acceptable for Unrivaled Dragon Snake to lead his own Dragon Snake family to surrender.

  But compared to being a genius through cultivation, the status of the holy son of the Wuhun Temple can make them feel more convinced and at ease.

  After all, Su Mo's own talent and strength are fixed, and they are all extremely amazing anyway, but the former has no power behind him, but the latter has a top-level powerful support behind him.

  This is the simplest addition and subtraction, the latter is definitely better!

  Why! Unexpectedly, our Dragon Snake Clan would inevitably end up with the fate of taking refuge with other forces...

  Knowing Su Mo's identity, after deciding to submit to Su Mo completely, and stepping on the chariot of the Wuhun Temple, Duke Long Meng Shu couldn't help but sigh in his heart endlessly.

  However, compared to the Yu, Po, Min, and Su four clans who took refuge in the Clear Sky School, our Dragon Snake Clan following the Spirit Hall must have a better future.

  After all, the Wuhun Palace used to overwhelm the entire Douluo Continent, and now there is a unparalleled genius like Su Mo in front of him. In the future, he will suppress the soul master world of Douluo Continent again for thousands of years!

  It's just that we wanted to kill our benefactor to silence us for an external soul bone.

  They performed really poorly in the test given by Su Mo, the holy son of Wuhun Temple, and they don't know what the holy son of Wuhundian, Su Mo, is thinking.

  If our dragon and snake family is only used as a tool for random sacrifice, it would be bad...

  Although it feels that Su Mo and Wuhundian will join forces, the entire Douluo Continent will be suppressed in the future, their dragon and snake family If you can follow Wuhundian, you will definitely benefit a lot.

  But thinking that the husband and wife still wanted to kill Su Mo to silence them, Duke Long Meng Shu and Snake Woman Chao Tianxiang couldn't help feeling a little worried and worried.

  In this regard, Su Mo could also see that under the respectful faces of Meng Shu and Chao Tianxiang, there were hidden worries and melancholy that could not be concealed.

  But Su Mo didn't pay attention to it, but continued to keep a cold face, and handed over a series of tasks he had already prepared to Unparalleled Dragon Snake.

  In fact, it was to ask Unrivaled Dragon Snake to cooperate with him later to deceive Qin Ming, telling Qin Ming that he had saved Meng Yiran, so they decided to help rescue Xiao Wu from the giant ape.

  In addition, Su Mo also asked Duke Long Meng Shu and Snake Lady Chao Tianxiang to drop their granddaughter Meng Yiran from the Alien Beast Academy in Barak King City, and instead join their Heaven Dou Imperial City Academy and become a member of the Royal Fighting Team.

  As for the reason, because the Unrivaled Dragon Snake failed the test, Su Mo didn't bother to explain, but just issued a notice indifferently.

  As for how to explain to Qin Ming after going back, this is very easy.

  Because with Yu Tianheng breaking through the Soul Sect.

  In the current Huangdou team, since Ye Lingling is bound to Dugu Yan, the soul-level team lacks one person without Yu Tianheng.

  In this regard, Su Mo chose to let Meng Yiran come over to make up for it.

  "My lord, don't worry, we will fully cooperate with your lord. As for Yiran, when we go back to Barak King City, let Yiran drop out of the Alien Beast Academy and join the Royal Fighting Team where your lord is!" After Su Mo finished the

  task Afterwards, Duke Long Meng Shu immediately responded respectfully.

  And after Su Mo mentioned his granddaughter Meng Yiran.

  Thinking of his granddaughter Meng Yiran, although his face didn't change much, but in his heart, Duke Long Meng Shu couldn't help thinking of something, and suddenly felt a little excited and excited.

  After looking at each other with his wife Snake Po Chao Tianxiang, both of them understood what the other was thinking.

  Just now they were worried that because of the bad impression left on Su Mo by their previous ingratitude, Su Mo would regard their Dragon Snake family as a tool that could be used and discarded at will.

  But now that I think about it carefully, this bad impression is actually not impossible to reverse!

  They also have a beautiful granddaughter Meng Yiran. Although the lord in front of him, Su Mo, is amazing in strength, he is just a normal young man, a young Muai, full of energy and blood.

  As long as they send their granddaughter to the side of the Lord, Su Mo, they will tell their granddaughter well in advance.

  As the saying goes: men chase women's interlayer mountain, women chase men's interlayer yarn!

  With their beautiful granddaughter taking the initiative to throw them into their arms, they didn't believe that the Lord Su Mo would not be moved, and as long as the Lord Su Mo took his granddaughter into the house.

  If there is a granddaughter blowing pillow wind in the ear of the master, the impression of the master Su Mo on their dragon and snake family will definitely gradually improve!

  That's right! That's it!

  It's just... just like this, I feel a little sorry, hey!

  Thinking of their granddaughter, Duke Long Meng Shu and Snake Pom Chao Tianxiang couldn't help sighing.

  But for the sake of the family, there was no choice but to let the granddaughter sacrifice...

  But it was not a sacrifice, after all, the lord in front of him, Su Mo, was only a little older than his granddaughter, but he was still young.

  But other than that, this master is not only unparalleled in talent and strength, but also handsome in appearance.

  Coupled with the kindness of saving the granddaughter's life, maybe when the granddaughter wakes up, they only need to push the flames a little, and the granddaughter may fall in love with the Lord herself.


  After giving the task to Unrivaled Dragon Snake, Su Mo also discovered that Qin Mingzheng and the Emperor Fighting Team had gradually rushed over through the bird monitors set up around a hundred miles away.

  Therefore, Su Mo couldn't help frowning, and summoned the tree of life stick Wuhun, and prepared to heal Long Gong Meng Shu and Snake Po Chao Tianxiang first.

  Then go to heal Meng Yiran and revive him.

  "Thank you, my lord!"

  I found that after Su Mo activated the tree of life stick spirit with the strength of the title Douluo level, under the light of life released by the tree of life stick spirit, even Contra At the same level as himself, the injuries on his body recovered quickly.

  Meng Shu couldn't help being a little shocked by this, and quickly saluted Su Mo.

  Afterwards, Su Mo healed the injuries on the snake woman Chao Tianxiang, and then went all the way to the place where the unconscious Meng Yiran was, and began to treat Meng Yiran's injuries.

  With the light of life released by the Wuhun of the tree of life stick, Meng Yiran's physical strength, energy and mental state began to recover quickly.


  Finally, with a whimpering sound, Meng Yiran, who was lying on the ground in a coma, couldn't help opening his misty eyes. The pair of purple-gray pupils looked extraordinarily beautiful, but the one was exquisite and small. His pretty face was full of bewilderment.

  "I... where am I?"