Adjustment of the Royal Fighting Team, the correction power of the plot!

After returning to Barak King City.

  Because Yu Tianheng broke through the Soul Sect, Yu Tianheng couldn't play in the soul master group battles that were held at the beginning of each big soul fighting arena.

  And after Su Mo let Meng Yiran join the Huangdou team, Meng Yiran replaced Yu Tianheng's position in the battle soul of the soul master group.

  But of course, in terms of strength, Meng Yiran is obviously incomparable to Yu Tianheng.

  So after Yu Tianheng left the field and Meng Yiran entered the field, the overall strength of the Huangdou team in the soul master group battle soul has dropped by more than a notch.

  But Qin Ming felt that this might be better.

  Because in this way, other members of the Huangdou team can be more fully trained.

  With Yu Tianheng here, Yu Tianheng, the thirty-ninth-level blue electric overlord dragon soul master, can bring a great improvement in the strength of the Huangdou team!

  After Meng Yiran replaced Yu Tianheng and joined the Royal Fighting Team, the members of the Royal Fighting Team are as follows:

  Graphite: Level 38

  Stone Mill: Level 37

  Yufeng: Level 36

  Oslo: Three Level 16

  Zhu Zhuqing: Level 34

  Xiao Wu: Level 34

  Meng Yiran: Level 32

  Of course, these are just the members of the Emperor Fighting Team who participated in the soul master's group battle for souls.

  As for Dai Lingxuan, Duguyan, Yu Tianheng and Ye Lingling. Their cultivation bases are 55th-level Soul King, 51st-level Soul King, 40th-level Soul Sect, and 35th-level Soul Master.

Yu Tianheng, the fighting power of the Huangdou battle team has dropped a lot in the Soul Lord's group battle soul.

  But because of the passage of time, Zhu Zhuqing has become more proficient in the martial arts that Su Mo taught to Zhu Zhuqing.

  Therefore, Zhu Zhuqing's strength has actually improved a lot.

  Before, it was just because of Yu Tianheng standing in the front, Zhu Zhuqing didn't need to show much strength to win the team battle spirit.

  But after Yu Tianheng left the field, the Huangdou team had no main output, and Zhu Zhuqing could only stand up by himself.

  And after Zhu Zhuqing stood up.

  The Huangdou team only needs to let Shimo and Shimo go to the front.

  Then Yufeng, Oslo, Xiao Wu and Meng Yiran tried their best to prevent the enemy from interfering with Zhu Zhuqing and create opportunities for Zhu Zhuqing.

  Afterwards, Zhu Zhuqing could use his speed advantage as a soul master of the agility department to perform ghost shadow obsession.

  As a soul master of the agility attack system, Zhu Zhuqing's speed is particularly astonishing.

  If he cast Ghost Shadow and Confused Trace again, Zhu Zhuqing's speed can only be said to be almost unmatched even in the Soul Sect group, let alone in the Soul Venerable group.

  In addition, Su Mo also taught Zhu Zhuqing Ziji Demon Eye, Xuanyu Hand and controlling cranes and catching dragons.

  This makes Zhu Zhuqing an assassin, unless her attack can't break the defense, otherwise no one can escape Zhu Zhuqing's assassination on the soul fighting stage!

  And just like that, relying on Zhu Zhuqing.

  The Huangdou team is still almost invincible in the battle souls of the Soul Venerable Clan in the Barak Great Soul Arena!

  And after the Royal Fighting Team had beaten all the invincibles in the Soul Venerable Group in the Barak Great Soul Arena, Su Mo and Qin Ming planned to let the Royal Fighting Team conduct further special training.

  Before, the further special training of the Huangdou team was to let Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing play.

  Let Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing perform the martial soul fusion skill Nether White Tiger, and see how they perform in the soul king's group fighting soul battle.

  And many previous experiments have proved it.

  When the enemy was completely unprepared, let Dugu Yan, who possesses the fourth soul skill: Poison of Petrification, cooperate with Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing, who can perform the martial soul fusion skill Nether White Tiger, to form a soul king group battle soul.

  In the first battle of the soul king group, they are often able to win like a crush!

  However, if you continue to participate in the soul king group's group battle soul, after your own fighting style is known by the enemy.

  Once the enemy can target Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing who are using the martial soul fusion skills, it will be extremely difficult for the Huangdou team to fight souls in the soul king group.

  But now, Su Mo and Qin Ming discussed the special training of the Huangdou team, but they decided to add another stage.

  That is to let only Duguyan, Ye Lingling and Yu Tianheng replace Yufeng, Oslo and Meng Yiran.

  Then let such a Huangdou team participate in the Soul Sect Group's team fighting spirit, and see how it goes.

  However, it turns out that the effect is not very good.

  Because in the group fighting spirit of the Soul Sect Group, the Huangdou team does not have a decisive force. Although Yu Tianheng's martial spirit is very powerful, his cultivation level is too low to be the main attacker at all.

  As for Dugu Yan, although because of the special and powerful Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor martial soul, Dugu Yan's Poison Soul Skill is extremely poisonous.

  Even the Soul Sect couldn't resist Dugu Yan's third and fourth soul skills.

  But the problem is, the opponent only needs to have a soul master with wind attribute.

  Then it can completely use its soul skills to blow back Dugu Yan's poisonous mist!

  This greatly restricted Dugu Yan's performance!

  Therefore, among the team fighting spirits of the Soul Sect Group, the record of the Emperor Fighting Team is not very good.

  And after that, in the soul king group's team battle soul.

  Because among the team fighting souls of the soul king group, there are Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing who can perform the martial soul fusion technique Nether White Tiger, and Dugu Yan who can provide control and output environment.

  Therefore, in the battle of the soul king group, the first soul fight and the emperor fight were all victorious.

  Afterwards, against a team that couldn't use their martial soul fusion skills against Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing, the Huangdou team could still easily win.

  On the other side, when the Royal Fighting Team was conducting special training in the Barak Great Soul Arena.

  Soto City, in Shrek Academy.

  After Tang San and Ning Rongrong enrolled, the entire Shrek Academy had five students.

  They are Dai Mubai, Oscar, Ma Hongjun, Tang San and Ning Rongrong.

  But five students, although in the history of Shrek Academy, it is already considered a class with a large number of students.

  But because of Shrek Academy, it can't hold on any longer.

  Flender has decided to disband Shrek Academy after all the students of Shrek Academy have been trained to graduate.

  But before that, Flender made up his mind that he must let Shrek Academy participate in a continent-wide soul master academy elite exchange competition, so as to fulfill the dream he and his old fellows had when they first established Shrek Academy.

  But the problem is, let alone participating in the elite exchange competition of the All-Continent Soul Master Academy.

  Now Shrek Academy can't even form a soul master team with seven people.

  This made Flender very distressed.

  But after learning about Flender's troubles, Yu Xiaogang thought deeply and thought of a way. He went straight to find Ning Rongrong and told Ning Rongrong that their Shrek Academy still lacked two qualified players to Continue to the second phase of training.

  That's right! Same as in the original.

  After joining Shrek Academy, Yu Xiaogang became a teacher of Shrek Academy, and then took charge of training Tang San and others.

  The training content, of course, is the same as in the original book, daily weight-bearing running-in training, and Yu Xiaogang will also provide sufficient nutritious food.

  However, the difference from the original book is that in the original book, Yu Xiaogang formulated the special weight-bearing training for the second stage of team fighting spirit training.

  The purpose is to let Tang San and the seven get to know each other well and forge a deep friendship, so that in future team battles, the seven can cooperate more tacitly.

  But now, under the influence of Su Mo.

  Yu Xiaogang set the purpose of the weight-bearing running-in training, but it turned into simply wanting to let the five members of the current Shrek Academy put down their prejudices against each other and become friends.

  And after knowing that Flender still wants Shrek Academy to participate in the elite exchange competition of Soul Master Academy in the whole continent.

  But Yu Xiaogang immediately thought of the content of the second stage of special training.

  Then I thought of asking Ning Rongrong to ask Ning Rongrong to get two disciples from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect who meet the age and strength requirements, so as to make up for the fact that there are only five people in Shrek Academy and cannot participate in the elite exchange competition of the All-Continent Soul Master Academy.

  Regarding this, Ning Rongrong originally planned to just ask two similar people to come over.

  But thinking of Dai Mubai who often opposed him in Shrek Academy.

  Although they have almost reconciled now, they are no longer as tit-for-tat as they were at the beginning.

  However, due to mutual dislikes, occasional friction and conflicts still occur.

  Sometimes, it made Ning Rongrong very angry, but because he couldn't beat Dai Mubai, he could only be angry.

  This made Ning Rongrong change her mind, and immediately decided to write letters to Grandpa Jian Chen Xin and Grandpa Gu Rong who liked her the most, and asked the two grandpas to send the most outstanding disciples in their clan.

  In this case, it will be seen whether Dai Mubai dares to fight against her in the future!