Go to Soto City, the invincible Royal Fighting Team!

However, although Ning Rongrong wrote a letter and sent it back to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

  But the distance between Suotuo City and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is still very far away, it is impossible to get a response to Ning Rongrong's letter within ten days and eight months.

  On the other side, in the royal city of Barak.

  After nearly a month of special training, the Huangdou team has already fought souls with almost all the soul master teams that can be opponents in the Barak Great Soul Arena.

  Now is the time to leave.

  As for leaving Barak King City, where is the next stop.

  That is naturally the city in the Kingdom of Barak, second only to the city of King Barak - Soto City!


  "Is this the Soto City? It feels very prosperous and lively, and it doesn't seem to be much different from the Balak King City!

  " On the street, looking at everything around him, Yufeng couldn't help being a little surprised.

  "Of course! Soto City was originally the same as Balak King City. It used to be the best-developed city in the Barak Kingdom.

  " The king of the kingdom set Barak King City as the royal city of the Barak Kingdom." "

  So Barak King City gradually covered the light of Soto City, but in terms of development, Barak King City did not leave Soto City far behind. "

  Su Mo said with a smile at Yufeng's surprise.

  Because in Wuhun City, I have read many books.

  Therefore, Su Mo is very familiar with many things on the mainland.

  Including knowing that the Royal City of Balak was not actually called the Royal City of Balak before, but the City of Jiaer.

  It was only because Jiaer City later became the capital of Barak Kingdom.

  That's why it was renamed from Jiaer City to Balak King City, which is completely different from Soto City.

  And just like that, while Su Mo was chatting with everyone about the past history of Suoto City and Barak King City, he hurried on the road at a leisurely pace.

  In the end, the group finally came to the vicinity of the Soto Great Spirit Arena, found a hotel nearby, and completed the check-in procedures for about a month.

  Came to a new city, before starting the special soul fighting training in Soto City.

  According to the rules, everyone still found the best hotel in Soto City and had a big meal.

  Afterwards, he returned to the hotel and began to recharge his batteries, preparing to go to the Suotuo Great Soul Arena in the evening to start the special training in Suotuo City.


  the time came to night in a blink of an eye.

  "Let's go, get ready to go!"

  After dinner, I found a pretty good hotel near the Suotuo Great Spirit Arena, because the sky was completely dark, and the Suotuo Great Spirit Arena was already lit up, obviously opening for business Yes, Su Mo couldn't help but get up immediately and was ready to go to Soto's Great Soul Arena.

  With Qin Ming and the Huangdou team, Su Mo walked in the front, Dai Lingxuan walked gracefully holding Su Mo's left hand, while Xiao Wu held Su Mo's right hand, bouncing around, very lively.

  As for Zhu Zhuqing.

  Because Zhu Zhuqing's temperament is relatively cold, he doesn't like to show off in front of others, such as being intimate with Su Mo to show his ownership of Su Mo.

  So Zhu Zhuqing didn't get very close to Su Mo, but just followed Su Mo silently, and when he seemed to look around, his eyes looked at Su Mo.

  However, compared to Zhu Zhuqing's silent gaze, Meng Yiran looked at Su Mo's back, feeling a little helpless and distressed.

  She finally accepted her grandfather Meng Shu's request, and planned to approach Su Mo after joining the Royal Fighting Team, to see if she could lure Su Mo and make Su Mo fall in love with her.

  Of course, it was Meng Yiran's idea to make Su Mo fall in love with him.

  As Meng Shu said before, he only wanted Meng Yiran to lure Su Mo and become Su Mo's woman, and then give Su Mo a pillow blow, trying to change Su Mo's attitude towards their dragon and snake family.

  It's just that Meng Shu said so.

  But Meng Yiran was a little angry after all, and naturally he didn't want to just become Su Mo's lover.

  She thinks that she is not bad in terms of appearance or talent, so she must see if she can work hard to become Su Mo's wife, not just a lover.

  But it's a pity that after coming to the Huangdou team, Meng Yiran was a little helpless to find out.

  There are too many women around Su Mo!

  There is Dai Lingxuan who is heroic and heroic, Zhu Zhuqing who is cold and childlike, Xiao Wu who is innocent and cute, and Dugu Yan who always likes to call Su Mo brother sweetly, just like Su Mo's childhood sweetheart.

  Every girl is better than herself in soul master talent.

  And even the beauty that he is most proud of, Meng Yiran finds sadly that he seems to be no match at all.

  Because each of her opponents is not only beautiful in appearance, but also has a special personality.

  It can be said that each is different in beauty, but compared to myself, it seems to be completely mediocre!

  This made Meng Yiran feel uncomfortably for a while, as if even if he just wanted to be Su Mo's lover, it would be extremely difficult!

  And on the way to the Soto Great Spirit Arena.

  Because Su Mo hugged two beauties with completely different styles on the left and right, a heroic sister Yu, and a petite loli, which can be said to have attracted all the attention along the way.

  Finally, under the envy and attention of countless people, Su Mo and everyone came to the Great Soul Arena in Suotuo City.

  Then, it was time for Dai Lingxuan, Dugu Yan, Xiao Wu and other members of the Imperial Fighting Team to sign up for tonight's major fighting spirits.

  And after signing up for tonight's soul fight, under the watchful eye of Su Mo.

  I saw that the performance of the Huangdou team in the Soto Great Spirit Arena was still not much worse than in the Barak Great Spirit Arena.

  In the solo soul fighting of the Soul Venerable Group.

  Graphite at level 38, Stone Mill at level 37, Yufeng at level 36, Oslo at level 36, and Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu at level 34 all achieved single The victory of the fighting spirit.

  Only Meng Yiran, who was at the bottom of the list of soul masters, who was only level 37, unexpectedly met an opponent of level 37. Without having to go out to attach the spirit bone Eight Spider Lances, he was naturally defeated in the end.

  As for the single-player soul fighting in the Soul Sect and Soul King groups.

  Except for Yu Tianheng from the Soul Sect Group who had just broken through and was unlucky to meet a forty-seventh-level Thunder Lion Soul Master, who was unexpectedly defeated.

  In the soul king group, Dai Lingxuan and Dugu Yan both achieved victories in the solo soul fight.

  Generally speaking, in terms of single-player soul fighting, the Huangdou team's performance in today's Suotuo Grand Spirit Arena is very good!

  Afterwards, the Huangdou team began special training for fighting spirits in the Suotuo Great Soul Fighting Field.

  In this way, more than half a month passed in a blink of an eye.

  Let's not talk about the situation of individual soul fighting and combination soul fighting, but in terms of team fighting souls.

  Although there is no Yu Tianheng in the team fighting soul of the Soul Venerable Group, the Huangdou team has lost a lot of strength.

  But after Zhu Zhuqing stood up, he used another method to make up for Yu Tianheng's position in the Huangdou team.

  And because it has been in Barak King City for a period of time before.

  So now in the Suotuo Great Soul Arena, the players of the Huangdou team cooperated more tacitly with each other, and they were more able to provide Zhu Zhuqing with output space.

  The combat effectiveness of the entire team has also become stronger!

  Therefore, in this more than a month, the Huangdou team has been invincible, and has gained a lot of fame in the Suotuo Great Soul Arena!