Unhappy in ambush, the candidate for seduction?

"By the way! Fatty, is that Bule still in there now? Let alone he has left, then we have been waiting for so long in vain." Hidden

  in the red lantern district just one street away At the corner of the alley, seeing that the sky was getting dark, but that Bule hadn't come out for a long time, Dai Mubai couldn't help frowning, looked at Ma Hongjun, and asked.

  "Don't worry, Boss Dai, he must still be inside. After I was beaten by him today, I asked about his details from the proprietress." "

  This displeasure started coming here a month ago. Here, he is a frequent visitor here, either he doesn't come, or he will stay here all day when he comes, and he won't leave until night." "

  He must still be here now!"

  Regarding Dai Mubai's question, Ma Hongjun But he patted his chest immediately and said with certainty.

  "Sure shit! How can I be 100% sure about this kind of thing, I don't want to wait in vain, what if he leaves early? You'd better go and ask the proprietress if he is still there." Seeing Ma Hongjun's

  expression Dai Mubai didn't believe what he said, he couldn't help frowning, and immediately urged Ma Hongjun.

  Tell Ma Hongjun to hurry up and ask the proprietress in this red lantern area to see if Le is still there.

  Faced with Dai Mubai's urging, although Ma Hongjun was unwilling in his heart, he still gave in in the end, and stood up reluctantly, ready to go to the Red Lantern District to ask.

  "Wait! It seems that someone has come out. This person seems to be similar to that Bule. Fatty, take a quick look and see if this person hit your Bule!" Just when Ma Hongjun was about to go over, Tang San was Through Ziji Demon Eyes, I saw a thin, thin, shoehorn face, front teeth protruding like rabbit teeth, and a very wretched middle-aged man walking away from a bungalow under the darkness of night. Come out, can't help but said hastily.

  "Let me see!"

  Hearing this, Ma Hongjun ran back immediately, then looked in the direction Tang San pointed.

  "That's right! It's him, he's just unhappy!!"

  When seeing Bule, Ma Hongjun naturally recognized his enemy at a glance. roared.

  "Is he just unhappy? Then what should we do next, should we go directly?"

  After Ma Hongjun confirmed that the one who came out was unhappy, Oscar couldn't help asking.

  "Go directly? I don't think this is very good. If we rush directly to fight this Bule, someone will definitely notify Wuhundian."

"And we fight this Bule on this kind of street, as long as this Bule is a little smarter, instead of fighting us head-on, he rushes to the street with people and uses pedestrians to avoid us, then things will be very troublesome."

  Once we don't subdue him in a short time, if Wuhundian They sent people over there, as the first strikers, we might be punished." "

  After all, as soul masters, we can't just use force in the city, so why don't we think of a way to lure him to a remote place first?" place, and then make a move, how about it?"

  On the side, Tang San frowned and fumbled for his chin, but couldn't help shaking his head, and then expressed his thoughts.

  "This is fine!"

  Regarding Tang San's method, everyone nodded in agreement.

  "Then how should we lure him to a remote place?"

  Oscar asked a question that was obviously not a problem at this time.

  As for Oscar's doubts, Tang San, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun didn't answer.

  All three looked at Ning Rongrong in unison.

  "You... what do you see me doing?"

  After hearing Tang San's plan, the smart Ning Rongrong naturally thought of Tang San's plan in an instant, but when she thought of her unhappy and obscene appearance, she felt a shock in her heart, and she didn't really want to agree to Tang San.

  "Rongrong, this Bule is a hungry ghost. As long as you go out, you can easily lure him to a remote place. We only have you and a woman here, and we can only rely on you.

  " Follow behind, I will definitely not let him do anything to you!"

  Looking at Ning Rongrong, Tang San said very sincerely.

  "What! Do you want Rongrong to lure this Bule to a remote place to scold?"

  Hearing this, Oscar finally understood Tang San's plan, and couldn't help panicking.

  "Little San, this plan is too dangerous, Rongrong is an auxiliary soul master!"

  "What should we do then? The rest of us are men!"

  Tang San spread his hands, feeling a little helpless.

  "You can dress up as women!"

  But hearing this, Ning Rongrong's eyes lit up, as if thinking of something, she suddenly said with a smile.

  "I think Dai Mubai and Oscar look good in women's clothing, why not just Oscar, Oscar looks soft and weak, I'm sure I like this !"

Oscar was dumbfounded when he realized that the goddess had tricked him into dressing him up as a woman.

  But just when Oscar was planning to dedicate himself to love, and was about to say that he could actually do it, Tang San suddenly interrupted what he was about to say.

  "Rongrong, time is running out, if you delay any longer, this Bule will leave!"

  Pointing to Bule who had already walked on the street, Tang San said helplessly.

  "Alright! Alright!"

  In the end, Ning Rongrong had no choice but to agree.

  After that, after a brief discussion about where to lure Bu Le.

  Ning Rongrong packed up her mood, and pretended to be an innocent girl, walked with scurrying steps, humming a cheerful tune, and bounced to the big street not far from Bule.

  "Uncle, is there any place that sells desserts? I just came to Suoto City, and I'm not familiar with it. I seem to be lost now..."

He stopped as if he was lost, and looked around in confusion. Afterwards, as he found out that he was not happy, Ning Rongrong immediately endured the nausea in his heart, pretended to be happy, and showed a bit distressed expression while speaking innocently.

  'Well... what a beautiful little girl! '

  When I saw Ning Rongrong, who was wearing a sky blue long dress, her hair draped over her shoulders, her manners were graceful, her face was exquisite and elegant, and her temperament was noble. Both eyes shine.

  It was the first time in his life that he saw such a beautiful and elegant girl, if he could kiss Fangze, it would be tsk tsk... not for gods!

  'hey-hey! I don't know which lady ran away from home, and came to a strange city alone, and went out at night. I am not happy that it should be cheap!

  His heart was full of excitement, and he was talking to himself in the dark, but he pretended to be a gentleman on the unhappy face, and couldn't help coughing a few times, speaking in a dignified manner.

  "Little girl, then you are the right person to ask. Uncle, I just happen to know where there is a delicious dessert shop. Let Uncle take you there!"