Unhappy with being beaten violently, Old Goose Tianya save me!

At night, in the city of Soto.

  Bewildered by Ning Rongrong's naive, rich, silly, sweet girl, Bu Ledun pretends to be a gentleman and takes Ning Rongrong to a dessert shop.

  "Uncle, where is the dessert shop?"

  Following Bu Le, after leaving the main street, he turned east and west and unknowingly came to a remote alley, Ning Rongrong couldn't help showing a little scared look.

  At the same time, behind Ning Rongrong, Dai Mubai, Tang San, Ma Hongjun and Oscar followed closely.

  Among them, looking at Ning Rongrong who was very close to Bu Le, Oscar was filled with worry and anxiety, fearing that Ning Rongrong would really be hurt by Bu Le.

  And after bringing Ning Rongrong to this remote alley.

  Bu Le's back turned to Ning Rongrong, but there was a sinister smile on his face, he turned around directly, and while rubbing his hands on his chest, he smiled sinisterly at Ning Rongrong.

  "Little sister, you are so stupid and naive!"

  "It's all here, and you still ask the dessert shop? Where is there any dessert shop here!" "

  But uncle, I have a lollipop here, so I can explain it to you." Greedy, hehe!"

  Saying that, Bule suddenly had a lewd smile on his face, and while rubbing his hands, he pressed towards Ning Rongrong step by step.

  Regarding this, Ning Rongrong was naturally a little flustered in his heart, and he retreated unconsciously.

  After all, in the final analysis, she is just a great soul master of the auxiliary department.

  In case something goes wrong between Dai Mubai and Tang San, then she will just send the sheep to the tiger's mouth, purely for nothing!

  But seeing that Bule finally showed his true colors to Ning Rongrong, Dai Mubai and Tang San decided to make a move.

  "The third soul skill: poisonous dragon strangle!"

  Seeing Bule pressing towards Ning Rongrong in the distance, Tang San immediately summoned the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit, then shouted violently, and instantly activated the third spirit skill: Poisonous Dragon Strangling!

  Originally in the novel, Tang San's third spirit ability should have come from the blue and silver spider web of the Man Faced Demon Spider.

  But because of Su Mo's influence, Tang San's first soul ability changed from entanglement to fart attack, and the Man Faced Demon Spider was also snatched by Su Mo and Meng Yiran.

  So for the third spirit ability, Tang San finally chose to hunt down a thousand-year-old purple-scale poisonous dragon python to obtain a spirit ability with winding + toxicity, so as to make up for the pitfalls of the first spirit ability.

  And now, it's time for this soul skill to play a role!

  For a moment, Tang San summoned the blue silver grass spirit as thick as a vine, and then activated the third spirit ability: poisonous dragon strangle.

  Along with the third purple soul ring surrounding the body light up.

  In a burst of violent soul power fluctuations, the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit in Tang San's hand instantly grew rapidly, and then spread out like poisonous snakes, quickly approaching Bule in the distance.

  In just a few breaths, a large number of blue silver grass immediately came to the back of Bu Le along the wall in the alley.

  Then in an instant, Bu Le was tightly bound and tied up, and tied into rice dumplings.

  "Ah! What! What the hell is it!!"

  Suddenly being tightly entangled by a large amount of vine-like blue silver grass, Bule was naturally shocked and angry, trying to break free, but broke free again. no.

  And at this time, Tang San, Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun and Oscar finally walked out.

  "Hmph! I finally caught you, you bastard, you dared to hit me last time!"

  Seeing unhappy, Ma Hongjun suddenly showed hatred on his face, clenched his fat fists, and walked up quickly with resentment , Aiming at Bule's lower body, he kicked up hard.


  This kick was so unsatisfactory that he almost lost his soul. After a scream, his whole body clamped his legs tightly, his shoehorn face was distorted, and his eyes turned white.

  "Hmph! You disgusting guy, treat me to a lollipop? I'll treat you to crushed ice!!"

  After seeing Tang San control his unhappiness, Ning Rongrong also recovered from fear. When the witch woman got up, she couldn't help walking towards Bule angrily, and stepped on Bule's lower body.

  Compared to Ma Hongjun's, it was just a heavy blow.

  Ning Rongrong's foot was wearing high-heeled shoes, but the long heel was directly hitting Bule.

  Let it let out a heart-piercing scream, and the whole person is almost in pain to the point of fainting.

  And seeing the unhappy encounter, even though it was an enemy, whether it was Tang San, Dai Mubai, or Ma Hongjun and Oscar couldn't help but feel his body tense up, and his whole body broke out in cold sweat.

  Nima, it really hurts to look at it!

  Holding the little witch is ruthless enough!

  "What are you looking at! Fatty, this guy bullied you so much before, why don't you just kick him like this?"

  After kicking Bule so hard, Bule looked as if he had lost half his life. However, Ning Rongrong still didn't calm down, but still pinched his waist, looked at Ma Hongjun angrily, and said unhappily.

  Hearing this, Ma Hongjun also thought of the humiliation of being beaten up before, and couldn't help but feel that this was the same thing, so he clenched his fists and said bitterly.

  "Yes! It's true that this guy can't be cheap, watch me make him a barbecue bird!"

  Ma Hongjun immediately shouted, summoned the evil fire phoenix martial soul possession, and then directly activated the first soul skill: Phoenix The line of fire spit out a purple-red line of fire at Bule's body.

  The next moment, after the purple-red phoenix evil fire fell under Bu Le's body, it instantly burned wildly.

  The scorching high-temperature barbecue made Bu Le, who had only half his life left, suddenly screamed again.

  The whole person was struggling wildly, but because he couldn't get rid of Tang San's blue silver grass, he seemed to be twitching, especially curious!

  But Bule's shrill scream piercing the night sky suddenly attracted the attention of two people not far away.

  Of these two people, one is tall, with broad and solid shoulders, with long hair draped messily on his shoulders. He looks a bit imposing and charming, but his eyes are small and invisible, and it is completely impossible to tell who they are. Eyes open or closed, can not help but destroy its overall charm.

  However, compared with the other person beside him, this person can already be regarded as a "great man"!

  Because the other person was thin, almost skinny, with a wretched appearance, his eyes were still yellow, shining with a sinister light, his mouth had two mustaches on both sides, like a mouse, and the crow's feet at the corners of his eyes could kill flies.

  The whole person looks so wretched and wretched.

  "Wait! Old Goose, it seems to be Bule's voice!"

  Just as he heard Bule's shrill scream piercing the night sky, the tall man stopped suddenly, frowned, and let out a burst of fullness in his mouth. It is a magnetic baritone voice.

  "This is indeed Bule's voice. It looks like Bule is in danger."

  On the side, the skinny and wretched old goose also heard Bule's screams, and couldn't help being a little surprised.

  "Then let's go over quickly and listen to the voice. The situation over there seems to be not optimistic. If we go late, we may have to collect his body!"

  From the old goose, it was confirmed that what he heard was exactly Tian Ya couldn't help but speak in a deep voice at the sound of brother Bu Le's voice. After speaking, he ran towards the direction where Bu Le's screams kept coming.

  Behind him, the old goose hurriedly followed.

  And soon, Tianya and Old Goose rushed to the remote alley where Tang San and his party and Bule were.

  In the alley in front of him, he could vaguely see that he looked like a brother, who was being tightly bound by blue-purple vines, almost tangled into rice dumplings.

  Three teenagers dressed in different clothes stood on one side, and not far away stood another girl with sky blue long hair, a delicate and beautiful face, and an elegant temperament.

  But at this time, the four of them were all looking at a fat man wearing a red leather jacket, combing his mohawk hair, and maintaining the state of being possessed by a bird spirit.

  I saw that the fat man was activating the first soul skill, spewing out purple-red fire lines continuously from his mouth, burning towards the body of the suspected brother.

  This man, who was suspected of being unhappy with his brother, kept struggling, screaming in pain and shriek.

  Through the voice, Tianya and Old Goose recognized him immediately.

  This man who was entangled by blue-purple vines almost into a rice dumpling, was beaten all over his body, his clothes were torn, his hair was disheveled, and his body and face were blackened by the black smoke from the flames was his brother Bu Le.

  "Stop it all of you!"

  Tian Ya and Old Goose couldn't help shouting angrily when they saw that brother Bu Le was beaten so badly that he could hardly even be a man.

  And it seemed that they could also hear the voices of Tianya and Old Goose.

  In pain, Bule held back the screams, and couldn't help turning his head to look at Tianya and Bule's voice. Two lines of clear tears flowed down his dark face, in a tone that was almost crying, full of hoarseness and trembling typical.

  "Tianya, old goose, save me!!"