Ning Rongrong Is Jealous

Suoto Great Soul Arena, in the hall.

  "Hi! We meet again!"

  Ben was watching Chen Feng and Gu Xuan arguing about who would join him for a combined soul fight, when a familiar voice suddenly came from behind, and then a hand was placed on him shoulder, which made Ning Rongrong suddenly startled.

  "It''s you?!"

  When she turned her head to look behind her, and found that Su Mo was standing behind her, Ning Rongrong couldn't help feeling tense and panicked.

  Originally thought that since breaking up with Su Mo more than a month ago, the two would never see each other again.

  After all, Soto City is so big.

  But Ning Rongrong didn't expect that after just over a month, the two would meet again at the Suotuo Great Soul Arena.

  And for a long time afterwards, he would have to fight souls in the Soto Great Spirit Arena.

  What if this scoundrel finds out about this!

  "Tang San, long time no see!"

  After greeting Ning Rongrong, Su Mo couldn't help looking at Tang San again, with a slight smile on his face.

  Regarding Su Mo's greeting, Tang San couldn't help but feel a little unnatural on his face, but he didn't give Su Mo face, but forced a smile and said.

  "So it's Teacher Su Mo. Where's Xiao Wu? Why didn't you see Xiao Wu?"

  "Xiao Wu, she's participating in the soul fight!"

  Su Mo replied with a smile.

  Saying that, Su Mo couldn't help looking in Dai Mubai's direction again.

  Seeing that Su Mo was actually looking at him, Dai Mubai's face turned dark.

  This guy, what are you looking at me for?

  Do you still want me to ask him, where is Zhu Zhuqing?

  Originally, Dai Mubai was very upset that his fiancée was snatched away by the man in front of him, and he didn't even want to bring this up.

  If Ma Hongjun found out, he would lose all face!

  You know, in front of Ma Hongjun, his image has always been that of a flirtatious young man with all the beauties in Soto City.

  No matter whether it is a rich lady or a beautiful noble woman, they cannot escape from his grasp.

  If Ma Hongjun found out that his own wife had been stolen by someone else, it would be too embarrassing!

  "Who are you, who made you get so close to Missy, stay away from Missy!"

  When Su Mo greeted Tang San, he saw Su Mo put his hand on Ning Rongrong's shoulder However, Chen Feng couldn't help feeling that Su Mo was offending Ning Rongrong, so he couldn't help shouting angrily.

  "Miss? Didn't you expect you to be Miss?"

  Hearing what Chen Feng said, Su Mo immediately pretended to be surprised, and couldn't help looking at Ning Rongrong.

  "Could it be that you don't want to see me so much because you're afraid that I'll plot your property?"

  Tang San: "???"

  Dai Mubai: "???"

  Chen Feng and Gu Xuan: "???? "

  I didn't expect Su Mo to know Ning Rongrong at first, but now that Su Mo seems to have something with Ning Rongrong, Tang San felt very uncomfortable at the thought of choosing Su Mo's Xiao Wu.

  "Teacher Su Mo, what's going on between you and Rong Rong, does she know about Xiao Wu?"

  Looking at Su Mo, Tang San asked unnaturally.

  "Oh? Is her name Rongrong? In fact, I only met her once. We used to be pen pals. We had a good exchange of feelings. She called me brother, and I called her baby." "

  But Who knew that after we actually met, she felt that I was too old and said that we would never meet again, but in fact I just regarded her as my younger sister!"

  Regarding Tang San's question, Su Mo couldn't help pretending to sigh,

  "Are you just pen pals?"

  Hearing Su Mo's answer, the corners of Tang San's mouth twitched a few times, for some reason, he didn't really believe it.

  "Of course! But even though we are just pen pals, I still treat him as my younger sister. If we continue to maintain this relationship, if I get the approval of my uncle, wouldn't her father also be my father?"

"If she It's really Missy, I'm Missy's elder brother, if my uncle approves of me, then I should be able to share some of the family property, right?" Su Mo smiled slightly, but continued to talk nonsense, and came directly A wild father's technique.

  But for the future father-in-law, it's okay to call him wild father.

  "You mean, Rongrong?"

  Su Mo said, but looked at Ning Rongrong again.

  But for Su Mo's nonsense, Ning Rongrong had difficulty speaking.

  But because she didn't want to reveal her real relationship with Su Mo, she had no choice but to talk nonsense.

  "Yes! You are right. In fact, I have always regarded you as my brother. I said before that I would never see you again, just because I was going to run away from home. I will definitely not see you in the future. I am afraid that you will be sad. That's why I said that."

  But on the lips, Ning Rongrong felt a little slandering in his heart.

  Treat me as a younger sister, how can there be a brother who takes away his sister's most precious things!

  But obviously, Ning Rongrong was a German orthopedist who didn't know about Su Mo's previous life.

  As long as there is love, it doesn't matter even if it is a paper person, let alone a brother and sister!


  And after learning from Ning Rongrong that Su Mo had a very good relationship with the eldest lady Ning Rongrong before, the two of them were almost god-siblings who were close to sworn brothers. Chen Feng and Gu Xuan were a little dumbfounded at first, but then they really believed it. up.

  For a moment, the two were still a little uneasy about the insult to Su Mo just now.

  But Tang San had some doubts about this.

  Because in his opinion, Su Mo had been teaching at Notting College before.

  But Ning Rongrong is in the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School of Heaven Dou Imperial City.

  How did the two become pen pals, and when did they meet?

  Could it be when Teacher Su Mo secretly went to the Heaven Dou Imperial City?

  "Brother Su Mo is not very old!"

  Just as Su Mo was talking nonsense with Tang San and the others, at some point, Dai Lingxuan, Duguyan and Ye Lingling also followed.

  After hearing Su Mo's nonsense to Ning Rongrong, Dugu Yan couldn't help frowning, and walked over very unhappy.

  'I'm not old? Why doesn't it sound like that! Hearing Dugu Yan's words

  , the corners of Su Mo's mouth twitched.

  "Who are they?"

  Although he had already decided not to have anything to do with Su Mo, he found that there were several beautiful girls with different styles, but all of them were beautiful, and they were not inferior to him. , who obviously knew Su Mo's appearance, but Ning Rongrong couldn't help feeling inexplicably sour in his heart, and looked directly at Su Mo, gnashing his snow-white teeth, and asked.

  'Oh! The little princess is jealous? Seeing Ning Rongrong's reaction

  , Su Mo couldn't help being a little amused.

  She didn't expect that Ning Rongrong, who said she didn't want to meet her, would become jealous so quickly.

  He thought he needed to do a little more research.

  Is this a woman's duplicity?