In Su Mo's eyes, Oscar and Ning Rongrong are the masters who expose their faults in public!

 But in fact, it cannot be regarded as duplicity.

  Because Su Mo knew that the reason why Ning Rongrong was jealous was not so much duplicity, but possessiveness.

  In an ancient world like the Douluo Continent, women have always attached great importance to their own chastity.

  Women generally have only three attitudes towards men who take away their chastity for abnormal reasons.

  Either hate him to the bone, and wish to die with him.

  Or if you are heartbroken and die, you will directly seek death.

  Or it is bad, simply marry a chicken, marry a dog with a chicken, and commit to the loser.

  But Ning Rongrong's situation is a bit special. Facing the old goose's pursuit, she thought in despair that she might not be able to escape the old goose's clutches.

  Unexpectedly, when she woke up, the person lying next to her turned out to be an extraordinary handsome young man with great strength and talent, which completely matched her concept of mate selection.

  This made Ning Rongrong naturally not hate Su Mo, and even felt a sense of gratitude.

  This is the same as Su Mo's famous window opening theory in his previous life.

  There is a worse outcome ahead, so people tend to accept the relatively better outcome more easily.

  But because Su Mo is an auxiliary soul master, and the acquaintance between Su Mo and Ning Rongrong is really hard to explain clearly.

  Therefore, Ning Rongrong finally chose to leave Su Mo and no longer contact him.

  But this doesn't mean that Su Mo is like a stranger in Ning Rongrong's heart.

  Because Su Mo took away Ning Rongrong's most precious thing after all.

  Su Mo's status in Ning Rongrong's heart is definitely higher than that of everyone in Shrek Academy!

  And although Ning Rongrong chose to leave Su Mo.

  But because of the complicated feelings for Su Mo, Ning Rongrong actually still cares about Su Mo in his heart. To some extent, it can be said that he regards Su Mo as his own property.

  Now, discovering that her belongings are coveted by other women, how can Ning Rongrong bear it.

  From childhood to adulthood, in the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, no one dared to snatch things from Ning Rongrong!

  But for Ning Rongrong's reaction, Su Mo smiled inwardly, very happy to see the result.

  Because if you want to attack a rich lady like Ning Rongrong, you will not be able to succeed if you are obedient.

  It is necessary to go beyond Ning Rongrong's expectations, stir up Ning Rongrong's mood, make Ning Rongrong love and hate at the same time, and then it is possible to capture Ning Rongrong's heart!

  Su Mo remembered that in the love teaching video he watched on the Internet in his previous life, a scumbag man showed up and said it.

  Saying that you want to chase a girl, to curry favor with her, to make her happy, you will never be able to really get a girl's liking, and there is a high probability that you will only become a licking dog!

  The best way to attack a girl is to make her angry and secretly annoyed without making her feel disgusted!

  Whether this statement is correct or not, Su Mo does not know.

  But Su Mo felt that this strategy method should be just right for Ning Rongrong!

  Because for Ning Rongrong, a young lady who has been pampered since she was a child, there are too many people around her to fawn on her.

  If you try to please her, she won't feel anything, let alone make her like you.

  The feeling of love is different!

  In the original book, the reason why Oscar was able to attack Ning Rongrong was entirely because Ning Rongrong was squeezed out and had no one to rely on after arriving in the strange environment of Shrek Academy and gave Oscar a chance.

  But to say whether Ning Rongrong really likes Oscar.

  Su Mo could only smile playfully.

  He didn't say yes or no, but in the original book, Tang San brought back the fairy grass Qiluo Tulip for Ning Rongrong from the eyes of Ice and Fire Yinyi, and let Ning Rongrong's martial soul evolve.

  Ning Rongrong excitedly hugged Tang San in front of Oscar, kissed Tang San, and said that if Tang San didn't already have Xiao Wu, she would definitely go after Tang San.

  But the problem is, at this time, Ning Rongrong and Oscar should already be regarded as boyfriend and girlfriend.

  From this point of view, Ning Rongrong's feelings for Oscar are still somewhat doubtful.

  Compared to treating Oscar as her boyfriend, Su Mo felt that Ning Rongrong only regarded Oscar as a spare tire.

  It's just that Oscar's spare tire is of relatively high quality, and he finally became a regular.

  But judging from Oscar and Ning Rongrong's entire Douluo series, neither of them had a single heir.

  If there were no problems with Oscar, the relationship between Ning Rongrong and Oscar would be worth savoring.


  "They? Hehe, Rongrong, let me introduce you. This is Dai Lingxuan, this is Duguyan, and this is Ye Lingling. They are all my friends!

  " Asked angrily, Su Mo didn't panic at all, just smiled, and introduced the three girls, who were naturally just friends.

  'Dai Lingxuan? ! '

  And Dai Lingxuan looked familiar at first, but when he heard Su Mo's introduction, Dai Mubai's pupils constricted suddenly, and his heart was full of horror.

  Isn't this his eldest sister?

  Although his relationship with his eldest sister Dai Lingxuan was mediocre, as far as he knew, with her eldest sister Dai Lingxuan's temper, how could she be with Su Mo?

  On the other side, Su Mo saw that Ning Rongrong was so nervous, even though Oscar had no experience in love.

  But instinct told him that his goddess Ning Rongrong probably liked this Su Mo.

  Oscar couldn't help being struck by lightning, and his face turned pale.

  Could it be that my love will end before it even begins?

  And compared with Oscar.

  Although Chen Feng and Gu Xuan are disciples of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, of course they also have some thoughts about Ning Rongrong.

  But this is out of interest, to say they like Ning Rongrong, that is pure nonsense!

  After all, no matter how beautiful Ning Rongrong is, as long as the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School knows Ning Rongrong's true face, they will be scared away by Ning Rongrong's little witch-like personality!

  In addition, Chen Feng and Gu Xuan have always been obsessed with cultivation, and their sensitivity to other aspects of life has always been very low, but they did not see what Ning Rongrong had with Su Mo.

  And just after Su Mo introduced Dai Lingxuan, Duguyan and Ye Lingling, before Ning Rongrong could continue speaking.

  Not far away, Yu Xiaogang, Flender and Zao Wou-ki returned to the hall after helping everyone in Shrek Academy register their group fighting spirits.

  "What's the matter?"

  Yu Xiaogang couldn't help asking in a deep voice before he came over, seeing that there seemed to be other people with Tang San and the others, maybe there was some conflict.

  But after walking in, when he found out that it was Su Mo, the expression on Yu Xiaogang's face suddenly froze, and he greeted Su Mo stiffly.

  "I didn't expect it to be Teacher Su Mo. Why is Teacher Su Mo here?"

  Regarding Su Mo, the person who taunted him when he wanted to accept Xiao Wu as his apprentice, Yu Xiaogang was naturally secretly I hate it.

  However, in a public place like the Suotuo Great Soul Arena, as a person who has been ridiculed for being extremely inferior since he was a child, Yu Xiaogang needs to maintain his face as a master of martial arts theory, and it is impossible to talk to Su Suo.

  "Hehe, it's nothing, I just met an acquaintance, so come and have a look."

  "But I didn't expect to meet you here, Master. You have stayed in our Notting College for more than ten years. To show your sincerity, the dean has always allowed you to stay in the college for free." "But this is not possible

  . To impress you, Master, let Master agree to become a teacher of our Notting College and give a class to the students." "

  But now, Master, it seems that you have become a teacher, what a joy!"

  Again Seeing Yu Xiaogang, Su Mo also casually smiled at Yu Xiaogang's greeting, but his words were congratulations, but in his words, he was ruthlessly exposing master Yu Xiaogang's shortcomings.

  This made Yu Xiaogang's face suddenly become a little ugly.