Yu Xiaogang's behavior of eating rice was exposed, and his image collapsed

Yu Xiaogang naturally knew about the behavior of eating rice at Notting College, which is not good.

  But at that time, he had already lost contact with the family.

  It is impossible for the Wuhundian to lie again... Oh no! It is to get research funding again.

  Therefore, he can only live by receiving soul master subsidies from Wuhun Temple every month.

  Although as a great soul master, Yu Xiaogang can receive a soul master subsidy of ten gold soul coins from the Wuhun Hall every month, the money is enough to spend if he saves it.

  But the problem is, as a master of Wuhun theory, Yu Xiaogang still hasn't given up on research, at least on the surface.

  And doing research costs money, and it still costs a lot of money!

  Yu Xiaogang is almost not enough for the monthly Wuhundian subsidy.

  So I can only take advantage of my good friend who is the dean of Notting College in a shameless manner, and eat nothing at Notting College.

  Originally thought that after leaving Notting College, no one would know about his free meal at Notting College.

  In Shrek Academy, he will become the respected martial soul theory master again.

  Unexpectedly, Su Mo would dismantle him in front of so many people, which made Yu Xiaogang very angry.

  But Yu Xiaogang couldn't refute Su Mo's words at all, because Su Mo just told his previous behavior, that's all.

  "When I was in the college, I was always doing martial arts research, and I didn't have time to teach." "

  Now my theoretical research on martial arts has come to an end, so I became a teacher after I followed Xiaosan. He doesn't really count."

  Yu Xiaogang finally took a deep breath for Su Mo's denunciation, and after calming down, he tried to respond with a calm and indifferent voice.

  Facing Su Mo's exposure, he knew that the more aggressive he acted, the greater the impact.

  But as long as he behaved indifferently enough and gave a vague reason, it would be fine if he could explain.

  Anyway, let others figure it out for themselves.

  But Yu Xiaogang's idea is too taken for granted, he simply treats others as fools!

  After hearing Su Mo's words, Chen Feng and Gu Xuan immediately understood Su Mo's true meaning.

  It turned out that this master, Yu Xiaogang, used to eat at a place called Notting College for more than ten years, and he didn't even give a single class to others.

  When they learned about this, Chen Feng and Gu Xuan couldn't help but feel even more contemptuous and disgusting towards Yu Xiaogang's heart.

  Because Yu Xiaogang kept claiming to be a master of Wuhun theory, some people were willing to believe him and invited him to his Soul Master Academy.

  But Yu Xiaogang was so ostentatious that he spent more than ten years living in other people's colleges for nothing, and refused to teach a class with other students.

  But the question is, don't you call yourself a master of Wuhun theory?

  Since he is a master of Wuhun theory, it shouldn't be a problem just to teach others, right?

  However, what is incomprehensible is that Yu Xiaogang happened to be in this Notting College, and he hasn't given a class to the students in the college for more than ten years.

  This made Chenfeng and Guxuan couldn't help thinking that Yu Xiaogang's master of Wuhun theory was simply blown out, and he himself had no real talent at all!

  Otherwise, it wouldn't be possible for him to have spent more than ten years in a soul master academy, but he wouldn't even give a class to other students.

  In addition to the explanation that he has no real talents and is afraid of being exposed in class.

  Chen Feng and Gu Xuan couldn't think of any other explanation anyway.

  Regarding this, Su Mo actually thought the same as Chen Feng and Gu Xuan.

  The reason why Su Mo felt disgusted and disgusted with Yu Xiaogang.

  Except in the original book, Yu Xiaogang always took it from Bibi Dong as a matter of course, but he didn't pay anything, and he refused to give Bibi Dong any trust.

  And there is Yu Xiaogang's performance in Notting College!

  A master of Wuhun theory, who has been at Notting College for more than ten years, nearly twenty years, would rather be ridiculed as a freelancer than give a class at Notting College.

  If Yu Xiaogang is the kind of martial soul researcher who is obsessed with academics and ignores external affairs, that's all!

  But Yu Xiaogang is a person who was ridiculed in the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family when he was a child, which made him feel extremely inferior, so he became extremely good-looking, and even regarded proving that he is not a waste as the only person in life.

  From Su Mo's point of view, if it's not impossible for such a person to do it, how could he rather be called a freelancer than show his ability in Notting College!

  And Yu Xiaogang couldn't teach the students in Notting College.

  In Su Mo's view, the reason must be that only he knows that he has no real talents, so he dare not expose himself.


  Suotuo Great Soul Arena, in the Hall of Soul Fighting.

  After Su Mo told about the fact that Yu Xiaogang used to eat and drink for free in Notting College for more than ten years, Flender and Zhao Wuji had no idea.

  Because Flender is also a stingy and stingy person, in his opinion, taking advantage is not a bad thing.

  As for Zhao Wuji, he used to have a bad reputation in the world of soul masters, and he is not a good person, so he didn't care about Yu Xiaogang's free eating and drinking in Notting College for more than ten years.

  But it is different from Flender and Zao Wou-ki.

  In Shrek Academy, when he learned that Yu Xiaogang was so shameless, he spent more than ten years eating and drinking for nothing in a soul master academy called Nuoding Academy, and he refused to teach others a class in return.

  Except for Tang San, Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun and Oscar looked at Yu Xiaogang all strangely.

  Ning Rongrong looked at Yu Xiaogang with even more contempt.

  In vain, when they were carrying out weight training in Shrek Academy, they were a little moved by Yu Xiaogang preparing food for them every day, thinking that Yu Xiaogang was a real master.

  But now it seems that this is not the case at all.

  Anyway, Yu Xiaogang didn't even know how to repay his kindness.

  How can such a person deserve to be called a master!

  After learning about Yu Xiaogang's shamelessness, Dai Lingxuan and Dugu Yan were also shocked, and couldn't help but cast Yu Xiaogang's eyes like a scumbag.

  "Okay, we've finished registering for team fighting spirits, and the single-player fighting spirits will probably start soon, everyone, come in with us!" I found

  myself responding lightly, trying to reduce the impact was unsuccessful, for those who looked around With contemptuous eyes, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help feeling unnatural in his heart, and immediately changed the topic in a deep voice, preparing to take Tang San and others into the inner fighting spirit field.

  After seeing the teacher Yu Xiaogang finished speaking, he put his hands on his back and walked towards the interior of the Suotuo Great Spirit Arena.

  Regarding this, Tang San as a disciple naturally hurriedly followed.

  And because Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun and Oscar didn't want to stay here, and because they had a good relationship with Tang San, they naturally wanted to keep up with Tang San's footsteps, so they immediately followed suit.

  As for Flender and Zao Wou-ki, as Shrek Academy teachers, seeing Yu Xiaogang leave, of course they couldn't be left behind, so they quickly followed.

  So all of a sudden, after Yu Xiaogang turned around and left with everyone.

  Only Chen Feng, Gu Xuan and Ning Rongrong were left in the hall.

  But it is different from Yu Xiaogang and others.

  I found that Su Mo seemed to have a grudge against Yu Xiaogang, because I was also very upset with Shrek Academy and the master Yu Xiaogang, and I really thought that Su Mo and Ning Rongrong were brothers and sisters.

  However, Chen Feng and Gu Xuan couldn't help feeling a little fond of Su Mo. When they were about to leave, they hugged Su Mo before turning and leaving.

  And saw everyone leave.

  Originally, I wanted to say something to Su Mo, such as continuing to ask the identities of Dai Lingxuan, Duguyan and Ye Lingling, and why they were with Su Mo.

  But now I am alone, but there are three women on Su Mo's side.

  Ning Rongrong couldn't help feeling flustered for a moment, couldn't help but gritted her teeth, and pulled Su Mo aside.

  "You...don't leave at night, I have something to ask you when we finish fighting the soul!"