Me and They Are Just Friends

"Do you want to ask me something?"

  Hearing Ning Rongrong's words, Su Mo felt a little amused.

  This girl, is she still wanting to continue to ask about the identities of Dai Lingxuan, Duguyan and Ye Lingling?

  But didn't you say that you should stop contacting me after you're done?

  Oh, woman, what a duplicity!

  However, Su Mo finally agreed to Ning Rongrong's words.

  He wanted to see how Ning Rongrong would ask him, and what his expression would be if he knew that there were more than just Dai Lingxuan, Duguyan and Ye Lingling beside him.

  For this, Su Mo was very interested.


  in Soto's Great Soul Arena.

  After Ning Rongrong finally left, Su Mo also left the hall with Dai Lingxuan, Duguyan and Ye Lingling, and returned to the lounge where the soul fight was held.

  During the period, Dugu Yan couldn't help but curiously asked about the identities of Ning Rongrong and the others.

  To this, Su Mo replied that Yu Xiaogang and Tang San were teachers and students in a soul master academy he had stayed in before, and they were also teachers and students.

  As for Ning Rongrong, Su Mo didn't use the nonsense he said before, but he didn't tell the truth either, he just said that he met in Soto City by accident.

  But hearing that Su Mo met another beautiful girl in Soto City, Dai Lingxuan had no other emotions.

  But Dugu Yan couldn't help feeling a little sour in his heart.

  Because she also likes Su Mo, but she never dared to reveal it. She only dared to pester Su Mo every day and call Su Mo brother sweetly. She was very satisfied to be with Su Mo.

  After all, their Dugu family has now joined the Wuhun Palace, and Su Mo is the Holy Son of the Wuhun Palace. Logically speaking, she should be called His Highness Su Mo's Holy Son.

  In terms of status, she is completely unequal to Su Mo.

  In terms of strength, Su Mo is the title Douluo at the top of the mainland.

  With such a huge gap between the two, she did not dare to monopolize Su Mo at all.

  Su Mo was willing to let her call her brother, and she was already very grateful.

  But I thought there were enough girls around me who liked Su Mo, but I didn't expect another one to come.

  Yes, from Dugu Yan's point of view, Ning Rongrong obviously also likes Su Mo.

  Otherwise, I wouldn't have been jealous when I saw them before.

  And when she left just now, this Ning Rongrong actually asked her brother Su Mo to wait for her at night, saying that she had something to say to brother Su Mo.

  This made Dugu Yan feel a little envious.

  Because she didn't dare to talk to Su Mo like that, let Su Mo go out with her alone at night, and she didn't even dare to say that she liked Su Mo.

  On the other hand, with the passage of time, it soon came to the time when the Soul Master group's single-player soul fighting began, and then the Soul Sect and Soul King-level single-player soul fighting.

  At the same time, the combination of fighting souls also came to the fighting souls of the Soul Venerable Clan, Soul Ancestor Group and Soul King Group.

  Finally, there is the team fighting spirit.

  But when the Suoto Great Spirit Arena announced the list of the group battle spirits.

  Su Mo not only paid attention to the situation of the team spirits of the Huangdou team, but also the situation of the team spirits of the Shrek Seven Monsters.

  To Su Mo's surprise, the opponents of the Shrek Seven Monsters' first group battle of souls were still the same as in the original book, facing the crazy battle team.

  As for the Shrek Seven Monsters team vs. Battle Madness Team, because the current Shrek Seven Monsters team is already a new Shrek Seven Monsters team that is different from the original book.

  Out of curiosity, Su Mo couldn't help watching the match between Shrek's Seven Monsters and Zhankuang.

  Although compared with the Shrek Seven Monsters team in the original book, the new Shrek Seven Monsters team lost Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu, and lost the spirit fusion skill Nether White Tiger that could be used as a trump card.

  But when he was watching the match of the Shrek Seven Monsters, Su Mo couldn't help discovering that the two teenagers who had joined the Shrek Seven Monsters had one of the Seven Killing Swords and the Bone Dragon.

  They seem to be members of the clan of Sword Douluo Chen Xin and Bone Douluo Gu Rong of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, and both of them are not low in cultivation, they have both reached level 38!

  Therefore, although Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing didn't have the martial soul fusion ability Nether White Tiger that could be displayed.

  But in terms of overall strength, the Shrek Seven Monsters team didn't drop much.

  Anyway, in the process of fighting against the Zhan Kuang team, because there was a 38th-level Seven Kill Sword Soul Master and a 38th-level Bone Dragon Soul Master.

  The Shrek Seven Monsters team defeated the Berserk team almost like a crushing blow, and won the match.

  For this result, the audience watching the match couldn't help being shocked.

  No one expected that it would be the Shrek Seven Monsters team that defeated the old strong team, the Berserk Team, and won the victory.

  But Flender, Yu Xiaogang and Zhao Wou-ki were not surprised at all, instead they all showed joyful and satisfied smiles.

  Because for this showdown between the Shrek Seven Monsters and the Berserker Team, they bet on the Shrek Seven Monsters team winning, so they made a lot of money.

  This has greatly reduced the current financial pressure on Shrek Academy.

  But it's a pity that Shrek Academy is too poor, otherwise they should be able to earn more!

  And after the Shrek team's team battle spirit ended.

  Afterwards, everyone from Shrek Academy will prepare to leave the Soto Great Spirit Arena.

  Under a big tree outside the Suotuo Great Spirit Arena, Su Mo was quietly waiting for Ning Rongrong.

  However, after Ning Rongrong came over, Su Mo discovered that there were also two young soul masters from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School who came with them, namely the Seven Killing Sword and the Bone Dragon.

  Seeing Su Mo looking at Chen Feng and Gu Xuan behind him, Ning Rongrong was also a little ashamed.

  "I didn't ask them to come here, they insisted on coming here!"

  "Hehe, it's nothing, they care about you too!"

  Su Mo smiled and didn't care.

  Although two light bulbs followed, looking at these two guys, it seems that Yazi, who is not very smart, should be able to handle it easily.

  "I wonder what the names of the two little brothers are?"

  Thinking in his heart, looking at Chen Feng and Gu Xuan, Su Mo couldn't help asking with a smile.

  "My name is Chen Feng."

  "My name is Gu Xuan."

  The two teenagers answered Su Mo in the same way.

  "I want to have supper with Rongrong, do you want to go together?"

  Su Mo continued to ask with a smile.

  Hearing Su Mo's words, Chen Feng and Gu Xuan couldn't help but looked at each other, and then nodded.

  Afterwards, at the night market of Soto City, at a barbecue stand.

  While waiting for the barbecue and drinks, Su Mo had already talked to Chen Feng and Gu Xuan as brothers and sisters, and after the ordered barbecue and drinks were served, Su Mo poured them into the bowls of Chen Feng and Gu Xuan Filled with wine, he couldn't help asking curiously.

  "Yes, little brother Chenfeng, little brother Guxuan, you should all be disciples of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, right? Why did you come to Shrek Academy?

  " Fame, known as the Monster Academy, but anyone who knows some news should know about it."

  "The reason why this Shrek Academy is somewhat famous is that this academy only recruits monster students with extremely high talents, and if it can recruit such students, no matter which academy it is in, it can become famous!" "And Shrek Academy is

  now It's still like this, it's already considered a very rubbish." "

  As far as I know, this Shrek Academy is not good at all except for the faculty, and even the food for the students cannot be guaranteed, why do you go to this academy?"

  Hearing Su Mo's question, Chen Feng and Gu Xuan couldn't help but look at each other, and then both sighed helplessly, as if they had opened up a chatterbox, and began to pour bitterness on Su Mo, complaining about the cheating of Shrek Academy.

  Although they came here because of Ning Rongrong, since Ning Rongrong is by her side now, the two of them will not be stupid enough to complain about Ning Rongrong.

  But when Chen Feng and Gu Xuan complained about Shrek Academy, Su Mo also regarded it as a listener, expressing sympathy, regret and approval while listening, and pouring wine for Chen Feng and Gu Xuan at the same time.

  Under the influence of Su Mo's twelve-winged fallen angel Wuhun's emotional control ability, Chen Feng and Gu Xuan only felt extremely depressed in their hearts. During the process of complaining, they kept drinking and quickly passed out.

  "Hey! Wake up, wake up!"

  Seeing that Chen Feng and Gu Xuan were drunk, Ning Rongrong, who had been eating barbecue at the side, couldn't help picking up a chopstick, and poked Chen Feng and Gu Xuan tentatively. face, and found that the two were completely drunk, he was relieved just now, and at the same time he was a little relieved.

  Let the two of you insist on following me, you are now drunk!

  "Su Mo, I didn't expect you to be so powerful that you got them both drunk like this!"

  Seeing Su Mo get Chen Feng and Gu Xuan drunk so easily, Ning Rongrong looked at Su Mo and couldn't help but suddenly Hee hee laughed.

  "It's just two brats."

  Regarding this, Su Mo just smiled casually, and then his face changed suddenly: "By the way, didn't you say you have something to ask me? Tell me, what is it?" "

  This ..."

  Hearing Su Mo's words, Ning Rongrong's delicate and elegant face blushed slightly, and then he hesitated.

  "I asked you to come here because I wanted to ask you, who are those girls who came here before..." "

  You mean Lingxuan and Yanzi? They...of course they are my friends!"

  For Ning Rongrong's question was not unexpected in Su Mo's mind, he couldn't help laughing immediately, he just spread his hands casually, and replied.

   Sorry, there was a problem with word copy and paste last night, a new chapter has been changed!