The battle begins, Tang San: Why! Why is she also able to learn Tang Sect's top skills!

"Okay, the two teams have already boarded the fighting spirit platform!"

  "Next, please pay attention to the soul masters of both sides. Next, you will have a minute to summon your martial soul or perform martial soul possession."

"After one minute, when I announce the start of the spirit fight, you can attack until one side admits defeat, all the team members fall down, or they all fall off the spirit fighting platform!"

When I entered the Soul Fighting Platform.

  As the host, Doudou has already summoned the white dove martial soul and entered the martial soul possessed state, and activated the flying soul skill, with wings on his back, rose into the air, raised the amplifying soul guide in his hand, and carried out loudly The announcement before the official fight of the soul.

  And when I heard what the host said.

  Whether it's the Huangdou team or the Shrek Seven Monsters team, they couldn't help calling out their own martial souls, holding them in their hands, or entering the state of martial soul possession.

  For a while, I saw bursts of light of different colors flashing.

  On the Huangdou team's side, Shi Mo and Shi Mo standing at the front of the formation have already summoned the Xuanwu Turtle Wuhun and entered the Wuhun possession state.

  The turbulent soul power condensed on the two of them, forming an emerald green body covered with thorn-like raised tortoise shells, and at the same time, tortoise shells emerged from their arms and feet.

  At the same time, the three soul rings of yellow, yellow, and purple also emerged from the feet of the two, revealing the identity of the two best soul ring configuration soul masters.

  And at the same time Shi Mo and Shi Mo standing in the front entered the state of martial spirit possession.

  Yufeng, Oslo, Zhu Zhuqing, and Xiao Wu, who are also beast spirits, also stood in different positions, summoned their spirits, and then entered the spirit possession state.

  I saw that Yufeng was tall, his hands had pale yellow scales, and his ten fingers popped out sharp claws, just like the eagle claws of a falcon. At the same time, his eyes also turned into the golden vertical pupils of a campanula, and three yellow, yellow and purple soul rings under his feet Rise up and surround you.

  And after entering the spirit possession, Yu Feng, who is a flying soul master, instantly activated his flying soul skills, stretched out a pair of white and wide wings from his back, and flew into the air.

  On the other side, while Oslo was taller, his muscles swelled, his eyes turned into bright yellow animal pupils, his hands turned into sharp claws, black hair grew on the back of his hands, and the three souls of yellow, yellow, and purple under his feet The rings are also rising one after another.

  Compared with Oslo, Zhu Zhuqing whose martial soul is that of the Nether Civet, after the martial soul possessed his body, his body turned into a beast to a much lesser degree.

  It's just that his figure became slender, with sharp claws stretched out from his hands, and a pair of cat ears grew out from his hair, his eyes changed into one blue and one purple pupils of different colors, and the three yellow, yellow, and purple soul rings under his feet also rose one after another. rise.

But on Zhu Zhuqing's body, there was no extra hair or anything like that.

  Xiao Wu was similar to Zhu Zhuqing after her spirit possessed her body, except that a pair of pink rabbit ears grew out of her head, as for other changes, there were almost no changes.

  In the end, the same three soul rings, yellow, yellow, and purple rose from under his feet.

  As for Meng Yiran, because Meng Yiran's Wuhun is a weapon Wuhun Snake Staff.

  So when Meng Yiran heard that he was going to summon a martial soul, Meng Yiran just had a thought, a rod-like martial soul with a black and purple body, snake-like patterns on its raw surface, and a very smooth and bright surface emerged from Meng Yiran's hand out.

  At the same time, the three soul rings of yellow, yellow, and purple rose up one after another.

  And when the Huangdou team summoned the martial soul and carried out the martial soul possession.

  On the other side, in the Shrek Seven Monsters team, Chen Feng, Gu Xuan, and Dai Mubai who stood at the front also shouted loudly, each summoning their martial souls.

  I saw Chen Feng yelled, and instantly stretched out his hand to summon the silver-blue, exuding murderous, sharp and cool Seven Killing Sword martial soul, with three yellow, yellow, and purple soul rings rising from under his feet.

  On the other side, Dai Mubai and Gu Xuan respectively summoned the evil-eyed white tiger and the bone dragon martial soul, and then instantly entered the state of martial soul possession.

  I saw that Dai Mubai's figure suddenly rose after the spirit possessed him, and the muscles of his whole body swelled violently, propping up his clothes high.

  At the same time, dagger-like sharp claws popped out from between the fingers, black and white hair grew on the back of the hand, and at the same time as the eyes turned into beast pupils, three yellow, yellow, and purple soul rings rose up one after another under the feet.

  As for Gu Xuan, after the martial spirit possessed his body, his body shape remained unchanged, but a body armor was condensed on his body surface, his eyes turned into a faint green color like ghost fire, and three soul rings of yellow, yellow, and purple were placed under his feet. It also rises one after another.

  At the same time, Ma Hongjun, who was in the middle of the Shrek team, also summoned the evil fire phoenix martial soul, and entered the state of possessing the martial soul.

  In the rear, Oscar, Ning Rongrong and Tang San also summoned their own spirits.

  Oscar summoned the sausage martial soul, ready to activate soul skills at any time, recite the soul mantra, and create a large soul power recovery sausage that can restore soul power and a flying mushroom sausage that can bring flying ability.

  Ning Rongrong summoned the Seven Treasures Glazed Tower Martial Soul that was carved like a crystal and exuded colorful rays of light, ready to activate the soul skills at any time to bless his teammates.

  As for Tang San, he summoned the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit, controlled it to spread out, and covered the surrounding ground.

  Countless blue silver grass spirits as thick as vines entrenched beside Tang San, making Tang San really look as if he had grown many arms.

  And when they saw that both the Emperor Fighter Team and the Shrek Seven Monsters team had summoned their spirits, and found that both the Emperor Fighter Team and the Shrek Seven Monsters team had the best configuration of soul rings, the audience in the surrounding auditorium couldn't help but All of a sudden they cheered excitedly.

  At the same time, because Su Mo, Qin Ming, Dai Lingxuan, Dugu Yan and other people who did not play, came out of the waiting room and stood on the suspended corridor to watch the game.

  On the other side, the same is true for the Shrek Seven Monsters.

  This made Flender, Zhao Wuji and Yu Xiaogang couldn't help seeing Su Mo's side, and instantly guessed Su Mo's identity.

  After all, the entire main fighting arena only has auditoriums for ordinary spectators, a lounge for soul master teams who are fighting, and a VIP box made of single-sided transparent glass for VIPs to watch the game.

  And Su Mo's side is obviously the lounge.

  "This Su Mo is actually the teacher of the Royal Fighting Team?"

  Because the distance is a bit far away, and Qin Ming has graduated from Shrek Academy for a long time, although he feels familiar, neither Flender nor Zhao Wuji recognized Qin. Tomorrow.

  But when they saw Su Mo, Flender and Zhao Wuji recognized Su Mo instantly.

  Isn't this the young man they met in the hall a month ago?

  And for some reason, Flender always felt that Su Mo was somewhat familiar.

  On the other side, Yu Xiaogang saw Su Mo's colleague, and also noticed Yu Tianheng standing in the suspended corridor, and recognized him as his nephew.

  "Spirit fighting...begin!"

  But it was when Flender, Zhao Wuji, Yu Xiaogang and Su Mo looked at each other.

  On the fighting spirit stage, after the Huangdou team and the Shrek Seven Monsters team summoned their martial spirits, as a minute passed, the host Doudou immediately raised the amplified soul guide in his hand, and shouted loudly that the fighting spirit began. .





  For a moment, when they heard the start of the soul fight, both the Emperor Fighter Team and the Shrek Team couldn't help rushing forward in an instant.

  "Your opponent is me!"

  When rushing towards the Shrek Seven Monsters team, as the captain, Shi Mo couldn't help shouting angrily, and rushed directly towards Chenfeng.

  According to the tactics, his task is to block the dusty wind with the highest cultivation base and the most powerful among the Shrek Seven Monsters

  . Chen Feng, the eighth-level soul master, will pose a great threat to Zhu Zhuqing, and the others are no match for Chen Feng at all.

  As for Shi Mo, amidst the roar, he rushed towards Dai Mubai, forcibly blocking Dai Mubai.

  The cultivation levels of the two are comparable, and in terms of martial souls, Shimo's Black Tortoise martial soul is much stronger than the Xieyan White Tiger martial soul.

  So blocking Dai Mubai is no problem for Shi Mo!

  As for Gu Xuan, as a bone dragon soul master, Gu Xuan belongs to the dual development direction of defense and attack.

  However, because the cultivation base is still relatively low, it is still biased towards defense. As for the development direction of the agility attack system, it has not been fully pointed out.

  But because of his high cultivation, it was Yufeng and Oslo who were responsible for dealing with it together.

  While Shi Mo and Shi Mo blocked Chen Feng and Dai Mubai respectively, Yu Feng and Oslo entangled Gu Xuanhou.

  The Shrek Seven Devils also had Tang San, Ma Hongjun, Ning Rongrong and Oscar on their side.

  As for the Huangdou team, there are also Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu and Meng Yiran.

  There are four soul masters on one side, and only three soul masters on the other.

  At first glance, it seems that the Shrek Seven Devils side seems to have the upper hand.

  But unfortunately, on the side of the Shrek Seven Monsters, among the remaining four soul masters, there is a food-type soul master and an auxiliary-type soul master, both of which need protection.

  Only Tang San and Ma Hongjun were truly capable of fighting.

  On the Huangdou team's side, the remaining Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu, and Meng Yiran are all agility attack system soul masters, all with combat power.

  Therefore, judging from combat effectiveness, it is the Huangdou team that has the upper hand.

  Therefore, after discovering that Chen Feng, Dai Mubai and Gu Xuan were all entangled by the opponents sent by the Emperor Fighting Team.

  Seeing Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu and Meng Yiran quickly bypassing the two sides and rushing directly behind them, Tang San couldn't help frowning.

  "Fatty, quickly enter my Blue Silver Grass protection circle!"

  Seeing Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu and Meng Yiran rushing up at the same time, with the cultivation of the three women, no matter which one of them can easily deal with Ma Hongjun, Tang San couldn't help but suddenly Shout out.

  And because I have read the information of the Huangdou team in advance, I know that Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu and Meng Yiran are all soul masters, and I can't beat any of them.

  Ma Hongjun also obscenely quickly entered Tang San's Blue Silver Grass protection circle, which was the area where Tang San controlled the Blue Silver Grass to spread after summoning the Blue Silver Grass spirit just now.

  "Blue silver grass, twine!!"

  Seeing Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu, and Meng Yiran approaching him at the same time, in order to protect Ning Rongrong and Oscar beside him, Tang San couldn't help shouting, and instantly focused on controlling A part of the Blue Silver Grass spirit that spread out split into three strands, and shot towards Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu and Meng Yiran respectively.

  But in the face of Tang San's control of the large exploding blue silver grass, Zhu Zhuqing didn't retreat directly, but his eyes instantly turned lavender, and a pair of jade hands and the sharp claws on them all turned into the color of white jade.

  After the figure dodged to the side like a ghost, and came to the side of the bursting blue silver grass, the sharp claws of both hands swung out directly, turning into countless afterimages, and immediately chopped off a large piece of blue silver grass of Tang San broken.

  On the other side, was also facing Tang San's Blue Silver Grass.

  But Xiao Wu and Meng Yiran, one has no weapons and the other has weapons, but the Snake Stick Wuhun is a stick-type Wuhun, even if it uses the first spirit skill Snake Blade, it is still difficult to cut off the large blue silver grass that Tang San attacked , so you can only choose to avoid it.

  "First Soul Skill: Phoenix Fire Wire!!"

  When Tang San summoned the Blue Silver Grass to attack Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu and Meng Yiran, Ma Hongjun didn't watch the play either, but immediately shouted, activated the first soul skill, opened his mouth and sprayed out a purple-red line of fire , and shot at Xiao Wu who she thought was the best bully.

  But it's a pity, facing Ma Hongjun's Phoenix line of fire.

  Although it was still difficult to avoid Ma Hongjun's phoenix line of fire because he had to avoid Tang San's Blue Silver Grass.

  But Xiao Wu's third spirit ability was teleportation, just using the third spirit ability, easily dodged the attacks of Ma Hongjun and Tang San.

  "Spatial soul skill?"

  Ma Hongjun couldn't help being startled when he saw that Xiao Wu disappeared instantly and appeared a few meters away, while avoiding Tang San's Blue Silver Grass attack and his own phoenix line of fire.

  But on the soul fighting stage, Tang San was not as surprised as Ma Hongjun was that Xiao Wu's third spirit ability turned out to be a rare space spirit ability.

  At this moment, after summoning Blue Silver to attack Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu and Meng Yiran to no avail, seeing that Zhu Zhuqing's eyes turned into lavender, his twins turned into white jade, and his actions were like ghosts, Tang San couldn't help but widen his eyes , I was inexplicably horrified.

  Because of the features that suddenly appeared on Zhu Zhuqing's body, he couldn't be more familiar with them!

  His eyes turned lavender, isn't this his Purple Demon Pupil!

  And his hands turned into the color of white jade, isn't this his Xuanyu hand!

  As for the quick action like a ghost, this is clearly his ghostly shadow!

  But isn't this the unique skill of their Tang Sect?

  How did Zhu Zhuqing in front of me learn it!

  For a moment, Tang San wanted to know with great urgency why Zhu Zhuqing knew their Tang Sect's secret knowledge.

  "Third Brother, help!"

  Because Tang San lost his mind for a short time after seeing Zhu Zhuqing actually mastered the Tang Sect's unique skills, Zhu Zhuqing seized the opportunity, and after chopping up the attacking blue silver grass, he moved his body again and directly cast ghost shadow fascination, coordinating with the agility attack system At the original speed of the soul master, he appeared in front of the nearest Ma Hongjun in an instant, waving his sharp claws and grabbing at Ma Hongjun, which made Ma Hongjun terrified.

  Facing Zhu Zhuqing's attack, Ma Hongjun wanted to dodge in a panic, but he was fat and his movements were too inconvenient, so there was no way he could outrun Zhu Zhuqing.

  Even though he tried his best to dodge, Ma Hongjun still couldn't dodge completely, his chest was directly torn by Zhu Zhuqing's sharp claws, leaving several bloody wounds.

  This made Ma Hongjun couldn't help but let out a scream.

  "Not good!"

  After regaining his senses, seeing that Zhu Zhuqing had already approached Ma Hongjun, if there were no accidents, he might be able to destroy Ma Hongjun with a few claws, Tang San couldn't help but his expression changed drastically, and he hastily used it The third soul skill.

  "The third spirit ability; poisonous dragon strangle!"

  For a moment, the third spirit ring surrounding Tang San's body lit up.

  In a burst of soul power fluctuations, a large number of thick blue silver grass vines suddenly sprouted from the fragments of blue silver grass scattered all over the ground around Zhu Zhuqing, twisted in the air, and turned into a huge combined blue silver grass The vines entwined towards Zhu Zhuqing suddenly like a poisonous dragon, trying to restrain Zhu Zhuqing.

  Facing Tang San's third soul skill: Poisonous Dragon Strangling, he summoned giant blue and silver vines tangled together like a poisonous dragon.

  Zhu Zhuqing knew at a glance that his sharp claws would definitely not be able to tear it apart, even if he used the Xuanyu Body.

  Therefore, facing Tang San's third soul ability: Poisonous Dragon Strangling, Zhu Zhuqing immediately moved, no longer chasing and killing Ma Hongjun, but hiding to the side and rear, avoiding the attack of Poisonous Dragon Strangling.

  But when Tang San and Ma Hongjun were attracted by Zhu Zhuqing.

  Xiao Wu and Meng Yiran seized this opportunity and charged straight out, broke into Tang San's Blue Silver Grass defensive circle, heading straight for Ning Rongrong and Oscar.

  Xiao Wu raised her fist, while Meng Yiran raised the snake staff that had been blessed by the snake blade and turned into a spear.

  The goal of both of them is very clear, that is to knock down Ning Rongrong and Oscar who are auxiliary soul masters!