Ma Hongjun's Appearance, The Shrek Seven Devils' Disadvantage

"Not good!"

  When he saw it, he was in a daze, and the enemy actually touched Oscar and Ning Rongrong.

  Tang San couldn't help but his expression changed immediately, he quickly controlled the Blue Silver Grass, and shot towards Xiao Wu and Meng Yiran, trying to stop Xiao Wu and Meng Yiran from approaching Oscar and Ning Rongrong.

  But facing Xiao Wu and Meng Yiran's approach, Oscar had already made preparations, after handing a flying mushroom sausage to Ning Rongrong.

  The two ate the flying mushroom sausage at the same time, and with a surge of soul power, three pairs of transparent wings appeared on their backs, and with a slight vibration, they flew into the sky in an instant.


  Discovering that Oscar and Ning Rongrong suddenly flew up, Xiao Wu couldn't help opening her eyes wide, she was startled, she never expected such a situation to happen.

  And because Oscar and Ning Rongrong flew more than five meters above the ground to ensure safety.

  This is already beyond the distance that Xiao Wu can teleport.

  Therefore, even with the third soul ability: teleportation, Xiao Wu couldn't immediately come to Oscar and Ning Rongrong's side, and attack them.

  On the other side, seeing Oscar and Ning Rongrong ascend to the sky through the flying mushroom sausage in time, causing Xiao Wu and Meng Yiran, who were about to attack, to instantly lose their target, Tang San couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

  Now, finding that Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu, and Meng Yiran didn't have the ability to fly, Tang San couldn't help feeling.

  Zhu Zhuqing and the three daughters should have nothing to do with Ning Rongrong and Oscar in the air.

  Now he just has to keep the situation going.

  When Chen Feng, Gu Xuan and Boss Dai can defeat their opponents, the balance of victory will naturally tilt towards their side, the Shrek Seven Devils.

  "It can fly?"

  On the soul fighting stage, seeing that Ning Rongrong and Oscar had the ability to fly, Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help frowning slightly, feeling a little tricky.

  Originally, her idea was to eliminate the Seven Treasure Glazed Tower soul masters on the side of the Shrek Seven Monsters first.

  Because the blessing that the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda soul master can bring to the team is too powerful,

  if Ning Rongrong can be eliminated, then this will undoubtedly greatly reduce their graphite and stone mills with Chen Feng, Dai Mubai and Gu Xuan. , Yufeng and Oslo's pressure.

  But now, I didn't expect Oscar and Ning Rongrong to be able to fly.

  And neither she nor Xiao Wu and Meng still have the ability to fly, so there is nothing they can do with the Seven Treasures Glazed Tower soul master and this food-type soul master on the Shrek Seven Monsters side!

  no! You have to change someone!

  Seeing Oscar and Ning Rongrong rising into the sky, Zhu Zhuqing thought for a moment, and instantly thought of Yufeng who can also fly, and couldn't help but look at Xiao Wu immediately, and said.

  "Xiao Wu, they can fly, but the three of us can't fly, so there is nothing we can do about them."

  "Go to Yufeng and Oslo to replace Yufeng, and cooperate with Oslo to entangle the Bone Dragon King, let Yufeng came over to help get rid of this Qibao Liuli and sausage monopoly!"

  "I got it!"

  Hearing Zhu Zhuqing's words, Xiao Wu also instantly understood that this was the best way.

  For Ning Rongrong and Oscar who suddenly possessed the ability to fly, she, Zhu Zhuqing and Meng Yiran did not have the ability to fly.

  Under the obstruction of Tang San and that fat man named Evil Fire Phoenix, Ning Rongrong and Oscar in the air will definitely not be able to threaten,

  but as long as Yu Feng is allowed to come over, because both Ning Rongrong and Oscar in the air are auxiliary system soul masters , and one is a food-type soul master, both of whom have almost no fighting ability.

  Facing Yufeng, the two were not rivals at all, they could only be expelled from the fighting spirit platform by Yufeng in the air, or they chose to fall to the ground and seek Tang San's protection.

  But facing Yufeng, Zhu Zhuqing and Meng Yiran, Xiao Wu didn't think Tang San could protect Ning Rongrong and Oscar under the attack of the three.

  So, after hearing Zhu Zhuqing's words, Xiao Wu immediately changed direction, and with a movement of her figure, she quickly rushed towards Yufeng and Oslo.

  "Yufeng! You go to help Zhuqing and Yiran, and I will help you and Oslo to entangle this Bone Dragon King!"

  Xiao Wu shouted loudly as she ran towards the battlefield of Yufeng, Oslo and Bone Dragon King.

  At this time, Oslo was still turning into an afterimage, sprinting around Gu Xuan, coordinating with the wind in the air, and constantly attacking Gu Xuan.

  Hearing Xiao Wu's words, Oslo couldn't help slowing down the rhythm of the attack, ready to let Xiao Wu join the battlefield.

  And very soon, Xiao Wu joined the battlefield with a yell, and fought against Gu Xuan head-on.

  Although in terms of cultivation, Xiao Wu is not Gu Xuan's opponent.

  However, as a hundred thousand year soul beast, and also practiced soft skills, Xiao Wu's strength, skill, physical strength and attack bearing ability are all astonishing.

  Therefore, on the frontal battlefield, Xiao Wu fought with Gu Xuan and did not fall in the slightest. Oslo, who used his speed and waited for an opportunity to attack, was even better than Oslo and Yufeng's cooperation!

  On the other side, seeing Xiao Wu and Oslo cooperating together successfully held Gu Xuan down, and it seemed to put even more pressure on Gu Xuan.

  Yufeng couldn't help but settle down in his heart, and turned his head to look in the direction of Xiaowu's previous battlefield, or Oscar and Ning Rongrong in the sky, with a confident smile on his lips.

  Against Gu Xuan whose cultivation level is higher than his own, whose martial spirit is stronger than his own, and who also has speed, defense and strength at the same time, Yufeng is really helpless.

  But for Ning Rongrong and Oscar, whose cultivation base is lower than his own, and one is an auxiliary-type soul master, and the other is a food-type soul master, Yufeng has enough confidence to strike hard!

  "Rongrong, it seems that the situation is not good!"

  But at this moment, discovering that Xiao Wu had actually gone to the other side of the battlefield in exchange for an agility attack system soul master with the ability to fly, Oscar couldn't help showing a mournful face.

  I thought that after flying into the air through the flying mushroom field, I could sit back and relax.

  Unexpectedly, the Huangdou team would send a soul master with the ability to fly directly!

  Now, his plan to ensure safety through the flying mushroom sausage with Ning Rongrong is probably in vain!

  On the other side, when Xiao Wu was rushing to the battlefield of Yufeng, Oslo and Guxuan, preparing to exchange Yufeng.

  Although there was nothing he could do about Oscar and Ning Rongrong who had ascended into the air, Zhu Zhuqing immediately set his target on Ma Hongjun again.

  As a soul master of the agility attack system, Zhu Zhuqing's sharp claws were the sharpest things in his hands, and the claws were not as effective against Tang San's Blue Silver Grass as a sword.

  Therefore, it is obviously impossible to eliminate Tang San, who is a control system soul master!

  But it can't deal with Tang San, but there is still a fat soul master on the ground whose martial soul is a fire attribute bird martial soul, but it seems that he can't fly yet!

  So, just as he asked Xiao Wu to go to the battlefield of Yufeng, Oslo and Guxuan to replace Yufeng, Zhu Zhuqing suddenly moved and rushed towards Ma Hongjun in an instant.

  "Third Brother! Save me!!"

  Seeing that Zhu Zhuqing, who was cultivated as Soul Master and seemed to have very strong fighting power, actually looked at him, Ma Hongjun couldn't help but screamed in fright.

  But seeing Zhu Zhuqing attacking Ma Hongjun, Meng Yiran was holding the first spirit skill: Snake Blade's Snake Staff Wuhun, and with a coquettish shout, also directly rushed towards Tang San.

  "Tang San, your opponent is me!!"

  Knowing Tang San's name, Meng Yiran immediately shouted.

  Hearing Ma Hongjun's yell, Tang San immediately prepared to control the Blue Silver Grass spirit to interfere with Zhu Zhuqing, preventing Zhu Zhuqing from hurting Ma Hongjun.

  But after hearing what Meng Yiran said.

  With Meng Yiran yelling coquettishly, he waved the snake stick at Tang San, and even shot the snake blade at the top of the snake stick in a burst of cold light, and shot at Tang San in a burst of mournful whistling. go.

  Facing the snake blade shot by Meng Yiran, Tang San had no choice but to dodge quickly.

  Afterwards, Meng Yiran held the Snake Staff Martial Soul, and rushed over amidst the soft shouts.

  Because before in the Star Dou Great Forest, he once fought against Tang San on Oscar's cockscomb snake.

  Therefore, Meng still had a long-standing understanding of Tang San's attack methods.

  When rushing towards Tang San, Meng Yiran had already activated the second spirit ability: Snake Body, not only the speed and agility improved a lot, even the flexibility of the body was also greatly improved.

  Therefore, when Tang San controlled the Blue Silver Grass to spread and sweep towards Meng Yiran like countless poisonous snakes.

  Meng Yiran used all kinds of extreme movements to dodge Tang San's Blue Silver Grass attack unexpectedly through speed and body flexibility.

  And because on the one hand he had to distract himself from manipulating the Blue Silver Grass to support Ma Hongjun, so Tang San couldn't fully control the Blue Silver Grass to attack Meng Yiran, so there was really nothing he could do about Meng Yiran for a while!

  But it's a pity, even though Tang San already controlled a large amount of Blue Silver Grass, he frantically entangled towards Zhu Zhuqing, trying to prevent Zhu Zhuqing from attacking Ma Hongjun.

  However, because Tang San was facing Meng Yiran's attack at this moment, he still had a part of his mind to deal with Meng Yiran's attack.

  Therefore, the control over the Blue Silver Grass has been greatly reduced.

  In addition, under the influence of Su Mo, Tang San's first spirit ring became a waste ring directly, and the man-faced demon spider spirit ring that could have brought the external spirit bone Eight Spider Lances was also lost.

  Therefore, Tang San's strength has dropped by more than a notch than in the original work.

  So in the face of Tang San controlling the sweeping Blue Silver Grass, Zhu Zhuqing didn't feel threatened at all, and continued to dodge with the help of Ziji Demon Eyes and Body Skill Floating Shadow, while using the sharp claws in the state of Xuanyu Hand to smash the large pieces A large piece of blue silver grass was torn to shreds.

  "The first soul skill: Phoenix Line of Fire!"

  When Zhu Zhuqing dodged, Ma Hongjun immediately activated his soul skill, trying to sneak attack Zhu Zhuqing.

  But it's a pity that Zhu Zhuqing instantly sensed Ma Hongjun's sneak attack, and directly launched the third soul skill: Nether Slash, and slashed out a black-purple light blade with his backhand, instantly tearing the phoenix's line of fire!

And under the huge gap between strength and soul ring, Zhu Zhuqing launched the third soul skill: Nether Slash, the black-purple light blade directly cut through the Phoenix line of fire, and shot towards Ma Hongjun rapidly.


  Seeing a purple-black blade of light in front of him instantly cut off the Phoenix fire line he had spewed out, and shot towards him rapidly, Ma Hongjun was so frightened that his ghosts froze. With a sudden pounce.

  no way! Because his body is too fat, Ma Hongjun's skills are too clumsy.

  Coupled with the fact that Zhu Zhuqing's Nether Slash was too fast, Ma Hongjun had no way to escape, and could only fall to the side.


  For a moment, Ma Hongjun stopped breathing out the phoenix fire, and threw himself to the side.

  The Nether Slash that Zhu Zhuqing slashed landed on Ma Hongjun's original position in an instant, bombarded the fighting spirit stage, and made a violent explosion sound, and the dazzling black and purple light burst out immediately, rolling up waves of howls strong wind.

  The fragments of blue silver grass that Tang San was torn to pieces by Zhu Zhuqing were blown everywhere.

  And just after Ma Hongjun threw himself on the ground, Zhu Zhuqing immediately seized this opportunity, and displayed the movement method, Glittering Shadow, and instantly came to Ma Hongjun's back, kicked Ma Hongjun, and kicked him flying.


  Seeing Ma Hongjun being kicked flying by Zhu Zhuqing, his whole body showed a parabola, and he fell towards the spirit fighting stage amidst bursts of screams.

  Tang San's expression changed, he quickly controlled the Blue Silver Grass to shoot out, trying to catch up with Ma Hongjun, grabbed Ma Hongjun, and pulled him back to the spirit fighting platform.

  But it's a pity, Zhu Zhuqing had expected this in the early morning, and with a direct movement, he caught up with the blue silver grass that Tang San wanted to catch Ma Hongjun back in an instant, and tore his claws to pieces.

  As a result, Ma Hongjun immediately threw his head on the ground amidst a burst of screams, and fell off the Soul Fighting Platform. There was a muffled "bang!", followed by a burst of painful groans.

  "Oh! I didn't expect that with the start of the fighting spirit, in just a few minutes, the Shrek Seven Monsters team would experience downsizing, and the evil fire phoenix was actually kicked off the spirit fighting platform by Zhu Zhuqinghunzun!"

  "It seems that although the Shrek Seven Monsters team has more powerhouses than the Emperor Fighter team, but the Shrek team has an auxiliary-type soul master and a food-type soul master, the disadvantage brought by this is too great! "

  In the sky above the Soul Fighting Stage, seeing that after Ning Rongrong and Oscar took off, Zhu Zhuqing changed the target of the attack and cooperated with Meng Yiran to easily eliminate Ma Hongjun from the field. Doudou couldn't help raising the Amplifying the soul guide, he explained loudly with surprise in his tone.

  And what DouDou said is really good!

  Just after Zhu Zhuqing kicked Ma Hongjun out of the Soul Fighting Platform.

  After Xiao Wu succeeds in replacing Yufeng, he and Oslo fight against Bai Guxuan.

  After Yufeng left the battle field with Gu Xuan, he couldn't help flapping his wings and flew towards the rear of the Shrek Seven Monsters team,

  which made Oscar and Ning Rongrong in the sky behind the Shrek Seven Monsters team couldn't help but suddenly Surprised, he quickly folded his wings and fell towards the Soul Fighting Platform again.

  no way! The flying mushroom sausage used to lift off before was entirely to avoid the attacking Xiao Wu and Meng Yiran!

  But in the sky, facing a flying system soul master, without Tang San's protection, their situation is probably even more dangerous!

  "The first soul skill: Wing Blade!"

  But seeing that Ning Rongrong and Oscar landed on the soul fighting stage again, Yufeng was not surprised, but a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he immediately spread his wings and activated The first soul skill.

  For a moment, the first soul ring around him lit up.

  I saw Yu Feng violently flapping the wide snow-white wings on his back, and in a gust of wind, countless snow-white feathers immediately shot towards Oscar and Ning Rongrong below like sharp knives.