Final victory!

On the Soul Fighting Stage, a few minutes before Dust Wind severely injured Shi Mo, he turned around and held the Seven Killing Sword Wuhun, and rushed towards Ning Rongrong and Tang San's direction.


  After finishing Oscar, Zhu Zhuqing suddenly moved, and once again flew towards Ning Rongrong like a ghost.

  "Get away from her!"

  Not far away, seeing Zhu Zhuqing continuing to rush towards Ning Rongrong, Tang San couldn't help but immediately cast Ghost Shadow Miscary, distanced himself from Meng Yiran.

  Then, in the roar of anger, he manipulated the surrounding blue silver grass again, directly forming a wall of blue silver grass, instantly blocking between Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing.

  Facing the wall of blue silver grass summoned by Tang San, Zhu Zhuqing naturally had no choice but to quickly go around and continue chasing after Ning Rongrong.

  But on the soul fighting stage, the distance between Ning Rongrong and Tang San was not far.

  In addition, in order to avoid Yufeng's rain of feather blades just now, Ning Rongrong ate the flying mushroom sausage, and three pairs of transparent wings grew on his back, which can move at the speed of a thousand-year-old cockscomb snake in one minute.

  So Tang San summoned the wall of blue silver grass to block Zhu Zhuqing's effort for a moment.

  Ning Rongrong had already come to Tang San's side.

  And protecting Ning Rongrong behind him, facing Zhu Zhuqing and Meng Yiran, Tang San couldn't help feeling a little heavy on his face.

  But even though Tang San knew, with his own strength, it would definitely be difficult to completely protect Ning Rongrong under Zhu Zhuqing, Meng Yiran, and Yufeng in the sky.

  But seeing not far away, on several other battlefields, Chen Feng and Gu Xuan from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School found that Ning Rongrong might be in danger, they couldn't help bursting out with 120% strength in anger!

  As long as he can protect Ning Rongrong for a few minutes, maybe he can wait for Chen Feng or Gu Xuan to come to his aid!

  And as long as there is one person from Chenfeng or Guxuan who can come over.

  I can completely cooperate with the other party to eliminate Zhu Zhuqing, Meng Yiran and Yufeng!

  Now, the key is to protect Ning Rongrong!

  Because the battle between Chen Feng and Gu Xuan on his own side and the other side is very anxious, the soul skills blessing brought by Ning Rongrong, who is an auxiliary soul master, is very important in it.

  If once he can't protect Ning Rongrong.

  Even if Chen Feng and Gu Xuan on their side suddenly burst out to 120% strength after discovering that Ning Rongrong might be in danger, they might fall back again because of the loss of Ning Rongrong's soul skill blessing!

  Thinking of this, Tang San couldn't help feeling even more heavy in his heart.

  "The first soul skill: Feather Blade!"

  Seeing Ning Rongrong approaching Tang San's side in the sky, Yu Feng couldn't help shouting again, flapping his wings and activated the first soul skill: Feather Blade!

  For a moment, the first soul ring surrounding Yufeng's body lit up.

  In a burst of soul power fluctuations, I saw Yufeng flapping his wings in the direction of Tang San and Ning Rongrong, countless feathers shot out immediately, covering Tang San and Ning Rongrong like falling rain !

  "Quickly dodge!"

  Facing Yufeng's Feather Blades, because there were too many of them, even Tang San, who possessed the Purple Demon Eyes and Xuanyu Hands, didn't even think about blocking them all, but shouted loudly, Immediately cast the ghost shadow fascination, preparing to avoid the attack range of Yufeng's feather blade.

  On the other side, facing Yufeng's reactivated Feather Blade.

  Because the three pairs of transparent wings on the back hadn't dissipated yet, seeing Tang San dodging quickly, Ning Rongrong also flicked the three pairs of transparent wings on the back, hurriedly following Tang San.

  But when Tang San and Ning Rongrong dodged Yufeng's Feather Blade respectively.

  Zhu Zhuqing and Meng Yiran seized the opportunity at the same time and rushed towards Ning Rongrong together.

  But for this, Tang San also had expected it a long time ago, and directly passed the fragments of blue silver grass all over the ground again, spawning a large amount of blue silver grass, controlling a large amount of blue silver grass, winding towards Meng Yiran and Zhu Zhuqing like a poisonous snake. go.

  Facing Tang San's Blue Silver Grass, Zhu Zhuqing and Meng Yiran, as spirit masters of the agility attack system, could only dodge helplessly, otherwise once they were restrained, there was basically no possibility of breaking free!

  "It's been tricked!"

  But seeing Zhu Zhuqing and Meng Yiran avoiding the blue silver grass under his control at the same time, Tang San couldn't help feeling excited, directly controlling a large amount of blue silver grass, and entangled towards Meng Yiran. go.

  That's right! This time Tang San manipulated the Blue Silver Grass to attack Zhu Zhuqing and Meng Yiran, on the surface he wanted to force Zhu Zhuqing and Meng Yiran back.

  But in fact, Tang San wanted to use this to get rid of Meng Yiran!

  Because now after Ma Hongjun was eliminated, only Tang San was left behind.

  It is almost impossible to protect Ning Rongrong under the hands of Zhu Zhuqing, Meng Yiran and Yufeng!

  So Tang San immediately thought of a strategy, that is to get rid of one of the people on the opposite side first.

  This will undoubtedly reduce your stress a lot!

  Among Zhu Zhuqing, Meng Yiran and Yufeng, Meng Yiran was obviously the best bully!

  "Not good!"

  Just after avoiding the blue silver grass that Tang San was controlling, he saw the incoming blue silver grass turn around in the blink of an eye, and swept towards Meng with another strand of blue silver grass. Still going away, Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help but change his face.

  But it's a pity that even if Meng is still in danger, Zhu Zhuqing can't go to rescue him.

  Because as an agility attack system soul master, although Zhu Zhuqing has sharp claws, he can tear Tang San's Blue Silver Grass apart.

  But Zhu Zhuqing's sharp claws are not the real Sword Wuhun after all.

  She could only use her sharp claws to shred part of the incoming Blue Silver Grass when Tang San was controlling it, to relieve her pressure and create better opportunities.

  But if she wants to rescue Meng Yiran through sharp claws.

  In case Tang San intended to use Meng Yiran as a bait to attract her, he had already produced a large amount of blue silver grass in advance, waiting for her to take the bait.

  When she went to save Meng Yiran, not only would she not help Meng Yiran, but she would also be imprisoned, possibly directly bound by Tang San's Blue Silver Grass.

  At that time, it was impossible for Yufeng alone to eliminate this Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda soul master under Tang San's protection.

  Therefore, discovering that Tang San's real target was actually Meng Yiran, Zhu Zhuqing could only choose to give up Meng Yiran and continue to rush towards Ning Rongrong.

  In Zhu Zhuqing's view, Meng Yiran's strength is not weak.

  It's certainly possible for Tang San to solve Meng Yiran, but it will definitely not be so easy!

  And taking advantage of Tang San's time to deal with Meng Yiran, she might be able to get rid of Ning Rongrong!

  "Rongrong, get behind me!"

  Seeing that Zhu Zhuqing didn't care about Meng Yiran, but continued to rush towards Ning Rongrong, Tang San couldn't help frowning, and cried out pity in his heart, but he didn't feel too pity, and He immediately shouted, telling Ning Rongrong to go behind him.

  Said, while Tang San controlled the Blue Silver Grass to attack Meng Yiran, he couldn't help but control the Blue Silver Grass to wrap the surroundings first, making a large amount of Blue Silver Grass form a cover, protecting Ning Rongrong in it , and then let it continue to spread and attack Meng Yiran.

  Of course, Tang San manipulated the shield made of blue silver grass, not the shield in the true sense.

  It's just a rough outline of the same protective layer.

  But this is enough to stop Zhu Zhuqing and protect Ning Rongrong!

  As for Tang San's actions, Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help frowning slightly, but he was not surprised.

  Because according to the information about the Shrek Seven Monsters team that I read before.

  Among the Shrek Seven Monsters, the ones with the highest cultivation levels are Chen Feng and Gu Xuan.

  But the core and captain of the team is Tang San, and he is also the most difficult to deal with.

  Under Tang San's protection, it would not be that simple to eliminate this Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda soul master.

  They were able to eliminate the evil fire phoenix and the sausage monopoly before, because their tactics played a big role.

  But now, this Thousand-Handed Shura has already clearly understood the thinking of their Royal Fighting Team.

  It is undoubtedly impossible to continue so smoothly.

  But it doesn't matter!

  Facing Tang San's attacking Meng Yiran with blue silver grass, and at the same time manipulating the protective layer formed by wrapping these blue silver grass around his body at the beginning, Zhu Zhuqing's eyes flashed, and he activated his soul ability instantly.

  "The third soul skill: Nether Slash!"

  Facing Tang San's protective layer made of blue silver grass, Zhu Zhuqing let out a cold shout in his heart, and immediately launched the third soul skill: Nether Slash!

  For a moment, as the third soul ring around his body lit up, Zhu Zhuqing suddenly swung his sharp claws down towards the protective layer of blue silver grass in front of him.

  A purple-black light blade was cut out instantly, directly tearing away Tang San's blue silver grass protective layer.

  "Not good!"

  Seeing Zhu Zhuqing activated the third spirit ability: Nether Slash, Tang San couldn't help being startled, and quickly manipulated a few blue silver grasses to pull Ning Rongrong aside in the protective layer.

  Because of the insight of Ziji Demon Eye, Tang San saw through the trajectory of Zhu Zhuqing's Nether Slash, so he successfully pulled Ning Rongrong to a safe place.

  And even though Zhu Zhuqing used the third spirit ability: Nether Slash to cut Tang San's blue silver grass protective layer almost in half.

  But soon a large number of blue silver grass quickly grew again, repairing the protective layer.

  "Third Soul Skill: Rising Wind and Clouds!"

  Seeing that Tang San actually wanted to get rid of Meng Yiran while protecting Ning Rongrong, Yu Feng naturally wouldn't just watch, but let out an angry shout, and instantly activated the third soul skill: Wind Rising Clouds!

  For a moment, as Yufeng's third soul ring lit up, Yufeng suddenly flapped the wings on his back violently.

  Under the traction of soul power, a large number of wind elements quickly swarmed from all around, forming a tornado that swept and roared, trying to sweep Tang San and Ning Rongrong into the sky.

  But facing the attack of the tornado, Tang San controlled the Blue Silver Grass to spread out continuously, binding the corners of the Soul Fighting Platform not far away.

  Although the tornado summoned by Yufeng was powerful, it couldn't play any role against Tang San and Ning Rongrong who bound him to the Soul Fighting Platform.

  On the contrary, it was Zhu Zhuqing and Meng Yiran who were greatly affected by Yufeng's move, which doesn't distinguish between friend and foe.

  Originally because of Zhu Zhuqing's restraint, Tang San's Blue Silver Grass could not take down Meng Yiran quickly, although it was only a matter of time.

  But under the turbulent wind of Yufeng, because Meng was still affected by the strong wind, he couldn't even hold the snake staff firmly.

  Tang San took the opportunity to control a large number of blue silver grass spirits to twist together, forming a giant blue silver vine that could ignore the strong wind, restraining Meng Yiran all at once.

  Because as an agility attack system soul master, Meng Yiran's strength is not particularly strong, and the sharpness of his martial spirit is not enough, but he can't break free from the shackles of Tang San's blue silver giant vine.

  And seeing that his third spirit ability not only didn't have much influence on Tang San, but instead made his teammates directly controlled by the enemy, Yufeng couldn't help being a little dumbfounded, and hastily stopped the third spirit ability.

  Seeing this, Zhu Zhuqing, who could only quickly get out of the range of the tornado due to the influence of the turbulence just now, couldn't help but immediately used the floating light and skimming body technique again, rushing towards Tang San and Ning Rongrong again.

  And because it was just to deal with Yufeng's third soul skill: Rising Wind and Clouds.

  Tang San spread out part of the blue silver grass, wrapped around the corners of the fighting spirit platform, to prevent himself and Ning Rongrong from being swept into the sky by the tornado, and controlled the blue silver grass, restraining Meng Yiran.

  Therefore, Zhu Zhuqing was certain, Tang San, who had been fighting for a long time and his spirit power was definitely running out, now absolutely couldn't put enough spirit power and energy into the protective layer of blue silver grass protecting Ning Rongrong!

  "The third soul ability: Nether Slash!"

  After approaching Tang San and Ning Rongrong again, Zhu Zhuqing suddenly shouted in a cold voice, and immediately activated the third soul ability again, directly cutting out a purple-black light blade, The protective layer of blue silver grass protecting Ning Rongrong was torn off.

  And after that, even though Tang San immediately controlled a lot of Blue Silver Grass to prevent Zhu Zhuqing from entering the protective layer.

  But having activated the third spirit ability several times, plus the consumption of various spawning blue silver grass, Tang San's spirit power is seriously insufficient now.

  In addition, in order to deal with Yufeng's third spirit ability and to subdue Meng Yiran, Tang San was controlling a lot of blue silver grass on these two, but he could no longer produce enough blue silver grass to stop Zhu Zhuqing.

  Therefore, facing the Blue Silver Grass that Tang San is currently controlling Xi Lai, Zhu Zhuqing directly displayed the second soul skill this time: Nether Hundred Claws, directly waving out the sharp claws in Xuanyu's hand state, instantly transforming the person in front of him. The blue silver grass was completely shredded, and then entered the protective layer of blue silver grass where Ning Rongrong was.

  After seeing Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing came to Ning Rongrong's back in a flash, and knocked Ning Rongrong unconscious with a knife in his hand.

  Afterwards, Zhu Zhuqing directly used the third soul skill: Nether Slash, instantly tore apart the blue silver grass that was trying to sweep up and restrain her, and escaped from Tang San's surroundings.

  "Damn it!"

  And after Zhu Zhuqing left, Tang San's expression suddenly turned ugly when he saw that Ning Rongrong was unconscious in the protective layer of blue silver grass behind him.


  But at this moment, there was a burst of angry shouts not far away.

  Tang San turned his head to see, it turned out that during the last time of Ning Rongrong's soul ability blessing, Chenfeng severely injured Shi Mo, defeated him, then turned around and rushed over.


  Tang San couldn't help being overjoyed when he saw Chen Feng coming over.

  But at this moment.

  In the sky, Yu Feng yelled again, and directly activated the first soul skill: Feather Blade and the second soul skill: Wind Blade Flurry, and instantly shot down rain-like feather blades and countless cyan arrows towards Tang San. Wind blade attack.

  For this, Tang San was naturally startled, and quickly cast Ghost Shadow Mistracking, preparing to avoid the attack range of Yufeng's Feather Blade and Wind Blade.

  But at this moment, Zhu Zhuqing, who had already dealt with Ning Rongrong and Oscar, finally set his target on Tang San.

  Because Chen Feng had already defeated Shi Mo and was rushing towards him, Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help frowning, and when Yu Feng forced Tang San back, he rushed towards Tang San in an instant.

  Faced with Zhu Zhuqing's attack, Tang San naturally found out, and couldn't help wanting to resist.

  But because of too much spirit power consumption, Tang San's strength was already greatly reduced.

  In addition, in terms of cultivation, Tang San, who is a soul master of the 3rd level, is far from Zhu Zhuqing's opponent of the 34th level, and is still crushed by Zhu Zhuqing in terms of martial arts level.

  So in Zhu Zhuqing's hands, Tang San didn't even have a few moves, he was severely injured by a claw, he was directly sent flying, and was thrown off the spirit fighting platform by Yufeng in the air.

  At this time, Chen Feng also rushed over with the Seven Kills Sword Wuhun, and saw that the eldest lady Ning Rongrong was unconscious, he yelled angrily, and then slashed at Zhu Zhuqing with the Seven Kills Sword.

  Facing Dust Wind's attack, Zhu Zhuqing naturally dodged aside quickly.

  Because he still doesn't know about Chen Feng's strength, Zhu Zhuqing will not start a fight with Chen Feng immediately, but intends to observe first before talking.

  And just like that, Chen Feng directly held the Seven Kills Sword Martial Soul, and displayed the Seven Kills Sword Art, amidst the roar of anger, he kept slashing at Zhu Zhuqing with his sword, wanting to avenge the eldest lady Ning Rongrong.

  After all, the reason why he and Gu Xuan came to Shrek Academy was that the two titled Douluo elders of the family asked them to protect the eldest lady Ning Rongrong.

  Seeing the eldest lady being beaten unconscious in front of him now, this is a serious dereliction of duty! !

  However, in the face of Chen Feng's attack, Zhu Zhuqing used his movement technique, Floating Light and Glimping Shadow, to dodge continuously, which made it impossible for Chen Feng to touch Zhu Zhuqing's shadow, let alone hurt Zhu Zhuqing.

  "Are you just going to run away? Don't run if you have the skills!"

  Realizing that he couldn't attack Zhu Zhuqing at all, seeing that the soul power in his body was getting less and less while using the Seven Kills sword technique and soul skills, Chen Feng couldn't help feeling very angry Restless and angry.

  "You are a thirty-eight-level soul master bullying a thirty-fourth-level soul master. This is to bully the small with the big. I think you should put down the Seven Killing Sword in your hand!

  " After the soul skill tried to attack Chenfeng but failed, when he heard that Chenfeng told Zhu Zhuqing not to run away, Yufeng couldn't help mocking in the air.

  In the process of dodging Chen Feng's attack, through observation, it was discovered that Chen Feng's Seven Killing Sword was still too lethal.

  If he fought with him in the past, although he had the body of black jade to protect him and the magic field of heaven to deflect his attack, he still had the possibility of being injured.

  So, Zhu Zhuqing's heart moved, he couldn't help not planning to fight against Chen Feng, but directly turned around and rushed to the battlefield where Dai Mubai and Shi Mo were fighting.

  After Zhu Zhuqing joined, Dai Mubai, who had been suppressed by the stone mill, was immediately stabbed several times, bloodstains burst out on his body on the spot, blood spurted out, he covered his strength in pain, and hurriedly backed away.

  Seeing that Dai Mubai showed his weakness, Shi Mo couldn't help roaring and charged directly, knocking Dai Mubai to the ground in an instant, and passed out in a coma.

  Seeing that Zhu Zhuqing didn't fight him, but went to attack his teammates, Chen Feng was naturally furious.

  But after he chased after him, Dai Mubai had already been eliminated.

  When Shi Mo saw Chen Feng, he went directly to meet him, and entangled Chen Feng together with Yu Feng.

  And after defeating Dai Mubai with Stone Mill, Zhu Zhuqing, together with Xiao Wu and Oslo, eliminated Gu Xuan.

  In the end, only Dust Wind remained.

  With Stone Mill as a tank to resist injuries, Yufeng was holding back in the air, Zhu Zhuqing directly attacked secretly, and easily defeated Chenfeng.

  Although the victory is not martial, but as Yufeng said before, as a soul master of the thirty-eighth level, Chenfeng's cultivation base is far higher than Zhu Zhuqing, and a frontal battle is completely bullying the small.

  As a soul master of the agility attack system, Zhu Zhuqing's attack method is like an assassin, sneak attack is completely normal, so it is completely natural to defeat Chen Feng with a sneak attack!

  After all, isn't team fighting for souls essentially a battle with a soul master team as a unit?

  The strength of the Shrek Seven Monsters team was not as strong as that of the Huangdou Team, and in the end Chen Feng fought alone and lost. This can only be said that the Shrek Seven Monsters team is not as skilled as others!