What! There are two soul sects and two soul kings on your side?

"Let me announce that the winner of this group battle is... the Royal Fighting Team!!!"

  Suotuo's main fighting arena, the main fighting arena.

  As all the members of the Shrek Seven Monsters team were either eliminated or lost their ability to fight, the host Dou Dou in the air immediately raised the amplified soul guide in his hand and loudly announced the final result.

  "Did you actually lose?"

  In the hanging corridor in the middle of the surrounding auditorium, it was discovered that the Shrek Seven Monsters team had lost in the end. Whether it was Flender, Yu Xiaogang, or Zhao Wuji, they couldn't help feeling helpless and Unwilling.

  Because in their opinion, although the average spirit power of the Shrek Seven Monsters is lower than that of the Emperor Fighting Team.

  But compared to the Royal Fighting Team, the Shrek Seven Monsters' high-end combat power is much higher.

  On the opposite side, the two defense system soul masters had the highest cultivation.

  On their side, there are three powerful attack system soul masters.

  As the saying goes: if you keep it for a long time, you will lose it!

  As long as they persist here, victory will definitely belong to them!

  In their view, the reality is indeed the case.

  As long as Tang San can persist until Chen Feng arrives.

  With Tang San's cooperation, Chen Feng can easily deal with Zhu Zhuqing and Yu Feng, who are agility attack system soul masters.

  In this case, Tang San and Chen Feng will support the others afterwards.

  Then the victory belongs to their Shrek Seven Monsters team.

  But unfortunately, Tang San was eliminated by Zhu Zhuqing first.

  And without Tang San's cooperation, Chen Feng had nothing to do with Zhu Zhuqing and Yu Feng.

  Just like that, after Zhu Zhuqing and Yufeng went to support other battlefields.

  Other members of the Shrek Seven Monsters team also lost one after another, leading to the defeat of the entire Shrek Seven Monsters team.

  This is really bad luck!

  As long as the luck is a little bit better, the victory belongs to their Shrek Seven Monsters team.

  "Let's go."

  After the host Doudou announced the victory of the Huangdou team, Yu Xiaogang sighed, and couldn't help but prepare to go to the Soul Fighting Arena with Flender and Zhao Wuji. Everyone in the Shrek team took them away.

  Otherwise, it is obviously impossible to take away the severely wounded or knocked out members of the Shrek team just by Ma Hongjun and Oscar who were knocked out of the soul fighting arena.

  And just when Yu Xiaogang, Flender, and Zhao Wuji left the waiting room, passed through the player channel, and came to the main fighting spirit arena.

  On the other side, Su Mo also entered the main fighting spirit field with Qin Ming, Dai Lingxuan, Yu Tianheng, Duguyan and Ye Lingling.

  "Principal Flender, Teacher Zao Wou-ki!"

  After entering the main fighting arena, when he saw Flender and Zhao Wou-ki in front of him, Qin Ming immediately walked over and greeted with a smile.

  "You are..."

  Because they haven't seen Qin Ming for many years, Flender and Zhao Wou-ki haven't recognized Qin Ming's identity for a while, so they can't help being a little puzzled.

  "I'm Qin Ming!"

  But after Qin Ming excitedly introduced himself, Flender and Zhao Wou-ki finally recognized him.

  "You are Qin Ming? Long time no see, kid! I heard that you have joined the Heaven Dou Royal Academy. Could it be that this Huangdou team is the soul master team formed by your Heaven Dou Royal Academy?

  " The leader of your Heaven Dou Imperial Academy soul master team, it seems that you are doing well, but judging by your cultivation, you are already a soul emperor, and you are almost catching up with me and your Dean Flender!"

  After discovering that the person in front of them was his former student Qin Ming, both Flender and Zhao Wou-ki couldn't help being startled, and then Zhao Wou-ki laughed loudly, stepped forward and patted Qin Ming on the shoulder, and sized him up Qin Minghou said.

  "It's all Dean Flender and Mr. Zao Wou-ki who taught you well!"

  Qin Ming was very grateful for Zhao Wou-ki's joke.

  On the side, Su Mo actually didn't understand Qin Ming's great affection for Shrek Academy.

  Because in his opinion, the help Shrek Academy can provide to Qin Ming's cultivation is extremely limited.

  If Qin Ming can join a high-level soul master academy like Blazing Academy, the achievements he can achieve will definitely be higher than Shrek Academy!

  And more importantly, Shrek Academy only helps students hunt for the third soul ring.

  The fourth soul ring must be obtained by the students themselves, which is regarded as a graduation assessment.

  I don't know how many people have been harmed!

  This can be seen from what Dai Mubai said, that Shrek Academy enrolled a total of 64 people, but only 14 people graduated.

  The death rate after graduation is as high as 70%!

  Anyway, if it was Su Mo, even after studying in Shrek Academy for six years, he already had some feelings for Shrek Academy.

  But Shrek Academy's final graduation assessment was to let him go alone to the Star Dou Forest to hunt the fourth spirit ring's spirit beast.

  This is enough to make Su Mo lose all favor with Shrek Academy!

  After all, as a soul master, the reason why he joined the soul master academy is to be able to practice better, to have a teacher teach soul master knowledge and help hunt soul beasts.

  In the end, you let people graduate and you have to hunt for the fourth soul ring yourself.

  If a soul master wants to obtain the best soul ring configuration, the soul beast he hunts must be stronger than the soul master. In addition, the Star Dou Forest is extremely dangerous, so

  students should hunt for the fourth soul ring by themselves. This is almost a death test. Isn't it cheating!

  Regarding Qin Ming's affection for Shrek Academy, Su Mo can only attribute it to Qin Ming being too innocent and kind, too silly and sweet!

  On the other side, when Qin Ming was exchanging greetings with Flender and Zao Wou-ki.

  Yu Tianheng also saw his uncle Yu Xiaogang, and couldn't help feeling excited inside. After approaching Yu Xiaogang, he called his uncle.

  Then he persuaded Yu Xiaogang in a low voice to let Yu Xiaogang go back to the Blue Lightning Bawangzong, because his grandparents and his father missed Yu Xiaogang very much.

  Yu Xiaogang's body couldn't help trembling in response to this, and he also missed his relatives very much.

  But thinking of those clansmen in the Blue Electric Overlord Sect who discriminated against him, Yu Xiaogang became ruthless and decided that he could only go back when he could prove himself.

  And after exchanging a few words with Flender and Zao Wou-ki.

  Qin Ming couldn't help saying that after going out, he would treat the three of Flender and the students from Shrek Academy to dinner.

  Flender naturally agreed to the students' dinner treat with satisfaction.

  "Teacher Su Mo, go up and treat everyone later, can you help treat the students from Shrek Academy?"

  After exchanging greetings with Flender and Zhao Wuji, Qin Ming couldn't help looking at Su Mo , asking Su Mo to help treat Tang San and the others.

  He didn't want to see his juniors clutching their chests while walking, turning upside down and spitting up blood from time to time when he was entertaining guests.

  "Okay, I understand."

  For such a trivial matter, Su Mo naturally agreed to Qin Ming.

  Then he boarded the fighting spirit platform, summoned the tree of life stick martial spirit, input the spirit power, and released the light of life healing, first healed everyone in the Huangdou team, and then healed Ning Rongrong and other historical figures. The members of the Lake Seven Monsters team were also healed.

  "Are you awake?"

  Standing beside Ning Rongrong, after healed all members of the Shrek Seven Monsters team, and seeing Ning Rongrong wake up, Su Mo couldn't help taking back the tree of life stick spirit, and smiled softly.

  "Su Mo, why are you here? Who won this team battle?"

  Waking up from a coma, Ning Rongrong sat up from the ground and asked subconsciously, clutching his head that still had a slight headache. .

  "Of course our Huangdou team won!"

  Su Mo shrugged his shoulders as a matter of course, and then said when he saw Ning Rongrong who was still sitting on the ground.

  "Okay, I've healed all the injuries on your body. You seem to have a senior who wants to treat you to dinner. You'd better go down quickly." After speaking, Su Mo drifted away and walked towards the stairs going down to the Soul Fighting Terrace .

  "You hateful bastard!"

  Originally thought that Su Mo was standing by his side to help him, but who knew that Su Mo would leave after saying that, Ning Rongrong couldn't help gnashing his teeth secretly, feeling a little annoyed in his heart.

  This guy, why doesn't he always do what she thinks!

  But after hearing what Su Mo said, he felt that his body seemed to have recovered to its best condition, so Ning Rongrong had no choice but to stand up and prepare to leave the Soul Fighting Stage with the others.

  "Teacher Su Mo!"

  After getting off the Soul Fighting Stage, Su Mo was about to go to Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu, Dugu Yan and other Huangdou team members, and when he left with the other team members, Qin Ming suddenly shouted Live in Su Mo.

  "Teacher Qin Ming, what's wrong?"

  Su Mo was a little puzzled when Qin Ming stopped him again.

  In the original book, Qin Ming's guests from Shrek Academy didn't seem to bring the Emperor's Team with him either!

  What are you calling him for now?

  "Teacher Su Mo, I have something to tell you..."

  Qin Ming didn't answer Su Mo's question immediately, but pulled Su Mo aside.

  At this time, because the team battle spirits had ended, almost all the audience had left.

  Therefore, there were no people in the auditorium around, and the entire main fighting arena became a little quiet.

  And after being pulled aside by Qin Ming, after Qin Ming said something.

  Su Mo immediately understood why Qin Ming called him back.

  Same as in the original book, Qin Ming still intends to let the Shrek Seven Monsters join the Heaven Dou Royal Academy, and give the Shrek Seven Devils a place in the second team of the Heaven Dou Royal Squad.

  Let the Shrek Seven Monsters team, as the second Tiandou team, participate in the elite exchange competition of the All-Continent Soul Master Academy.

  But different from the original book, Qin Ming is not the only one in the Huangdou team, but Su Mo is also in charge.

  So Qin Ming would naturally have to discuss this kind of matter with Su Mo.

  "Yes! I think the strength of this Shrek Seven Monsters team is very strong. If the Shrek Seven Monsters team can represent our Tiandou Royal Academy.

  " The Heaven Dou Royal Academy can not only win the championship, but also win the top eight or even the top four, which will definitely refresh the history of our Heaven Dou Royal Academy!" Regarding Qin Ming's question about whether Shrek Academy could be invited to

  join the Heaven Dou Royal Academy, Su There was a flash of light in Mo's eyes, and he agreed with a chuckle.

  Why not agree?

  If you don't agree, how can Shrek Academy go to Tiandou Imperial City, and then be expelled from Tiandou Imperial Academy by Xue Beng's design, and then go to Lanba Academy?

  According to the script he designed, in a few days, he will go to the Star Dou Great Forest to hunt for the sixth soul ring of the stick of the tree of life, Wuhun breakthrough soul emperor.

  If there is no accident, Liu Erlong will definitely wait for him there.

  At that time, he will meet Liu Erlong as Su Mo, the holy son of Wuhun Temple, and then be brought back to Lanba Academy.

  When he met Yu Xiaogang again at Lanba Academy, he was looking forward to what Yu Xiaogang would do...

  Thinking of this, the corners of Su Mo's mouth could not help but twitch.

  And after promising Qin Ming that he could invite Shrek Academy to join Tiandou Royal Academy.

  Hearing that Qin Ming invited him to have dinner together, Su Mo thought about it, and couldn't help saying again.

  In fact, this matter should also be known to the Royal Fighting Team, and the guests should be invited. After all,

  if the Shrek Academy agrees to allow the Shrek Seven Monsters to join the Heaven Dou Royal Academy.

  Then the Shrek Seven Monsters will be classmates with their Royal Fighting Squad, and it will be inevitable to learn from each other.

  Just because Qin Ming wanted to treat Shrek Academy.

  If the Huangdou team is also called, the two sides can get to know each other, and it will be easier to become friends in the future.

  Hearing what Su Mo said, Qin Ming felt that it made sense.

  Although there are some scruples, what if someone in the Huangdou team disagrees with the Shrek Seven Monsters team joining the Heaven Dou Royal Academy.

  But after Su Mo said that he would handle it, Qin Ming hesitated and agreed.

  Then he went to find Flender and told Flender that he planned to invite the members of the Royal Fighting Team to have dinner together.

  As for the excuse, because Yu Tianheng called Uncle Yu Xiaogang just now, Qin Ming was also very smart, and he used the excuse of wanting to create a chance for Yu Tianheng and Yu Xiaogang to meet, and it was easy for Flender to agree.

  I have to say that for Yu Xiaogang, Flender sincerely regards Yu Xiaogang as his closest brother!

  And when Qin Ming told Flender that he would bring the Huangdou team to dinner together, and used Yu Tianheng and Yu Xiaogang as an excuse.

  Su Mo also came to the Huangdou team and told everyone that Qin Ming wanted to invite the Shrek Seven Monsters team to join the Tiandou Royal Academy, and he would bring them to dinner with everyone in the Shrek Academy later. .

  In this regard, although they all come from extraordinary backgrounds, none of the members of the Huangdou team is a dude.

  Because of the strength of the Shrek Seven Monsters team, they are naturally very pleased with inviting the Shrek Seven Monsters team to join the Heaven Dou Royal Academy, and letting the Shrek Seven Monsters team replace the Second Heaven Dou team to participate in the All-Continent Soul Master Academy Elite Exchange Tournament agree.

  Among them, Yu Tianheng was the happiest.

  Because if the Shrek Seven Monsters team can join the Heaven Dou Royal Academy.

  Then maybe, he will be able to often see his little uncle Yu Xiaogang who is the leader of the Shrek Seven Monsters team.

  As long as he worked hard, he might be able to bring his little uncle Yu Xiaogang back to the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect to meet his grandparents and father.

  And just like that, Qin Ming led Flender, Zao Wou-ki and everyone from Shrek Academy, left the main fighting arena, and came to the hall.

  In the hall, Su Mo and the Huangdou team who came out also waited here for a long time.

  Then a group of people left the Great Spirit Arena together, planning to go to Soto City to find a good restaurant, open the largest private room, and have a big meal.

  On the way, because he thought that the Shrek Seven Monsters team was narrowly defeated by the Huangdou team, Flender was very emotional from time to time while exchanging greetings with Qin Ming.

  Feeling the team fighting spirit before, if Oscar could also prepare a few flying mushroom sausages for Tang San, maybe their Shrek Seven Monsters team could turn defeat into victory.

  In words, Flender obviously thought it was just bad luck that the Emperor Fighting Team was able to defeat the Shrek Seven Devils, and it was a bad move.

  Regarding this, Yu Xiaogang on the side had his hands behind his back, his face was indifferent, and he nodded slightly from time to time, feeling that the Shrek team still lacked experience in facing strong enemies.

  Otherwise, defeating the Huangdou team should be no problem at all.

  Zao Wou-ki also deeply agrees.

  Facing Dean Flender's words, Qin Ming could only smile, expressing that it was indeed possible.

  But when he said this, he found that the faces of the Huangdou team were a little strange. After noticing Yu Tianheng, Duguyan, Dai Lingxuan and Ye Lingling, Flender couldn't help but asked Yu Tianheng four out of curiosity. human condition.

  Because the four of Yu Tianheng hadn't played in the Huangdou team yet, Suotuo didn't give any information about the four of them before the Great Soul Arena. (As the secret weapon of the Huangdou team, Dai Lingxuan, Yu Tianheng, Duguyan and Ye Lingling participated in individual and combination soul fighting with different identities).

  But as a substitute, Flender felt that Yu Tianheng's cultivation should be at the bottom of the Huangdou team.

  But since Yu Tianheng is the nephew of his brother Yu Xiaogang, and Yu Xiaogang is a member of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, then Yu Tianheng should be too.

  Judging from Yu Tianheng's age, he should be about the same as the rest of the Huangdou team, and his cultivation level should not be bad. How could he be reduced to a substitute?

  Flender was a little curious.

  "Hehe, I haven't introduced you to Dean Flender yet. The four members of our Huangdou team, this is Yu Tianheng, this is Duguyan, this is Dai Lingxuan, and this is Ye Lingling."

  "Among them, Tianheng was originally an official member of the Huangdou team, but because he broke through the Soul Sect in the Star Dou Forest not long ago, he can only enter the substitute."

"As for Yanzi and Lingxuan, they broke through the Soul Sect very early . I'm king, and I can't play in the Royal Fighting Team, otherwise, the Royal Fighting Team may only be able to enter the soul king group for team battles."

"But Lingling is okay,Lingling only has soul masters, but her situation is quite special. At present, it can only be used as a substitute for the time being."

  Regarding Flender's question, Su Mo couldn't help but smile suddenly, his eyes flashed with amusement, and then introduced the cultivation of Yu Tianheng and others.

  "What? Soul Sect? Soul...Soul King?!"

  Originally, he was not particularly convinced by the Huangdou team, but when he heard that one of Yu Tianheng, Dugu Yan and Dai Lingxuan was Soul Sect, the latter two were Soul Kings.

  No matter it was Flender, Yu Xiaogang, or Zhao Wuji, Tang San and the others, they couldn't help but suddenly opened their eyes wide, terrified in their hearts.

  What did they hear?

  It's fine if the Huangdou team has a soul sect!

  How could there be two soul kings, just kidding! !

  Dugu Yan and Dai Lingxuan seem to be about the same age as Yu Tianheng!