Tang San and Zhu Zhuqing, how did you know our Tang Sect's unique knowledge?

At first, I thought that the Huangdou team was not much stronger than the Shrek Seven Monsters team.

  After all, if Tang San could persist in Zhu Zhuqing's hands until Chen Feng came to help him when he was in the team battle for souls, their Shrek Seven Monsters team would most likely win.

  However, Flender did not expect that the Huangdou team on the stage was not a complete Huangdou team at all.

  In the Huangdou team, there are actually two soul kings and one soul sect who didn't play!

  This made Flender a little embarrassed when he was shocked, feeling that he had really underestimated the Royal Fighting Team before.

  And after learning from Su Mo the true strength of the Huangdou team.

  Along the way, Flender no longer dared to talk about such topics as losing.

  In this way, the group of people found a high-end restaurant on the road, entered it, and opened the largest private room.

  And after taking a seat in the box, while waiting for the hotel to serve the food.

  Flender and Zhao Wou-ki couldn't help asking about Qin Ming's experience after graduating from Shrek Academy.

  Qin Ming also told the truth.

  During the period, Qin Ming also asked Flender to introduce his juniors and juniors.

  Flender also smiled, introducing Dai Mubai, Oscar, Ma Hongjun, Tang San and others to Qin Ming.

  Regarding this, Su Mo and everyone in the Huangdou team who were also seated in this box naturally also heard the real names and basic information of the Shrek Seven Monsters.

  After learning that the seven Shrek monsters are generally only twelve or thirteen years old, they have all reached the level of a soul master.

  Except for Su Mo, whether it was Qin Ming or many people in the Huangdou team, they couldn't help but be amazed.

  You know, apart from Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing and Ye Lingling, the members of Huangdou Team have already reached the age of fifteen or sixteen.

  Like graphite and stone mill, both have reached the age of sixteen.

  However, Shi Mo and Shi Mo both broke through to the soul master level when they were thirteen or fourteen years old.

  But in Shrek Academy, like Tang San and Oscar, they cultivated to the soul master level when they were twelve or thirteen years old.

  This kind of talent can be described as extremely amazing!

  Like Huangdou team, only Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing's talent can match, even surpass Tang San and Oscar.

  And after learning about the talents of Tang San and Oscar.

  When he was amazed, Qin Ming couldn't help thinking that his plan to invite the Shrek Seven Monsters to join the Heaven Dou Royal Academy was a very worthwhile thing.

  But what Qin Ming is a little uncertain about now is whether Dean Flender will agree to allow the Shrek Seven Monsters team to join the Tiandou Royal Academy.

  In this regard, meals were served one after another in the restaurant, and when everyone was eating their meals, they began to push and change glasses.

  While talking with Flender and Zao Wou-ki, Qin Ming couldn't help but pretend to sigh, and began to test Flender.   

"I haven't been back for many years. I didn't expect that the juniors and juniors of our Shrek Academy are so strong now."

Get you into our Royal Academy, and let you represent the second team of our Tiandou Royal Academy to participate in the All-Continent Soul Master Academy Elite Exchange Competition..."The All-Continent Soul Master Academy Elite Exchange Competition?

  Hearing Qin Ming's words, Flender and Zhao Wou-ki, who were smiling all over their faces, suddenly fell silent, with a trace of melancholy flashing across their brows.

  For the Continental Soul Master Academy Elite Exchange Competition, because Flender had already planned to close Shrek Academy after training Tang San's class of students.

  Therefore, it is natural to want to take advantage of the fact that Shrek Academy now has seven students who can form a team of soul masters.

  Let this soul master team be able to represent Shrek Academy to participate in the soul master academy elite exchange competition across the continent.

  But the problem now is that Shrek Academy, as a soul master academy that has not been officially registered, has no qualifications to sign up for the soul master academy elite exchange competition in the whole continent!

  But now, Qin Ming gave Flender another choice.

  That is to let the Shrek Seven Devils represent the Tiandou Royal Academy, and take the second team of the Tiandou Royal Academy to participate in the All-Continent Soul Master Academy Elite Exchange Competition.

  If he agrees, the Shrek Seven Devils will be eligible to participate in the All-Continent Soul Master Academy Elite Exchange Competition.

  But thinking of this, the Shrek Seven Monsters team will represent the Heaven Dou Royal Academy, not their Shrek Academy.

  In this way, even if the Shrek Seven Monsters team has achieved good results in the elite exchange competition of the All-Continent Soul Master Academy, what does it have to do with their Shrek team?

  This made Flender feel a little unacceptable and entangled.

  "Even if they are from Shrek Academy, you can still bring them back to Tiandou Royal Academy..."

  But when Flender and Zhao Wuji were silent, master Yu Xiaogang suddenly said in a deep voice.

  Qin Ming couldn't help being a little surprised and pleasantly surprised by this.

  He originally thought that after Dean Flender and Zao Wou-ki were silent, the idea of ​​wanting the Shrek Seven Monsters team to represent their Heaven Dou Royal Academy would not be successful.

  But I didn't expect that although the dean Flender and the deputy dean Zhao Wuji didn't respond, the master Yu Xiaogang agreed directly!

  "Xiao Gang!!"

  Hearing that Yu Xiaogang actually agreed to Qin Ming to let the Shrek Seven Monsters team join the Heaven Dou Royal Academy to represent the Heaven Dou Royal Academy, Flender couldn't help being anxious.

  "Xiao Gang, what do you mean, our Shrek Academy can give children a good education, why should we let them join the Tiandou Royal Academy and play instead of the Tiandou Royal Academy?" "Flender, calm down !"

  But regarding Flender's words, Yu Xiaogang suddenly interrupted Flender's words in a deep voice.

  "Do you really think so? Our Shrek Academy can provide children with a good education, but can we provide auxiliary training places like the Wuhun Mimicry Training Ground?" "And more importantly

  , , you probably want your children to participate in the All-Continent Soul Master Academy Elite Exchange Competition, but can our Shrek Academy get a place to participate in the competition?" Yu Xiaogang's words made Flender dumbfounded No words, only silence.

  Afterwards, Yu Xiaogang directly communicated with Qin Ming, saying that he could let the Shrek Seven Monsters join the Heaven Dou Royal Academy.

  But the condition is that the Shrek Seven Monsters team must be allowed to participate in the future All-Continent Soul Master Academy Elite Exchange Competition with the quota of the second Tiandou team.

  At the same time, since the Seven Shrek Monsters joined the Heaven Dou Royal Academy, their Shrek Academy teachers would also join the Heaven Dou Royal Academy.

  And they will be responsible for the education of the Shrek Seven Monsters, and the Heaven Dou Royal Academy must not interfere.

  Besides, if they want to leave, Tiandou Royal Academy can't refuse!

  For the series of conditions put forward by Yu Xiaogang, Qin Ming naturally agreed in pleasant surprise.

  As for the Shrek Seven Devils, he himself wanted the Shrek Seven Devils to take part in the All-Continent Soul Master Academy Elite Exchange Tournament with the place of the second Heaven Dou team, to fight for honor for the Heaven Dou Royal Academy.

  As for letting the teachers from Shrek Academy join Tiandou Royal Academy, Qin Ming was even happier.

  You know, all the teachers in Shrek Academy, except for Yu Xiaogang, are all soul emperors and soul saints.

  Looking at the entire Douluo Continent, this is also a soul master standing at the top!

  If they can join the Heaven Dou Royal Academy, it will greatly increase the strength of their Heaven Dou Royal Academy, why not agree?

  As for the conditions, this is not a problem!

  But for Shrek Academy to join Tiandou Royal Academy, Flender still has some troubles.

  Although hearing the conditions put forward by Yu Xiaogang and Qin Ming was indeed very beneficial to Shrek Academy, Flender felt uncomfortable, so he couldn't help but get up and leave with an excuse, and went to the balcony to relax.

  Seeing that the teacher, Flender, was in a very unhappy mood, Ma Hongjun hurriedly got up to follow, but went to persuade Flender.

  Regarding this, Su Mo knew that Ma Hongjun really convinced Flender very quickly.

  In the box, after Yu Xiaogang reached a condition with Qin Ming.

  Qin Ming couldn't help being very excited immediately, he was going to set off tomorrow to rush back to Tiandou Imperial City, and report the Shrek Academy matter to the Tiandou Three Education Committee.

  So, after finishing the banquet, Qin Ming prepared to leave with everyone from the Huangdou team.

  But when Qin Ming went to pay the bill, Su Mo led the Huangdou team downstairs, and when he was about to leave the restaurant, Tang San suddenly caught up.

  "Tang San, what do you want?"

  Seeing Tang San following up at the door of the restaurant, Su Mo couldn't help asking.

  And Xiao Wu also looked at Tang San curiously: "Tang San, are you here to look for me?" "

  No, no, I'm here to look for Zhu Zhuqing, Zhu Zhuqing, can you come with me?

  " Mo and Xiao Wu asked, but Tang San took a deep breath, shook his head for a while, then looked at Zhu Zhuqing, and said.


  Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help being a little puzzled when he found out that Tang San was actually looking for him.

  But because she might be classmates with Tang San in the future, she didn't refuse, but came to the side with Tang San.

  And hearing that Tang San actually came to look for Zhu Zhuqing, Su Mo's heart moved, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but playful.

  Now, he knew what Tang San came to find Zhu Zhuqing for.

  It should be that Zhu Zhuqing used the martial arts taught by him when he was fighting the soul in the group before, and Tang San saw it.

  Now Tang San specially came to ask about the situation.

  On the other side, after taking Zhu Zhuqing aside.

  Looking at Zhu Zhuqing, Tang San couldn't help asking solemnly.

  "Zhu Zhuqing, are you also from Kyushu? Why do you know our Tang Sect's unique knowledge of Tang Sect?"

A lot of question marks appeared in it.

  Kyushu? Tang Sect's top school?

  What are these questions? Why can't she understand at all?

  "Sorry! I don't understand what you mean."

  Regarding Tang San's question, Zhu Zhuqing shook his head coldly.

  Now, it was Tang San's turn to be confused.

  As for the unique knowledge of the Tang Sect that he knew, Tang San thought that he didn't pass it on to anyone.

  Regarding Zhu Zhuqing's knowledge of Tang Sect's unique learning, Tang San couldn't help thinking that Zhu Zhuqing also came from Kyushu and was a member of Tang Sect.

  Unexpectedly, Zhu Zhuqing didn't understand what he meant at all.

  Did he guess wrong?


  "I'm asking, it's the, um... self-created soul skills you used when you were in the group fighting soul."

"It can suddenly explode at a very fast speed, turning your hands into white jade, and your eyes A self-created soul skill that emits a shining purple light."

  "These are all the secret skills of the Tang Sect, my sect, and these skills have never been passed on to the outside world. How did you know it?"

  Taking a deep breath in his heart, Tang San organized his words and asked again.

  On the other hand, because the real cultivation level is the title Douluo, the conversation between Tang San and Zhu Zhuqing naturally couldn't be hidden from Su Mo's ears.

  But Su Mo felt it was ridiculous when Tang San questioned Zhu Zhuqing why he was a master of the Tang Sect.

  Because Tang San's unique knowledge of Tang Sect was not taught by Tang Sect himself, but learned by him secretly.

  You who secretly learn martial arts, what qualifications do you have to ask others why they know Tang Sect's martial arts?

  Isn't this fifty steps laughing at a hundred steps!

  "You're talking about the self-created soul skill I displayed just now?"

  This time, Zhu Zhuqing understood what Tang San meant, and couldn't help frowning.

  "I understand what you mean, but the self-created soul skills I know are not the unique skills of the Tang Clan you mentioned. The unique skills of the Tang Clan you mentioned are completely different from the self-created soul skills I know. I'm afraid you are I'm wrong."

  As for the self-created soul skills that Tang San mentioned just now, among them, the movement method Floating Light and the Sun and Moon God Eyes, it is easy to see.

  Zhu Zhuqing would not think that the self-created soul skills he knows are the unique skills of the Tang sect just because Tang San told the effect of these two self-created soul skills.

  Among them, the Xuanyu Body she knows can turn her entire body into jade, turning it into the color of white jade.

  This Tang San just saw her turn her hands into the color of white jade, and said that what she knew was the unique knowledge of his Tang Sect.

  Zhu Zhuqing thought it was ridiculous!

  "It's impossible! I can't admit my mistake. In this world...in the world of soul masters, apart from my Tang Sect's unique skills, there can't be other self-created soul skills that are the same as the Tang Sect's unique skills that I know."

"Before you What I display must be my unique technique of the Tang Sect, if you don't believe me, I can display it for you to see if it's the same as yours!"

  Finding that Zhu Zhuqing didn't even admit it, Tang San couldn't help becoming anxious, and directly displayed Ghost Shadow Mistrack, Purple Demon Eye and Xuanyu Hand in front of Zhu Zhuqing.

  This... seems to be really similar!

  Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help being a little shocked when he saw Tang San's Ghost Shadow Mistrack, Ziji Demon Eye and Xuanyu Hand.

  Because Tang San's Ghost Shadow Mistrack, Ziji Demon Pupils and Xuanyu Hands are really similar to her body skills Floating Light, Sun Moon God Pupils and Xuanyu Body.

  However, different from the Tang Sect unique skills displayed by this Tang San, the three self-created soul skills she knows are obviously stronger than the ones she displayed!

  In terms of body skills self-created soul skills, the speed buff brought by her floating light is obviously faster, and the sun and moon pupils are somewhat similar.

  But her Xuanyu body can jade the whole body, but this Tang San's can only jade the hands.

  "Our self-created soul skills are somewhat similar, but I feel that my self-created soul skills are still somewhat different from yours. I'm afraid you're mistaken!" Zhu

  Zhuqing Although a little shocked, he still shook his head coldly, expressing that Tang San admitted his mistake.

  "It's impossible!"

  But Tang San still didn't want to accept it, instead he felt a little angry.

  As a Tang Sect disciple, if Zhu Zhuqing is also a Tang Sect disciple from Kyushu and came to this world by accident, so he knows Tang Sect's top skills, he can accept it.

  But if Zhu Zhuqing learned the unique knowledge of Tang Sect by stealing it from other places, he could not accept it at all!

  How could their Tang Sect's top skills be leaked out!