Su Mo: Tang Sect's Unique Learning? This is my own martial arts!

"Why is it impossible!"

  Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help frowning slightly after being teased by Tang San all the time, feeling a little unhappy in his heart.

  Not to mention the self-created soul skills Su Mo taught her, although they are somewhat similar to the ones Tang San displayed just now, they are actually quite different.

  Even if it is the same, since Tang San said that his self-created soul ability is a unique technique of a sect named Tangmen, as a unique technique of the sect, it is certainly impossible that only Tang San knows it.

  In addition to Tang Sanhui, is it normal for other disciples of this Tangmen to also know?

  And since there are other disciples who can do it, maybe these disciples passed on this so-called unique knowledge of the Tang Sect, and finally passed it on to brother Su Mo, who then passed on this unique knowledge to her.

  Isn't that normal?

  With brother Su Mo's true strength, if Su Mo is also from this Tang Sect, his status in the Tang Sect is definitely higher than this Tang San.

  This Tang San is at best an ordinary disciple of this Tang Sect, even if the self-created spirit ability she knows is indeed Tang Sect's, it's Tang San's turn to make irresponsible remarks again!

  "Sorry! Zhu Zhuqing, this matter is very important to me, you must tell me who taught your Wu... self-created soul skills!" Seeing that

  Zhu Zhuqing was a little unhappy, Tang San was still relentless, His eyes were full of firmness and solemnity and asked Zhu Zhuqing.

  As a disciple of the Tang Sect, there is a saying in the general outline of the Xuantian Baolu of the Tang Sect: The unique knowledge of the Tang Sect must not be leaked out. If there is any leakage, all Tang Sect disciples will be punished. This is the iron rule of the sect!

  Thinking of this, Tang San couldn't help flashing a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

  He is not a bloodthirsty person, but Tang Sect is his home, and Tang Sect's Xuantian Treasure Record General Outline is the code of conduct he has always followed in life.

  If Zhu Zhuqing and the people behind him really did not know where they stole the unique knowledge of their Tang Sect, Tang San would definitely kill them.

  Although this is a different world, as a disciple of the Tang Sect, Tang San will never let the Tang Sect's unique knowledge flow out.

  It's definitely not that he doesn't want to see other people also learn the unique skills of the Tang Sect!

  "I said before that my self-created soul skills are different from your Tang Sect unique skills. The self-created soul skills I know are Xuanyu Body, Sun and Moon God Eyes, and Floating Light. Are these your self-created soul skills? ?"

  Originally, he was going to turn around and leave, but considering that he might become a classmate with Tang San in the future, Zhu Zhuqing still suppressed his inner unhappiness, and prepared to explain it to Tang San in a cold tone.

  At this time, Su Mo couldn't help frowning, and sneered in his heart.

  Just now he suddenly felt a trace of killing intent from Tang San, this Tang San is really disgusting, double-standard, selfish and hypocritical!

  According to the Tang Sect's rules, he should have been hacked into pieces long ago, but for this, Tang San took it for granted, and didn't think he was wrong at all.

  Considering that you are an orphan raised by the Tang Sect, you regard the Tang Sect as your home, and you never forget the Tang Sect even after crossing over, this is understandable.

  But you, a traitor who stole the unique knowledge of the Tang Sect, what qualifications do you have to investigate why others learned what you call "the unique knowledge of the Tang Sect"?

  Don't you think that someone else might be taught more seriously than what you steal?

  This is a different world, and since people know how to do it, there must be someone's reason.

  In Douluo Dalu, the Tang Sect doesn't exist any more, and you can still enforce the law across borders.

  Are you sure that you really want to uphold the Tang Sect's rules, or is it simply because you are selfish and don't want to see others learn the Tang Sect's unique skills?

  Anyway, seeing that Zhu Zhuqing couldn't bear it any longer and was about to have a showdown with Tang San, Su Mo sneered in his heart, and was also going to go directly.

  He really wants to see, you Tang San questioned why we learned the unique skills of the Tang Sect, but your Tang Sect unique skills are not as good as ours in every way.

  At that time, I will reveal the theory of reincarnation that only exists in oriental mythology, which means that I once reincarnated in a world called Kyushu, traveled to the people of the Tang family, and finally created many martial arts and hidden weapons such as Ziji Magic Eye and Xuanyu Hand Absolute learning, created the Tang Sect.

  There are all the upgraded versions of martial arts from the Tang Sect to testify, you Tang San saw the Patriarch, do you worship or not!


  "What! Mysterious Jade Body, Sun Moon God Eyes, Floating Glow Shadow?"

  Hearing Zhu Zhuqing say the names of several self-created soul skills that he knows, Tang San couldn't help being a little dumbfounded.

  This is impossible! The soul skills that Zhu Zhuqing exhibited in the team battle before were obviously the same as his Tang Sect unique skills.

  How could it be possible that apart from the similarities between Xuanyu's body and Xuanyu's hands, everything else is completely different!

  "It's just that the name can't prove anything at all. When I was in the team fighting for the soul before, I saw that the self-created soul skill you used clearly showed the same effect as mine!" Tang San took a deep breath

  . After calming down, he was still relentless. .


  Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help being a little angry when he found out that Tang San was too messing around. He couldn't help stretching out his right hand, and then displayed his black jade body, turning his entire white and slender right arm into a white jade-like color .

  "You said that my self-created soul skills are the same as yours, but the mysterious jade hand you used before can only change the hands into this, but my mysterious jade body can change the whole body into this, it's the same Is it..."

  Saying that, Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help pulling up the sleeve of his right arm in a cold tone, revealing a right arm that seemed to turn into white jade, which was completely different from Tang San's previous Xuanyu hand.

  "It's okay now!!"

  After speaking, Zhu Zhuqing immediately held back his anger, and was about to turn around and leave.

  "You can't go!!"

  Although seeing that Zhu Zhuqing's Xuanyu body was completely different from his own Xuanyu hand, Tang San was a little stunned, but after recovering, Tang San still gritted his teeth and called Zhu Zhuqing.

  Although Zhu Zhuqing's Xuanyu body is different from his Xuanyu hand, the Sun Moon God Pupil that Zhu Zhuqing used before is exactly the same as his Purple Demon Pupil.

  Anyway, Tang San wanted to do everything possible to prove that Zhu Zhuqing stole their Tang Sect secret!

  In this world, no one is allowed to have such powerful martial arts or self-created soul skills like him.

  And after seeing that Zhu Zhuqing's Xuanyu body was completely like an upgraded version of his own Xuanyu hand, Tang San couldn't help being angry with a dark thought in his heart.

  He wanted to prove that Zhu Zhuqing had learned the secret of the Tang Sect secretly, and then he would have a reason to take action against Zhu Zhuqing, to kill Zhu Zhuqing, and it would be best to torture these self-created soul skills that Zhu Zhuqing knew.

  Before, he always thought that he was unique in this world with the unique knowledge of the Tang Sect, and with the help of the unique knowledge of the Tang Sect, he would surely become a peerless genius in this world and be invincible in the future!

  But after watching his favorite Xiao Wu being snatched away by Su Mo, Tang San's heart was already a little dazed, he was unwilling, he was angry.

  He doesn't want to be talented only that day, he also wants strength!

  If he could be stronger than Su Mo, would Xiao Wu choose him!

  In other words, if he could kill Su Mo, would he replace Su Mo and win Xiao Wu's heart!

  But although this Su Mo is an auxiliary soul master, his cultivation is a soul king. With his current cultivation of a soul master, even if this Su Mo can't beat him, it is very difficult for him to kill Su Mo. difficulty.

  If he can obtain Zhu Zhuqing's self-created soul skills, his strength will definitely become stronger, and he will be more confident in killing Su Mo and taking Xiao Wu back in the future!

  "What are you talking about, why have you been talking for so long?"

  On the other side, when Tang San was pestering Zhu Zhuqing, insisting on proving that Zhu Zhuqing had learned the secret of Tang Sect, Su Mo finally came over and asked.

  "Brother Su Mo!"

  Seeing Su Mo, Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help but a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he relaxed in his heart.

  Because the conversation with Tang San involved the self-created soul skills that Professor Su Mo gave him, if it was someone else, Zhu Zhuqing would not say these things casually.

  But it doesn't matter if it's Su Mo.

  When she was in Xingluo Imperial City, Zhu Zhuqing already knew Su Mo's true strength and identity, and she believed that Su Mo could handle this matter perfectly.

  "Brother Su Mo, it's like this..."

  Now that Su Mo came, Zhu Zhuqing immediately told Su Mo all the conversation with Tang San just now, and poured out all the anger and unhappiness in his heart.

  "Tang San, Zhuqing's self-created soul skill was taught to him by me. If you have any questions, just ask me." After "

  learning" what happened from Zhu Zhuqing, Su Mo's expression suddenly turned cold. Can't help looking at Tang San, said coldly.

  "You taught her?"

  Hearing Su Mo's words, Tang San couldn't help being incredulous.

  He thought about many possibilities, who taught Zhu Zhuqing's martial arts, but he didn't think about Su Mo, because during the six years at Notting College, Su Mo didn't show any martial arts skills at all.

  But on second thought, maybe it was also in Notting College, Su Mo's cultivation at the level of the Soul King was already enough, and he didn't need to use martial arts at all.

  "Teacher Su Mo, can you tell me where you learned your self-created soul skill? Why is it exactly the same as my Tang Sect unique skill?" "Although the Xuanyu

  Body that Zhu Zhuqing showed just now is somewhat different from my Xuanyu Hand , but I can see that the Purple Demon Eyes are exactly the same."

  Although Tang San was very jealous and hated towards Su Mo, but now is not the time to tear his face apart, on the surface Tang San still pretended to be calm and solemn, and after taking a deep breath, he asked Su Mo politely. road.

  "Exactly the same?!"

  But hearing Tang San's words, Su Mo immediately sneered.

  "Where do you see that it's exactly the same? Didn't Zhuqing already tell you? What she knows is not the purple magic pupil, but the sun and moon pupil!" After finishing speaking,

  Su Mo couldn't help sneering, and said directly Activated the Sun Moon Divine Eye.

  During the six years at Notting College, Su Mo had already cultivated the Purple Demon Eye to the moon pupil state.

  Therefore, after the sun and moon pupils were displayed, Su Mo's eyes immediately turned silvery white, just like the bright full moon in the night sky, exuding endless tranquility and coldness.


  Tang San couldn't help being startled when he saw that the Sun Moon God Pupils that Su Mo displayed were completely different from his own Purple Demon Pupils.

  This is impossible! Obviously, when the group was fighting for souls before, he saw Zhu Zhuqing displaying the Sun Moon God Pupils, his eyes were dark purple, just like his Purple Demon Pupils, how could it be possible to turn silvery white now!

  "Did you see that when Zhuqing used the Sun Moon God Pupils, her eyes turned purple, and you thought that what she knew was the same as yours?"

"Let me tell you, our Sun Moon God Pupils are divided into There are three realms, the first realm is to absorb the purple energy of the sunrise, so the eyes will naturally turn purple." "

  But in the second and third realms, the sun and moon god pupils absorb the moonlight and the sun essence , so the color of the eyes will naturally be different, isn't it the same with the pupil technique you just displayed?"

  Looking at the shocked Tang San, Su Mo couldn't help but continue to sneer.

  Afterwards, Su Mo displayed Glancing Light again, his body flickered carelessly, and he came to the roof of a house not far away in an instant.

  Immediately afterwards, the figure moved again, and flew across the roofs of the surrounding houses quickly like a ghost, and returned to the original place in an instant.

  "This is the agility that I taught Zhuqing, Glittering Glittering. It can be used for both short-distance maneuvering and long-distance dashing. I have also seen the agility and soul skills you displayed when you were in the team fighting for souls, but you can It's just a short-distance maneuver."

  "Where did you get the confidence to say that my superficial superficial skills are the same as your body skills and soul skills?"

  Su Mo's words made Tang San speechless.

  Unlike Zhu Zhuqing who only learned martial arts such as Xuanyu Body, Sun Moon God Eye, and Floating Light, Su Mo obtained all martial arts from the simulated life script given to Zhu Zhuqing by modifying his memory.

  Therefore, through the script, Su Mo understood himself in the simulated script to a certain extent, and how to deduce and upgrade the process of upgrading all the unique skills of the Tang Sect.

  He also knew about Tang San's unique knowledge of Tang Sect, so what he said made it impossible for Tang San to argue hard again.

  In fact, although it may seem difficult to tell the difference between Ghost Shadow Mizong and Floating Light Glide, Ghost Shadow Mizong, as the Tang Sect's unique technique, was created to assist Tang Sect disciples to launch their hidden weapons.

  And hidden weapons have a range.

  Therefore, Ghost Shadow Mizong tends to maneuver in a short distance. On the one hand, it can give the disciples of the Tang Sect the space to shoot out the hidden weapons.

  As for Glittering, it is Su Mo's movement technique created by upgrading Ghost Shadow Mizong in Zhu Zhuqing's Sims script, which naturally makes up for the shortcomings of Ghost Shadow Mizong, making it also have the ability to run long distances.

  But after being reprimanded by Su Mo with a sneer and speechless, Tang San couldn't help but remain silent, intending to give up investigating why Zhu Zhuqing had "Tang School's unique knowledge".

  Because now it is discovered that Zhu Zhuqing's "Tang Sect unique knowledge" was taught by Su Mo, and Su Mo's strength is currently no match for him, so he can only temporarily choose to give up.

  But when he has enough strength in the future, he will definitely kill Su Mo.

  On the one hand, it is to get Xiao Wu back, and on the other hand, in this world, there is absolutely no way to allow the existence of self-created soul skills that are more powerful and omnipotent than his Tang Sect unique skills!

  And after killing Su Mo, he naturally couldn't let go like Zhu Zhuqing!


  But after scolding Tang San with a sneer, Su Mo's voice suddenly changed, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he couldn't help asking with a hint of questioning in his tone.

  "However, your unique skills of the Tang Sect seem a little familiar to me. The unique skills of the Tang Sect that you displayed just now are called Ghost Shadow Mizong, Xuanyu Hand and Ziji Demon Eye, right?" "What?!"

Calling out the name of his own martial arts, Tang San couldn't help shrinking his pupils, terrified in his heart.

  His martial arts, why would Su Mo in front of him know? When he was asking Zhu Zhuqing why he learned their Tang Sect's top school, he didn't tell Zhu Zhuqing the name of his own Tang Sect's top school.

  "Looks like I guessed it right!"

  Seeing Tang San's reaction, Su Mo couldn't help but twitch his mouth slightly, and a sneer appeared on his face.

  "In addition to these three self-created soul skills, you should also know Xuantian Gong, controlling cranes and catching dragons, and hidden weapons, right?"

" However, as far as I know, these self-created soul skills or martial arts should come from In a world called Kyushu, there is a sect called Tang Sect in Shu, why do you know these Tang Sect's unique skills?"

  Su Mo narrowed his eyes again, and his eyes became sharper.

  But at this time, Tang San couldn't help sweating a little on his forehead, because Su Mo actually told his biggest secret.

  Although he asked Zhu Zhuqing about the Kyushu and Tang Sect just now, Zhu Zhuqing didn't tell Su Mo about it just now!

  Moreover, he has been saying that the Tang Sect's unique skills are Douluo Dalu's self-created soul skills, but he has never mentioned martial arts. How did this Su Mo know?

  Could it be... this Su Mo also came to this world from Kyushu?

  "Didn't you ask me just now, where did I learn my self-created soul skills? Now I can answer your question. The self-created soul skills, or martial arts, that I taught Zhuqing are indeed what you said It's related to the unique knowledge of the Tang Sect..."

  Su Mo couldn't help but sneered.

  "But the Tang Sect's unique knowledge you mentioned is a martial art created by me, so how did you know it?"

  Now, it was Su Mo's turn to question Tang San.