Tang San, who wanted to secretly learn Su Mo's martial arts, is the hidden weapon such an inconvenient thing

Tang San actually knelt and kowtowed in front of him, pretending to be extremely respectful, a smile appeared on Su Mo's face, and he stepped forward to help Tang San up.

  At this moment in his heart, Su Mo couldn't help feeling particularly relieved and refreshed.

  Su Mo felt very sick when he thought that Tang San, as a disciple of the Tang Sect, had been messing around with Zhu Zhuqing just now and insisted on Zhu Zhuqing explaining who taught him martial arts.

  You, Tang San, a traitor who stole the unique knowledge of the Tang Sect, where did you get the confidence to ask others where they learned the unique knowledge of the Tang Sect?

  But now it's all right, since you claim to be an inner disciple of the Tang Sect, wouldn't it be fair to kneel and kowtow when you see my ancestor?

  On the other side, hearing Su Mo calling himself a member of the Tang family, Tang San also secretly heaved a sigh of relief when he got up.

  This Su Mo is also insidious enough to test whether I am from the Tang family.

  If I hadn't reacted just now and let him know that I'm an outer disciple of the Tang family, and the unique knowledge of the Tang family that I learned was the Xuantian Baolu that I learned by stealing, this guy would probably kill me.

  Tang San secretly screamed in his heart.

  But since he knelt down to Su Mo, Tang San couldn't help thinking while feeling extremely humiliated, angry and unwilling.

  I have endured such a great humiliation, kneeling and kowtowing to my enemy, this matter must not be passed so simply, I must find a way to get something from this "ancestor" to pay back!

  On the other side, when Tang San called Zhu Zhuqing aside.

  While waiting for Qin Ming to pay the bill, all the members of the Huangdou team also looked in the direction of Zhu Zhuqing and Tang San, wondering what Tang San wanted to ask Zhu Zhuqing in the past.

  After that, the conversation between Tang San and Zhu Zhuqing gradually became contradictory.

  This made the people in the Huangdou team frown a little, and couldn't help but feel that Tang San was deliberately finding fault with Zhu Zhuqing.

  But before the Huangdou team could make a move, Su Mo passed by.

  But after that, something even more outrageous happened, Tang San actually kowtowed to Su Mo, which made all the members of the Royal Fighting Team wide-eyed and stunned.

  This Tang San actually kneeled and kowtowed to Teacher Su Mo?

  "This Tang San, what are you doing with Zhuqing and Brother Su Mo!"

  Seeing that Tang San's original conversation with Zhu Zhuqing became more and more incomprehensible after Su Mo passed by, Xiao Wu couldn't help frowning , scratched his head helplessly with his small hands, and prepared to go too.

  But on the way, Zhu Zhuqing went up to him and stopped him.

  "Xiao Wu, Brother Su Mo is talking about business with Tang San. Let's go to the side and wait a bit."

  After holding Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing said coldly, while pulling Xiao Wu to the other side. one direction.

  "Hey! Zhuqing, don't pull me, I'm just a little curious, why Tang San suddenly knelt down and kowtowed to brother Su Mo..." Xiao Wu was a little helpless, trying to break away from

  Zhu Zhuqing's pulling, but Unable to break free, he could only follow Zhu Zhuqing and walk in another direction.


  "Teacher Su Mo, are you really an ancestor?"

  After being supported by Su Mo, in order to gain benefits from Su Mo, Tang San couldn't help pretending to suppress his excitement, and couldn't help but look forward to it in his tone asked.

  "Of course! I don't need to lie to you, do I? After Kyushu, I have been reincarnated in several worlds. You are only reincarnated in this world now. It should have been hundreds of years since I was back then."

  "Now I'm telling you what happened back then, and you don't know, but I can tell you some sects with a long history and profound heritage that still existed in Kyushu back then, such as the Kunlun School, Shaolin Temple, Wudang Mountain, etc. These should still be there before your reincarnation."

  "But these are secondary, the most important thing to prove my identity is the martial arts I know?"

  Facing Tang San's question, Su Mo But he smiled lightly and said.

  If Tang San asked, Su Mo was actually not afraid.

  Because when I used the fourth soul skill of the death sickle martial soul in Notting College: Abi Hell, I stole the unique knowledge of Tang Sect from Tang San.

  Su Mo had already learned many things about Tang San's previous life Kyushu through Abi Hell, and knew the general background of Kyushu.

  And because of the identity he pretended to be the master of the Tang Sect, it was hundreds of years from the time of Tang San's previous life.

  Even if Tang San knew some things about the ancestor of the Tang Sect through the historical classics of the Tang Sect, he must not be very clear.

  Su Mo also knew about the things Tang San knew about the master of the Tang clan.

  He can make it more specific by himself.

  With his disguised identity as the master of the Tang Sect, as long as he revealed the things about Kyushu, everything he knew about Tang San was correct.

  As for other more specific things, Tang San couldn't doubt it.

  "Ancestor, you can know Kyushu, and you can also recognize Tang San's unique knowledge of the Tang Sect. Tang San actually believed in the identity of the ancestor. Just because he was too excited, he asked the following."

"But the ancestor you just showed Is the martial art created by deducing our Tang Sect's unique learning to a higher level?"

  Tang San continued to pretend to be respectful, restraining his excitement, he couldn't help asking.

  "Well, of course it is, why?"

  Su Mo naturally smiled lightly, and then asked.

  "Ancestor, can you give Tang San some advice?"

  Speaking of this, Tang San finally asked, "I want to see you poorly", couldn't help suppressing the excitement in his heart.


  Su Mo glanced at Tang San slowly, but sighed, and shook his head regretfully.

  "It's not yet time, and you should understand the truth that the law should not be passed on lightly." "

  Although you are a member of my Tang family, Tang Tianqing and I have been separated for many lives now. It has already been cut off."

  "If you don't have a teacher, as long as you worship me as a teacher, I will also teach you the higher-level martial arts I have deduced, but unfortunately you have already been a teacher."

"I want me to teach these martial arts I will pass it on to you, and I need to think carefully about it."

  When he found out that Tang San actually wanted to learn the upgraded version of the Tang Clan's unique skills that he had deduced, Su Mo couldn't help but smile in his heart, he naturally wouldn't let Tang San succeed.

  But rejection also has the art of rejection.

  Rejecting Tang San directly made him seem too stingy, and it was not in line with the identity of Tang Tianqing, the patriarch of the Tang Sect that he pretended to be. How could he continue to play with Tang San in the future?

  And tactfully refused, and then said that he actually wanted to teach, but because Tang San had already apprenticed, so he couldn't teach, this is very interesting.

  This is like a carrot hanging in front of a donkey, Tang San can't eat it, but he can feel hope.

  For himself not being able to learn martial arts, because Su Mo blamed Yu Xiaogang.

  Su Mo believed that no matter how much Tang San hated himself, he would definitely feel a certain amount of hatred towards Yu Xiaogang.

  I don't know, Tang San, who respected his teacher in the novels in his previous life, will continue to be kind and filial to Yu Xiaogang in this life after being entrapped by him a few times, or will he become "teacher, kind and filial" .

  'hateful! '

  In the face of Su Mo's refusal, even though he knew that with his relationship with Su Mo, even if he hadn't had any conflicts with Zhu Zhuqing before, Su Mo would most likely not teach him martial arts.

  But Tang San still couldn't help feeling annoyed when Su Mo said that if he hadn't worshiped his teacher Yu Xiaogang as his teacher, he would have taught him these martial arts.

  If I had known earlier, I would not have worshiped this Yu Xiaogang as my teacher!

  Different from the original.

  In the original book, Yu Xiaogang has been pretending successfully in front of Tang San, and after six years of getting along, he finally won Tang San's approval.

  But under the influence of Su Mo, Yu Xiao turned Tang San's first spirit ring into a waste spirit ring the day after he accepted Tang San as his apprentice.

  This is like a thorn, piercing deeply into the bottom of Tang San's heart, making Tang San unable to forget it.

  And then, during the six years at Notting College, Yu Xiaogang's only martial arts and soul beasts that he could pretend to be in front of Tang San were also because Su Mo had no chance to pretend.

  Because Su Mo taught martial arts and soul beasts, and Yu Xiaogang wanted to teach Tang San, Su Mo taught them all, even more detailed and standardized than Yu Xiaogang.

  This made Yu Xiaogang's image in Tang San's heart much worse than in the original book.

  Then, in Shrek Academy, Chen Feng and Gu Xuan scorned and exposed them.

  Knowing that his teacher is such a waste, and recalling that for so many years, the teacher Yu Xiaogang did not help him, but kept cheating himself, how could Tang San still respect Yu Xiaogang.

  "Ancestor, the most powerful thing in our Tang Sect is hidden weapons. In terms of martial arts, Tang San doesn't expect his ancestors to give advice, but when it comes to hidden weapons, our ancestors, as the creator of hidden weapons, have reincarnated in many worlds, so they must have developed something even more powerful. It's a hidden weapon."

  "In this regard, can the ancestor give advice to Tang San?"

  Tang San was a little reconciled when he found that he couldn't learn more powerful martial arts from Su Mo, and couldn't help but try again, wanting to ask Su Mo. , Is there a more powerful hidden weapon?

  As a top genius in the field of hidden weapons, Tang San thought that with his talent, as long as Su Mo told the idea and material of a more powerful hidden weapon, he would be able to complete the re-enactment!

  'hidden weapon? '

  Seeing that Tang San asked about hidden weapons again, Su Mo couldn't help frowning, feeling a little embarrassed.

  Because although he also secretly learned the hidden weapon, he didn't upgrade the hidden weapon.

  But when he thought about it, as if he thought of something, Su Mo couldn't help but smile in his heart, and when he had an idea, he immediately muttered pretendingly deeply.

  "Is it a hidden weapon? Well... I have reincarnated in many worlds, and I have indeed deduced the hidden weapon to a higher level..." "

  Is there a more powerful hidden weapon above the Buddha's Fury Tanglian!"

  Tang San hurriedly asked.

  "Of course! On top of the Buddha's Fury Tanglian, there is an even more powerful firearm called the Spear."

  Su Mo smiled faintly, looked at Tang San mysteriously and meaningfully, and said slowly.

  "But this gun is not the other gun. The full name of this gun is firearms. It belongs to the same category as crossbows."

"There are many types of firearms. The ordinary firearms are pistols. Most of them can only kill one person."

  "But above pistols, there is a more powerful firearm named Gatling, which can shoot more than a hundred arrow-like attacks in one breath."

"After I researched In this world where Gatling lives, some people are amazed by the power of my Gatling hidden weapon, and even wrote a poem saying: "Namo Gatling Bodhisattva, the six roots are pure and universal, with one breath of 3,600 rotations, he saves the world with great mercy!"

  "Namo Gatling Bodhisattva!!"

  Tang San was shocked.

  In the Kyushu where he is located, Tang Sect's hidden weapon Buddha's Wrath, the number one hidden weapon in the Tang Sect's hidden weapon list, only has a Buddha's Wrath on it.

  However, the hidden weapon Gatling mentioned by the ancestor of Su Mo is someone who marveled at its power with such shocking poems as "Namo Gatling Bodhisattva, whose six roots are pure and universal, with one breath of 3,600 rotations, saves the world with great mercy!" .

  The power of this idea is almost countless times greater than that of Buddha's Fury Tang Lian!

  "Ancestor, how is this hidden Gatling weapon made, does it need any special materials?"

  Tang San endured the shock in his heart and asked.


  Su Mo put on a surprised expression.

  "What materials are needed for this? Ordinary steel is enough, and some stones can be added at most. How can a hidden weapon be such an inconvenient thing!"


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