Separate, Liu Erlong of Heaven Dou Imperial City

"Ordinary steel, and stones?"

  I heard Su Mo say that the Gatling hidden weapon was actually made of ordinary steel and some stones , Tang San couldn't help feeling a little unbelievable.

  Because this is completely different from the hidden weapon manufacturing method he learned!

  According to the hidden weapon refining method recorded in Tangmen's hidden weapon hundred explanations, hidden weapons have extremely strict requirements on materials, and hidden weapons like dragon beard needles can only be made of gold.

  As for the Godly Zhuge Crossbow, Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle, Peacock Feather and Buddha's Fury Tanglian, the requirements for materials are also extremely strict, and only special materials can be refined.

  And hearing Su Mo say that the power of Gatling's hidden weapon is stronger than that of Buddha's Fury Tanglian, Tang San never believed that such a powerful hidden weapon could be made with ordinary steel.

  "Why, don't you believe it?"

  Seeing Tang San's expression, Su Mo couldn't help but wondered, and asked directly.

  "That's right, the hidden weapons I left behind in the Tang Sect have all kinds of solutions. The hidden weapons recorded on it basically have strict requirements for materials, and often require specific materials to be crafted, but have you ever heard of a word-return to the basics! "

  The corners of Su Mo's mouth hooked slightly, his eyes full of meaning.

  "Back to basics?"

  "That's right! Just like the most powerful masters, they often look unpretentious and not so sharp. This is back to basics!" "You may not understand what I mean,

  but let me give you an example. You can understand, in fact, when I was wandering in Kyushu, I accidentally entered a place called Jianzhong." "

  In Jianzhong, a senior named Dugu Qiubai is buried." "

  This senior The reputation in Kyushu is not obvious, but according to the information I have seen, this senior was definitely an extremely powerful swordsman during his lifetime."

  "And this senior Dugu Qiubai left a record of his sword use in his lifetime in the sword mound." "

  Before this senior was weak, he used a fierce, indestructible sword to compete with the heroes, and when he reached the weak crown Afterwards,

  before the age of thirty, this senior used the Ziwei soft sword, but it is ominous to accidentally injure a righteous man, so he abandoned it in the deep valley." At the age of forty, this senior came to the pinnacle of the way of swordsmanship, not stagnant in things, plants, trees, bamboo and stones can all be swords, and since then he has entered the realm where no sword is better than a sword... ..."

  Looking at Tang San, Su Mo pretended to be sobbing, and directly grafted Dugu Qiubai into Kyushu, anyway, it was just nonsense.

  However, Dugu Qiubai's division of the realm of swordsmanship really sounded very inscrutable, Tang San couldn't help being taken aback for a while.

  "The ultimate state of swordsmanship, is it that vegetation, bamboo, and stone can all be used as swords? It seems natural that the hidden weapon is not limited to materials in the end?"

  Tang San couldn't help muttering to himself with a sudden touch in his heart.

  But seeing that Tang San was actually bluffed, Su Mo smiled secretly.

  This guy, he won't let him say that, he wants to use ordinary materials to cast hidden weapons in the future, right?

  In that case, it would be interesting!

  Regarding Dugu's seeking defeat, Su Mo naturally felt that there was some truth, but the question was, how could the state of swordsmanship be equal to the crafting of utensils!

  Looking at the history of the present world, from the tribal period to modern times, human weapons are often closely related to materials, from bone tools, stone tools, bronze tools, iron tools, and finally to the present steel and various alloys.

  Everything shows that whether the weapon is powerful or not is closely related to the material, but the firearms of the previous life, in terms of material requirements, are indeed lower than Tang San's hidden weapons.

  But the scientific and technological concept contained in firearms is countless times more than hidden weapons.

  Tang San, an ancient man in the world of martial arts, wanted to reproduce the pistol and Gatling just through his description, it was almost impossible!

  Anyway, Su Mo just bragged and it was over, mainly to fool Tang San with the hidden weapon!

  But thinking that I still have several opportunities to modify memory, maybe I can use one opportunity to modify memory in the future to try to see if I can get the pistol and Gatling from the previous life.

  In the future, after Tang San started a confrontation with Wuhundian.

  Tang San let the forces on his side use hidden weapons, and let Wuhundian use pistols and Gatling on his side, and then let Tang San know directly what it means to change the times!

  Thinking of this, Su Mo couldn't help but feel excited. He felt that if this kind of thing really happened, it must be very interesting, maybe he can think about it!

  "Okay! Tomorrow we have to rush back to the Heaven Dou Imperial City and report your matter to the academy. About what I told you just now, you can think about it after you go back. I'll go first.

  " When Mo was shocked by Dugu's swordsmanship realm, he found that Qin Ming had finally paid the bill and came back. Su Mo couldn't help but said something to Tang San in a deep voice, then turned and left with his hands behind his back.

  But after Su Mo left, Tang San came back to his senses, and couldn't help being shocked.

  etc! I haven't asked myself, what is the structure of this pistol and Gatling hidden weapon? It's a big loss!

  But when Tang San thought of this, Su Mo had already returned to the Huangdou team, walking a distance away from Qin Ming and everyone in the Huangdou team.

  Thinking that if he pursued to ask, he would probably only be prevaricated, after thinking about it, Tang San still sighed and did not pursue.

  But for the pistol and Gatling hidden weapon that Su Mo just said, Tang San felt that it was true.

  Because of Su Mo's performance just now, Tang San could clearly feel that Su Mo was not lying, and the pistol and Gatling hidden weapon that Su Mo said were absolutely real.

  But I just don't know how to make it...

  'Is there really a hidden weapon that is more powerful than Buddha's Fury Tanglian, but only needs ordinary steel, and at most some stones? '

  Tang San was still somewhat unpredictable.

  Naturally, he couldn't guess that what Su Mo said was correct, but what he said was very vague.

  It is true that firearms only need to be made of ordinary steel, and do not require special metals like dragon beard needles, but the most important bullets of firearms still need gunpowder.

  But no matter in the ancient martial arts world of Tang San's previous life, or in the Douluo Continent, there is no such thing as gunpowder!

  You can't make gunpowder, you can't make bullets, and even if you make a gun, it's no different from a fire stick!

  However, these were originally Su Mo's intentional tricks on Tang San, just pretending to be forceful, to show his status as the "Tang Sect Patriarch", and talking nonsense, so naturally it doesn't matter.


  And using the identity of "Tang Sect Patriarch" to teach Tang San for Zhu Zhuqing, he also used guns and Dugu's swordsmanship concept to ruthlessly pretend to be aggressive in front of Tang San.

  After that, Su Mo returned to the hotel where he was staying with the Huangdou team, preparing to return to Wuhun City the next day.

  However, on the second day, when the Huangdou team was about to set off to return to Wuhun City.

  Su Mo didn't intend to go back with him, but used the fifth soul skill of the Death Scythe martial soul: true identity, to split into a clone, and let the clone go back together.

  As for himself, he planned to go to the Star Dou Forest according to the rebirth script given to Liu Erlong, and have a fateful encounter with Liu Erlong!

  On the other side, Tiandou Imperial City, Lanba Academy.

  In the back hill of Lanba Academy, Liu Erlong still lived in a small building next to a small lake, and planted flowers all around him. He watered the flowers every day when he was busy with the affairs of Lanba Academy. The day is also relaxed and comfortable.

  Thinking of my previous life, I was always indulging in the pain of parting from Yu Xiaogang, thinking about Yu Xiaogang day and night, and I was very depressed and sad every day.

  Now after being "reborn", Liu Erlong felt that his life was really much easier because he recognized Yu Xiaogang's true face!

  It's just that sometimes, I'm still a little worried, after I'm "reborn", will I still be able to meet my beloved godbrother Su Mo in the Star Dou Forest like in my previous life.

  'After counting the time, little brother Su Mo should have already gone to the Star Dou Forest, ready to hunt the sixth spirit ring for the second spirit, right? '

  Beside the small building by the lake, Liu Erlong couldn't help thinking while watering the flowers.

  Although she was "reborn" on the day she married Na Yu Xiaogang.

  But after "rebirth", she didn't just think about changing everything in her previous life.

  Instead, it was still the same as in the previous life. First, he went back to the Landian Bawangzong with his cheap father, Yu Luomian, and let the other party look at him, so as to avoid going to that Yu Xiaogang himself.

  Then a few years later, in order to compensate her, Yu Luomian promised to agree to her conditions, but she still chose to use the power of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect to establish the Soul Master Academy in the Heaven Dou Imperial City.

  Finally, Lanba Academy was established!

  For all of this, she is not for other reasons, but she is afraid of this life, because of the influence of "rebirth", she will not be able to say goodbye to Su Mo's little brother whom she missed in the previous life.

  And finally, until now, as long as she goes to the Star Dou Forest, she should be able to say goodbye to little brother Su Mo!

  Liu Erlong thought in his heart.

  And everything was the same as in memory, when Liu Erlong wanted to go to the Star Dou Forest to meet Su Mo, there was a teacher in Lanba Academy who had broken through to the soul emperor and needed to hunt down the ten thousand year soul beast.

  Because the ten thousand year soul beast is already equivalent to the soul saint among human soul masters.

  So this naturally requires Liu Erlong, who is the soul sage, to step in.

  And because Liu Erlong couldn't wait to go to the Star Dou Forest and see Su Mo again, the teacher in the Lanba Academy broke through to the Queen of the Soul Emperor.

  Liu Erlong immediately took this teacher and several other teachers who could cooperate to help hunt the soul beasts, and headed for the Star Dou Forest.

  At the same time, in the Star Dou Great Forest.

  On the way Liu Erlong led several teachers from Lanba Academy to the Star Dou Forest, Su Mo had already arrived at the Star Dou Forest.

  Then according to the memory of the script set for Liu Erlong, he found the place where he met Liu Erlong in the script.

  "Is it here?"

  Yu Kongxu stepped in the air, looking at the endless star forest below, Su Mo couldn't help touching his chin, feeling a little lost in thought.

  According to what he discovered before, the scripts he let the system set are often deduced with the real Douluo Continent as the background.

  To a certain extent, it is just like the cheating finger called simulator that appeared in the novels of the previous life. Every time the script is modified by memory, it can almost be equivalent to the real thing that happened in another parallel world.

  Therefore, he was able to take advantage of a memory modification opportunity to turn Zhu Zhuqing's memory modification opportunity directly into a life simulation script, thus obtaining an upgraded version of Tangmen's unique learning.

  According to the general idea provided by him, Liu Erlong, who had a perfect system, was reborn into the script.

  The various things that happened in the script, although they are just scripts, should be almost equivalent to real things that happened in another parallel world.

  Because the background is real, so in the script, where he and Liu Erlong met, there should indeed be a Ten Thousand Years Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear.

  "Look for it!"

  Finding that the place where he and Liu Erlong met in the script really existed, Su Mo couldn't help but follow Liu Erlong's rebirth script and started looking for the possible Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear.

  And finally, in a valley, Su Mo found the Ten Thousand Years Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear that severely wounded Liu Erlong!

  "Haha! Sure enough, it's true. From now on, we just need to wait for Liu Erlong to bring someone over!"

  Discovering that the Wannian Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear in the rebirth script given to Liu Erlong actually existed, Su Mo couldn't help but smile on his face, and planned to follow the rebirth script given to Liu Erlong to find the bear in the Star Dou Forest. The soul beast carefully selected in the script will be hunted down.

  In Liu Erlong's rebirth script, Su Mo chose a soul beast called the Crystal Devourer for the sixth soul ring of his tree of life martial soul.

  The crystal devouring beast is a kind of spirit beast with snow-white body and scales all over its body. It has a body shape like a tiger and a head like a lion, but it has no tail. Instead, there are special crystals growing on its neck

  . For food, it can store energy in the energy crystals on its neck.

  When threatened, the crystal devouring beast will release all the energy in the energy storage spar on its neck, increasing its combat power in a short time, thus repelling the enemy!

  According to the rebirth script given to Liu Erlong, after Su Mo hunted down the crystal devouring beast and absorbed its soul ring, what he obtained was a soul skill that could temporarily increase the target's soul power.

  And according to Liu Erlong's rebirth script, Su Mo successfully found a 70,000-year-old crystal-eating beast king in a cave.

  With the powerful strength of Su Mo's Titled Douluo level, this 70,000-year-old Crystal Devouring Beast King naturally couldn't escape Su Mo's palm, and was finally beheaded by Su Mo.

  After absorbing the soul ring of the Crystal Devouring Beast King, Su Mo successfully blessed the sixth soul ring for his tree of life stick martial soul.

  As for the name of the soul ability of the sixth soul ring, Su Mo also named it Energy Burst according to his own name in Liu Erlong's rebirth script!

  The effect of this soul skill is to increase the soul power of the blessed target by several levels in a short period of time. Anyway, the greater the level difference between the target and Su Mo, the more obvious the improvement effect of the soul skill will be!

  And after blessing the sixth soul ring for the stick martial soul of the tree of life.

  Su Mo stayed temporarily next to the Crystal Devouring Beast's cave, and at the same time sent some birds to act as monitors, and placed them in the valley where the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear was before.

  Because according to the rebirth script given to Liu Erlong, Liu Erlong came to the Star Dou Forest to obtain the sixth soul ring for a teacher who had broken through to the Soul Emperor in Lanba Academy.

  In the script, Liu Erlong was looking for the soul beast for the teacher who wanted to break through to the soul emperor. He found the valley where the dark gold direclaw bear was located, and hunted and killed one of the ten thousand year soul beasts, which alarmed the dark... Kim is afraid of catching the bear.

  Su Mo believed that Liu Erlong would definitely follow the script in order to meet him.

  So he only needs to send some bird monitors to the valley, and when Liu Erlong brings the people from Lanba Academy over, he will know immediately.

  Meanwhile, while waiting for Liu Erlong.

  Because of boredom, Su Mo also lined up the countless birds controlled by the death scythe from the Ice and Fire Yangyi Eye at intervals, all the way to the Star Dou Forest, and summoned Ah Yin. He deepened his relationship with Ah Yin every day, and the days passed by. It's also comfortable.

  Just waiting for Liu Erlong to arrive.