Ten Thousand Years of Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear, A Crisis Like the Rebirth of Liu Erlong

Departs from the Heaven Dou Imperial City, after several days of rushing.

  Liu Erlong finally brought the teacher who wanted to break through to the soul emperor, and several other teachers who came to help hunt the soul beasts, and came to the Star Dou Great Forest.

  Compared with the previous life, he brought a few students with him, but unexpectedly encountered the Ten Thousand Years Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear.

  Because he was afraid that the few students he had brought would be in danger, he could only stay in the rear by himself.

  This time, Liu Erlong did not bring his students to the Star Dou Forest to hunt and kill soul beasts.

  In this case, there are only a group of soul king and soul emperor level teachers who came together.

  Even if he met the Ten Thousand Years Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear that he met in his previous life.

  Liu Erlong felt that with the strength of her and the teachers, they should be able to escape successfully.

  Of course, Liu Erlong will definitely not run away immediately, but must delay for a while.

  Otherwise, how could I meet my beloved righteous brother Su Mo like in the previous life!

  After arriving at the Star Dou Great Forest, Liu Erlong immediately led a group of teachers into the Star Dou Great Forest, and then rushed all the way to the inner circle of the Star Dou Great Forest.

  Because the purpose of coming to Star Dou Great Forest this time is to help a teacher in the academy who has broken through to level 60 to hunt for the sixth soul ring, so that he can break through to the soul emperor.

  Because the soul emperor's sixth soul ring is best equipped with the ten thousand year soul ring.

  So this time, the purpose of Liu Erlong and the others was to help the teacher hunt down a spirit beast that was more than ten thousand years old.

  And the ten thousand year soul beast has always only lived in the inner circle of the Star Dou Forest.

  Therefore, you must reach the inner circle of the Star Dou Great Forest to find it.

  But even though he had memories of his previous life, Liu Erlong knew exactly that in a certain valley within the Star Dou Great Forest, there was a soul beast that was extremely suitable for the teacher beside him who had broken through to level 60.

  But because he didn't know which valley he would have arrived in advance, he hunted and killed the target soul beast like in his previous life, and then attracted the ten thousand-year-old dark gold Dreadclaw bear.

  After that, will Su Mo arrive in time like in the previous life?

  So Liu Erlong thought about it, but he still didn't choose to rush directly to the valley in his memory with all the teachers around him.

  But I still plan to do the same as in the previous life, first go through some searching, wait for the valley to be found naturally as in the previous life, and then follow the memory of the previous life!


  Just like that, after entering the Star Dou Great Forest, they rushed all the way to the inner circle of the Star Dou Great Forest.

  Liu Erlong took Shi Shan, the teacher who had broken through to level 60 and needed to absorb the ten-thousand-year soul ring, and other teachers who could help hunt the soul beasts, and searched all the way in the inner circle of the Star Dou Forest.

  But it's a pity, although I also encountered many ten thousand year soul beasts on the road.

  But these soul beasts, either have been cultivated for more than 10,000 years and less than 20,000 years, but they are not suitable for Shishan.

  Either he met a soul beast suitable for Shi Tian, ​​and it was either less than 10,000 years old, or more than 20,000 years old, so it would be risky to absorb it.

  Regarding this, the rest of the teachers of Lanba Academy, especially the teacher Shi Shan who needed to absorb the spirit ring, were naturally very disappointed.

  But regarding this, although Liu Erlong was disappointed on the surface, but in his heart he was calm.

  Because of all this, although the specific spirit beasts she encountered on the road were somewhat different from her memories of her previous life, the general situation along the way was similar.

  She just needs to find that valley according to the memory of her previous life.

  Then you can successfully "discover" the powerful King Kong bear that is very suitable for the teacher Shi Shan.

  As a martial soul, he is an iron-backed bear, and his development direction is a soul master of the attack and defense department.

  The Vigorous King Kong Bear, a soul beast with the same strength and defense, can be said to be a perfect fit for teacher Shi Shan.

  Especially the Vigorous Vajra Bear in that valley, which happens to have been cultivated for more than 15,000 years, so it can be said that it perfectly meets the teacher Shi Shan's requirements.

  But it's a pity that in that valley where there are many bear spirit beasts, there is still a king of bear spirit beasts.

  That is the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear standing at the top of the soul beast food chain!

  And everything was just as Liu Erlong planned.

  Because along the way, I didn't meet a ten thousand year soul beast suitable for my teacher Shi Shan.

  Therefore, under the leadership of Liu Erlong, the group finally arrived at the valley where the dark gold Dinoclaw bear was located.

  "Is it finally here?"

  Just when Liu Erlong and the rest of the teachers from Lanba Academy arrived in this valley.

  Through the many bird monitors placed here, Su Mo, who was practicing cross-legged in a wooden house in the forest beside a cave not far away, opened his eyes suddenly, and a trace of excitement flashed in them.

  He has been waiting here for several days, even though Ah Yin is with him.

  But Ah Yin is still only able to show a virtual phantom after all, but can't transform into a real one.

  In the past few days, Su Mo and other places here are terribly boring.

  Now it's finally time for Liu Erlong and others to arrive!

  And since they found out that Liu Erlong and others had already arrived.

  Su Mo naturally got up and left the house in an instant, flew out in the air, and soon rushed to the valley where Liu Erlong and others were.

  But of course, after arriving in this valley, Su Mo hid secretly, silently watching Liu Erlong and his party.

  He was going to rescue Liu Erlong when Liu Erlong and his party met the Wannian Dark Gold Dinoclaw Bear and encountered danger.

  Then it was the same as the rebirth script for Liu Erlong, "renewing the relationship" with Liu Erlong.

  On the other side, after bringing a group of teachers from Lanba Academy to this valley full of tall pine forests.

  Liu Erlong couldn't help slowing down his pace immediately, turned his head and frowned, looked at the teachers behind him and on both sides, and said.

  "Be careful, I feel the danger here. There should be many ten-thousand-year soul beasts here, but I don't know if there are any suitable soul beasts for Teacher Shi Shan. Let's be careful." After speaking, Liu Erlong led a group

  of The teacher of Lanba Academy walked carefully in the valley.

  Liu Erlong led the way, and a Soul Emperor-level Shadow Leopard Soul Master was in charge of scouting the way ahead.

  In addition, there is also a soul master in the team who is a soul emperor and whose martial soul is a flaming lion. He is responsible for helping Liu Erlong deal with the soul beasts.

  There is Wuhun who is responsible for providing control for the soul master of the King Kong Vine's control system, and there is a soul king who is repaired, and Wuhun is responsible for providing supplies for Apple's food system soul master.

  "Wait! There are bear feces..."

  In this valley, because there are many bear-like spirit beasts in the valley, not long after entering this valley, Liu Erlong and his party found many things on the ground. Less bear poop.

  "It seems that the ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts in this valley should have bear-type soul beasts."

  Liu Erlong couldn't help but said slowly after discovering the bear's feces.

  Hearing this, Shi Shan suddenly became a little excited and excited.

  Because as a soul master whose martial soul is the iron-backed gray bear, the most suitable soul beast for him is undoubtedly a bear-type soul beast.

  If he could find a bear-like spirit beast with a cultivation base of more than 10,000 years in this valley, then his sixth spirit ring would be obtained!

  And after discovering bear feces, follow the footprints left by bear spirit beasts on the ground.

  Soon, Liu Erlong found a ten-thousand-year-old powerful King Kong bear!

  I saw that this Vigorous King Kong bear was more than five meters tall, covered with golden hair, and the long golden hair was like a golden armor. It was covered with protruding muscles, especially the pair of bear arms were thick and strong. , a pair of bear claws are also extremely sharp, and it looks like the fighting power is extremely powerful!

  "This is a 10,000-year-old Vigorous King Kong bear!!"

  Not far away, a teacher from Lanba Academy saw this Vigorous Vajra Bear lying on a grass field and resting on the grass as if he was full. Can't help but get excited immediately.

  For the soul beast Vigorous Vajra Bear, the height of three meters means that its cultivation has reached a hundred years, the height of the Vigorous Vajra Bear of a thousand years is four meters, and only the Vigorous Vajra Bear of ten thousand years is only five meters tall!

  This Vigorous Vajra Bear is more than five meters tall, and it is obviously a Vigorous Vajra Bear over 10,000 years old.

  Just the perfect fit for Stone Mountain!

  "Get ready to do it. Lie Cang and I will go up and entangle this Vigorous Vajra Bear. Chen Wei will be responsible for providing control, and Xu Xiang will protect Tang Qian!" After discovering

  this ten thousand-year-old Vigorous Vajra Bear, Liu Erlong immediately It was arranged.

  She and Lie Cang, the lion soul master of Lie Yang, will entangle the Vigorous Vajra Bear, and then Chen Wei, the Vajra Vine Soul Master, can provide control and control the Vigorous Vajra Bear.

  Afterwards, after she severely wounded the Vigorous Vajra Bear, she only had to wait for Shi Shan, who needed to absorb the sixth spirit ring, to kill the Vigorous Vajra Bear.

  And after that, everything went smoothly.

  Following Liu Erlong's summoning of the fire dragon martial soul, he entered the state of being possessed by the martial soul, and then directly activated the real body of the martial soul, transforming into a fire dragon with wings on its back and rushing forward.

  With the strength of the fire dragon, a powerful dragon-like soul beast among sub-dragon species, facing Liu Erlong who activated the fire dragon's avatar, the Vigorous Vajra Bear is naturally no match, and being caught by Liu Erlong is a blow to the hammer.

  He realized that he was no match for Liu Erlong, because the ten thousand year spirit beast already possessed a certain degree of wisdom.

  This ten-thousand-year-old Vigorous King Kong bear naturally wanted to run away.

  But it's a pity, because there is still a Lieyang lion soul master at the soul emperor level blocking the way, but the powerful King Kong bear can't escape, and is soon controlled by the King Kong vine soul master Chen Wei who activates the soul skill.

  Afterwards, seeing that the Vigorous Vajra Bear was tightly bound by countless thick vajra vines with golden lines, Liu Erlong went up and beat the Vigorous Vajra Bear again, finally beating the Vigorous Vajra Bear to the brink of death.

  Seeing this, Shi Shan, who needed to absorb the sixth spirit ring, couldn't help stepping forward immediately, and killed the dying Vigorous King Kong Bear.

  All of a sudden, countless pitch-black spots of light continuously escaped from the body of Vigorous Vajra Bear.

  Above his corpse, the prototype of a ten thousand year spirit ring slowly condensed.

  "Shi Shan, congratulations, you are about to break through to the Soul Emperor!" "

  The Great Vajra Bear, this is a very good spirit beast. It can absorb the soul ring of this Ten Thousand Years Vigorous Vajra Bear. Shi Shan, your sixth soul skill It must be good!"

  "Haha! Absorb it quickly, I can't wait to see how your sixth soul ability is doing, when you break through, let's have a fight!" ...

  In the soul ring of Vigorous Vajra Bear During the process of condensing and forming, the rest of the teachers of Lanba Academy couldn't help laughing and joking with Shi Shan.

  But on the side, although Liu Erlong's mature and beautiful face is also smiling, but in her heart, she is a little heavy at the moment.

  Because according to the memory of her previous life, the movement caused by their attack on this Ten Thousand Years Vigorous Vajra Bear should have already alarmed the Ten Thousand Years Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear that lives in the center of this valley.

  It is estimated that it has arrived by now.

  It won't be long before they can see the legendary dark gold Dreadclaw bear!

  Inside the Star Dou Forest, in a valley.

  After successfully hunting and killing this ten thousand-year-old Vigorous King Kong bear.

  As the ten-thousand-year spirit ring of Vigorous Vajra Bear condensed and formed, Shi Shan immediately sat down cross-legged, summoned the Iron-backed Gray Bear Martial Soul, pulled over the Vigorous Vajra Bear's spirit ring, and began to absorb and refine it.

  But it didn't take long before Shishan began to absorb and refine the Ten Thousand Years Soul Ring of Vigorous Vajra Bear.

  Suddenly, there was a dull sound of footsteps not far away, as well as the rustling sound of dead branches being trampled and branches pushed aside. It was obvious that a huge monster was approaching.


  Sensing the movement, all the teachers of Lanba Academy couldn't help but stood up and frowned, and looked in the direction of the movement.

  Soon, I saw it in a forest not far away.

  One is covered with dark golden hair, over five meters tall, with a pair of dark golden animal eyes full of coldness and ferocity, a pair of extremely huge bear paws, and the sharp giant claws on it that are more than one meter long look daunting The bear spirit beast is slowly walking towards this side.

  While walking, facing the trees blocking the way, this dark golden bear-like spirit beast just waved its bear paw, and the sharp giant claws instantly cut off the branches blocking the way.

  The rustling sound that everyone heard before was actually not the sound of branches being pushed aside.

  It was the shaking sound of the branches falling to the ground after being cut off in an instant.

  "This is... the Dark Gold Horrorclaw Bear?!"

  When seeing the dark golden giant bear walking towards this side, a teacher from Lanba Academy couldn't help constricting his pupils and his hairs bursting out of his body. He lost his voice and yelled.

  The Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear, this is a legendary soul beast. Its dark golden hair has a strong defensive power, but its pair of terrifying giant claws has a terrifying attack power.

  It is said that the dark gold direclaw bear even has the strength to fight against the dragon!

  The giant dragon here does not refer to weak sub-dragon species like earth dragons and bipedal dragons.

  But the lowest are those top-level sub-dragon species with extremely strong dragon blood, such as the blue electric Tyrannosaurus rex, the blazing lion dragon and the ice dragon, and even the true dragon species are not impossible!

  The Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear in front of him is more than five meters tall. It is obviously a Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear with a cultivation base of more than ten thousand years. It's a war!

  It is impossible for people like myself to be the opponent of this Ten Thousand Years Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear!

  "Take Shi Shan away quickly, I'll stop it!"

  Facing the approach of the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear, because Shi Shan was absorbing the spirit ring of the Vigorous Vajra Bear, he couldn't move, so Liu Erlong could only choose to grit his teeth as he remembered. After drinking loudly, let the rest of the teachers take Shi Shan to go first, while she stayed behind.

  "Seventh Soul Skill: Fire Dragon Avatar!!"

  When the rest of the teachers raised Shi Shan in a cross-legged posture, and then ran away with him, Liu Erlong immediately summoned the Fire Dragon Martial Soul again, While shouting angrily, he activated his martial spirit avatar again in an instant.

  For a moment, as the seventh soul ring around his body lit up again, Liu Erlong instantly transformed into the body of the martial soul fire dragon again, unfolded a pair of fiery red dragon wings, and flew into the sky in an instant.


  After turning into a fire dragon avatar and flying into the sky, Liu Erlong immediately swooped towards the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear while fluttering his wings, and at the same time activated his soul skill instantly, opened his mouth and roared, and spit out a flaming stream The flames burned towards the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear

  , but unfortunately, the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear's defensive power was astonishing, but the flame soul ability spewed out by Liu Erlong's fire dragon avatar did not hurt the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear at all.


  However, after being burned by Liu Erlong's flame soul ability, although he was not injured, the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear who felt the offense suddenly turned his head up to the sky and roared, waving a terrifying giant claw and going berserk He patted Liu Erlong.

  It's just because Liu Erlong's fire dragon avatar can fly.

  Facing the claw attack of the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear, Liu Erlong flapped his wings and flew up, but he easily dodged the attack of the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear.

  And after finding out that Liu Erlong couldn't be beaten, the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear couldn't help roaring irritably, and turned his anger at seeing the dead body of the powerful King Kong Bear, and turned to the direction where all the teachers of the Blue Typhoon Academy had fled before.

  "Damn it!"

  Liu Erlong couldn't help being a little angry when he found that the Dark Gold Direclaw Bear had turned its target to the fleeing people on his side again, while using the fire dragon avatar to attack the Dark Gold Dire Claw Bear with his soul skills.

  Because in her previous life, when she stayed at the rear of the palace, she didn't have to fight this dark gold Dreadclaw bear head-on.

  But it was because this Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear wanted to chase the fleeing person on her side, so she could only fight it head-on, preventing it from chasing people, resulting in injury.

  Unexpectedly, it is still like this now!

  But there is no way!

  It was discovered that the Dark Gold Direclaw Bear looked at the fleeing teachers of the Lanba Academy, and didn't want to get entangled with him, but planned to ignore Liu Erlong's attack and go after the fleeing teachers of the Lanba Academy.

  Liu Erlong could only helplessly control the fire dragon avatar, fluttered its wings and lowered the flying height, roared and swooped towards the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear, and with one tail twitched towards the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear, ready to get close to the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Xiong fights to prevent the Dark Gold Direclaw Bear from chasing Shi Shan and others.

  But by doing so, Liu Erlong gave up his own advantages.

  Although the strength and fighting power of the fire dragon's real body is also extremely strong, but in the direction of close combat, it is obviously impossible to be the opponent of this ten thousand-year dark gold fear claw bear as a soul beast.

  So after Liu Erlong controlled the Fire Dragon Avatar to fight with the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear in close quarters, the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear severely injured Liu Erlong, and directly brought him into the state of the Martial Soul Avatar.

  But when Liu Erlong was facing the same life-and-death crisis as in the rebirth script, Su Mo finally made a move!