Su Mo makes a move, the "reunion" with Liu Erlong

"The first soul skill: Death Harvest!"

  Just as the Dark Gold Dreadclaw bear severely injured the real body of the fire dragon transformed by Liu Erlong, directly After knocking Liu Erlong out of his martial soul avatar state, seeing the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear roaring up to the sky, it was about to attack Liu Erlong.

  In the woods not far away, a burst of cold shouting suddenly sounded.

  Immediately afterwards, a pitch-black sharp ray burst out from not far away, and it slammed onto the right arm of the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear that was about to swing its claws at Liu Erlong. The incomparable golden fur was torn, and the dripping blood suddenly splashed out.


  As a Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear with unparalleled defensive power, the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear has hardly been injured since its birth.

  For a moment, facing the severe pain caused by the fur of the right arm being torn apart, and even the flesh and blood were cut out with a deep bone visible, the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear could not help but roared in pain, and its body stepped back instantly, putting the injured His right arm was drawn back.

  'It's little brother Su Mo! ! '

  When he saw that there was a jet-black ray bursting towards him in an instant, repelling the dark gold Dreadclaw bear that was about to attack him, Liu Erlong couldn't help being overjoyed.

  Based on her understanding of Su Mo, she immediately recognized that the pitch-black edge just now was the first soul skill of Su Mo's death sickle martial soul: Death Harvest!

  And after injuring the right arm of the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear, Su Mo also slowly walked out from the forest where he was hiding, holding the Death Scythe Martial Soul, facing Liu Erlong, or the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear. direction to go.

  Because of the floating light skimming body technique.

  Su Mo seemed to be walking slowly, but it was as if he was teleporting. Every time he took a step, he came to tens of meters away, and he was not far from Liu Erlong in almost a few breaths.


  Seeing Su Mo's approach, as a soul beast, this ten thousand-year-old Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear naturally felt the strong threat brought by Su Mo, so it couldn't help but immediately raised its sharp giant claws, opened its mouth and roared at Su Mo Get up and try to force Su Mo back.

  But alas, this is obviously not going to work!

  Although the Ten Thousand Year Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear claims to be able to fight a hundred thousand year soul beast, if it is a human soul master, it should also be able to fight a human Titled Douluo.

  But that being said, there is actually a difference.

  Against ordinary titled Douluo of the agility and assault systems, the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear is indeed fearless, because it possesses extremely strong defense and attack power.

  Title Douluo of the agility and strong attack systems are often invincible against the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear.

  After all, with the defensive power of the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear, the general Title Douluo of the agility attack system and the Title Douluo of the assault system may not be able to break through the defense of the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear.

  However, the pair of extremely destructive giant claws of the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear possessing the ultimate metal properties can easily injure ordinary Title Douluo of the agility attack system and Title Douluo of the assault system.

  Under such circumstances, even an ordinary Title Douluo would definitely not want to fight a ten thousand year dark gold Dreadclaw bear.

  Therefore, the strength of the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear is not too exaggerated.

  It's just that an ordinary Title Douluo is an ordinary Title Douluo, but is Su Mo an ordinary Title Douluo?

  Not to mention that Su Mo's cultivation has already broken through level ninety-five, and reached the level ninety-six Peerless Douluo realm. The martial soul of the death scythe alone has given Su Mo the ability to break through the Dark Golden Terror Claw bear ability.

  This made the dark gold Dreadclaw bear's most difficult defensive ability completely useless in front of Su Mo!

  In addition, Su Mo's first soul skill: Death Harvest just now, when he cut the right arm of the Dark-gold Dreadclaw Bear, the Death-Harvest ability was activated instantly, directly absorbing a large amount of life force in the Dark-gold Dreadclaw Bear's body. harvest.

  Now the state of the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear has been greatly reduced, especially the right arm. Due to the impact of the Death Harvest, how much combat power can be preserved is completely a problem.

  So seeing the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear baring its teeth and claws, roaring and roaring, but not rushing up, Su Mo smiled faintly, because he knew that the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear was obviously trying to be aggressive.

  "If you don't make a move, then I'll come!"

  Looking at the stern-looking Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear in front of him, Su Mo couldn't help narrowing his eyes slightly, and slowly looked at the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear, then directly raised the Grim Reaper The sickle rushed forward as soon as he moved.


  Discovering that Su Mo had made a sudden move, the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear was naturally frightened and furious. The Bear King's dignity in the Star Dou Great Forest suddenly felt violated. He roared and slapped Su Mo with his giant claws.

  But it's a pity, because Su Mo's first soul skill: Death Harvest just now took away a lot of vitality from the harvest. The condition of the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear is not very good. have weakened a lot.

  But these are nothing to Su Mo.

  Because the body possesses Glittering and Glittering skills and the Sun Moon God Pupils, under the action of the Sun Moon God Pupils, which can slow down the movement, just like the bullet time ability of Rinio in the Matrix, the speed of the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear's claw swing is faster than Su Mo's. Like a snail crawling in his eyes, Su Mo just moved his figure with a floating light, and then dodged to the side in an instant, dodging past.

  And the next moment, Su Mo swung the death scythe in his hand directly, and slashed at the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear.

  For a moment, the death scythe Wuhun in Su Mo's hand almost turned into a black afterimage, continuously slashing towards the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear, leaving bloody wounds on the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear's body.

  In the face of Su Mo's death scythe martial soul, the defensive ability of the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Xiong Wushuang was like paper.

  On the other hand, although in his memory, he already knew Su Mo's powerful strength.

  It can be seen that the Wannian Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear, which claims to have the strength of a hundred thousand year soul beast at the ten thousand year level, which is enough to fight a soul master at the title Douluo level, has no resistance in Su Mo's hands. He was pressed and beaten by Su Mo.

  Liu Erlong couldn't help but still feel a little dazed.

  Little brother Su Mo is too powerful!

  Titled Douluo in his twenties, who is still so powerful and handsome, in his previous life, there was something missing in his brain, and he chose to give up on Su Mo's younger brother, and insisted on finding that ruthless Yu Xiaogang ?

  Think about the years when I have been in the world of soul masters with Boss Fu and this Yu Xiaogang.

  In fact, nothing happened between me and him at all. I was too stupid and naive to be attracted by his melancholy temperament and tragic experience.

  But when I think about it carefully, the tragic experience he said is completely just one-sided, and there are too many loopholes in it. As long as I have a little more insight, I won't be deceived for so long!

  The more he thought about it, the more Liu Erlong felt that he was so stupid and pitiful, and he couldn't help sighing inwardly.

  However, the past life has passed, and in this life, I must not be deceived by this ruthless guy again, and I must seize my own happiness!

  "Aww! Aww!..."

  On the other side, Su Mo's death scythe Wuhun slashed his body, and the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear roared in pain, trying to block Su Mo's attack.

  However, Su Mo swung the Death Scythe too fast, and the Death Scythe was too sharp, so the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear couldn't block it no matter what. As a result, he added a few more bloody wounds on his body.

  As a dark gold direclaw bear known for its defense and attack power, the dark gold direclaw bear used to dodge no attack, just waved its giant claws and roared to meet it.

  I didn't expect to suffer such a huge humiliation and torture now, which made the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear feel angry and sad at the same time, and vaguely, a thought of running away could not help sprouting in his heart.


  Facing Su Mo's attack, in order to escape, the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear couldn't help but give up dodging amidst the roar, and forcefully slashed with Su Mo's death scythe.

  At the cost of increased injuries on his body, a large amount of soul power was injected into a pair of giant claws in an instant, and the sharp giant claws were swung towards Su Mo, sending out several huge and dazzling golden claws in an instant.

  Seeing such an attack from the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear, Su Mo naturally moved and quickly dodged aside.

  But just as Su Mo dodged, the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear turned around and ran towards a dense forest, and quickly ran into the dense forest.

  Seeing the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear running away, Su Mo's eyes flickered slightly, but in the end he still didn't catch up with the Death Scythe in his hand.

  Because originally, he had no intention of killing this ten thousand-year-old dark gold dreadclaw bear, otherwise, this dark gold dreadclaw bear would have been hated by Su Mo long ago.

  From Su Mo's point of view, soul beasts like the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear and the Titan Giant Ape should be on the verge of extinction. As a modern person, he should protect these endangered species.

  But of course, the main reason is that this ten thousand year dark gold Dreadclaw bear has only been cultivated for more than ten thousand years, which is still too low.

  If this Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear had a cultivation base of more than 50,000 years, Su Mo might have directly killed the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear, and then fled its soul ring to the tree of life staff spirit.


  "Are you alright?"

  In an open space in the forest, after driving away the ten thousand-year-old Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear, Su Mo couldn't help taking back the Death Scythe Martial Soul, and looked at the man who had struggled to get out of here. Liu Erlong, who got up from the ground, asked.

  "I'm fine, thank you, otherwise I'm afraid I'll be in danger!"

  Facing Su Mo's inquiry, Liu Erlong naturally pretended to be grateful and thanked Su Mo, then seemed to remember something, and asked curiously .

  "By the way, my name is Liu Erlong, what about you?"

  "Liu Erlong?"

  Hearing Liu Erlong's introduction, Su Mo also pretended to think of something, couldn't help but take a careful look at Liu Erlong, and said suddenly.

  "Are you sister Liu Erlong? I'm Su Mo from the Hall of Spirits! We met once in the Star Dou Forest, so there should be Big Brother Flender by your side, right? Are they not here?"

  Su Mo showed doubts.

  "You are Su Mo?"

  For Su Mo's words, Liu Erlong only pretended to remember, and couldn't help showing surprise.

  "I said just now that the martial spirit in your hand is so familiar, but weren't you a soul sage back then? I didn't expect... I didn't expect that you have broken through to the title Douluo now!" At the end, Liu Erlong couldn't help but feel as

  if I was shocked, and there was some shock in my eyes.

  But in fact, although he had experienced it once in his previous life, Liu Erlong still couldn't believe it when he met Su Mo again and saw that Su Mo, who was only in his twenties, had already reached the title of Douluo.

  "Hehe, it's just luck. I believe that sister Liu Erlong, as long as you practice hard, you will be able to break through Title Douluo in the future!"

  Su Mo just smiled lightly.

  "I hope so."

  Liu Erlong just smiled helplessly.

  Regarding himself, although he knew that he had good talent, Liu Erlong didn't have that much confidence in breaking through to the legendary Title Douluo.

  But after finishing speaking, it may be because he was a little too excited to finally meet Su Mo, and he still had to act with Su Mo, which made Liu Erlong's spirit quite tense.

  Therefore, just as Liu Erlong finished laughing helplessly, he was about to answer Su Mo's question about Flender and Yu Xiaogang.

  The injury in Liu Erlong's body broke out suddenly, he couldn't help but feel a throbbing pain in his chest, he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood with a sudden "poof!", then his eyes went dark, and he fell down immediately.

  no way!

  Because in the state of the fire dragon's real body, he was severely injured by the claw of the dark gold direclaw bear. Because the sharp claws of the dark gold direclaw bear were too sharp, the sharp claws kept breaking through the defense of the fire dragon's real body, and even injured the willow tree inside. two dragons.

  Originally, this caused Liu Erlong to suffer traumatic injuries to his chest and abdomen, and the injuries were still serious. In addition, he was forcibly knocked out of his martial spirit avatar state, which also caused Liu Erlong to suffer from the backlash of his soul power.

  This made Liu Erlong at the end of his strength. It was entirely because of her obsession with Su Mo that she endured her injuries and wanted to complete the conversation with Su Mo.

  Now that the conversation has been made, Liu Erlong's inner obsession has completely disappeared, coupled with the violent ups and downs of his mood, it is natural that his injury recurred due to an accident.

  "Sister Liu Erlong!"

  But before he fell into a coma, Liu Erlong heard a shout coming from his ear, and then his fallen body seemed to be hugged by someone.

  This made the unconscious Liu Erlong couldn't help but smile.

  'Have passed out? '

  Discovering that Liu Erlong was actually chatting, he suddenly passed out. When Su Mo quickly stepped forward to hug Liu Erlong, he couldn't help scratching his head.

  Because in the rebirth script for Liu Erlong, although Liu Erlong passed out later, but not now.

  However, with Su Mo's eyesight, he could tell at a glance that Liu Erlong really passed out, and he didn't act it out.

  'Forget it, let's find a safe place and heal her. As Liu Erlong fell into a coma, because he knew that Liu Erlong was seriously injured and needed to be healed as soon

  as possible, Su Mo couldn't help but hugged Liu Erlong by the waist, and then looked around.

  After that, according to the content in the script for Liu Erlong's rebirth, he flew towards a cave he found in the script.

  Soon, Su Mo found the cave in the rebirth script for Liu Erlong.

  Standing outside the cave, Su Mo entered the cave with Liu Erlong in his arms after the dust and garbage on the ground were sucked out by the magic field of heaven, and then thrown aside. He then put Liu Erlong down.

  After that, Su Mo lit a bonfire in the cave again.

  Because when Liu Erlong rushed to the Star Dou Forest with all the teachers from Lanba Academy, it was already late.

  Then he went all the way to the inner circle of the Star Dou Great Forest, and spent a lot of time finding a suitable ten thousand year soul beast for the teacher Shi Shan who had reached level 60.

  By now, the time has come to the evening.

  Outside the cave, the yellow sunset had already risen to the sky, and the fiery red sunset surrounded the sunset, spreading the orange sunset all over the earth, casting a layer of twilight on the entire Star Dou Forest, and the scenery looked extraordinarily beautiful.

  And tidy up the cave, and let Liu Erlong down.

  After admiring the beautiful sunset outside the cave, Su Mo did not hurry to go outside to catch prey and prepare dinner, but planned to treat Liu Erlong's injury first.

  It's just because in the script he didn't plan to show the tree of life stick martial spirit in front of Liu Erlong, so Su Mo can only use primitive medicine to heal Liu Erlong's wounds.

  But looking at Liu Erlong's clothes that were torn by the sharp claws of the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear, and seeing the bloody wounds on his chest and abdomen, Su Mo couldn't help touching his chin.

  There seems to be something wrong with this injured part!