Shrek Academy in Tiandou Royal Academy, Trouble

And when Su Mo met Liu Erlong in the Star Dou Great Forest, and then came to the Lanba Academy in the Tiandou Imperial City with Liu Erlong.

  On the other side, after parting with the members of the Royal Fighting Team.

  After some adjustments, Flender, Zhao Wuji, Yu Xiaogang and other teachers from Shrek Academy also led Tang San and the other Shrek Seven Monsters from Soto City to Tiandou Imperial City.

  Although Flender, Tang San and others are all soul masters, the distance between Soto City and Heaven Dou Imperial City is still very far.

  Therefore, after spending several days on the road, a group of people finally arrived at the Heaven Dou Imperial City.

  But just like in the original book, Qin Ming reported the news of inviting Shrek Academy to Mengshenji, Baibaoshan, and Zhilin, the three education committees of Tiandou Royal Academy.

  In this regard, because I learned that Flender and other Shrek Academy teachers, except for Yu Xiaogang, the rest are either soul emperors or soul saints.

  And Tang San and the others are also extremely talented, they have already reached the level of soul master at only twelve years old.

  If Shrek Academy can be merged into Tiandou Royal Academy, even if Dai Lingxuan, Duguyan, and Yu Tianheng reach the age limit for participating in the soul master academy elite exchange competition in the whole continent in the future.

  The Tiandou Royal Academy can still push Tang San and others out to form a new Royal Fighting Team, and participate in the next All-Continent Soul Master Academy Elite Exchange Competition in the future.

  But it's a pity that the Tiandou Royal Academy cannot be completely decided by the Mengshenji three. For the recruitment of students and teachers, they still need to report to the royal family.

  The problem is, just like in the original book, the person in charge of Tiandou Imperial Academy in the royal family is none other than Prince Xue Xing who is with the fourth prince Xue Beng!

  Therefore, after learning that Qin Ming recruited Shrek Academy to join Tiandou Royal Academy.

  Since Qin Ming was recruited by Mengshenji and Mengshenji to become a teacher at Tiandou Imperial Academy against all opinions, Qin Ming was considered to be on the side of Mengshenji and the three.

  And Mengshenji is the supporter of Prince Xue Qinghe.

  If three people from Shrek Academy were allowed to enter Tiandou Royal Academy, it would undoubtedly greatly boost the power of Prince Xue Qinghe.

  Therefore, this is undoubtedly what Prince Xue Xing and Xue Beng do not want to see.

  So just like in the original book, in order to prevent Shrek Academy from joining Tiandou Royal Academy, after Xue Beng heard the news, he took a group of dudes every day to guard the gate of Tiandou Royal Academy.

  So, under Xue Beng's deliberate provocation, the Shrek Academy people who rushed over still clashed with Xue Beng, Dai Mubai, Tang San, Ma Hongjun and others beat Xue Beng until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

  In the end, it was a teacher who heard the movement and rushed over, which prevented the conflict from happening.

  Afterwards, after learning the identity of Flender and the others, the teacher took everyone from Shrek Academy to the teaching building behind Tiandou Royal Academy to meet Qin Ming because he knew it beforehand.

  For being beaten up by everyone from Shrek Academy, Xue Beng naturally showed incomparable resentment and resentment in front of all the younger brothers, determined to take revenge.

  This is also in line with the dandy image he has always played.

  But after leaving Tiandou Imperial Academy, Xue Beng went straight to Tiandou Imperial City all the way, but went to find his uncle, Prince Xuexing.


  Heaven Dou Imperial City, Prince Xuexing's Mansion.

  "Uncle, I'm back!"

  On the outside, he had always shown an image of a resentful and vicious playboy, but after entering Prince Xue Xing's mansion, Xue Beng's expression changed.

  Although his face was still bruised and swollen, Xue Beng's face was full of contemplation at this time, with some trouble and anxiety between his brows.

  "How about it, is the plan successful?"

  In a quiet room of Prince Xue Xing's mansion, after seeing his nephew Xue Beng coming, Prince Xue Xing couldn't help asking.

  "The plan was successful, but there are some problems."

  After sitting down, Xue Beng replied with a frown.

  "What's wrong?"

  Prince Xue Xing was a little puzzled.

  Prince Xue Xing didn't know much about Shrek Academy, but only learned about the Shrek Academy members from the Shrek Academy application submitted by Mengshenji and the other three.

  "Three of the Shrek Seven Monsters belong to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. I seem to be familiar with one of the girls. She seems to be Sect Master Ning's daughter, Ning Rongrong." Xue Beng couldn't help but look a little helpless


  "Ning Fengzhi's daughter? Ning Fengzhi, I heard that he has a precious daughter, but shouldn't this Ning Rongrong be in the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School? How could he be in this Shrek Academy?" Prince Xue Xing couldn't help being startled

  . His eyes were full of bewilderment and surprise.

  Earlier, I received the application from the Mengshenji trio about letting people from Shrek Academy join the Tiandou Royal Academy. There is a Seven Killing Sword and a Bone Dragon Soul Master.

  But Prince Xue Xing really did not expect that among the three, the soul master of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda would be Ning Rongrong.

  Before, he only thought that this was just a Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda soul master from the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, and the familiar people from the Chen family of the Seven Killing Sword family and the Gu family of the Bone Dragon family went out to join Shrek Academy.

  But if one of them is Ning Rongrong, the little princess of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, then the Seven Killing Sword Soul Master and the Bone Dragon Soul Master must be unusual.

  This made Prince Xue Xing frowned tightly.

  "But this shouldn't matter, right? Although Ning Fengzhi is Xue Qinghe's teacher, he has only been cooperating with our imperial family, and has never accurately stated that he is on Xue Qinghe's side."

  "Ning Fengzhi is a smart person. He cooperates with our Heaven Dou imperial family only for the benefit of their Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

  " Eldest brother is jealous and disliked, and if something happens that causes Xue Qinghe to lose the crown prince, then the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School will suffer a lot!" "So he will definitely not be too aggressive in the battle for the throne in

  our Heaven Dou imperial family. Interfering will only cooperate with the person in our royal family who finally ascended to the throne." "

  The reason why he became Xue Qinghe's teacher was mainly at the request of the eldest brother, and after all, Xue Qinghe used to be the eldest prince, and he was basically the default prince. This is a kind of investment."

  "But all this time, he has never publicly sided with Xueqinghe, nor has he used the power of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect to help Xueqinghe, otherwise, you would have no hope, just give up "

  I've heard before that Ning Fengzhi's little princess has always been known as a little witch in the Qibao Glazed Tile School, and she has always been disobedient." "

  Joining Shrek Academy may just be Ning Rongrong's own idea, and it has nothing to do with Qibao It's about the Glazed Sect, so don't put too much pressure on you."

  "Follow the plan, I will take you to drive them away tomorrow, as for the reason, let them be extraordinarily rampant, they dared to beat you, the Fourth Prince, This is ignoring the majesty of our Heaven Dou imperial family!"

  Regarding the appearance of Ning Rongrong, Chen Xin and Gu Xuan, Prince Xue Xing finally planned to ignore them.

  With his decades of political wisdom, he didn't believe that Ning Fengzhi was a smart person, knowing that the Heaven Dou Imperial Family and the Qibao Glazed Tile School could only hug each other for warmth, and neither could do without the other.

  Obviously they can maintain a detached attitude and only cooperate with the victors. After all, neither the Heaven Dou Imperial Family nor the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School can do without each other, but they insist on intervening in advance and betting on the Heaven Dou Imperial Family's battle for the throne.

  This is all for the gain of 12 points. Isn't it stupid to risk losing everything?

  "Of course the plan still has to go ahead, I know that."

  Xue Beng also nodded.

  There are two soul saints and several soul emperors in Shrek Academy, and several geniuses who are likely to reach the title of Douluo in the future. Such a force should not be underestimated even in the entire soul master world!

  Only the top three and the bottom four dare to ignore them a little bit, but they will also actively win them over.

  Of course Xue Beng wouldn't just watch, as a force finally joins "Big Brother" Xue Qinghe's command, he must do everything possible to destroy it!

  But the method, Xue Beng did not plan to use the original method.

  "Uncle, the plan still needs to be carried out, but I plan to use another excuse to drive them away."

  After thinking for a while, Xue Beng said suddenly.

  "Another way, why?"

  Prince Xue Xing was a little puzzled.

  "Although you said, let me not care about the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, because that Ning Rongrong joined the Shrek Academy with the other two Seven Killing Sword Soul Masters and Bone Dragon Soul Masters, this is probably Ning Rongrong's own idea. "

  But what if I just use the excuse of them beating me to drive them out of the Heaven Dou Imperial City, what if this Ning Rongrong goes to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School to ask his father Ning Fengzhi to intercede for Shrek Academy?" Xue

  Beng Can't help asking solemnly.


  Upon hearing these words, Prince Xue Xing couldn't help but change his face, because this situation is entirely possible.

  Although joining Shrek Academy, this high probability is Ning Rongrong's own idea, and it has nothing to do with the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, but the relationship between the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School and their Heaven Dou imperial family.

  If Ning Fengzhi came forward and pleaded with his elder brother Xue Ye for the sake of Shrek Academy, maybe Shrek Academy would be able to stay.

  "Then what do you think?"

  Realizing that there were indeed some mistakes in his plan, Prince Xue Xing couldn't help asking his nephew Xue Beng in a deep voice.

  Although his nephew Xue Beng is only in his teens or twenties, Prince Xue Xing deeply knows that under the persecution of the crown prince "Xue Qinghe", he can become the only surviving prince among the princes of Tiandou.

  His nephew is definitely a smart and precocious hero!

  "My thoughts are like this. When I was looking for trouble with this Shrek Academy today, I discovered that there is a soul master named Dai Mubai in Shrek Academy. His martial spirit is the evil-eyed white tiger!" Xue Beng cornered his mouth

  . There was a sneer.

  "The surname is Dai, and Wuhun is the evil-eyed white tiger?" Hearing what Xue Beng said

  , Prince Xue Xing couldn't help thinking of a possibility, and his eyes narrowed slightly: "Is he from the Xingluo royal family?"

After looking at the situation of Shrek Academy submitted by the three of Meng Shenji, I know that there is a soul master named Dai Mubai who is quite talented.

  But the spirit that Mengshenji wrote to Dai Mubai was not the evil-eyed white tiger, but just an ordinary white tiger.

  But of course, Prince Xue Xing could not use this as an excuse to say that Meng Shenji and the other three were suspected of treason.

  After all, the ultimate purpose of letting Shrek Academy join Tiandou Royal Academy is for Shrek Academy to win honor for Tiandou Royal Academy in the future All-Continent Soul Master Academy Elite Exchange Competition.

  This Dai Mubai didn't go to school in the Star Luo Imperial Academy of the Star Luo Empire, but went to their Heaven Dou Empire instead, and eventually planned to be included in their Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, indicating that he might not have a strong sense of belonging to the Star Luo Imperial Family.

  Maybe there is a possibility to win over.

  But this is when Dai Mubai joins their side, now Dai Mubai and other Shrek Academy people, once they join Tiandou Imperial Academy, they will be from Prince Xue Qinghe's side.

  It was impossible for Prince Xue Xing and Xue Beng to let Dai Mubai and Shrek Academy join in when Dai Mubai's background was obviously problematic.

  "Hehe, Xue Beng, I understand what you mean, let's use this Dai Mubai's identity to make a fuss, no matter what his identity is in the Xingluo imperial family." "But a person with the Xingluo Empire, especially

  Xingluo The Soul Master Academy of the imperial family wants to join our Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, as the prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, I will definitely not watch such a thing happen." "In case there is something wrong with this person named

  Dai Mubai, Do you want to steal the secrets of our Heaven Dou Empire through Tiandou Royal Academy?" "

  Or, if there is a problem with the entire Shrek Academy, then it's too dangerous..."

  Hearing from Xue Beng, Dai After Mubai's identity, there was no need for Xue Beng to remind him, Prince Xue Xing understood what Xue Beng meant, and couldn't help sneering.

  "Uncle really understands what we mean, so why don't we just..."

  Discovering that Prince Xue Xing had guessed what he was thinking, Xue Beng couldn't help laughing, and then discussed how to drive away everyone from Shrek Academy tomorrow. The prince discussed it.


  Time soon came to the next day.

  As for the news of Shrek Academy's arrival, Su Mo's real avatar left in Tiandou Royal Academy (hereinafter referred to as Su Mo) also soon found out, and also knew that Xue Beng still had a conflict with Shrek Academy.

  Regarding this, Su Mo couldn't help but feel amused.

  Because in the original book, Prince Xue Xing brought Dugu Bo, and used Dugu Bo to force everyone away from Shrek Academy.

  But now due to his influence, Dugu Bo didn't go to Wuhundian to register Title Douluo, because he refused the Wuhundian's recruitment, and also had a conflict with Wuhundian, which led to being hunted down by Ju Douluo Yueguan, In the end, he was rescued by Prince Xue Xing, so he became a guest under Prince Xue Xing.

  Without Dugu Bo, how would Xue Beng and Prince Xue Xing drive away everyone from Shrek Academy? Could it be that Dai Mubai and others beat Xue Beng violently as an excuse?

  But Shrek Academy, he was also affected.

  Because of his influence, Shrek Academy lost Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing, but had more Chen Xin and Gu Xuan from Qibao Glazed Tile School.

  I don't know if Xue Beng and Prince Xue Xing came to make trouble this time, will the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School be involved.

  Because of how Prince Xue Xing and Xue Beng would drive away Shrek Academy under his own influence, Su Mo set up several bird monitors on the big tree next to the office window of the Tiandou Third Education Committee in advance.

  And then, the next day.

  Because Mengshenji and the other three specially spared time to meet the people of Shrek Academy, Qin Ming took the people of Shrek Academy to the office building where the third Tiandou Education Committee was located in the morning.

  Because they attached great importance to everyone in Shrek Academy, the three of Mengshenji treated them with extra seriousness, and even put on the bright red Contra uniform specially issued by the Wuhun Temple.

  But just when the three of Mengshenji were in the office, after finishing the test with Tang San and the others, they were very satisfied with it, and they were about to open their mouths to agree that Shrek Academy would join Tiandou Imperial Academy, and they were all ready to go through the formalities.

  Xue Beng and Prince Xue Xing finally arrived.

   It feels a bit outrageous in the original work, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing are such obvious enemies of the country, it seems that the Tiandou imperial family has not seen it.

    Can't you really recognize it?

    I feel this is impossible!