Shrek people who were expelled from Tiandou Royal Academy, goodbye golden iron triangle!

"Chairman Mengshenji, when did you have guests here?"

  Education Committee office building, outside the office where the three Mengshenjis are located.

  Following a burst of voices, an old man in a fine attire with neatly combed white hair slowly walked into the office with his hands behind his back, with a proud and superior attitude.

  And beside the old man, there was a young man wearing the uniform of Tiandou Imperial Academy, with short blond hair, some redness and bruises on his face, and his eyes were full of resentment and hatred at the moment.

  It was Prince Xue Xing and Xue Beng.

  'Prince Xue Xing, why is he here! '

  In the office, when seeing Prince Xue Xing unexpectedly came, Tiandou Three Education Committee couldn't help but change their expressions at the same time, and a bad feeling suddenly arose in their hearts.

  Because he has always been at odds with Prince Xue Xing, but Prince Xue Xing came here inexplicably for the people recruiting Shrek Academy from his side.

  Neither Mengshenji nor Baibaoshan and Zhilin thought that Prince Xuexing's visit was a good thing.

  Maybe, this Prince Xue Xing is here to intentionally sabotage!

  And it is true.

  "Previously, Chief Mengshenji, you reported to me what kind of Shrek Academy to join our Tiandou Royal Academy. Are they the people from the Shrek Academy you mentioned?" After entering the office, Prince Xue Xing looked at

  Fu Rand, Tang San and the others couldn't help turning their heads to look at Mengshenji, and asked in a rather haughty tone.

  "Yes, Your Royal Highness."

  Although they hated Prince Xue Xing very much in their hearts, because of Prince Xue Xing's identity, the three Meng Shenji could only show respect on the surface.

  After nodding, Meng Shenji immediately pointed to Flender, ready to introduce him to Prince Xue Xing.

  "His Royal Highness, let me introduce you. This is Dean Flanders. This time, Dean Flanders came here to negotiate with us about Shrek Academy joining our Tiandou Royal Academy..."

But Meng Before Shenji finished speaking, he was interrupted brutally by Prince Xue Xing, saying coldly.

  "Chief Mengshenji, I don't want to know what Shrek Academy is." "

  I've never heard of this academy, and I don't know what kind of garbage academy it is. How can you let this unknown How about the academy joining our Tiandou Imperial Academy?" "

  Although you reported their news to me, it seems that I haven't agreed to this application yet, right? Chief Mengshenji, you call them over now, right? Isn't it a bit over the line?"


  Prince Xue Xing's questioning made Meng Shenji's expression froze, and he was suddenly a little annoyed, but most of them were helpless.

  Yes, as the teaching committee of Tiandou Royal Academy, although theoretically, the three of Mengshenji can be said to have high positions in Tiandou Royal Academy.

  Unfortunately, this right was supervised by Prince Xue Xing, who was the representative of the royal family.

  No matter what he wants to do, he needs to report to Prince Xue Xing. Even the most basic recruitment of students and teachers needs the consent of Prince Xue Xing.

  Otherwise, the consent of the emperor, Xue Ye, would be required, otherwise it would not be possible.

  As a Contra, although it seems to be an honor to be the teaching committee member of Tiandou Royal Academy, but because they often have to fight wits and courage with Prince Xue Xing, this makes the three of Mengshenji feel very aggrieved.

  If it wasn't for Emperor Xue Ye's kindness to them, and they have had feelings for Tiandou Imperial Academy for many years, they might have given up and left long ago!

  "Your Highness, you can't say that. Although Dean Flender's Shrek Academy is not very famous in the world of soul masters, in terms of strength, Shrek Academy is very strong."

  "President Flender and Vice President Zao Wou-ki are all powerful soul masters at the level of soul saints, and the rest of the teachers are also soul masters at the level of soul emperors." "

  And the students of Shrek Academy, They are all geniuses, and some of them have reached the realm of soul masters at the age of twelve!" "

  If we can get Shrek Academy to join us, it will be great for our Heaven Dou Royal Academy and our empire." Said, it's all a great thing!"

  Suppressing the anger in his heart, because he knew that he was going to enroll Shrek Academy into Tiandou Royal Academy without Prince Xuexing's approval. It is indeed a bit against the rules.

  But Mengshenji still wants to persuade Prince Xuexing to give up making trouble.

  Unfortunately, Mengshenji only knew that Prince Xue Xing liked to fight against them, but he didn't see through the fact that Prince Xue Xing was on Xue Beng's side, because he didn't want to see the power of the prince Xue Qinghe expand, so he chose to obstruct it. Shrek Academy joins Heaven Dou Royal Academy.

  Therefore Mengshenji said that Shrek Academy is extraordinary, this will not make Prince Xue Xing give up preventing Shrek Academy from joining Tiandou Royal Academy, but it will strengthen his thoughts even more!

  "Even so, so what, is it that our Heaven Dou Empire still lacks these soul saints and soul emperors?"

  Hearing Meng Shenji mentioning the extraordinaryness of Shrek Academy, Prince Xue Xing couldn't help but snorted coldly, as if he had been affected by it. As if taking offense, he directly shouted angrily.

  On the other hand, because Prince Xuexing said Shrek Academy was a trash academy just now, this made Flender and other teachers and Tang San and others feel extremely angry.

  Now, finding out that Prince Xue Xing still looked down on them, this made everyone in Shrek Academy even more angry to the point of clenching their fists, and they couldn't help it anymore.

  Especially Zao Wou-ki!

  As the famous Fudo Ming King, Zao Wou-ki has never been a master who would compromise, otherwise he would not have clashed with Wuhundian back then!

  If he was insulted by Prince Xue Xing in the past, even if he knew that Prince Xue Xing was the prince of Heaven Dou Empire, Zhao Wuji would definitely get angry from his heart, and he would directly fuck him!

  But now, after many years of self-cultivation in Shrek Academy, with the fetters of Flender and other old friends, Zhao Wuji forcibly endured it.

  "Of course, I'm not saying that it's wrong for you, chief Meng Shenji, to recruit talents for the empire."

  After angrily questioning the three Meng Shenji, Prince Xue Xing couldn't help but change his voice, and his tone became more relaxed.

  "However, the college has its rules. When recruiting teachers, according to the rules of the college, it's not just based on strength, but also on character!" Having said

  this, Prince Xue Xing glanced at Flender and the others, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

  "And as far as I know, the Shrek Academy that you recruited, Chief Mengshenji, they actually beat Xue Beng yesterday. After all, Xue Beng is the fourth prince of the empire. Wouldn't it be humiliating for them to beat Xue Beng? The face of our royal family!"

  "For such arrogant and domineering people, how can we let them join our Tiandou Royal Academy!" "

  And not only that, I also asked people to check the one you recruited, Chief Mengshenji afterward. The situation of Shrek Academy, but I don't know if I don't check it, I'll be shocked if I check it!" "I didn't expect that

  in the Shrek Academy you recruited, Chief Mengshenji, there is someone from the Star Luo Empire, and this person ... are still disciples of the Xingluo Imperial Family!"

  "Prince Mengshenji, you can recruit such people into our Tiandou Imperial Academy, aren't you afraid that they are spies from the Xingluo Empire, sent to steal our Tiandou Imperial Academy?" Is it a secret of the empire?"

  At the end, Prince Xue Xing had already slapped him back, and directly questioned Mengshenji's intention to recruit Shrek Academy with a sneer.

  How does he know this? !

  When they learned that Prince Xue Xing actually knew Dai Mubai's identity, Meng Shenji and the three couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

  As for Dai Mubai's identity, because Dai Mubai's spirit is the evil-eyed white tiger, and his surname is Dai, with Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing in front, Mengshenji naturally soon discovered that Dai Mubai was a member of the Xingluo royal family.

  But it was the same as what Prince Xue Xing thought last night.

  Because Dai Mubai is willing to join the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy together with Shrek Academy, in the future he will participate in the All-Continent Spirit Master Academy Elite Exchange Competition as a member of the Second Heaven Dou Team, fighting for the honor of the Heaven Dou Empire.

  Mengshenji couldn't help feeling that Dai Mubai might just be an ordinary clansman in the Xingluo Imperial Family, and might not have a strong sense of belonging to the Xingluo Imperial Family.

  Otherwise, it would not be possible to leave the Star Luo Empire and come to their Heaven Dou Empire.

  Therefore, they might be able to find a way to win Dai Mubai to their side of the Heaven Dou Empire, and steal some secrets of the Xingluo imperial family through Dai Mubai.

  But such an idea is just Meng Shenji's idea after all.

  Because the Shrek Academy has not been officially recruited into the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy yet, Mengshenji naturally did not report Dai Mubai's news to Emperor Xueye.

  And under such circumstances, it would be fine if Dai Mubai's identity wasn't pointed out.

  But once it is pointed out, the problem will be big!

  Just like now, in the face of Prince Xue Xing, because of Dai Mubai's identity, he directly questioned Shrek Academy's problems, and thus questioned whether Mengshenji had ulterior motives for the empire.

  If Mengshenji still wants Shrek Academy to join Tiandou Royal Academy, at this time Prince Xue Xing will disclose this matter.

  Then Mengshenji's reputation in the Heaven Dou Imperial City would directly become stinky!

  Because ordinary residents of Heaven Dou Imperial City have not received much education, their thoughts are very simple, and they don't think about whether Meng Shenji has other purposes for doing this.

  From their point of view, Meng Shenji still wanted to recruit Shrek Academy to join Tiandou Imperial Academy when he knew that there were people from the Star Luo Imperial Family in Shrek Academy and that there might be spies from the Star Luo Empire in Shrek Academy. It is treason, naked treason!

  No one will be able to resist the fact that he must be blamed!

  Even if Emperor Xue Ye believed them, he probably wouldn't be able to bear the boiling public anger of the Tiandou imperial family, so he could only choose to dismiss the three of them to appease the public anger.

  This question is like political correctness.

  Dai Mubai and Shrek Academy are not strong enough and not worth enough, so once Dai Mubai's identity is named, it is impossible for Shrek Academy to join the Heaven Dou Royal Academy.

  But if there are Title Douluo in Shrek Academy, just like Dugu Bo, Dai Mubai is also like Dai Lingxuan, extremely powerful.

  In this way, even if Emperor Xue Ye knew about the existence of Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing, for Dugu Bo's sake, considering the benefits brought by recruiting Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing, he would treat it as ignorance.

  After all, although Tiandou Royal Academy has "Royal" in its name, it is actually an ordinary high-level soul master academy, but the name has the word "Royal" in it.

  Even if Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing were the spies of the Star Luo Empire, it was impossible for them to steal any secrets of the Heaven Dou Empire and the Heaven Dou Imperial Family from the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy.

  But on the contrary, because of the existence of Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing, Tiandou Royal Academy is very likely to win the championship in the soul master academy elite exchange competition in the whole continent in the future.

  Coupled with the existence of Dugu Bo, this will naturally cause even Prince Xue Xing to make a fuss, and Emperor Xue Ye will forcefully suppress this matter.

  Prince Xue Xing was well aware of this, so even though he knew that the identities of Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing were more problematic, he still played monsters in this matter.

  But at this moment, through Dai Mubai's identity, Prince Xue Xing questioned him, but directly made Mengshenji dumb to eat Coptis chinensis, unable to tell the pain.

  "Your Highness, we actually don't know about this matter."

  "After all, let Shrek Academy join our Tiandou Imperial Academy, it was proposed by Teacher Qin Ming. As for Shrek Academy, Teacher Qin Ming just gave us a general introduction to the situation, and we didn't pay attention to whether there are any members of the Star Luo Empire in it." people."

  "However, from what you said, His Royal Highness, it seems that there is indeed a person who may be from the Xingluo royal family."

  Because he could not prove that he knew Dai Mubai's identity, under Prince Xuexing's questioning, Meng Shenji could only pretend to be aware of this, and couldn't help explaining quickly.

  "There are people from the Xingluo royal family among us?!"

  On the side, hearing what Prince Xue Xing said, and realizing that Mengshenji didn't seem to be defending their side anymore, Tang San, Ma Hongjun, and Oscar couldn't help feeling a thump in their hearts. Not good.

  However, the three of them were still very puzzled, how could there be someone from the royal family of the Star Luo Empire among them, who was this person, why didn't they know?

  Since he is a member of the royal family of the Star Luo Empire, who the hell would come to their Shrek Academy for nothing!

  But regarding this, Ning Rongrong, Chen Feng and Gu Xuan looked at each other, feeling a little strange in their hearts.

  As people from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, Ning Rongrong, Chen Feng and Gu Xuan naturally all knew Dai Mubai's identity, and knew that Dai Mubai was from the Xingluo Imperial Family.

  But the three originally thought that since Mengshenji agreed to let their Shrek Academy join the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, they shouldn't care about Dai Mubai's identity.

  After all, with the knowledge of Mengshenji and the other three, how could they fail to recognize that Dai Mubai's martial spirit is the inherited martial spirit of the Xingluo royal family.

  But I didn't expect that, after hearing what Prince Xue Xing said, it seemed that these three education committee members didn't know about it?

  On the other hand, after hearing Prince Xuexing point out Dai Mubai's identity, no matter Flender, Zhao Wuji, or Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but sink in their hearts, knowing that joining the Tiandou Royal Academy this time is impossible .

  Because of Dai Mubai's identity, he is still too sensitive after all!

  They knew that the three of Mengshenji must know Dai Mubai's identity, but they still chose to accept it, but this kind of thing can only be acquiesced.

  If Prince Xue Xing points it out, it is impossible for Mengshenji to continue to insist on recruiting them into Tiandou Imperial Academy at the risk of damaging their reputation.

  "Dean Flender, I'm sorry!"

  Because Prince Xue Xing pointed out Dai Mubai's identity, limited by political correctness, Meng Shenji could only go to Flender, he couldn't help sighing, very guilty and apologetic Said to Flender.

  Flender also understood what Meng Shenji meant, and couldn't help but smile freely.

  "Mengshenji Education Committee don't have to be sorry, we have nothing to do with Tiandou Royal Academy. There are people from the Xingluo Imperial Family in our academy, so it is indeed not suitable to join Tiandou Royal Academy.

  " Prince Xing took Dugu Bo away in a nonsensical manner.

  Because this time, it was because of Dai Mubai's identity that he was driven away, although Flender was helpless, he could only choose to accept it.

  After all, the Tiandou Imperial Academy is related to the Tiandou Imperial Family, so it is obviously impossible to recruit a student of the Xingluo Imperial Family.

  After that, Flender naturally left Tiandou Imperial Academy with everyone from Shrek Academy.

  On the way, Dai Mubai felt very guilty.

  Because it was because of him that Shrek Academy was kicked out.

  Regarding this, Flender naturally comforted Dai Mubai, saying that Prince Xue Xing obviously did not want their Shrek Academy to join the Heaven Dou Royal Academy.

  Therefore, even without Dai Mubai, he would definitely find other ways to drive them away.

  Flender understood this point.

  During the period, Qin Ming also chased after him, and said guiltily that he had insulted several teachers and fellow students. Tiandou Royal Academy did not recruit Shrek Academy. As a member of Shrek Academy, he naturally Can't stay either.

  Flender and the others were naturally very moved by Qin Ming's decision to give up his bright future and share the hardships with Shrek Academy.

  After that, the Shrek Academy group came all the way to the Heaven Dou Imperial City, and saw the recruitment of Lanba Academy, so they chose to go.

  But it's a pity that Liu Erlong took several teachers to the Star Dou Great Forest at this time, and because Flender and others are too strong, Liu Erlong needs to personally interview.

  Therefore, Flender and others were unable to join Lanba Academy immediately, so they could only find a nearby hotel and stay there temporarily.

  While waiting for Liu Erlong's return, Flender and Yu Xiaogang naturally searched for information about the Lanba Academy because they wanted to apply for the Lanba Academy, so they learned in advance that the head of the Lanba Academy is called Liu Erlong.

  Lan Ba ​​Academy? Liu Erlong?

  Combining these two factors together, Liu Erlong's identity was instantly confirmed.

  In this regard, Yu Xiaogang originally wanted to escape, but was finally persuaded by Flender, and couldn't help but began to look forward to seeing Liu Erlong goodbye.

  And then, after waiting for a while, finally Liu Erlong brought Su Mo back to Lanba Academy.

  Now, the golden iron triangle can finally say goodbye!